RSID: <<2018-06-13T20:25Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>
RSID: <<2018-06-
16T15:30Z MFSK-64 @ 9400000+1500>>
Sending Pic:212x144;
You can find this by searching Google images for ...
no worries sinking
Please report decode to
Or even better: via the direct image search with upload. |
RSID: <<2018-06-16T16:01Z
MFSK-32 @
Welcome to program 52 of Shortwave Radiogram.
I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia USA.
Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted:
1:35 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
2:40 Excerpt of Arabic text
3:52 Restoration of Prague's astronomical clock*
10:40 MFSK64: End of net neutrality in the USA*
16:49 Five images*
26:31 MFSK32: Closing announcements*
* with image(s)
Please send reception reports to
And visit
We begin this week with an excerpt of Arabic text ...
حمى التوقعات بلغت ذروتها، وأسماء المنتخبات المرشحة عديدة، وبالطبع
في صدارتها الماكنات الألمانية، التي سطرت هدفا لها في روسيا لا يقل
عن الدفاع عن اللقب العالمي والذي فازت
Modulation failure of 25 seconds. Probable source of the message in Arabic: DW
Missing part via WRMI 7730 kHz 2018-06-18 0800-0830z |
We begin this week with an excerpt of Arabic text ... |
12 June 2018
Restoration work on Prague’s famous medieval Astronomical Clock
at the city’s Old Town Hall has revealed hidden secrets; a number
of objects which were placed in the tower by former restorers.
The discovered objects include small stone statues of animals and
a letter hidden in the hollow of the statue of St. Thomas, which
was left there in 1948.
The Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Hall on Old Town Square,
whose oldest parts date to 1410, belongs among the most famous
sights in Prague, along with Charles Bridge and Prague Castle.
Thousands of people regularly gather beneath the clock to watch
the hourly parade of its 12 wooden Apostles.
Last April the clock was removed from the tower for its most
extensive renovation to date. While the medieval clock was being
taken apart in a workshop, restorers searched the tower for a
secret chamber they believed might be hidden behind the
Astronomical Clock.
Although they failed to find any hidden opening, they came across
other, no less interesting discoveries. One of them is a 1948
newspaper and an 18-page letter hidden in the hollow of the
statue of St. Thomas by sculptor Vojtěch Sucharda. Restorer Jiří
Matějíček describes how the discovery was made:
“The statue was lighter than the other ones. We wanted to find
out why, so we tried knocking on it and found out that it was
hollow. We had an X-ray made and based on the X-ray we drilled a
hole into the statue and discovered a case hidden inside.”
Vojtěch Sucharda was the author of the twelve wooden statues of
the Apostles, which replaced the original ones destroyed by a
fire at the Old Town Hall in 1945. In his letter, Mr. Sucharda
expressed his disappointment over the outcome of a dispute with
conservationists. During the renovation he pushed for the removal
of some of the statues that were added to the clock in the 1940s,
which were gifts from citizens and had no link to Prague, but his
idea was rejected.
The renovation work also revealed several small stone statues of
animals, including a dog, a bird of prey and an owl, which
restorers believe date back to the 15th century. René Tikal says
they might belong among the original elements of the Astronomical
“The statues probably are the oldest elements of the Astronomical
Clock. But when we took samples we could see that someone must
have treated the statues in the past, so it will be very
difficult to establish their real age.”
All the artefacts discovered during the renovation work are set
to undergo a detailed analysis. Restorers will also place a new
message for future generations into the tower. If everything goes
according to plan, Prague’s famous Astronomical Clock is expected
to return to the Old Town Hall by the end of August.
Sending Pic:167x224C;
Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 ...
RSID: <<2018-06-16T16:10Z
MFSK-64 @
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64
Please send reception reports to
From Deutsche Welle:
The death of America's net neutrality and how it affects you
The US and EU are changing the internet but — toward polar
opposite ends. The United States has buried landmark net
neutrality laws. Lindsey Rae Gjording reports from New
Lindsey Rae Gjording
11 June 2018
The US stopped its landmark net neutrality rules on June 11.
Without net neutrality, internet service providers in the US are
free to manipulate or limit internet access to certain websites
while favoring others. This can affect anyone who visits American
websites. But defenders of net neutrality fear an even worse
outcome: censorship.
"It's the principle that the companies we pay to get online
shouldn't be the ones who influence our choices to what we do
online," says Ryan Singel, a fellow at the Stanford Center for
Internet and Society. Singel notes that ISPs are wanting to "be
able go to a website like Yelp and say: 'Nice website — for 50K a
month we will keep letting you get to our subscribers; otherwise,
we will block you."
Internet service providers (ISPs) will be free to charge websites
for access to reliable streaming and also show preference for
their digital content over competitors' content. Who is likely to
shoulder these costs? Internet users.
Once upon a time
The US did not always have net neutrality. Net neutrality was
created in response to the exploitative tactics that ISPs were
utilizing. For example, Comcast users trying to stream Netflix
found their videos streaming slowly, frequent interruptions and
long load times — that is, until Netflix paid Comcast a hefty
sum. For ISPs maintaining congested networks, consumers will
pressure websites like Netflix for better performance or migrate
to competitors' sites. Either way, Netflix pays.
These practices were increasingly common until 2015. Under the
Obama administration, net neutrality rules were finally enacted,
ensuring that the internet had similar protections as public
utilities. This is fitting because ISPs otherwise create "fast"
and "slow" lanes, showing preference to those who can pay to be
in the fast lane.
"We don't let water companies or phone companies discriminate
against customers," said Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer."
"We don't restrict access to interstate highways, saying you can
ride on the highway, and you can't. We shouldn't do that with the
internet either."
Not so fast now
Not everyone liked the idea of a free and open internet — Ajit
Pai in particular. Although he is little known, Pai, a former
Verizon lawyer, is now chairman of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) and had made abolishing net neutrality his No.1
goal since Trump took office.
Oddly enough both sides had similar arguments, each seeing the
future innovation in jeopardy. Ajit Pai and others believed ISPs
were shouldering unnecessary costs and face limited innovation as
a result.
"There is significant evidence that investment in infrastructure
has gone down since the adoption of these rules," said Ajit Pai
in an interview with PBS. While he worries about the future of
the physical network, his opponents worry about the internal
structure of the internet and potential alterations.
Everyone will feel they need to be in the fast lane, but the ones
who can afford it are the big media companies, says Ryan Singel.
"If a video doesn't load quickly, you give it about 3 seconds and
you bounce, but also what if someone live streaming a protest
can't get the video to load."
The big concerns are if it becomes more expensive to be online
then the people who are hurt the most are marginalized and
disenfranchised voices.
"Stanford has found that net neutrality will hurt small
newsrooms," says Ryan Singel." "The things we like now, how you
can write and be heard, how you can make and show cool art." It
will be small effects that happen over time as ISPs are allowed
to abuse their monopsony control over access to users. "The only
way to get to a Comcast subscriber is through Comcast."
Europe moves forward
The repeal of net neutrality falls just weeks after the European
Union's massive GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) took
the world by storm. The irony is that while the EU moves forward
to empower its citizens in relation to the internet, the US is
essentially moving in the opposite direction.
"When the US passed net neutrality in 2015, the EU followed with
strong rules as well," said Singel to DW. "Then the US elected
Trump and all of a sudden the rules are gone. For a very long
time we were setting a good example and now we are the
In terms of scope, net neutrality will have less overall impact
than the EU's GDPR, but it does mean that European websites
aiming for American consumers will go through the same fee
structure. Everyone with a stake in the internet is waiting to
see how this situation could play out.
See also:
Sending Pic:222x161C;
This is Shortwave Radiogram
Please send reception reports to
Image: Cherries ready for picking at Tree-Mendus fruit in
southwestern Michigan ...
Sending Pic:218x149C;
Image: Another visitor to the #cutlerbirdcam1 maintained by our
announcer Jim Cutler ...
Sending Pic:222x200C;
Image: An electricity pylon depicts the official mascot for the
soccer World Cup competition, in Zabivaka, outside Kaliningrad,
Russia, June 13, 2018 ...
Sending Pic:184x220C;
A many of you noticed, last week's image of the tornado in
Wyoming created an interesting trace in the waterfall ...
Sending Pic:222x129C;
And, finally, I received a nice compliment from President Trump
Sending Pic:365x38;
Or was he perhaps referring to another Kim?
Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK32 ...
RSID: <<2018-06-16T16:26Z
MFSK-32 @
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK32
As this is program 52 of Shortwave Radiogram, it means that we
have reached our first anniversary. Thanks to all of you for
tuning in, for your reception reports, and for your support.
Looking forward to more years of fun with shortwave.
Transmission of Shortwave Radiogram is provided by:
WRMI, Radio Miami International,
Space Line, Bulgaria,
Please send reception reports to
And visit
I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave
Sending Pic:158x126C;
QTH: |
D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania) |
Ant.: |
Dipol for 40m-Band & Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band |
RX for RF: |
FRG-100B + IF-mixer & ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer |
Software IF: |
con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR [S-AM-USB/LSB] + HDSDR 2.76 stable [2017-02-02] - for scheduled IF-recording |
Software AF: |
Fldigi-4.00.12 + flmsg-4.0.3 images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk |
OS: |
German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages |
German W7 32bit + 64bit |
PC: |
MEDION Titanium 8008 (since 2003) [ P4 - 2,6 GHz] |
MSI-CR70-2MP345W7 (since2014) [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ] |
RSID: <<2018-06-18T
07:30Z MFSK-32 @ 7730000+1520>>
Welcome to the BSR Radiogram #12, a production of James M. Branum (KG5JST) with
support from
In this episode:
1. Some more discussion about the incredible WSPR mode.
2. A short review of the WSPR 20 meter receiver from ZachTec of Sweden
3. June Fundraiser continues
4. Pictures--- of course, more stamps!
As always your QSL reports are always welcome at
Many folks also post reception reports to the facebook group for the Shortwave
It can be found at:
1. Some more discussion about the incredible WSPR mode.
I continue to be amazed beyond belief as to what the WSPR mode is capable of,
particularly as I've been experimenting with some different antenna
configurations. Due to us having a fair bit of stormy weather of late (and my
being forgetful sometimes about being sure
to disconnect my outdoor dipole), I decided to string up an indoor loop antenna,
which is simply a 10 meter long wire, attached to the ceiling of the sunroom of
our house, which then feeds into my MFJ-9201 backpacker antenna tuner and then
to my Yaesu FT-817
transceiver. Amazingly enough, at only 5 watts, I'm still getting some pretty
amazing results, including a confirmed 20 meters reception by EA8BFK (
in the Canary Islands, who is 7684 km away from me.
So I'm impressed, and I think the next step will be to start doing some other
weak signal modes, but that permit real QSO's (2-way contacts).
2. A short review of the WSPR 20 meter receiver from ZachTec of Sweden
Receiving WSPR has been a more frustrating experience for me than transmitting a
beacon signal, primarily because my transceiver must be in DIG mode for
transmitting (with the WSPR software using a WOLPHIlink interface) but must be
in USB mode for receiving/decoding.
But also I really wanted a way to leave a receiver going all of the time, but
not having my transceiver tied up for this task. So, when I read the WSPRnet
forums about a new plug-and-play receiver for WSPR, I thought I would try it
So I placed my order, and a little over a week later I received the receiver.
After trying it out, here's my review:
Here are some observations:
* It is almost plug and play... It took me awhile to adjust the mic sound levels
on my computer for the audio coming in from this receiver, but once I figured
that out, it worked well.
* So far getting a fair number of spots via a sub-par antenna (20 meter inverted
V dipole, but only 3 meters off the ground at its highest point). On my first
day, I received stations ranging from 350-2054 km away.
* I really like having this receiver on all of the time and my primary
transceiver freed up. Also it is super nice that I can power this via the same
computer that is decoding WSPR, via a USB cable.
* The receiver itself is very sturdy and was packaged well for shipping.
* The USB power cable included was crap. It broke within the first day. But
thankfully I have tons of USB cables so that is no biggie. The included audio
cable was fine.
Overall, I'm going to have fun with this receiver. I'm looking forward to using
to experiment with different antennas, maybe even to use it Bicycle/mobile while
traveling. (I'm using KG5JST/0 as my callsign for receptions with this
For anyone who wants to buy one, it can be ordered here: Right now the cost is $53
USD plus shipping.
FYI, I purchased the receiver I reviewed... but of course I would be happy to
review other receivers if anyone wanted to give or lend me one --- but if I did
get one in this way, I would say so in my review.
And here's a picture of my receiver, hooked up and in action:
Sending Pic:200x150C;
3. June Fundraiser continues
I'm still working to raise funds to continue buying shortwave air time to
continue broadcasting this show.
If you would like to help, your donations will make a huge difference.
Donations can be made to me via paypal here:
Or can be made by check (in US dollars) sent to: James M. Branum, 504 NE 16th
St., Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA.
And as an added bonus, I will be sure and mention the names of all donors on
both the BSR International Magazine Show (the first half hour) as well as the
BSR International Radiogram (for the digital format show, I can include a
picture of your choice, no larger than
200×200 pixels — but please no sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise
offensive pictures)
Important note on tax deductions: Since BSR Media does sometimes air US
electoral political commentary, donations are NOT tax-deductible under US law. —
But if you would like to support the non-political programming of BSR and also
get a tax deduction, you can
instead make a donation to the Center for Conscience in Action and earmark it to
pay for the airing of cultural/educational content through BSR (just shoot me an
email at broadspectrumradio at gmail dot com, so I can be looking for the
donation and keep it properly
Sending Pic:125x126C;
4. And now for some pictures of stamps:
RSID: <<2018-06-
18T07:41Z MFSK-32 @ 7730000+1520>>
RSID: <<2018-06-18T07:41Z MFSK-32 @ 7730000+1500>>
Sending Pic:462x547C;
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