RSID: <<2017-09-
29T01:25Z MFSK-32 @ WRMI SYSTEM B 9955000+1500>>
mail: ibc@europe.com
6W Senegal VE3REV will be on as 6W1SU for the next 2/3 years QSL M0URX
CT9 Madeira AF-014 Oct 3 - Oct 17 DL8JS, DF6QP and DJ8VC will be active /CT9 QSL
F France EU-068 Oct 5 - Oct 8 F4GYM will be /p QSL H.C. dir Bur ClubLog
FO F.Polynesia OC-046 until Oct 1 DF1YP will be /FO QSL QRZ.com
FR Reunion until Sep 30 F8FUA will be /FR QSL H.C.
H4 Temotu Oct 3 - Oct 17 LZ1GC will be again on as H40GC QSL ClubLog LoTW
HC8 Galapagos until Oct 31 G8OFQ will sign /HC8 QSL H.C. LoTW
HB0 Liechtenstein until Oct 7 DL5YL & DL5YM will be /HB0
J3 Grenada NA-024 until Sep 30 KD2NOP will sign 7J3 QSL LoTW
J6 St.Luca NA-108 Oct - Nov K9AW will be on in the contest season QSL K9AW LoTW
JD Ogasawara until Sep 30 JA1UII will be in the island QSL H.C.
KG4 Guantanamo NA-015 Oct 6 - Oct 9 W2DXO will be on as KG4HH QSL H.C. dir
OZ Denmark EU-171 until Oct 7 DL4VM will be /OZ QSL H.C.
P4 Aruba until Oct 3 K8JH & KB8KB will be on as P40N & P40M QSL H.C.
PJ4 Bonaire until Sep 30 MW0JZE will fork /PJ4 QSL M0OXO
T32 E. Kiribati OC-204 Oct 5 - Oct 10 KH6QJ will sign T32AZ QSL H.C. dir bur
TZ Mali Aug - Feb 2019 F5IXR will be on as TZ5XR QSL F5MXH & LoTW
V6 Micronesia OC-010 until Oct 2 JR1FKR will operate as V63FKR JH1MLO as V63MLO QSL H.C.
VK9X Christmas OC-002 Oct 1 - Oct 10 VK3FY, VK3GK & VK3TZ will be on as VK9XI
VK9X Christmas OC-002 Oct 2 - Oct 19 W7GJ will be on mainly EME 6 meters signing
VP8 S.Shetland AN-010 until Oct 20 HF0ARC will be used by SQSGB QSL H.C.
VU India AS-096 Sep 30 - Oct 1 VU group will be on as AT7M QSL VU3NPI
XT Burkina Faso Sep 28 - Oct 30 DF2WO will sign XT2AW QSL M0OXO
YJ Vanatu until Mid Oct K7ST will be on as YJ0ST QSL EA5GL
mail: ibc@europe.com
MFSK-32 @ 9400000+1500>>
MFSK-32 @
[Nauen / backscatter]
RSID: <<2017-10-01T06:01Z MFSK-32 @ via US Remote SDR 7730000+1500>>
Welcome to program 15 of Shortwave Radiogram.
I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32:
1:27 Program preview (now)
2:38 US/Russian deep space gateway*
7:22 Fifty radio amateurs deployed to Puerto Rico*
12:28 BBC World Service launches Korean service*
17:41 Highest-capacity transatlantic data cable completed*
23:20 Anatoly Karpov and his radio*
25:30 Closing announcements
* with image
Please send reception reports to
And visit http://swradiogram.net
NASA to Partner with Russia on Deep Space Gateway Exploration
VOA News
27 September 2017
The United States space agency NASA says it will partner with the
Russian space agency, Roscosmos, to build a "deep space gateway"
in the vicinity of the moon.
The lunar space station, which is still in conceptual stage, is
part of a long-term project aimed at putting humans on Mars.
Acting NASA administrator Robert Lightfoot said Wednesday, "NASA
is pleased to see growing international interest in moving into
cislunar space as the next step for advancing human space
exploration." He added the gateway concept would serve as "an
enabler to the kind of exploration architecture that is
affordable and sustainable."
The idea behind the gateway project is to build a spaceport that
orbits the moon and would serve as a stopping point for
explorations deeper into space.
NASA said it would work with Russians and other countries
currently involved with the International Space Station to
"identify common exploration objectives and possible missions for
the 2020s."
NASA also said it has been working with U.S. industry to create
habitation concepts for the space gateway and it has awarded
several contracts to researchers to study risks related to the
deep space missions. Five prototypes of habitation systems are
expected to be completed by 2018.
See also:
Image: An illustration of NASA's proposed Deep Space Gateway ...
Sending Pic:228x168C;
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From ARRL.org:
Amateur Radio's Force of Fifty Answers the Red Cross Call in
Puerto Rico
26 September 2017
Fifty of the nation's most accomplished Amateur Radio operators
responded within 24 hours to the call of the American Red Cross
to deploy to Puerto Rico and provide emergency communications. At
the behest of Red Cross, ARRL rallied the US Amateur Radio
community to provide up to 25 two-person teams of highly
qualified hams. The group's principal mission will be to move
health-and-welfare information from the island back to the US
mainland, where that data will be entered in the Red Cross "Safe
& Well" website.
The group will deploy the middle of this week and remain on the
island for up to 3 weeks.
ARRL will equip each two-person team with a modern digital HF
transceiver, special software, a dipole antenna, a power supply
and all the connecting cables, fitted in a rugged waterproof
container. In addition, ARRL is sending a number of small,
2,000-W portable generators as well as solar-powered battery
chargers of the variety the US military uses on extended
deployments. The hams and their equipment will be sent to Red
Cross shelters extending from San Juan to the western end of the
"This generous outpouring of response represents the finest
qualities of the Amateur Radio community," ARRL CEO Tom
Gallagher, NY2RF, said. "These individuals are dropping whatever
they are doing now, heading off to an extended hardship-duty
assignment, and offering their special talents to Americans who
have been cut off from their families, living amid widespread
destruction and without electrical power since Hurricane Maria
struck the Caribbean region last week."
ARRL's Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, KI1U, said this
was the first time in the nearly 75-year relationship between
ARRL and the American Red Cross that such as request for
assistance had been made. "Hurricane Maria has devastated the
island's communications infrastructure," Corey said. "Without
electricity and telephone, and with most of the cell sites out of
service, millions of Americans are cut off from communicating.
Shelters are unable to reach local emergency services. And,
people cannot check on the welfare of their loved ones. The
situation is dire."
Full text:
See also:
Image: NOAA satellite images of Puerto Rico before and after
Hurricane Maria ...
Sending Pic:437x101;
This is Shortwave Radiogram.
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From the BBC Media Centre:
BBC News launches Korean language service
25 September 2017
The new Korean language service announced in November 2016 by the
BBC World Service began broadcasting today. Audiences in the
Korean peninsula and Korean speakers around the world can now
hear radio broadcasts and access the latest news online at
BBC.com/korean .
BBC News Korean is one of 12 new language service launches now
underway as part of the biggest expansion of the BBC World
Service since the 1940s, funded through a £291 million grant in
aid from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Director of the BBC World Service Francesca Unsworth says: "BBC
News Korean will build on the long-standing reputation for
fairness and impartiality the BBC World Service has earned all
over the world."
BBC News Korean features a daily 30-minute radio news programme
broadcast at 15.30 GMT on Shortwave (SW) and 16.30 GMT Medium
wave (MW). The service will also feature a digital offer with
written stories, videos and radio programmes which can be
downloaded and shared. The new service features a wide range of
news, sport, business, culture, in-depth reports and English
language learning.
BBC News Korean journalists will be based in Seoul, London and
Washington and will draw on the full extent of the BBC's global
network of correspondents.
Service launched Monday 25 September at 15.30 GMT (Tuesday 26
September in Korea):
Shortwave service to broadcast for three hours, 15.30 - 18.30
Medium wave service transmission for 1 hour 16.30 - 17.30 GMT
All transmissions to be 7 days a week
Medium wave (MW) Frequency: 1431KHz
Shortwave (SW) Frequencies: 5810 kHz & 9940 kHz (from launch
to 28 October 2017) then; 5810 kHz & 5830 kHz (from 29 October
2017 to 24 March 2018)
The BBC News Korean website will be available at
The BBC World Service is currently launching in 12 new languages
- Afaan Oromo, Amharic, Gujarati, Igbo, Korean, Marathi, Pidgin,
Punjabi, Serbian, Telugu, Tigrinya, and Yoruba.
Image: From BBC video comparing North and South Korean usages of
the Korean language ...
Sending Pic:230x103C;
This is Shortwave Radiogram.
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From New Atlas:
Highest-capacity transatlantic data cable completed
David Szondy
25 September 2017
The highest-capacity data cable stretching across the Atlantic
has now been completed. A consortium including Microsoft,
Facebook and Telxius recently finished threading the complex
4,000-mi (6,400-km) cable across the ocean floor from Virginia
Beach, Virginia to Bilbao, Spain to produce a high-speed data
connection that will be more secure from disruption by natural
Though modern telecommunications may conjure up images of lasers
skittering between communication satellites high above the Earth,
the backbone of today's internet is heavily dependent on a giant
spider web of cables spanning between continents and along coast
lines carrying everything from tweets to high-definition live
streaming videos.
Unfortunately, these cables are vulnerable to natural and manmade
disasters. In the aftermath of the October 2012 Hurricane Sandy
that wreaked havoc on the east coast of the United States,
wireless, internet, and home telephone services were knocked out
for days. Therefore, it was decided by Microsoft and Facebook,
along with Telxius, to develop, design, build, and lay a new
cable farther south than existing transatlantic connections.
Work on the new cable, called Marea or "Tide" in Spanish, began
less than two years ago and Microsoft says the project was
completed three times faster than a typical undersea cable
project. The route for the cable required the surveying of the
seabed to depths of up to 11,000 ft (3,300 m) to avoid hazards
that include active volcanoes, earthquake zones, and coral reefs.
Marea consists of eight pairs of fiber optic cables encased in
copper, a hard-plastic protective layer, and a waterproof
coating. The whole thing measures 1.5 times the diameter of a
garden hose and is buried in a set of trenches close to shore to
protect it from fishing nets and anchors, but lies open on the
seabed in the mid-ocean.
Marea is expected to go operational early next year when it will
carry up to 160 terabits of data per second, which is 16 million
times faster than the average home internet connection. This is
the equivalent to 71 million high-definition videos streaming
simultaneously and will allow the cable to serve hubs in Africa,
the Middle East, and Asia. In addition, its open design will
allow it to be upgraded as demand grows.
"Marea comes at a critical time," says Brad Smith, president of
Microsoft. "Submarine cables in the Atlantic already carry 55
percent more data than trans-Pacific routes and 40 percent more
data than between the US and Latin America. There is no question
that the demand for data flows across the Atlantic will continue
to increase and Marea will provide a critical connection for the
United States, Spain, and beyond."
Image: Route of the Marea cable between Spain and Virginia ...
Sending Pic:228x71C;
Finally, this photo of a young Anatoly Karpov, Soviet chess
grandmaster, includes his multiband portable radio -- probably
capable of receiving shortwave ...
Sending Pic:346x254;
Photo from:
Transmission of Shortwave Radiogram is provided by:
WRMI, Radio Miami International, http://wrmi.net
Space Line, Bulgaria, http://spaceline.bg
Please send reception reports to
And visit http://swradiogram.net
I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave
Sending Pic:192x151C;
Ending song: http://www.midomi.com/index.php?action=main.track&track_id=100396704822778702&from=voice_searchBobby Darin - Beyond The Sea |
QTH: |
D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania) |
Ant.: |
Dipol for 40m-Band & Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band |
RX for RF: |
FRG-100B + IF-mixer & ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer |
Software IF: |
con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR [S-AM-USB/LSB] + HDSDR 2.75 stable [2017-01-01] - for scheduled IF-recording |
Software AF: |
Fldigi-3.23.16 http://skylink.dl.sourceforge.net/project/fldigi/fldigi/readme.txt + flmsg-4.00.00 images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk |
OS: |
German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages |
German W7 32bit + 64bit |
PC: |
MEDION Titanium 8008 (since 2003) [ P4 - 2,6 GHz] |
MSI-CR70-2MP345W7 (since2014) [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ] |