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 ╚═════╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝        ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝  ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝   ╚═╝   
  Audio:  42332 / 43443 LSB,   QRM:  BBC   
RSID: <<2013-08-30T05:58Z PSK-250R @ 6005000-2000>>

+ C L A S S I C   B R O A D C A S T +
+ S E N D E Z E N T R U M   K A L L +

--- SENDEPLAN A13 - AB 31.03.2013 ---



TX 1: 6005 kHz

MON-SUN  0600-0800  Radio Belarus
MON-SAT  0800-1000  RADIO 700
MON-SUN  1000-1015  MW Freundesdienst
MON-SUN  1015-1630  RADIO 700
MON-SUN  1630-1645  MW Freundesdienst
MON-SUN  1645-1700  RADIO 700
  SUN    0800-0900  EMR (3. Sonntag)
  SUN    0900-1000  RGI (4. Sonntag)


TX 2: 7310 kHz

MON-SUN  0600-1600  RADIO 700


TX 3: 3985 kHz

MON-SUN  0000-1800  RADIO 700
MON-SUN  1800-1900  St. Indonesiens
MON-SUN  1900-2400  RADIO 700


Informationen ueber Abweichungen und
Sondersendungen erhalten Sie im Web:

     Wir wuenschen guten Empfang!

+ C L A S S I C   B R O A D C A S T +
+ S E N D E Z E N T R U M   K A L L +



































██╗  ██╗██████╗  ██████╗    ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██████╗  █████╗ ███╗   ███╗
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RSID: <<2013-09-01T01:32Z MFSK-32 @ 7375000+1500>>



More digital text and images this weekend on VOA Radiogram


See voaradiogram.net  for more information


Schedule (days/times UTC):

Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz

Sun 0230-0300  5745 kHz

Sun 1300-1330  6095 kHz

Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz

All via North Carolina



Sending Pic:250x22C;




Thanks to The Mighty KBC





   Sunday September 1, The Mighty KBC is moving from 9925 kHz to 7375 kHz

   for the winter period with the Giant Jukebox 00.00 - 02.00 UTC

   Please spread the word! Sponsored by KBCimport.com








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RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:01Z MFSK-16 @ 17860000+1500>>



Welcome to program 24 of VOA Radiogram.


Here is the lineup for today's program:


2:55  MFSK16: Program preview (now)

3:10  MFSK32: Vietnamese and Russian text samples

2:58  MFSK32: Discussion of RSIDs

1:50  MFSK64: VOA News re dung beetles

  :56  MFSK32: Image of dung beetle

3:07  MFSK128/Flmsg/Base64: VOA blue logo

2:16  MFSK64: VOA News re China hack attack

2:38  MFSK32: VOA Khmer radio photo contest

2:31  MFSK32: Image of submitted radio photo

1:10  MFSK16: Closing announcements


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com


And visit voaradiogram.net


Twitter: @VOARadiogram


VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32.


Next is 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for MFSK32,

followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID does not

change your mode to MFSK 32, please do so manually...



RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:04Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>


Today, VOA Radiogram continues its experiments with languages

other than English. You will need the UTF-8 character set.


First is sample text in Vietnamese, a language replete with



NASA ngưng nỗ lực phục hồi viễn vọng kính Kepler


Đưa ra loan báo hôm thứ Năm, cơ quan không gian NASA Hoa Kỳ nói rằng họ sẽ chấm dứt toan tính sửa chữa viễn vọng

kính không gian Kepler sau khi các kỹ sư không sửa được hai trong số bốn vô lăng phản ứng của nó. Một trong những vô

lăng bị hỏng hồi tháng Sáu năm ngoái, vô lăng thứ nh́ không hoạt động tốt hồi tháng Năm năm nay.





  NASA stop recovery efforts Kepler telescope

  Given Thursday's announcement, the U.S. space agency NASA said they will attempt to terminate the telescope repair
  Kepler Space Telescope after engineers not fix two of four of its steering response. One of the very
  broken wheel in June last year, the second steering wheel does not work well in May this year.







Next on VOA Radiogram, a sample of text in Russian...



Поиски внеземного разума продолжаются


После выхода культового фильма “Инопланетянин” (1982 г.) идея найти разумную жизнь за пределами нашей планеты стала

крайне популярной. И хотя никаких доказательств ее существования пока обнаружено не было, ученые по-прежнему пристал

ьно всматриваются и вслушиваются в происходящее в глубоком космосе.




  The search for extraterrestrial intelligence continues
  after the release of the cult film "Alien" (1982), the quest for intelligent life beyond our planet has become
  extremely popular. Although no evidence of its existence until it was revealed not, scientists are still stuck
  no peer and listen to how events in deep space.





Today's VOA Radiogram will also include experiments to improve

the performance of RSIDs. The following information about RSIDs

is from www.w1hkj.com/RSID_description.html :


Reed-Solomon Identification (RSID) allows the automatic

identification of any digital transmission which has been

assigned a unique code identifier. On reception of a RSID, two

events occur: the mode used is detected and the central frequency

of the RSID, which is also the central frequency of the

identified mode, is determined with a precision of 2.7 Hz. This

is sufficient to allow all current modes to begin accurate

decoding. This is an excellent way to insure that signals like

MFSK are properly tuned and decoded.


The RSID signal is transmitted in 1.4 sec and has a bandwidth of

172 Hz. Detection of the RSID signal is possible down to a Signal

to Noise ratio of about -16 dB, so with a sensitivity equal or

better than the majority of the digital modes. Consequently, it

is possible to detect RSID and not be able to decode the ensuing

data signal due to it being too weak a signal.


On VOA Radiogram, the RSID has usually been successful in

changing modes for most listeners. One exception is MFSK64.

Recently, improvements have been made to the RSID decoder in

Fldigi. You will need Fldigi 3.21.73 or newer to decode the

MFSK64 RSID used in today's VOA Radiogram. Fldigi 3.21.74AB will

probably provide the best results. If you have Fldigi 3.21.72 or

a previous version, I will provide time for you to change the

mode manually.


Be sure that the RxID box at the top of the Fldigi interface is




VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK64.


The following VOA News story is in Flmsg format. If you see an

ignore checksum message, check yes.


Next is 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for MFSK64,

followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID does not

change your mode to MFSK 64, please do so manually...




RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:11Z MFSK-64 @ 17860000+1500>>


... start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn VOAR24_dung.p2s]<flmsg>1.1.32


VOA 20132808102751


VOA 20132808095535


:tt:8 VOA NEWS

:to:28 Worldwide shortwave audience

:fm:13 VOA Radiogram

:dt:18 30 Aug/1 Sept 2013

:tm:34 UTC Sat 1600, Sun 0230, 1300, 1930

:sb:22 Dung Beetles Clean Air

:mg:1791 <svg version="1.1" width="161" height="68">

<polygon fill="#132FBE" points="36,41 47,1 71,1 49,68 24,68 0,1 25,1"/>

<polygon fill="#132FBE" points="126,28 137,68 161,68 139,1 115,1 91,68 115,68"/>

<circle fill="#FFFFFF" cx="81" cy="35" r="34"/>

<circle fill="#132FBE" cx="81" cy="35" r="15"/>


<h2 style="color:#FF0000">News / Science & Technology</h2>

<h1>Dung Beetles Clean Air</h1>

<h3 style="color:#606060">VOA News<br>August 23, 2013</h3>

Dairy farms and cattle ranches are a major source of greenhouse gases, especially methane, which has a significant

warming impact in the environment. It's primarily released from both ends of cows as they chew their cud, but some

is also emitted from their manure. Researchers from the University of Helskinki have found that dung beetles living

in these so-called cow patties may reduce those emissions.


Head researcher Tomas Roslin explains that the carbon dioxide in the plants eaten and expelled by cattle is

converted to methane in anaerobic conditions. There is not much oxygen in a dense cow pattie. However, by tunneling

and digging around in the patties, dung beetles aerate them, exposing more surface area to the air, thereby reducing

methane production. Carbon dioxide is still released, but it is not as potent as greenhouse gas.


While researchers say the beetles could have a major impact on how carbon escapes from cow pastures, they also raise

concerns about the steep declines in many dung beetle species. In an article in the journal PLOS One, they warn that

with the growing appetite for meat around the world, "overall emissions from cattle farming can only increase."


<a href="http://www.voanews.com/content/dung-beetles-clean-the-air/1735679.html">www.voanews.com/content/dung-beetle


[WRAP:chksum 7CED][WRAP:end]

... end




TO: Worldwide shortwave audience

FROM: VOA Radiogram

SUBJ: Dung Beetles Clean Air

DATE: 30 Aug/1 Sept 2013

TIME: UTC Sat 1600, Sun 0230, 1300, 1930





News / Science & Technology

Dung Beetles Clean Air

VOA News

August 23, 2013

Dairy farms and cattle ranches are a major source of greenhouse gases, especially
methane, which has a significant warming impact in the environment. It's
primarily released from both ends of cows as they chew their cud, but some
is also emitted from their manure. Researchers from the University of Helskinki
have found that dung beetles living in these so-called cow patties may reduce
those emissions.


Head researcher Tomas Roslin explains that the carbon dioxide in the plants
eaten and expelled by cattle is converted to methane in anaerobic conditions.
There is not much oxygen in a dense cow pattie. However, by tunneling and
digging around in the patties, dung beetles aerate them, exposing more surface
area to the air, thereby reducing methane production. Carbon dioxide is
still released, but it is not as potent as greenhouse gas.


While researchers say the beetles could have a major impact on how carbon
escapes from cow pastures, they also raise concerns about the steep declines
in many dung beetle species. In an article in the journal PLOS One, they
warn that with the growing appetite for meat around the world, "overall
emissions from cattle farming can only increase."






VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32 for an image of a dung



Next is 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for MFSK32,

followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID does not

change your mode to MFSK 32, please do so manually...





RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:13Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>



Sending Pic:256x144;




Please send receptions reports to radiogram@voanews.com


And visit voaradiogram.net


Twitter: @VOARadiogram





VOA Radiogram will change to MFSK128. This mode may be too fast

for your shortwave reception, but we want to test the MFSK128

RSID. Instead of words, you will see a continuous stream of

letters and numbers. This is Base64 code to create a blue VOA

logo in an Flmsg window. If you see an ignore checksum error

message, check yes.


Next is 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for MFSK128,

followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID does not

change your mode to MFSK 128, please do so manually...




RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:15Z MFSK-128 @ 17860000+1500>>


... start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn voa_blue_logo.b2s]<flmsg>1.1.32


VOA 20132808093756


VOA 20132708085640


:mg:5578 <img alt="VOA_blue_small.PNG"

















































[WRAP:chksum BF40][WRAP:end]

... end








VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK64.


Next is 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for MFSK64,

followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID does not

change your mode to MFSK 64, please do so manually...





RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:18Z MFSK-64 @ 17860000+1500>>




China Hit by 'Largest Ever' Hack Attack


Matthew Hilburn

August 26, 2013


Large parts of China's Internet went dark this past weekend as

the country came under what the Beijing government is calling the

"largest ever" hack attack on Chinese sites.


According to The China Internet Network Information Center

(CNNIC), which "operates and administers country code top level

domain of .cn and Chinese domain name system," the denial of

service, or DDoS, attacks started at 2:00 a.m. local time Sunday

morning. CNNIC said the initial attack was followed two hours

later by a larger attack. Both focused on websites with the .cn



In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Matthew Prince, the

chief executive of CloudFlare, a company that provides Web

performance and security services for more than a million

websites, said China saw a 32 percent drop in Internet traffic

for domains in the company's network during the two-hour attack.


CNNIC apologized to users for the attack and promised to

strengthen security in the future. The organization did not

elaborate on who might have been behind the attacks.


"It's just another example that China does indeed have its own

enemies who attempt to disrupt its Internet operations," said

Jeffry Carr, CEO of Taia Group, a cybersecurity firm. "Such

enemies include hackers from Taiwan, India, Tibet, the Middle

East and, of course, the United States."


Carr added that denial-of-service attacks do not require a lot of

technical know how.


"Denial-of-service attacks can be as simple as downloading a free

tool like Anonymous's LOIC product  or one can visit any number

of hacker forums where DDoS services are cheaply available for



Christopher Burgess, CEO of Prevendra, Inc., says the attack

could have also have come from within China.


"The prompt response and resolution by China's CNNIC and lack of

attribution provided by the CNNIC of attack origin warrants

further monitoring. It begs the question, was this a

self-inflicted wound by a Chinese entity, such as one of those

identified by Mandiant in their report earlier in 2013 or an

attack originating by a criminal element," he said.


While China is known for efficient Internet censorship, some

question the country's cyber defenses.


"The attack points out the vulnerability of the entire Chinese

web to cyber attack from the outside," said Matthew Aid, an

independent intelligence analyst. "If all Internet sites ending

in .cn can be taken down by nothing more sophisticated than a

conventional denial-of-service attack, the Chinese Internet

system is more vulnerable than we previously believed. Clearly

Chinese cyber defenses are not what they should be"


Domains with the .cn extension appeared to be working normally on







VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32.


Next is 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for MFSK32,

followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID does not

change your mode to MFSK 32, please do so manually...





RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:21Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>





VOA Radio Photo Contest in Cambodia


For VOA's Khmer Service, radio remains the most valuable medium

for reaching audiences in Cambodia. The Service decided to honor

the humble radio with a photo contest that lets listeners share

pictures of their favorite device.


In the MyRadio photo contest, listeners sent a photo of their

radio, a family member's radio, or any other audio device that

they use to listen to VOA Khmer programs. Each day, a winner is

chosen and the photo was posted on the VOA Khmer Facebook page as

the prize.


"This is an opportunity for us to get to know our audience

better, and for them to engage with us," says Sophat Soeung, the

Khmer Service's new media coordinator. "It is a small thing that

acknowledges our loyalty to each other," he says, "and their

photos show that our audiences today access our radio content

from a variety of devices – from traditional radio sets, to phone

radio, to web streaming on their smartphones."


More than one in ten adults in Cambodia listen to VOA programs on

the radio every week - most on FM affiliate stations, including

Beehive Radio and others. VOA Khmer is also broadcast on

shortwave, and many of the Service's Facebook fans say they

listen on mobile phones.


The contest was announced on July 4th  to celebrate the freedom

of uncensored information. On July 8th, the first of the 25

winning photos was published on the Khmer Facebook page.

Participants had until July 15th to send in photos, and a winner

was posted every day until early August.


See the photos:





Next is one of the submitted photos...



Sending Pic:285x167C;










































 via Facebook:






  Trading Company:









VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK16 for closing announcements...





RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:26Z MFSK-16 @ 17860000+1500>>



Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


And visit voaradiogram.net.


Twitter: @VOARadiogram


Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave

transmitting station in North Carolina.


I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.


This is VOA, the Voice of America.




RSID: <<2013-08-31T16:28Z PSK125R @ 17860000+1500>>


Thank you for decoding the modes on VOA Radiogram.








 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Boomerang 11-mBand


 ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

Software IF:

 SAM - USB  (con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR)

Software AF:

 Fldigi 3.21.74AB  +   flmsg 1.1.32


German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages


MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4  -  2,6 GHz]