set MyFiles=*.flac *.fla *.wav *.aif *.mp4 *.mp3 *.mp2 *.aac *.ogg *.m4a
for %%a in (%MyFiles%) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -y -lavfi showspectrumpic=s=1920x1080:color=fiery:gain=.7:fscale=lin:orientation=0:saturation=1:mode=combined:legend=enabled:start=0:stop=8000 "%%~na.jpg"





RSID: <<2024-05-30ST23:31Z MFSK-32 @ 9265000+1500>>

Welcome to program 356 of Shortwave Radiogram.

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia USA.

Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted:

  1:44 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
  2:51 MFSK32: First wooden satellite built by Japan researchers*
  7:54 MFSK64: Managing 'feature creep' in consumer products
11:38 MFSK64: This week's images*
28:11 MFSK32: Closing announcements

* with image(s)



Please send reception reports to

And visit

We're on X/Twitter now: @SWRadiogram



From AFP via

World's first wooden satellite built by Japan researchers

May 29, 2024

The world's first wooden satellite has been built by Japanese
researchers who said their tiny cuboid craft will be blasted off
on a SpaceX rocket in September.

Each side of the experimental satellite developed by scientists
at Kyoto University and logging company Sumitomo Forestry
measures just 10 centimeters (four inches).

The creators expect the wooden material will burn up completely
when the device re-enters the atmosphere—potentially providing a
way to avoid the generation of metal particles when a retired
satellite returns to Earth.

These metal particles could have a negative impact on the
environment and telecommunications, the developers said as they
announced the satellite's completion on Tuesday.

"Satellites that are not made of metal should become mainstream,"
Takao Doi, an astronaut and special professor at Kyoto
University, told a press conference.

The developers plan to hand the satellite, made from magnolia
wood and named LignoSat, to space agency JAXA next week.

It will be sent into space on a SpaceX rocket from the Kennedy
Space Center in September, bound for the International Space
Station (ISS), they said.

From there, the satellite will be released from the Japanese ISS
experiment module to test its strength and durability.

"Data will be sent from the satellite to researchers who can
check for signs of strain and whether the satellite can withstand
huge changes in temperature," a Sumitomo Forestry spokeswoman
told AFP on Wednesday.

Also on Tuesday, a rocket carrying a separate sophisticated
satellite—a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA)
and JAXA—blasted off from California on a mission to investigate
what role clouds could play in the fight against climate change.

The EarthCARE satellite will orbit nearly 400 kilometers (250
miles) above Earth for three years.


Sending Pic:184x171C;

Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 ...


RSID: <<2024-05-30ST23:37Z MFSK-64 @ 9265000+1500>>

This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64

Please send your reception report to






Marketers can manage 'feature creep' so consumers feel less
intimidated by too many features in a product

by Kiah Collier, University of Texas at Austin
May 29, 2024

Wifi-enabled washing machines. Voice-controlled microwaves.
App-enabled TVs, vacuum cleaners, and even window blinds you can
control from the comfort of your couch.

Many of the technological features now included in everyday
products are useful and accessible. But research has shown that
having too many can overwhelm potential buyers, making them less
likely to make a purchase.

In recent research, Wayne Hoyer, marketing professor and James L.
Bayless/William S. Farrish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise at
Texas McCombs, digs into the phenomenon of "feature creep" and
its impact on consumer sentiment. His findings might help
companies strike the right balance as they design new products—or
more effectively market ones that are feature-rich. "How Product
Complexity Affects Consumer Adoption of New Products: The Role of
Feature Heterogeneity and Interrelatedness" is published in the
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

"Traditionally, marketers and researchers addressing the topic of
product complexity have only looked at the number of features,"
Hoyer says. He and co-researchers Andreas Fürst and Nina
Pecornik, both of the Universität of Erlangen-Nürnberg in
Germany, examined not only the number of features but also the
relationships among them.

The team looked at two very different dimensions of complexity in
a consumer tech product.

Heterogeneity: how similar or dissimilar the features are. A
highly heterogeneous product would be a smart home system
that controls dissimilar features, such as floor heating,
the refrigerator and television.

Interrelatedness: how functionally connected they are, as
with a smart home system that automatically closes the
blinds and fires up the audio system when the television
gets turned on.

How do each of these dimensions affect consumers' expectations
about how capably a product will perform and how easy it will be
to use—and thus, how likely they will be to buy it?

To find out, the researchers asked a total of 1,300 people in
four experiments to evaluate and rank two different types of
products—smart home systems and smartphones—under various
scenarios. They ranked each product on a scale from 1 to 7, with
1 representing the lowest or least favorable response. They also
ranked their purchase intentions.

Unsurprisingly, the team found that the participants were more
likely to buy a product if they thought it would be both capable
and usable. But several factors influenced those judgments:

More useful but less user-friendly: The more features a
product had, the more consumers expected it to be capable
— but the less they expected it to be easy to use.

More complex, less usable: The less similar and the more
interrelated the features were, the harder consumers thought
a product would be to operate. For example, participants in
the smart home group ranked rated usability at 3.56 when a
system had a lot of features that were not very alike. That
ranking improved to 4.13 when the features were very
similar. The effect was true for smartphones, as well.

Related features, better performance: When features were
highly interrelated, consumers expected a product to be more
capable. High levels of heterogeneity, on the other hand,
had the opposite effect. The reason, a separate experiment
found, is that they don't trust that products with highly
dissimilar features will perform as promised.

"The number of product features is still very important," Hoyer
says. "Marketers just also need to consider heterogeneity and
interrelatedness. Our research clearly shows that these two
dimensions are very important in determining product complexity
and how that affects the consumer."

The big takeaway for companies and marketers, he says, is that
they can boost sales by emphasizing that a product's features are
interrelated, thereby promoting expectations that it will work
well. They should deemphasize dissimilar features, so that
consumers don't think the product will be hard to operate.

As for product developers, they should temper the desire to add
as many new features as possible by ensuring that those features
have plenty of functional connectivity that adds value for the
consumer. Says Hoyer, "It's not really that tricky."



This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64

Please send your reception report to



This week's images ...


One of the recent North Korean ballons carrying trash and (ahem)
excrement, this one landing at Cheorwon, South Korea. ...

Sending Pic:142x198C;



A small tornado forms behind a DC3 during an air show in La
Ferté-Alais, south of Paris, May 18.

Sending Pic:200x306;

A fishing boat on the Shatt al-Arab River, at the confluence of
the Tigris and Euphrates, in Basra, Iraq. ...

Sending Pic:154x203C;

At sunset in Tokat, Turkey, sheep are led to the highlands of the
tableland as the weather gets warmer. ...

Sending Pic:157x197C;

This rare blue-eyed cicada was found among the broods now
occurring in northern Illinois. ...

Sending Pic:150x208C;



The Blue Swallow Motel on the old Route 66 in Tucumcari, New
Mexico. ...

Sending Pic:186x167C;

Wildflowers at Good Earth State Park, South Dakota, May 27. ...

Sending Pic:166x192C;

A current flower at the Washington Park Arboretum in Seattle. ...

Sending Pic:143x199C;

Our painting of the week is "Citrus Sky" by Monica Morrill
(Canadian). ...

Sending Pic:203x203C;

Shortwave Radiogram returns to MFSK32 ...





RSID: <<2024-05-30T23:58Z MFSK-32 @ 9265000+1500>>


This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK32 ...

Shortwave Radiogram is transmitted by:

WRMI, Radio Miami International,


WINB Shortwave,

Please send reception reports to

And visit

Twitter: @SWRadiogram or

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave


     SWRG#356 closing song:







 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

 FRG-100B + IF-mixer  &    ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1  -  Software italiano per SDR on Windows 11      [S-AM-USB/LSB]   +      HDSDR 2.81 beta6   - for scheduled IF-recording

 Software AF:

 Fldigi-4.1.26        +   flmsg-4.0.20                            images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk


 Mirosoft Windows 11 Home

 German W7 32bit + 64bit


 ASUS S501MD (since 2023) [i7-12700 12th Gen. 12 x 2100 MHz]

 MSI-CR70-2MP345W7  (since 2014)   [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2600 MHz) ]
































RSID: <<2024-05-31T011:30Z MFSK-64 @ 15770000+1500>>



Wendy Smith of Prefab Sprout was born on May 31, 1963.

Sending Pic:201x240;

Please report your decode to





The early days of radio in the Netherlands

In the early days of radio in the Netherlands, broadcasting and ham radio hobby largely coincided. There was experimentation with transmitters, and that included both 1-to-1 communication and, a little later, broadcasting for groups
of listeners.

Such transmissions occurred without a license. Eventually it was decided that the valuable thought frequencies below 1500 kHz were reserved for professional use. The amateurs with their experimentation got everything above that,
because there wasn't much use for them.

The reality turned out to be different be, but that's a story that doesn't really belong to this topic.

Just outline the period we are talking about here. The first radio amateurs were around just after 1900. Marconi who based his work to a good part on the work of Nikola Tesla began experimenting around 1890. He demonstrated the
invention of wireless communication for first to the public in 1896

Around 1901, Marconi proved that radio signals travelled beyond the visible horizon. Just two years later, he covered the distance from Cornwall in southwestern UK to Newfoundland in far eastern Canada with a telegram, a congratulatory message in Morse code from U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom. A few hours later followed the reply from the English monarch in the other direction. This was a distance of 3,200 km.

Around 1902, the first kits for experimental transmitters and receivers for amateurs appeared on the market in the U.S., and the first amateur magazine dates from another year earlier.

The first amateur radio association, the Wireless Telegraph Club of Columbia University, founded by students of that association dates from 1908.

In fact, the oldest surviving amateur association is the Wireless Institute of Australia, the WIA, which was founded in 1910.

In that early period, spark transmitters were primarily used. These are extremely simple transmitters, consisting of only a capacitor and a coil, which together form a filter, not a good filter like those used today, but still a
filter. The coil is not connected to anything, but there is a wire near the circuit with an air gap, similar to the air gap in a spark plug in a gasoline engine.

Also in the same way as in a gasoline engine, a high voltage is generated with an ignition coil, and so while crackling, you allow the spark to jump over to the circuit, which somewhat limits the bandwidth of the resulting interference.

The persistent sparks are switched on and off with a morsesignal signal key, and thus communication takes place.

With the later transmitters, there could be many dozens of signals on the same bandwidth where one spark transmitter sat. No wonder, then, that later users were often annoyed by the use of this type of transmitter, which in the latter
days was used almost exclusively by radio amateurs.

Receiving was done in the early days with a crystal detector. This involved making a diode by using a pin to locate a good working piece on a plate with a contaminated semiconductor. In later years, simple electron tubes were used for
this, such as in those early years a double grid tube.

The English name for a marconist on a ship is sparks, which obviously comes from these spark transmitters, in the Netherlands the similar term vonkenboer (spark seller) has been in use for the same person. Ships from about 1905
onwards also initially used these types of spark transmitters. However, the equipment aboard ships such as the titanic was not for emergency traffic, but mainly for sending telegrams for and from the wealthy passengers on board.

As will be clear, transmitters at that time did not come from the factory. At most, factory parts could sometimes be obtained. And so until well into the 1930s, everything was built in-house. That included radios to listen to
broadcasting, because most people simply could not afford the radios that were for sale, if they were for sale at all.

The latter was also part of the reason for the establishment of VARA, which stands for Vereniging Arbeiders Radio Amateurs. The VARA did broadcasts, also published a broadcasting magazine, but also sold popular kits to make their own
radios for a price that a worker of that time could afford.

Hans Henricus Schotanus à Steringa Idzerda was born on September 26, 1885 in the town of Weidum, which is located in Friesland below Leeuwarden. He was called Hanso Idzerda for short, and for those familiar with his nickname Idz,
written as Idz. Later publications often refer to Steringa Idzerda. He was the son of a country doctor. By the way, in a period before the, say modern medical science. Infant mortality in the Netherlands was enormous, as was the mortality of mothers in childbirth. And because there were no antibiotics yet, the doctors who usually had most of their knowledge from those from whom they had taken over the practice were helpless against even simple infectious diseases.

This is to create a time picture. My own grandfather is from the mid-90s of the 19th century, and I am always amazed that someone I knew so well was able to see these times with their own eyes.

His name was a variant of his grandfather's name by a slip of the tongue, by and slip of the civil registry. Grandfather on father's side was also a doctor and there were more people with that profession in his family. Nevertheless,
Hanso decided to study engineering at the Rheinisches Technikum in Bingen am Rhein, Germany. He graduated there in 1913 as an electrical engineer.

He then settled in Scheveningen in the Ten Hovestraat as an independent consultant for the application of electricity in every field. By the way, the Ten Hovestraat still exists, and from the looks of it on Street View, so do the
houses from that era.

To be clear, his last name was Idzerda, the names Hans Henricus Schotanus à Steringa with an accent on the a, were first names. But because of the way he registered in The Hague, the first names Schotanus à Steringa were included in
the surname, with Hanso Henricus as first name.

According to wikipedia, Idzerda focused on the development of radio transmitting and receiving equipment.

He had his own company under the name Technisch Bureau Wireless, and there he began manufacturing equipment, which he supplied to the Dutch army, among others. This company was probably located at Beukstraat 8-10 in The Hague.

During World War I, during which the Netherlands was neutral, he experimented from the vicarage of his parents-in-law, the Nicolaï family in Mantgum. With self-built sounding equipment he was able to determine the location of radio
transmitters, including German zeppelins sailing to England. The Dutch armed forces made grateful use of his information.

He also succeeded in further developing a triode lamp that had already been invented in America by Lee De Forest in 1906.

Philips' Eindhoven incandescent lamp factory took the lamp he improved into production in 1918 under the name PH-IDZ (Philips Ideezet). The lamp had a limitation, as it was only suitable for processing morsesignals. It was not yet
possible to send word and music into the radiowaves.

To achieve this, broadcast triode tubes with a wider frequency bandwidth and greater power were needed. Together with Philips, Idzerda developed some improved test specimens.

During the Utrecht exhibition in late February 1919, he demonstrated for the first time in the Netherlands broadcasting over the ether of sound over a distance of 1,200 meters. Excitement among the audience was great and even the then
Queen Wilhelmina came to listen.

In the Netherlands, by the way, unlike in a number of other countries, the ether was off-limits to private individuals. Radio amateurs in the Netherlands were in fact illegal, but probably because in other countries this hobby was
often allowed, it was also tolerated in the Netherlands.

Legal were only military and maritime communications. And so in those early days that could only be done in Morse code.

Nevertheless, radio amateurs at that time were therefore already exploring the airwaves extensively. With homemade receivers they listened to the Morse messages. Incidentally, there was even a listening ban in the Netherlands until
1917. The latter ban was lifted after a demonstration to Minister Lely. However, transmitting remains prohibited. But control is virtually non-existent.

For most Dutch people radio is inaccessible in those early days. In those days it is a hobby for handy amateurs who with technical knowledge are able to build their own radio. This can be read on the website of Sound and Vision.

Idzerda wanted a radio for the masses. He wanted to make radio the medium for a large audience that it indeed was later for a long time.

As an inventor and builder of individual radio parts and complete radios, he also saw an outlet for his products. However, not many people will buy those radios if they can only listen to Morse code.

Idzerda therefore decided to build his own transmitter, apply for a broadcasting license and start making radio broadcasts.

What is remarkable, by the way. People now complain about the amount of English in Dutch. However, there were no common words in Dutch back then for wireless and for broadcasting. And you see that in the name of Idzerda's company the
word Wireless appears. Similarly, at that time the word for broadcast was broadcasting. There was a Dutch word for that only later.






RSID: <<2024-05-30T02:55Z MFSK-64 @ 5850000+1500>>


1. Bad Disk - Purpose
2. No Mana - Bottle Service
3. Geoxor & poixone - I'm Here
4. KLOUD - Disconnect (No Mana Remix)
5. Chiru-san - Bloom
6. i_o - Let Me Go
7. EDDIE - Healed
8. SVRGE - In The Dark (DK Radio Edit)

9. No Mana ft. vowl. and Leyla Diamondi - Falling in Love
10. Astronaut - Earthsphere VIP
11. Firebeatz - Shined on Me
12. SIIK & KDH - Closer
13. Martin Garrix & Seth Hills - Biochemicaxv
14. Figure - The Graveyard
15. Gregor McMurray - What I Want
16. deadmau5 vs. Melleefresh - Hey Baby
17. Bad Computer & Ryan Coss - 4D

Jollyroger, Masterplayer30, j3ff, Catface,
AbortRetryFail, Guero, Hades, Luca, Rose & Mamma.

Hope you enjoyed this month's set.
--- ---




Here is a timeline of "data transmission via BC shortwave":

2013-03-16 - 2017-06-17   VoA Radiogram  000-220  USA (Continuation under private management as SWRG)
2013-08-31 - until now    KBC Radiogram           NL  (without count, earliest note in my chronicle)
2016-03-23 - 2017-01-14   DIGI DX         01- 44  UK  (Among other things also *.mid transferred)
2016-06-17 - 2019-01-01   IBC DIGITAL    001-134  I   (my own count)
2017-06-25 - until now    SWRG           001-3
56  USA (and further ongoing)
2017-11-?? - 2018-12-23   BSR Radiogram   01- 44  USA (Broad Spectrum Radio)
2018-07-25 - 2019-04-06   SSR Radiogram   01- 33  NL  (Slow Scan Radio)
2019-02-21 - 2023-08-03   TIAMS          001-222  CAN (This Is A Music Show)
2020-02-15 - until now    RNEI            01- 50  UK  (and further ongoing)
2020-03-07 - 2023-08-06   TIAEMS 03/2020-07/2023  CAN (This Is An Express Music Show)
2021-11-28 - until now    Pop Shop Radio          CAN (first find of a playlist in a spectrogram scan)
2023-04-16 - until now    Radio Carpathia         ROM (first find of a playlist in edition #8)

Projects with digital playlists or content:



Active SHOWS:


SWRG - Shortwave Radiogram - Virginia, USA         KD9XB    M.Hirst-SWRG



KBC Radiogram - Virginia ==> Florida, USA          KD9XB ==> WD4AH             KG4LAC-KBC

DX Headlines




Radio Northern Europe International - County Hamshire, UK

Radio Carpathia - Transylvania, Romania

Pop Shop Radio - British Columbia, Canada
          Tony Pavick

Radio Catface International -
San Jose, California, USA

CatfaceMcRadio   CatfaceMcVideo


DK Radio - Mr.DoubleK  - Transylvania, Romania [via RNEI]


Data with Jeff - Tennessee, USA  [via Radio Carpathia]  KG4ZIE


Cult of Show



Ended SHOWS:


VOA Radiogram - Virginia, USA      ===> SWRG    KD9XB    M.Hirst-VOA



STF Radiogram - Toronto, Canada



BSR Radiogram - Oklahoma, USA                   KG5JST



DIGI DX - Lancashire, UK


Emergency Radio                 PA0ETE


SSR Radiogram - Amersfoort, Netherlands         PA0ETE






TIAMS / TIAEMS - Radiogram - Toronto, Canada



Music on Shortwave


HFZone WRMI-B23 Human Readable SKedGrid ++


HFZone WRMI-A24 Human Readable SKedGrid ++








Hallo zusammen,

hier ein Test mit einer verrauschten Sprachübertragung (2182 kHz) und zwei unterschiedliche "Filtered" aus der KI.

Drei MP3-Dateien:

- Einstellung Original    2182_kHz_240202_193930_Original.mp3
- Einstellung 0,70        2182_kHz_240203051221_Filtered_0_70-N.mp3
- Einstellung 1,00        2182_kHz_240203050920_Filtered_1_00-N.mp3

Man kann nach seinem Gehörgeschmack die Ausgabe beeinflussen. Die "Max audio buffer (default 200 ms) hatte bei mir keinen Einfluss auf die Qualität.
Die Unterschiede können am besten mit einem Kopfhörer wahrgenommen werden.

Ein weiterer Test:        German_Airforce_Original-N.mp3



Einige OMs haben auch bereits in YouTube ihre Tests präsentiert - einfach "RM-Noise" eingeben.

73, Josef

[-N bedeutet:  Die MP3-Dateien wurden non-destruktiv normalisiert - d.h. der Gain der MP3-frames wurde erhöht. "German_Airforce_KI_RM.mp3" hatte z.B. nur -37 dB  /roger]

