SNR Stats

Welcome to a special EasyDRF test broadcast of RNEI Radiogram!

From Daz Man - in Brisbane, Australia 🌏

This broadcast uses the EasyDRF Reed-Solomon error correction modes, for great reliability.

This is important on shortwave, as we are all very familiar with the effects of fading and noise on other modes, such as MFSK. Plain HamDRM fails if even just one file segment fails to decode. But using RS coding, a large amount of the data can be lost and the files can still decode perfectly.

The image content will automatically load into this page as the transmission progresses.

You will notice some SNR stats in the top right corner of this page that reveal the signal quality received during this broadcast. Please include the stats in your screenshots, as signal quality can't be determined from image quality in this mode.

The latest version of EasyDRF saves file stats each time a new file segment arrives, so there will always be some data saved as long as at least one segment decodes.

All of these files are sent using Mode B, Normal MSC protection*, 2.5kHz bandwidth, and 2 second interleave.

(* EasyDRF appears to always use Low protection level on QAM4, as the speed is the same regardless of the protection level setting. This may be updated in the future.)

📖 Program preview 📖

Program introduction
QAM4,   RS4 - This HTML page
QAM4,   RS3 - Image 1 (SVG Weather chart)
QAM4,   RS3 - Image 2
QAM4,   RS3 - Image 3
QAM16, RS3 - Image 4
QAM64, RS4 - Image 5
QAM64, RS4 - Image 6
Program end

There is a momentary break each time the QAM mode or RS mode changes.

As the program progresses, the image files get larger and the data rates get faster - so they become more challenging to decode...

Don't be too disappointed if the QAM64 images don't decode. QAM64 needs a stronger signal or a lower noise floor than the lower numbered modes. But this is a test broadcast, so the limits need to be pushed.

Please send reception reports and screenshots to:

And visit:

Twitter: @RNEI_Official

Techniques used in this broadcast 📋 🤓

HamDRM features various transmission parameters that need to be selected for best results:

Mode: A, B or E
Mode A is for channels with no selective fading (groundwave/upper HF/VHF/UHF). Fastest.
Mode B tolerates selective fading well - generally the best for most HF use. A little slower than Mode A.
Mode E tolerates selective fading with significant doppler shift. Slower than Mode B.
(Mode E is based on DRM Mode D. It is not the Mode E of DRM+)

MSC protection level: Normal or Low
This defines the amount of error protection used. Low is faster, but has less error protection.

Interleave: 400ms or 2s
400ms has less delay, but this doesn't matter for sending files.
2s helps the decoder work better during long fades.

There are some other ways to help increase the chances of successful HamDRM data transmission on shortwave:

QAM typePAPR dB usedNotes
QAM4:6dBTolerates up to ~8dB
QAM16:3dBTolerates up to ~4dB
QAM64:0dBTolerates up to ~1dB

Links of interest:

YouTube - Reed Solomon Encoding - Computerphile

Luckily, we can all use these techniques without needing to be math experts! 😀

"Digital Weatherfax" demo: 🌀 QAM4 and RS3

Here is a demonstration of how these digital methods could be used for improved weatherfax broadcasts.

A weatherfax (WEFAX) is a weather chart sent by analog facsimile (fax) over radio.

Weatherfax is an old analog standard that has been used for decades to send timely graphical weather information over HF radio - primarily for maritime and aeronautical use.

Weatherfax is coded as an FM audio tone that varies in frequency to represent brightness information. The most common speed of transmission is two lines per second.

HF weatherfax is often plagued by degradation from multipath propagation and noise, which damages the charts - sometimes making them illegible. To help combat this, most services are simultaneously broadcast on a range of frequencies to allow reception on the highest frequency that will propagate to the receiver. Using higher frequencies results in fewer ionospheric signal hops, and reduces multipath effects. This is especially important when the receiver is at a great distance from the transmitter.

Analog image modes are very inefficient, because they scan the image at a constant rate. A typical weather chart fax spends most of it's time transmitting the white background of the image. This is wasteful of both bandwidth and energy.

Digital methods allow efficient information coding techniques, data compression, and error correction to be used. This avoids transmitting useless information, and instead allows valuable error correcting data to be sent. Digital modems rely on the signal being a certain number of dB above the noise floor before decoding is possible - and fading can frequently take the signal below this decoding threshold, causing data loss. Good error correction allows complete decoding of data, even when a significant portion of it is lost.

Weather charts are high resolution line drawings that are originally drawn in vector graphics format. The browser SVG vector graphics format is an XML text file mode that describes the image elements as geometric shapes. This is more efficient for line drawings than a bitmapped image, and text files also compress extremely well. This allows a complex image to be saved using relatively little data, and the image can be scaled up to any size while remaining sharp and clear.

This SVG image was converted from a vector-based PDF image, and then "cleaned up" to remove unnecessary content using both free software and a free online tool. This was an important step to reduce the data size. The chart remains accurate after this process, and this is easy to check by graphically differencing it with the original image file.

This particular colour weather chart was 165kB in PDF format, 187kB when converted to uncompressed SVG format, 165kB after SVG optimization, and 41kB after LZMA compression. In contrast, the LZMA compressed PDF was 125kB.

Example weather chart from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology website:

🚫 Waiting for image 01

The RS3 mode used here reduces the data transfer speed to 63%, but tolerates up to 36% data loss.

Links of interest:

NOAA weatherfax charts

Australian BoM weather charts

Weatherfax video

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Slow and steady: 🐘 QAM4 with RS3

QAM4 has two states of amplitude, and two states of phase information. It tolerates noise and distortion very well. These images should be easy to decode, but the practical image data size is limited due to the lower data rate. These next two images have a low data size because of their large blurred areas, so they could be sent in high resolution. Using RS3 allows a bit more speed than the super-robust RS4 that was used for the HTML.

Image 2
An Arabian Red Fox in the Kuwait region:
🚫 Waiting for image 02

Image 3
An ant carrying water drops on a piece of thread appears to be carrying the earth:
🚫 Waiting for image 03

Please send reception reports and screenshots to:

Revving up: 🚗 QAM16, RS3...

QAM16 has four states of amplitude and four states of phase information, and is almost 1.8 times the speed of QAM4. It needs a higher signal-to-noise ratio to decode correctly, but the RS3 coding will help to avoid lost data. The faster data flow makes it more practical to send larger files.

Image 4
Sand wasp with prey:
🚫 Waiting for image 04

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Let's try some fast data... 🚀 QAM64, RS4

I hope you have a low noise floor!

QAM64 has eight states of amplitude and eight states of phase information, and is about 1.5 times the speed of QAM16. It needs a good quality signal to decode correctly, but the RS4 coding will help bridge over up to 49% lost data.

QAM64 is the fastest HamDRM QAM level, making even larger files more practical to send. If the received signal-to-noise ratio is high enough most of the time, there will be adequate data recovered for a good decode.

Hold on to your hat! 🎩

Image 5
Tractor in a field in Woodburn, USA (or... "If Rose had a tractor...")
🚫 Waiting for image 05

Image 6
Nye County, USA
🚫 Waiting for image 06

Please send reception reports and screenshots to:


Thank you for tuning in and decoding this special RNEI Radiogram EasyDRF test broadcast. I hope you enjoyed seeing the power of advanced data and signal processing and what it can do to improve data communications. 🤓

This RNEI Radiogram special broadcast was produced by Daz Man, and broadcast by Roseanna from RNEI - with a little help from:

WRMI, Radio Miami International, 🌴 🌴

Please send reception reports and screenshots to:

And visit:

Twitter: @RNEI_Official or
