RSID: <<2019-09-29T01:30Z MFSK-64 @ 5960000+1500>>


Ben E. King, known especially for "Stand by Me," a hit in 1961
and again in 1986, was born September 28, 1986.              <=== "1938"

Sending Pic:199x248;


He died in 2015.

Please report your decode to



RSID: <<2019-09-26T23:31Z MFSK-32 @ 9265000+1500>>

Welcome to program 119 of Shortwave Radiogram

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginina USA

Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted:

  1:37 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
  2:41 Festival of Frequency Measurement honors WWV centennial*
  6:48 MFSK64: MIT engineers produce blackest material*
11:47 This week's images*
27:09 MFSK32: Closing announcements*

* with image

Please send reception reports to

And visit

Twitter: @SWRadiogram


From ARRL:

Festival of Frequency Measurement Set to Honor WWV Centennial

18 September 2019

HamSCI and the Case Amateur Radio Club of Case Western Reserve
University (W8EDU) will sponsor a "Festival of Frequency
Measurement" on WWV's centennial, October 1, from 0000 to 2359
UTC (starting on Monday evening, September 30, in the Americas).
The event invites radio amateurs, short-wave listeners, and
others capable of making high-quality frequency measurements on
HF to participate and publish their data to the HamSCI community
on the Zenodo open-data sharing site.

"Changes in ionospheric electron density caused by space weather
and diurnal solar changes are known to cause Doppler shifts on HF
ray paths," the event announcement says. "HamSCI's first attempt
at a measurement of these Doppler shifts was during the August
2017 total solar eclipse. We plan a careful measurement during
the 2024 eclipse."

Some of the questions the research event is hoping to answer
include how WWV's 5 MHz propagation path varies over a given
calendar day, and how various measurement techniques for
understanding the path variations compare. The objectives are to
measure Doppler shifts caused by the effect of space weather on
the ionosphere, and to use a specified measurement protocol
available to Amateur Radio operators and other
citizen-scientists. The experiment will use August 1, 2019 (UTC)
as a control date.

"The recordings in this experiment are expected to show
formations of the D-layer at stations' local sunrise and other
daily events of the ionosphere," the announcement said. "Space
weather varies day to day and some features may be prominent.
We'll see what we get!"

Full information is on the Festival of Frequency Measurement

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Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 ...



RSID: <<2019-09-26T23:37Z MFSK-64 @ 9265000+1500>>


This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64

Please send your reception report to





From New Atlas:

MIT engineers produce the blackest material on Earth

Nick Lavars
15 September 2019

With an ability to soak up 99.96 percent of the light that hits
it, the material known as Vantablack has earned plenty of
attention as the world's blackest material, with scientists
testing it in space and BMW using it to give its X6 SUV an
eye-catching paint job. But MIT engineers are now claiming to
have produced a material 10 times blacker than anything before
it, an advance that could have useful benefits for space
exploration in particular.

The new material actually came about by accident in a way, as MIT
engineers led by professor of aeronautics and astronautics Brian
Wardle were experimenting with the electrical conductivity of
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown on materials such as aluminum. But
in finding a solution to a problem they encountered along the
way, the team may have inadvertently discovered a way to take
ultra-black materials into even darker territory.

When attempting to grow CNTs on alumnium, which is actually how
Vantablack and other ultra-black materials are produced together
with chemical vapor deposition, the team kept finding layers of
oxide forming as the aluminum was exposed to air. But by soaking
the aluminum foil in saltwater before placing it in the oven to
grow their CNTs, the team was able to avoid the oxide layer

Without the oxide layer to contend with, the team was then able
to grow the carbon nanotubes on the aluminum at far lower
temperatures than was possible before, at around 100° C cooler
(180° F), to be precise. This brought about significant gains to
the material's thermal and electrical properties, which didn't
come as a surprise to the scientists. What did catch them off
guard, however, was how dark the material seemed to be.

"I remember noticing how black it was before growing carbon
nanotubes on it, and then after growth, it looked even darker,"
says former MIT postdoc and study co-author Kehang Cui. "So I
thought I should measure the optical reflectance of the sample."

The team's analysis looked at not just what the material was able
to reflect when subjected to light from directly overhead, but
from every possible angle. This revealed the material absorbed at
least 99.995 percent of all light that hit it, significantly
outperforming the light-absorbing capabilities of similar
materials, including the much celebrated Vantablack.

"The published reflectivity of all the other superblack materials
in the visible spectrum, and near IR and IR, are summarized in
our paper, and our material can be seen to reflect 10 times less
light across the visible spectrum at any given wavelength than
the next least reflective material, and at least 10 times less
than Vantablack based on their data," Wardle tells New Atlas.

Understanding the exact mechanisms behind this new ultra-black
material still requires more work, though the scientists suspect
it is to do with the way these forests of carbon nanotubes trap
light and convert it to heat. While it will take further
investigation to pin down the exact reasons why, this new
blackest of black materials is already generating a bit of
interest in certain scientific communities.

For now, the team has demonstrated the material as a coating for
a a US$2-million diamond, replacing its many facets and intricate
detail with a lifeless black void. The clearest potential
applications for these kinds of materials, however, lie in the
realm of space exploration.

When telescopes and imaging instruments are turned toward distant
celestial bodies for study, blocking out other light sources so
they don't pollute the field of view is an important part of the
process. In 2016 we saw a version of Vantablack launched into
space for testing aboard a satellite, and the new material
developed at MIT could follow a similar path. Astrophysicist and
Nobel laureate John Mather is one who is exploring using this new
material in the construction of advanced shades that guard space
telescopes from extraneous light.

"Optical properties of materials are not my group's specialty,
but I've spoken with numerous scientists about light trapping
applications of black materials in optical instruments and
lasers, in particular for improved effectiveness of star shades
which aid in exoplanet identification and characterization," says

A paper describing the team's research was published in the
journal ACS-Applied Materials and Interfaces.

Source: MIT




Image: The world's first Vantablack car is a BMW X6. From ...

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This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64

Please send your reception report to







This week's images ...

Sunset over the Holy Loch in the west of Scotland, by Shortwave
Radiogram listener and contributor Iain Cameron. From ...

Sending Pic:204x112C;




18 September was one of the two days per year that the sunrise
balances perfectly over the U.S. Capitol. From

Sending Pic:146x209C;




Its shadow as seen from the top of the Washington Monument, which
reopened to visitor 19 September after more than three years of
repairs. From ...

Sending Pic:165x199C;


A near full moon rises, as seen from Geneva. From

Sending Pic:210x132C;

A deforested area in the doubly ironically named Bom Futuro
National Forest in Rondônia state, Brazil. From

Sending Pic:105x214C;




Wreckage of the schooners Peshtigo and St. Andrews, lost in 1878
near Beaver Island in northern Lake Michigan, was recently found
by divers. From ...

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Hot air balloons fly at sunrise in the Masai Mara game reserve in
Kenya, 20 September. From ...


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A woman looks at Chiharu Shiota's art installation titled
"Uncertain Journey" at the Mori Art Museum on 19 September in
Tokyo. From ...

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Our painting of the week is "Untitled [Glossy Black Painting]"
(circa 1951) in raking light by Robert Rauschenberg. From ...

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Shortwave Radiogram returns to MFSK32 ...


RSID: <<2019-09-26T23:57Z MFSK-32 @ 9265000+1500>>

This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK32 ...

Shortwave Radiogram is transmitted by:

WRMI, Radio Miami International,


WINB Shortwave,

Please send reception reports to

And visit


Twitter: @SWRadiogram or

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave

Sending Pic:160x120C;



   Ending music:


   The Rolling Stones  -  Paint It Black





 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

 FRG-100B + IF-mixer  &    ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1  -  Software italiano per SDR     [S-AM-USB/LSB]   +     beta 11  Version 2.80 (August 21, 2018)  - for scheduled IF-recording

 Software AF:

 Fldigi-4.0.18        +   flmsg-4.0.7                            images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages

 German W7 32bit + 64bit


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4 - 2,6 GHz]

 MSI-CR70-2MP345W7  (since2014)   [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ]


RSID: <<2019-09-26T01:49Z MFSK-64 @ 5850000+1500>>

This Is A Music Show #031
26 Sept 2019

0100-0200UTC on 5850 kHz

0130-0230UTC on 9395 kHz

via WRMI, Okeechobee USA



The Honey Drippers - Impeach The President




Stereolab - Les Yper Sound
Yura Yura Teikoku - Yura Yura Teikoku Forever
Sunnnychar - Employee


- - -

- - -



Supercar - Cream Soda      [ スーパーカー]
Stereolab - Op Hop Detonation
Robert Maxwell + His Orchestra - September In The Rain




Mari Ijima - 天使の絵の具    [飯島真理 - 天使の絵の具, angel paint]
Yuming - Shinju No Peirce      [ 松任谷由実 - 真珠のピアス,

                                                 Yumi Matsutoya-Pearl Earrings]



Stereolab - Parsec       ♫♥








Queen Emeraldus Synthesizer Fantasy - 宇宙幻想


- - -




Links of note:

VW Beetle CM feat. Stereolab:


Please send reception reports/comments:

This is A Music Show
PO Box 99060 Galleria
Toronto, ON M6H 0B3


Thanks for listening!





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