RSID: <<2019-06-
23T01:30Z MFSK-64 @ 9925000+1500>>
The Roy Orbison-Buddy Holly hologram "Rock 'N' Roll Dream Tour"
kicks off September 19th in San Francisco and wraps November 20th
in Toronto.
Sending Pic:302x164;
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"....weird, unnaturally, macabre, scary ?..."
RSID: <<2019-
06-22T02:31Z MFSK-32 @ 9265000+1500>>
Welcome to program 105 of Shortwave Radiogram.
I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia USA.
Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted:
1:42 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
2:51 The ghost galaxy that hit the Milky Way long ago*
7:51 MFSK64: Europe's plastics problem*
12:08 Five ways a 'lazy' lawn makes pollinators happy*
16:59 This week's images*
28:33 MFSK32: Closing announcements
* with image(s)
Please send reception reports to
And visit
From Science News:
Astronomers may have spotted the ghost galaxy that hit the Milky
Way long ago
Discovered in Gaia data, Antlia 2 could be the star system
scientists have been looking for
Lisa Grossman
12 June 2019
The Milky Way survived a galactic hit and run millions of years
ago - and astronomers may have finally found the culprit.
Ten years ago, astrophysicists Sukanya Chakrabarti and Leo Blitz
of the University of California, Berkeley, suggested that ripples
in the outer gas disk of the Milky Way were caused by a collision
with a dwarf galaxy that shook the Milky Way's gas like a pebble
dropped in a pond. The pair made predictions for how massive and
distant the galaxy had to be, as well as roughly where it should
be found. But none of the known dwarf galaxies that orbit the
Milky Way fit the bill.
Now, Chakrabarti thinks she's found her quarry, she reported June
12 in St. Louis at the American Astronomical Society meeting and
in a study posted on
Last year, astronomers using data from the Gaia space telescope
discovered a new dwarf galaxy called Antlia 2, which has so few
visible stars that its discoverers called it a hidden giant.
Antlia 2's location is "stupidly close" to where Chakrabarti, now
at the Rochester Institute of Technology in N.Y., and Blitz
predicted that the offending dwarf galaxy should be today, she
Its mass is also close to what the surviving remnant of the
colliding galaxy's mass would be, she estimates. And the
collision could even explain why Antlia 2 has so few stars - the
encounter with the Milky Way could have stripped many of them
To make sure Antlia 2 is the culprit, Chakrabarti and her
colleagues have predicted where its stars should be in the next
set of Gaia data, due out in 2020 or 2021. "If this is what's
observed a year from now, I'd say it's indisputable really that
Antlia 2 is the dwarf galaxy that we predicted," she says.
Image: The dim galaxy Antlia 2 (faint glow shown at right in this
illustration) was found orbiting the Milky Way in 2018 ...
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Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 ...
RSID: <<2019-06-22T02:37Z
MFSK-64 @
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64
Please send your reception report to
From Deutsche Welle:
Europe's plastic waste sent home in toxic row
Jo Harper
13 June 2019
The Basel Convention amendment, endorsed only a few weeks ago,
established a framework to stop the dumping of waste plastic on
to developing countries. But some are worried that it is too
little too late.
"Europe can no longer send its plastics problem elsewhere," the
founder of Plasticity, Doug Woodring, says. Plasticity was
founded in 2012 by Ocean Recovery Alliance, an NGO dedicated to
improving the health of the oceans through what Woodring says is
"collaboration, not agitation."
"A solution can be found, but it must be found soon. Success lies
in vision and collaboration across the value chain to find
circular economy solutions that work locally and wherever
European products are consumed," he notes.
The Basel Convention amendment
Woodring warns that the usual time required to implement Basel
amendments is an invitation for what he calls "unscrupulous
dumping." And then, when fully implemented and enforced, the very
trade needed for global circular economies may be inhibited, he
At the Basel Conference of the Parties from 29 April to 10 May
2019, governments amended the Basel Convention to include plastic
waste in a legally binding framework intended to make global
trade in plastic waste more transparent and better regulated.
The important consideration here, Woodring says, "which many are
not discussing, is that often government laws are reactionary and
broad-brush in nature."
If you all of a sudden close all borders to the shipment of
commodities, then each country will have to handle its own waste
management, he continues.
"This might sound easy, but for plastic, it is incredibly
difficult and also hazardous, as many countries will end up
burning or dumping it in order to remove it from their
communities, as is done today in much of the nondeveloped world,"
he adds.
Plastic, wasteful and toxic, but enough about me
Many Asian countries, who for a decade and more were the
recipients of the developed world's so-called recyclables, have
now erected broad scale plastic defense mechanisms, essentially
forming environmental trade barriers, Woodring says.
In addition to most of Asia's nations saying they will not take
any more materials for recycling, the Philippines and Malaysia
have recently started sending waste back to their shores of
Countries that stand to lose heavily in the short term (until
they greatly innovate their way to large-scale domestic capacity
building) include Canada, the US, Spain, Britain, Australia and
Japan, Woodring says.
"Germany incinerates and recycles well, so shouldn't be listed
with the other countries that stand to lose heavily in the short
term. "Germany is, however on the list of countries that China
has said it won't take waste from anymore, so it can expect some
fallout, he adds.
Second-life resources
These are resources, like wood, paper, glass, cloth, plastic and
even food/organics, which are used again for another product,
creating value from what would have been waste.
"This is the basis for which the goals of the 'circular economy'
operate – whereby everything is designed for second or multiple
uses, after its initial, first use as a product/package,"
Woodring says.
Sending Pic:215x123C;
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64
Please send your reception report to
Kim's note: The following item probably pertains more to North
America, where we are obsessed with perfectly manicured and
perfectly green lawns ...
Five ways a 'lazy' lawn makes pollinators happy
You might feel bad about having a less-than-manicured lawn,
but it's great for bees and other pollinators.
Posted by Alisson Clark
University of Florida
19 June 2019
Beyond supporting healthy ecosystems for other species (including
us), pollinators are key to bringing food to our tables, not to
mention coffee, chocolate, and tequila.
Cutting yourself some slack in the yard can provide pollinators
with food, shelter, and protection from pesticides, three things
they need to survive. You probably shouldn't let it all go and
risk one of those sanctimonious letters from your homeowner's
association, but a lighter touch can make life easier for native
pollinators-and you. Here's how:
1. Learn to love clover and dandelions
Flowering weeds are an important food source for native bees, so
you can feel good about leaving them in your lawn, says Rachel
Mallinger, an assistant professor of pollinator ecology and
conservation with the University of Florida's Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences.
"Providing floral resources is probably the number one thing that
people can do, whether that's just providing a few plants on your
balcony, having a whole pollinator garden, or just letting
flowering weeds be."
2. Bare or sandy patches have a function
Unlike honey bees, many species of native bees don't live in
hives or colonies but by themselves in small holes the ground.
When you've got a thin spot in your lawn or part of your garden
that's not covered in thick mulch or weed barrier, you're
providing habitat to native bees.
And you don't have to worry about having wild bees in your yard,
as they don't defend their nests the way social bees and wasps
sometimes do, says Jamie Ellis, professor of honey bee husbandry,
ecology, and conservation.
"In general, it's the social bees and wasps that are the stinging
problems, not the solitary ones," Ellis says. "Solitary bees are
quite gentle."
3. That old stump is also useful
It's also a great habitat for solitary native bees, Mallinger
4. Let the bugs be
Going easy on insecticides around your home and yard can reduce
unintended harm to beneficial species like bees, Mallinger says.
And when you use pesticides, choose options that are least toxic
to pollinators and follow the instructions on the label, Ellis
suggests. For more information, visit the Honey Bee Research &
Extension Lab's website.
5. Bees love lazy mowers
Mowing less often can make your yard more pollinator-friendly.
"Our landscapes don't all have to be really short green grass,"
Mallinger says. "We can have yards and habitats that look more
wild, but that means changing people's way of viewing habitats
and not seeing that as messy or weedy, but seeing that as
actually beneficial."
If the neighbors complain when you skip a week of mowing, you can
say you're doing it for the bees.
Image: "For those of you looking for an alternative to the
typical water-hogging green lawn" the Flowering Lawn Mix from
Decker Rd. Seeds is "a mixture of drought tolerant dwarf grasses,
low-growing flowers, and clover." From ...
Sending Pic:200x196C;
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64
Please send your reception report to
This week's images ...
The Shukhov radio tower in Moscow (Шаболовская башня) was
completed in 1922. Efforts are under way to preserve it. From ...
Sending Pic:302x228;
A ship with scarlet sails travels through a drawbridge rising
above the Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia. From ...
Sending Pic:208x136C;
A butterfly in the lilies at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in
Vienna, Virginia. From ...
Sending Pic:208x182C;
An example from The Atlantic's pictorial The Cold War Bunkers of
Albania. From ...
Sending Pic:151x207C;
From the Wired pictorial, The English Rose, in All Its
Frankensteined Glory. The skylark has semi-double petals and
gives off a musky fragrance. From ...
Sending Pic:176x203C;
Our (knife) painting of the week is "Summer Colours." From ...
Sending Pic:186x186C;
Shortwave Radiogram returns to MFSK32 ...
RSID: <<2019-06-22T02:57Z
MFSK-32 @
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK32 ...
Shortwave Radiogram is transmitted by:
WRMI, Radio Miami International,
WINB Shortwave,
Please send reception reports to
And visit
I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave
QTH: |
D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania) |
Ant.: |
Dipol for 40m-Band & Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band |
RX for RF: |
FRG-100B + IF-mixer & ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer |
Software IF: |
con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR [S-AM-USB/LSB] + beta 11 Version 2.80 (August 21, 2018) - for scheduled IF-recording |
Software AF: |
Fldigi-4.0.18 + flmsg-4.0.7 images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk |
OS: |
German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages |
German W7 32bit + 64bit |
PC: |
MEDION Titanium 8008 (since 2003) [ P4 - 2,6 GHz] |
MSI-CR70-2MP345W7 (since2014) [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ] |
RSID: <<2019-06-20T01:51Z
MFSK-64 @
Sending Pic:300x300;
This Is A Music Show #018
20 June 2019
0100-0200UTC on 5850 kHz
0130-0230UTC on 9395 kHz
via WRMI, Okeechobee USA
Links of note:
Elevator To Hell - Forward to Snow EP
Please send reception reports/comments:
This is A Music Show
PO Box 99060 Galleria
Toronto, ON M6H 0B3
Thanks for listening!