RSID: <<2019-03-31T01:30Z MFSK-64 @ 5960000+1500>>

Here in Washington DC, while we wait for the famous cherry
blossoms, the magnolias are in full bloom ...

Sending Pic:136x82C;












Please report decode to






RSID: <<2019-03-29T20:31Z MFSK-32 @ 7780000+1500>>

Welcome to program 93 of Shortwave Radiogram.

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia USA.

Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted:

  1:47 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
  4:05 SSTV transmissions from the ISS on 1-2 April
  5:49 MFSK64: Improved design for lithium-sulfur batteries*
10:15 Images of the week*
24:56 MFSK32: Swiss worry about 5G antenna health effects**
28:27 Closing announcements

* with image(s)

Please send reception reports to

And visit

Twitter: @SWRadiogram

** Near the end of today's broadcast will be a simultaneous
transmission of a news item from in two languages,
both in MFSK32, with the English version centered on 1500 Hz and
the Spanish version centered on 2200 Hz.

One way to decode both is to run two instances of Fldigi, one
with the RxID turned on, and the other with the RxID turned off.
For the second instance, manually adjust the audio frequency
using the ten-second tuning tone.

Another method, requiring only one instance of Fldigi, is to
record this broadcast of Shortwave Radiogram, and decode the 2200
Hz text from the recording.

This simultaneous transmission will begin at 25:02 into this half-
hour broadcast.


Slow-Scan TV Transmissions from International Space Station Set
for April 1 – 2

27 March 2019

Cosmonauts on the International Space Station will transmit
slow-scan television (SSTV) images on April 1 – 2 as part of its
International MAI-75 experiment, aimed at combining the efforts
of universities and radio amateurs in Russia and the US to
develop technology and technical tools that enable students to
communicate and collaborate with cosmonauts and astronauts.

SSTV images will be transmitted on 145.800 MHz using a Kenwood
TM-D710 transceiver. It's expected that images will be
transmitted using the PD-120 SSTV format. Transmissions are
scheduled on both days from about 1400 to about 1900 UTC. Listen
to the ISS when it is over Russia using the R4UAB WebSDR --

Thanks to R4UAB.

See also







Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 ...




RSID: <<2019-03-29T20:35Z MFSK-64 @ 7780000+1500>>

This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64

Please send your reception report to






From New Atlas:

Hybrid cathodes improve energy density of lithium-sulfur

Michael Irving

26 March 2019

Thanks to their better energy density and light weight,
lithium-sulfur batteries hold a lot of promise as a potential
successor to the time-honored lithium-ion batteries. But there
have been growing pains, and the emerging technology has its own
problems to overcome. Now, engineers have developed a new type of
hybrid cathode for a lithium-sulfur battery that seems to boast
better energy density than existing versions of both lithium-ion
and lithium-sulfur batteries.

Normally, the sulfur in a lithium-sulfur battery is in the
cathode, and these are built in one of two ways. Unfortunately
though, there's a trade-off to be made – they can either have a
high energy density in terms of weight (gravimetric), or in terms
of volume (volumetric), but not both. In the most basic sense,
that means your battery is either small but heavy, or light but

And that's the problem targeted by the new study, involving
researchers from MIT, the Samsung Advanced Institute of
Technology, Tongji University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
and the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory.

The researchers built their new hybrid sulfur cathode in an
attempt to get the best of both worlds. The solid cathode is made
of a combination of particles of pure sulfur and Chevrel-phase
molybdenum sulfide, compressed together. Because the end result
is highly electrically conductive, it doesn't need as much carbon
– it only has about 10 percent, compared to the 20 or 30 percent
needed in other sulfur cathodes.

Using the new cathode, the team built a three-layer pouch battery
with a 1,000-mAh capacity, and says it already outperforms
existing battery technology in some ways, even before it's been
optimized. Generally, the energy density of commercial
lithium-ion batteries tops out at 265 watt-hours per kilogram and
700 watt-hours per liter. Current lithium-sulfur batteries,
meanwhile, can reach 400 watt-hours in both regards.

The new lithium-sulfur battery can currently reach over 360
watt-hours per kg and 581 per L, meaning it already has a better
gravimetric energy density than lithium-ion, and a better
volumetric density than other lithium-sulfur devices. The team
believes with more work the new design should hit 400 watt-hours
per kg and 700 per L.

But the new lithium-sulfur cathode has one major disadvantage:
lifespan. That's a fairly common problem with these batteries,
and the researchers say they're working on improving the overall
cell design to overcome the issue. Other teams are tackling it by
improving the other end – the lithium anode.

The research was published in the journal Nature Energy.

Image: The molecular structure of molybdenum sulfide, one of the
materials in the new lithium-sulfur battery cathode ...

Sending Pic:190x183C;

This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64

Please send your reception report to

This week's images ...

"Capitolhenge." During spring equinox, the light of sunrise
shines straight through the U.S. Capitol in Washington. From ...

Sending Pic:207x166C;







A dog surveys midtown Manhattan, 17 December 1975. From ...

Sending Pic:303x155;

Commuters are seen through the window of a public bus as they
travel in central Vinnytsia, Ukraine. From ...

Sending Pic:210x129C;

"Butterfly weed are full of nectar and pollen to attract hoards
of the beneficial insects. Also known as orange milkweed, the
plant is native to North America." From Deutsche Welle's "Why
Weeds Should be Welcomed" ...

Sending Pic:165x210C;



Colorful and, apparently, edible, from the restaurant Odette in
Singapore. From CNN's "Asia's 50 best restaurants in 2019" ...

Sending Pic:208x149C;






A white-banded cleaner shrimp hopped into the mouth of a grouper.
From ...

Sending Pic:216x144C;



Daffodils along Rock Creek Parkway in Washington DC, originally
planted by Lady Bird Johnson. From ...

Sending Pic:189x187C;

Our painting of the week is a spring landscape by Ioan Popei.
From ...

Sending Pic:210x155C;

Shortwave Radiogram now returns to MFSK 32 ...



RSID: <<2019-03-29T20:54Z MFSK-32 @ 7780000+1500>>

This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK32

Please send your reception report to



MFSK-32 @ 1500 Hz:



Electromagnetic smog:
Swiss fear effects of 5G antennas

Olivier Pauchard
28 March 2019

Fifth-generation (5G) mobile communications antennas are starting
to go up in Switzerland. Not everyone is happy about this.

In the world of mobile technology, the main challenge at the
moment is 5G. The new generation of mobile data promises data
rates up to 100 times faster than the current 4G and
instantaneous transfer. This will enable above all the
development of device connectivity – a revolution that will see
for example vehicles communicating with each other in traffic.

Mobile telephone operators have begun installing new antennas to
support the technology. Swisscom, one of the country's main
providers, is promising 5G in 60 cities by the end of the year
and Sunrise is promising 5G in 150 municipalities by the end of

But 5G is divisive in Switzerland. While some people say it's
indispensable for economic development, others are afraid of the
increased radiation coming from the antennas. The result is that
antenna construction projects are running into petitions,
political interference and opposition.

Swisscom spokesman Christian Neuhaus claims there's no danger.
"The frequencies are the same as what we've been using for years.
They've been analysed in thousands of studies and not one has
managed to prove scientifically that there's a serious risk to
health," he told Swiss public television.

Michel Matter, vice-president of the Swiss Medical Association,
is more cautious. He says the situation is very clear for the
medical association: follow the precautionary principle. Health
comes first. "Clear questions exist linked mainly to cancer of
the nervous system," he says.

So are the antennas dangerous or not? Time will tell. But for
now, it's the heated debate that's causing hot heads.

MFSK-32 @ 2200 Hz:



Contaminación electromagnética Temor por las consecuencias de las
antenas 5G

28 marzo de 2019

Suiza empieza a equiparse con antenas de telefonía móvil 5G. Pero
este desarrollo preocupa a parte de la población.

En el mundo de la tecnología móvil, el gran reto del momento es
el de la 5G. En comparación con la tecnología 4G, esta nueva
generación promete velocidades hasta cien veces superiores y una
velocidad de transmisión instantánea. Esto permitirá
principalmente el desarrollo de la conectividad de los objetos.
Una revolución que verá, por ejemplo, que los vehículos se
comuniquen entre sí en el tráfico.

Los operadores de telefonía móvil han comenzado a instalar nuevas
antenas. La histórica operación de Swisscom promete 5G en 60
ciudades para finales de año y Sunrise en 150 municipios para
finales de marzo.

Pero el despliegue de 5G divide las mentes. Por un lado, están
los que creen que es esencial para el buen desarrollo de la
economía. Pero también hay quienes temen una radiación aún más
fuerte de las antenas de 5G. Como resultado, los proyectos de
construcción de antenas se enfrentan a peticiones, intervenciones
políticas y oposición.

Sin embargo, para Christian Neuhaus, portavoz de Swisscom, no son
peligrosas. "Las frecuencias son las mismas que las que hemos
usado durante varios años. Se trata de frecuencias que han sido
analizadas en m estudios y con ninguna de ellas se puede
demostrar científicamente que existe un riesgo grave para la

Michel Matter, vicepresidente de la Federación de Médicos Suizos,
es mucho más cauteloso y advierte que hay cuestiones abiertas
sobre las consecuencias a la salud del empleo de estas ondas

Así que estas antenas, ¿son peligrosas o no? El futuro lo dirá.
Pero, por el momento, es sobre todo la controversia la que está
calentando los cerebros.





This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK32 ...

Transmission of Shortwave Radiogram is provided by:

WRMI, Radio Miami International,

WINB Shortwave,


Space Line, Bulgaria,

Please send reception reports to

And visit

Twitter: @SWRadiogram

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave



  Ending song:

  Electric Light Orchestra  - Telephone Line



 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

 FRG-100B + IF-mixer  &    ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1  -  Software italiano per SDR     [S-AM-USB/LSB]   +     beta 11  Version 2.80 (August 21, 2018)  - for scheduled IF-recording

 Software AF:

 Fldigi-4.0.18        +   flmsg-4.0.7                            images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages

 German W7 32bit + 64bit


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4 - 2,6 GHz]

 MSI-CR70-2MP345W7  (since2014)   [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ]




RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:03Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:03Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>

Slow Scan Radio 30 March, 2019, Episode 32

Good afternoon to everyone listening, reading and watching.


Those will be sent, the last 12 minutes of the SSTV part of the show!

The schematics will be in MFSK32 @ 600 Hz, simultaneously with the SSTV signal.

You most probably will have to set to MFSK32 @ 600 Hz manually, Reed Solomon code’s are sent, but most probably won’t work together with the SSTV signal.

The MFSK32 will be 10 dB down, compared to the SSTV.


Info on the show:

Twitter: @SlowScanRadio
Slow Scan Radio is sponsored by

de k





RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:35Z DominoEX 44 @ 6070000+1500>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:35Z DominoEX 44 @ 6070000+1500>>


Slow Scan Radio 30 March, 2019, Episode 32

Good afternoon to everyone listening, reading and watching.


Those will be sent, the last 12 minutes of the SSTV part of the show!

The schematics will be in MFSK32 @ 600 Hz, simultaneously with the SSTV signal.

You most probably will have to set to MFSK32 @ 600 Hz manually, Reed Solomon code’s are sent, but most probably won’t work together with the SSTV signal.

The MFSK32 will be 10 dB down, compared to the SSTV.


Info on the show:

Twitter: @SlowScanRadio
Slow Scan Radio is sponsored by

de k



RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:15Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:15Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>

Sending Pic:356x270;



RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:17Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:17Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>

Sending Pic:320x229;




RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:18Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:18Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>


Sending Pic:384x209;





RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:20Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:20Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>


Sending Pic:695x353;




RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:24Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:24Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+0600>>


Sending Pic:288x201C;





RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:27Z 20xPSK63R @ 6070000+1500>>

RSID: <<2019-03-30T13:27Z 20xPSK63R @ 6070000+1500>>


Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule

UTC Day UTC Time Frequency Transmitter site

Friday     1500 1530 UTC   13755 kHz DRM* WINB Pennsylvania

Friday     2030 2100 UTC    7780 kHz WRMI Florida

Saturday 0230 0300 UTC    9265 kHz WINB Pennsylvania

Saturday 1400 1430 UTC    9400 kHz Space Line Bulgaria

Sunday   0800 0830 UTC    5850 7730 kHz WRMI Florida

Sunday   2330 2400 UTC    7780 kHz WRMI Florida

Slow Scan Radio transmits SSTV images and text modes Saturdays at 1300 1330 UTC on 6070 kHz and 7440 kHz via Channel 292 in Germany. Also Saturday 1730 1800 UTC on 9265 kHz via WINB Pennsylvania. The website is Reception reports to

The Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays at 1300 1400 UTC on 11600 kHz from Bulgaria, with the minute of MFSK at about 1330 UTC (if you are outside of Europe, listen via ). And to North America Sundays at 0000 0200 UTC (Saturday 7 9 pm
EST) on 5960 kHz, via Germany. The minute of MFSK is at about 0130 UTC. Reports to Eric: . See also and

“This is a Music Show” is the newest addition to digital modes via analog shortwave. Most of the show is a music show, but the host transmits some MFSK text and image near the end of the broadcast. It’s transmitted on WRMI, 5850 kHz, Thursday 0100 0200 UTC (Wednesday
evening in the Americas). Also look for a waterfall ID at the beginning of the show.

Franco, HB9OAB, is transmitting digital SSTV in the KG STV format via WINB (Pennsylvania) analog, Saturdays 2200 2215 UTC, 9265 kHz. Best reception will be via receivers in the western USA.

New York and Pennsylvania NBEMS nets. Most weekends, as KD9XB, I check in to the New York NBEMS (Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software) net Saturday at 1200 UTC on 3584 kHz USB, and the Pennsylvania NBEMS net Sunday at 1200 UTC on 3583 kHz USB (with out of state
check ins now starting at 1130 UTC). Check ins are in Thor 22 (or maybe IFKP), and messages are in MFSK32 (PA NBEMS is experimenting with Thor 50x1 for messages). Messages usually use the Flmsg add on to Fldigi. If you are a radio amateur in eastern North America,
feel free to check in. Outside the region, use an SDR in the eastern USA to tune in and decode. You do not need Flmsg to check in, and most of the messages can be read without Flmsg. If you can decode the net, send me an email to , or tweet to
@SWRadiogram , and I will let them know you are tuned in.


de k



RSID: <<2019-03-28T01:47Z MFSK-64 @ 5850000+1500>>

28 March 2019 0100-0200UTC
5850 kHz via WRMI, Okeechobee USA



Orchester Kurt Edelhagen - Purple Hyacinth                [first performance]  "Jazz Time Baden-Baden"  /  "jeden 2. Mittwoch über die Sender des SWF"


Unknown - Twine Time
Peter Appleyard - Soul Struttin'                               


Unknown - Love Loves to Love Love                               unknown artist, cover from:       LULU - Love Loves to Love Love         
Unknown - You Keep Me Hangin' On                              unknown artist, cover from:       The Supremes-You Keep Me Hangin' On


Voyage - From East to West                                         Voyage - From East To West (1977 Lp Version Audio Redone By Dj Cole)
Crystal Grass - Crystal World                                 
S'Express - Theme From S'Express                        


Errol (Scorcher) Archer - Tribute to Bob Marley     
Alexandru Andrieș - Butterfly On The Wall              
Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias - Anarchy In The UK


Bolivar Blues Band - Sleepwalking                          




Kool And The Gang - Summer Madness                


Link of note:

None This week. :/


Reception Reports/Comments

This is A Music Show
PO Box 99060 Galleria
Toronto, ON M6H 0B3


Thanks for listening!



RSID: <<2019-03-28T01:48Z MFSK-32 @ 5850000+1500>>



Sending Pic:300x300C;







Sendeplätze von RADIO DARC auf Bürger-Radios / Offenen Kanälen:

Berlin: „Ohrfunk“ auf 88,4 MHz mit 1 KW und  Potsdam 90,7 MHz/100 W, Kabel und Livestream – sonntags 08.00 Uhr Ohrfunk aus Berlin – das Programm von und für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen


Radio Ostfriesland“ auf 94,0  & 87,7 & 103,9 MHz MHz, Kabel und Livestream – sonntags 14.05 Uhr

Berlin: „Alex Radio“ auf 91,0 MHz mit 0,4 KW, Kabel und Livestream – freitags 15.00 Uhr 14-tägig im Wechsel mit Welle370, dem Funkerbergradio aus Königswusterhausen b. Berlin


Bremen: „Radio Weser.TV Bremen“ auf 92,5 MHz mit 0,2 KW, Kabel und Livestream - sonntags 17.00 Uhr


Bremerhaven „Radio Weser.TV Bremerhaven“ auf 90,7 MHz mit 0.2 kW, Kabel und Livestream – freitags 12.00 Uhr



Greifswald: „radio 98eins/NB-Radiotreff 88,0“ auf 98,1 MHz mit 0,2 KW – sonntags 14.00 Uhr und dienstags 16.00 Uhr


Malchin : „Studio Malchin/NB-Radiotreff 88,0“ auf 98,7 MHz mit 0,1 KW, Livestream - sonntags 14.00 Uhr und dienstags 16.00 Uhr


Neubrandenburg: „NB-Radiotreff 88,0“ auf 88,0 MHz mit 0,8 KW, Livestream – sonntags 14.00 Uhr und dienstags 16.00 Uhr





Weimar: „Radio Lotte“ auf 106,6 MHz mit 2 KW, Kabel, Mediathek und Livestream - montags 16.00 Uhr und samstags 18.00 Uhr


Eisenach: „Wartburg-Radio“ auf 96,5 MHz mit 0,2 KW und Livestream - dienstags 21.00 Uhr u freitags 10.00 Uhr


Nordhausen: „Radio Enno“ auf 100,4 MHz mit 0,1 KW, Kabel und Livestream – sonntags 20.00 Uhr und mittwochs 21.00 Uhr


Saalfeld, Rudolstadt, Blankenburg: „Radio SRB“ auf 105,2 MHz mit 0,3 KW und Livestream – mittwochs 22.00 Uhr


Jena: „Radio OKJ“ auf 103,4 MHz mit 0,32 KW, Kabel und Livestream – sonntags 12.00 Uhr




Hamburg: „Tide Radio“ auf 96,0 MHz mit 50 Watt und DABplus mit 4KW, Kabel, Livestream und Mediathek ( – mittwochs 18.00 Uhr



Nordhessen: „RundFunk Meissner“ aus Eschwege auf 96,5 MHz mit 0,32 KW, aus Witzenhausen auf 99,7 MHz mit 0,5 KW und DABplus im Multiplex 6A mit 4 mal 5 KW, sowie im Livestream – sonntags 15.05 Uhr und montags 16.05 Uhr



Graz (Steiermark/Österreich): „Radio Helsinki – Freies Radio GRAZ“ auf 92,6 MHz mit 1KW, Livestream – dienstags 15.00 Uhr




Sendeplätze von RADIO DARC auf Internet-Radios:

  • Jeden Sonntag 18:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "SATzentrale - Das Radio"

  • Jeden Montag 19:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "afu-Webradio"

  • Jeden Montag 22:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "SVR-Hanseradio" in Stralsund.
    Webseite ist

  • Jeden Dienstag 22:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "Radio 440 Hz"

  • Jeden Mittwoch 19:00 MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "Radio Trista"

  • Jeden Mittwoch 20:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "SATzentrale - Das Radio"

  • Jeden Donnerstag 18:00 MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "Radio ISW Plus"

  • Jeden Donnerstag 19:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "afu-Webradio"

  • Jeden Samstag 19:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Internet-Sender "SATzentrale - Das Radio"



Radio UNICC (Chemnitz) Montag 21.00 Uhr