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RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:01Z MFSK-16 @ 17860000+1500>>

Welcome to program 17 of VOA Radiogram. Here is the lineup for
today's program.

3:00 MFSK16: Program preview (now)
  :38 MFSK32: Greeting to SW listeners in Mexico City*
1:10 MFSK32: Same greeting in Flmsg format
2:42 MFSK32: Image related to meeting in Mexico City
2:16 MFSK32: VOA Spanish news story about Pluto's moons*
2:14 MFSK32: Image showing orbits of Pluto's moons
5:22 MFSK32: VOA News about O2B satellite system
1:05 MFSK32: VOA Radiogram logo and intro to EasyPal
7:04 EasyPal image
1:14 MFSK16: Closing announcements
  :22 Surprise mode of the week

*To see accents: Configure > Colors & Fonts > Select Char Set UTF-8

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com

And visit voaradiogram.net

VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32 with greetings to those who
will be attending the shortwave DXers meeting in Mexico City...

RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:04Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32.

Saludos a todos los participantes en el Encuentro Nacional
Diexista 2013 en Ciudad de México.

Detalles sobre el evento, que tendrá lugar los días 18 a 20 de
julio, están disponibles en http://encuentrodxmexico.mex.tl/

Now the same greetings to the DXers meeting in Flmsg format...

RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:05Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

... start
[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn Encuentro.b2s]<flmsg>1.1.29
MFSK 20131007131839
MFSK 20131007130525
:mg:417 <h2 style="color:#0000FF;font-style:italic">Saludos a todos los participantes en el Encuentro Nacional Diexista 2013 en Ciudad de
<h2 style="color:#008000">Detalles sobre el evento, que tendr&#225; lugar los d&#237;as 18 a 20 de julio, est&#225;n disponibles en <a
<h3><a href="http://voaradiogram.net">VOA Radiogram</a></h3>
[WRAP:chksum 3439][WRAP:end]
... end


FLDIGI  ====> WRAP  ===> C:\Programme\flmsg-1.1.29\flmsg.exe   ====>  Encuentro.html:


Saludos a todos los participantes en el Encuentro Nacional Diexista 2013 en Ciudad de México.



Detalles sobre el evento, que tendrá lugar los días 18 a 20 de julio, están disponibles en encuentrodxmexico.mex.tl



VOA Radiogram



RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:06Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

Sending Pic:268x186C;









RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:09Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

[Am 12.07.2013 07:48, schrieb VOA Radiogram:
In my decoding from the recording of program to be broadcast 13-14 July, I was able to see the accent marks in the first Spanish item,

greetings to the Encuentro Nacional Diexista 2013, a meeting of shortwave listeners in Mexico City.

But in the second plain-text Spanish item, a VOA news story about Pluto's moons, the accents were no longer visible.

If this happens to you, during the Pluto story, try closing Fldigi and opening it again."]

It happens........


VOZ DE AMÉRICA astrónomos "bautizan" lunas de Plutón

Voz de América - Redacción

El planeta más lejano y pequeño del Sistema Solar tiene en total
cinco lunas que lo acompañan en una órbita elíptica que está unas
40 veces más distante del Sol que la Tierra.

Las dos lunas de Plutón más recientemente descubiertas, una en el
2011 y otra en el 2012, acaban de ser bautizadas por la Unión
Astronómica Internacional (UAI) con los nombreas de Kerberos y

Se trata de la cuarta y la quinta lunas del más pequeño y lejano
planeta del sistema solar, que fueron descubiertas por el potente
telescopio espacial Hubble y denominadas entonces
provisionalmente P4 y P5.

De acuerdo con la UAI, Kerberos que orbita Plutón entre otras dos
lunas más grandes –Nix e Hydra–, tiene de diámetro entre 13 y 34
kilómetros, mientras que el Styx tiene entre 10 y 25 kilómetros.

Los nombres fueron escogidos por votación del público, y para
evitar confusiones con el asteroide 1865 Cerberus, la cuarta luna
recibió ese nombre pero en griego: Kerberos (Cerbero), monstruo
de tres cabezas que guardaba la puerta del Hades (inframundo de
la mitología griega).

La denominación de Styx (Estigia) también responde a la mitología
griega y es el nombre de otra diosa del Hades.


RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:11Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

Sending Pic:424x292;





RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:13Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>


Satellite Broadband Aims to Revolutionize African Development

Henry Ridgwell
July 04, 2013

LONDON — A new satellite system was launched into orbit last week
that aims to bring high-speed Internet to remote communities
across the globe. Its backers say it could have a big impact in
rural parts of Africa by speeding up economic and social
development. Others argue the huge amounts of money, however,
should be spent on more basic needs.

Lift-off for the O3b - or "Other 3 Billion" - satellite system
occurred last week in French Guiana. The system goes "live" later
this year when eight satellites will enter a lower orbit to
provide a faster connection.

Its backers include Google and the Development Bank of Southern
Africa, among others.

Founder Greg Wyler said the "Other 3 Billion" are the people on
the planet without access to fast Internet.

"This will enable everybody, and it will be a cascading effect,
but it enables everybody in these societies to become
economically relevant to the rest of the world," he said.

Fast connection, pervasive coverage

The O3b satellites will provide Internet coverage anywhere within
45 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator.

Rival Inmarsat will launch a satellite Internet system called
Global Xpress later this year.

Dele Meiji Fatunla, web editor for Britain’s Royal African
Society, said, "In the rural areas I think it would have an
impact on the way people can get information related to
healthcare, information related to education."

In the Atlantic off west Africa, cable-laying ships completed the
submarine West Africa Cable System last year. Sub-Saharan Africa
alone has nine submarine cables, with a total capacity of 22

Fatunla said broadband boosts economic growth.

"I think a lot of small and medium enterprises would benefit from
that," he said. "And it might also have a political impact in the
sense that the Internet, if it’s fairly open, will allow
organizations and people to mobilize much more effectively."

Other pressing needs

But broadband by itself won’t revolutionize governance, said
Charles Kenny of the Center for Global Development in Washington.

"If government isn’t picking up the phone, if you will, if
government isn’t answering the emails, just having a broadband
connection isn’t going to help," he said.

And when it comes to healthcare, said Kenny, government money
would be better spent on basic needs.

"Vaccines, bed nets, it’s the very basic health interventions
that are having a huge impact. Africa doesn’t have many doctors;
it doesn’t matter if they’re all connected to broadband. So I
think particularly where it comes to health, broadband may not be
the 'wiz-bang' solution," he said.

But Fatunla said broadband’s potential should not be

"You have to remember that there’s going to be a core of people
who are active in societies in Africa, particularly civil
society, who will benefit from there being better access to
information," he said. "And I think those people will, in turn,
be able to pressure government structures a lot more."

Analysts warn that even though the satellites and cables are
connecting to Africa, the prices charged by Internet service
providers on the ground need to be lower before broadband’s full
potential is realized.


RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:19Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

Sending Pic:330x30C;





RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:20Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com

And visit voaradiogram.net

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Next on VOA Radiogram, an image in the EasyPal mode (7:04), with
the caption: Smoke rises from the Popocatepetl volcano as it
spews incandescent volcanic material on the outskirts of Puebla,
Mexico. After EasyPal, MFSK16 text.



<<2013-07-13T16:20Z EASYPAL  Mode: E  wide: 2,4  ErrFix:  high   QAM: 4 @ 17860000+1500>>
[Instead of 2 runs with 1. USB + 2. LSB it was just better to use in STUDIO1 immediately 1x SAM / DSB]


RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:27Z MFSK-16 @ 17860000+1500>>

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

RSID: <<2013-07-13T16:29Z MT63-1000L @ 17860000+1500>>

Thank you for listening to VOA Radiogram via the Edward R. Murrow
transmitting station in North Carolina.









VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC)
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300  5745 kHz
Sun 1300-1330  6095 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.