set MyFiles=*.flac *.fla *.wav *.aif *.mp4 *.mp3 *.mp2 *.aac *.ogg
for %%a in (%MyFiles%) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -y -lavfi
RSID: <<2025-01-24T00:31Z
MFSK-32 @
Welcome to program 386 of Shortwave
I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia USA.
Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted:
1:41 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
2:51 MFSK32: NZ mayor objects to Trump 'split the
atom' claim
5:35 MFSK64: NASA develops a 3D-printed antenna*
10:46 MFSK64: Images of the week*
27:40 MFSK32: Closing announcements
* with image(s)
Please send reception reports to
And visit
We're on
And X/Twitter: @SWRadiogram
From AFP via
New Zealand mayor goes nuclear after Trump claims US 'split the
January 21, 2025
A small town mayor in New Zealand has picked a nuclear fight with
Donald Trump, after the freshly sworn-in US president heaped
praise on American scientists for splitting the atom.
Trump's inauguration address rattled off a list of crowning
American feats such as ending slavery, launching into space, and
the moment they "split the atom".
The mayor of Nelson in New Zealand's South Island seized on the
sub-atomic slight, pointing out that work to split the atom was
actually pioneered by Kiwi-born physicist Ernest Rutherford.
"I was a bit surprised by new President Donald Trump in his
inauguration speech about US greatness claiming today Americans
'split the atom' when that honor belongs to Nelson's most famous
and favorite son Sir Ernest Rutherford," mayor Nick Smith wrote
on social media.
Credited with splitting the nucleus of an atom during experiments
at UK's Manchester University in 1917, Rutherford was "the first
to artificially induce a nuclear reaction by bombarding nitrogen
nuclei with alpha particles", Smith said.
He added that he would invite the incoming US ambassador to visit
the Rutherford memorial in Nelson, population 50,000, "so we can
keep the historic record on who split the atom first accurate".
Widely regarded as the "father of nuclear physics", Rutherford
was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1908 for earlier
work on radioactivity.
He remains one of New Zealand's most famous sons, and his face
still adorns the country's $100 bill.
Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 ...
RSID: <<2025-01-24T00:35Z
MFSK-64 @
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64.
Please send your reception report to
NASA's 3D-printed antenna takes additive manufacturing to new
by Kendall Murphy, NASA
January 22, 2025
In fall 2024, NASA developed and tested a 3D-printed antenna to
demonstrate a low-cost capability to communicate science data to
Earth. The antenna, tested in flight using an atmospheric weather
balloon, could open the door for using 3D printing as a
cost-effective development solution for the ever-increasing
number of science and exploration missions.
For this technology demonstration, engineers from NASA's Near
Space Network designed and built a 3D-printed antenna, tested it
with the network's relay satellites, and then flew it on a
weather balloon.
The 3D printing process, also known as additive manufacturing,
creates a physical object from a digital model by adding multiple
layers of material on top of each other, usually as a liquid,
powder, or filament. The bulk of the 3D-printed antenna uses a
low electrical resistance, tunable, ceramic-filled polymer
Using a printer supplied by Fortify, the team had full control
over several of the electromagnetic and mechanical properties
that standard 3D printing processes do not. Once NASA acquired
the printer, this technology enabled the team to design and print
an antenna for the balloon in a matter of hours. Teams printed
the conductive part of the antenna with one of several different
conductive ink printers used during the experiment.
For this technology demonstration, the network team designed and
built a 3D-printed magneto-electric dipole antenna and flew it on
a weather balloon. A dipole antenna is commonly used in radio and
telecommunications. The antenna has two "poles," creating a
radiation pattern similar to a donut shape.
The antenna, a collaboration between engineers within NASA's
Scientific Balloon Program and the agency's Space Communications
and Navigation (SCaN) program, was created to showcase the
capabilities of low-cost design and manufacturing.
Following manufacturing, the antenna was assembled and tested at
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, in the
center's electromagnetic anechoic chamber.
The anechoic chamber is the quietest room at Goddard—a shielded
space designed and constructed to both resist intrusive
electromagnetic waves and suppress their emission to the outside
world. This chamber eliminates echoes and reflections of
electromagnetic waves to simulate the relative "quiet" of space.
To prepare for testing, NASA intern Alex Moricette installed the
antenna onto the mast of the anechoic chamber. The antenna
development team used the chamber to test its performance in a
space-like environment and ensure it functioned as intended.
Once completed, NASA antenna engineers conducted final field
testing at NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in
Palestine, Texas, before liftoff.
The team coordinated links with the Near Space Network's relay
fleet to test the 3D-printed antenna's ability to send and
receive data.
The team monitored performance by sending signals to and from the
3D-printed antenna and the balloon's planned communications
system, a standard satellite antenna. Both antennas were tested
at various angles and elevations. By comparing the 3D-printed
antenna with the standard antenna, they established a baseline
for optimal performance.
In the air
During flight, the weather balloon and hosted 3D-printed antenna
were tested for environmental survivability at 100,000 feet and
were safely recovered.
For decades, NASA's Scientific Balloon Program, managed by NASA's
Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, has used balloons to carry
science payloads into the atmosphere. Weather balloons carry
instruments that measure atmospheric pressure, temperature,
humidity, wind speed, and direction. The information gathered is
transmitted back to a ground station for mission use.
The demonstration revealed the team's anticipated results: that
with rapid prototyping and production capabilities of 3D printing
technology, NASA can create high-performance communication
antennas tailored to mission specifications faster than ever
Implementing these modern technological advancements is vital for
NASA, not only to reduce costs for legacy platforms but also to
enable future missions.
Image: The 3D-printed antenna mounted to a ladder prior to
testing at NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in
Palestine, Texas ...
Sending Pic:133x201C;
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64.
Please send your reception report to
This week's images ...
"A joyful discovery in Vondelpark Amsterdam" photographed by
artist Robin Rimbaud. ...
Sending Pic:130x241C;
A worker arranges dried incense sticks near Hanoi ahead of Lunar
New Year celebrations, known in Vietnam as Tet. ...
Sending Pic:181x191C;
A steam train travels through the Harz forest to the top of
Germany's Brocken peak, January 13.
Sending Pic:158x199C;
A snow covered tree on Loch Achall near Ullapool, Scotland. ...
Sending Pic:168x194C;
Fishing boats in Dunbar, Scotland.
Sending Pic:206x106C;
Skiing on Bourbon Street during the recent unusual snow in New
Orleans. ...
Sending Pic:151x200C;
A poinsettia as it appears in its native habitat of Mexico and
Central America, growing in the conservatory of the Minnesota
Landscape Arboretum. ...
Sending Pic:195x156C;
A narrow gauge railroad in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon, January
19. It's out of service, but there is a campaign to revive it. ...
Sending Pic:151x204C;
Our painting of the week is "Fleurs" (1952) by Nicolas de Staël
(1914-1955). ...
Sending Pic:158x236C;
Shortwave Radiogram returns to MFSK32 ...
RSID: <<2025-01-24T00:57Z
MFSK-32 @
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK32 ...
Transmission of Shortwave Radiogram is provided by:
WRMI, Radio Miami International,
WINB Shortwave,
Please send reception reports to
And visit
X/Twitter (for now): @SWRadiogram
I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave
SWRG#386 closing song: The Band - Chest Fever
QTH: |
D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania) |
Ant.: |
Dipol for 40m-Band & Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band |
RX for RF: |
FRG-100B + IF-mixer & ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer |
Software IF: |
con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR on Windows 11 [S-AM-USB/LSB] + HDSDR 2.81 beta6 - for scheduled IF-recording |
Software AF: |
Fldigi-4.1.26 + flmsg-4.0.20 images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk |
OS: |
Mirosoft Windows 11 Home |
German W7 32bit + 64bit |
PC: |
ASUS S501MD (since 2023) [i7-12700 12th Gen. 12 x 2100 MHz] |
MSI-CR70-2MP345W7 (since 2014) [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2600 MHz) ] |
RSID: <<202
5-01-26T01:30Z MFSK-64 @ 891000+1500>>Warren Zevon was born on January
24, 1947.
He died in 2003.
Sending Pic:173x240;
Please report your decode to
<<2025-01-23T02:29Z MFSK-64 @
RSID: <<2025-01-23T02:58Z MFSK-64 @ 5850000+1500>>
- |
<<2025-01-26T02:56Z MFSK-64 @
RNEI-RRR12 with Daz |
Here is a timeline of "data transmission via
2013-03-16 - 2017-06-17 VoA Radiogram 000-220 USA
(Continuation under private management as SWRG)
2013-08-31 - until now KBC Radiogram
NL (without count, earliest note in my chronicle)
2016-03-23 - 2017-01-14 DIGI DX
01- 44 UK (Among other things also *.mid transferred)
2016-06-17 - 2019-01-01 IBC
001-134 I (my own count)
2017-06-25 - until now SWRG
Projects with digital playlists or content:
B24 Human Readable SKedGrid ++