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RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:32Z MFSK-16 @ 15670000+1500>>



Welcome to VOA Radiogram, program 25.


Here is the lineup for today's program:


3:55  MFSK16: Program preview (now)

2:09  MFSK32: VOA Spanish news re old iPhones*

3:41  MFSK32/Flmsg: VOA Spanish news re new iPhone model**

2:29  MFSK64: VOA News re Al Jazeera in Egypt

2:48  MFSK32: YouTube screen capture of Al Jazeera

  :50  MFSK32: Introduction to MFSK128 item

1:30  MFSK128/Flamp: Brief decsiption of VOA***

 :45  MFSK32: Introduction to MFSK64

2:55  MFSK64: VOA News re LADEE moon mission

2:56  MFSK32: Artist's rendition of LADEE spacecraft

1:11  MFSK16: Closing announcements

  :41  MFSK32: VOA Radiogram logo  

  :20  Surprise mode of the week


    * Use UTF-8 character set to see accents

  ** Use Fldigi and Flmsg from w1hkj.com

*** Use Fldigi and Flamp from w1hkj.com


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com


And visit voaradiogram.net


Twitter: @VOARadiogram


VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32.


Next will be 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for

MFSK32, followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID

does not change your mode to MFSK32, please do so manually...





RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:35Z MFSK-32 @ 15670000+1500>>



This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32.


We start with two news stories from the VOA Spanish Service...



Su viejo iPhone viejo tiene valor


Voz de América - Redacción



Si usted tiene un iPhone viejo, este le puede servir como crédito

para adquirir el más reciente modelo.


La empresa Apple lanzó al mercado un programa de intercambio de

modelos viejos a cambio de un crédito para la compra de uno



Apple no ha dicho cual es el precio de un modelo viejo, pero los

expertos señalan que los créditos ofrecidos dependerían del

estado del teléfono y del modelo mismo, pero el máximo crédito

podría alcanzar los $280 dólares.


La empresa busca competir con firmas como Gazelle y NextWorth,

dedicadas a la compra de teléfonos usados. Otras personas colocan

sus teléfonos en subastas en Ebay o Craiglist.







This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32.


Now another VOA Spanish news story, this one formatted for Flmsg.

You will see coding such as "&aacute;". This is intentional and

is included so that the accented Spanish letters display

correctly in the web page created by the Flmsg transmission...



... start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn VOAR25_Spansih.p2s]<flmsg>1.1.32


VOA 20130409181606


VOA 20130409142228



:to:28 Worldwide shortwave audience

:fm:13 VOA Radiogram

:dt:13 7-8 Sept 2013

:tm:34 UTC Sat 1600, Sun 0230, 1300, 1930

:sb:28 Expectativa por nuevo iPhone

:mg:1820 <svg version="1.1" width="98" height="42">

<polygon fill="#132FBE" points="22,25 29,1 43,1 30,42 15,42 0,1 15,1"/>

<polygon fill="#132FBE" points="77,17 83,42 98,42 84,1 70,1 55,42 70,42"/>

<circle fill="#FFFFFF" cx="49" cy="21" r="21"/>

<circle fill="#132FBE" cx="49" cy="21" r="9"/>


<h1 style="color:#132FBE;font-family:sans-serif">Voz de Am&eacute;rica</h1><h2 style="color:#FF0000;font-family:sans

-serif">Tecnolog&iacute;a</h2><h2 style="font-family:sans-serif">Expectativa por nuevo iPhone</h2><b>03.09.2013</b>


La compa&ntilde;&iacute;a Apple gir&oacute; invitaciones oficiales para un evento que se llevar&aacute; a cabo el

pr&oacute;ximo 10 de septiembre, cuando se espera el lanzamiento al mercado de su &uacute;ltimo iPhone, posiblemente

en colores distintos a los caracter&iacute;sticos blanco y negro.


"Esto deber&iacute;a alegrarle el d&iacute;a a todos", dice la invitaci&oacute;n t&ntilde;picamente enigm&aacute;tic

a, bajo una imagen con c&iacute;rculos de colores pastel rodeando la manzana blanca del logo de Apple.


La compa&ntilde;&iacute;a, que intenta conquistar clientes en el mercado asi&aacute;tico dominado por competidores

como Samsung y otros fabricantes de Android, dijo en la invitaci&oacute;n que realizar&aacute; una presentaci&oacute

;n en su cuartel general de Cupertino, California.


Apple no especific&oacute; de qu&eacute; tratar&aacute; la presentaci&oacute;n. Sin embargo, se cree que Apple

lanzar&iacute;a el llamado iPhone 5S con tecnolog&ntilde;a de reconocimiento de huellas dactilares y una versi&oacut

e;n de menor costo con cobertura pl&aacute;stica.</font>


<a href="http://www.voanoticias.com/content/apple-iphone-expectativa-presentacion-nuevo-telefono/1742823.html">www.v


[WRAP:chksum DB85][WRAP:end]

... end




TO: Worldwide shortwave audience

FROM: VOA Radiogram

SUBJ: Expectativa por nuevo iPhone

DATE: 7-8 Sept 2013

TIME: UTC Sat 1600, Sun 0230, 1300, 1930


Voz de América


Expectativa por nuevo iPhone

03.09.2013 La compañía Apple giró invitaciones oficiales para un evento que se llevará a cabo el próximo 10 de septiembre, cuando se espera el lanzamiento al mercado de su último iPhone, posiblemente en colores distintos a los característicos blanco y negro. "Esto debería alegrarle el día a todos", dice la invitación tñpicamente enigmática, bajo una imagen con círculos de colores pastel rodeando la manzana blanca del logo de Apple. La compañía, que intenta conquistar clientes en el mercado asiático dominado por competidores como Samsung y otros fabricantes de Android, dijo en la invitación que realizará una presentación en su cuartel general de Cupertino, California. Apple no especificó de qué tratará la presentación. Sin embargo, se cree que Apple lanzaría el llamado iPhone 5S con tecnologña de reconocimiento de huellas dactilares y una versión de menor costo con cobertura plástica. www.voanoticias.com/content/apple-iphone-expectativa-presentacion-nuevo-telefono/1742823.html





RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:40Z MFSK-32 @ 15670000+1500>>



VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK64.


Next will be 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for

MFSK64, followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID

does not change your mode to MFSK64, please do so manually...






RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:41Z MFSK-64 @ 15670000+1500>>



This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK64




Egyptian Court Bans Aljazeera Affiliate, Pro-Islamist Channels


Edward Yeranian

September 03, 2013


CAIRO - An Egyptian court has ordered four television channels to

halt their broadcasts, including Aljazeera's local affiliate and

a network belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Aljazeera TV Direct, which focuses on Egyptian local politics,

plays an appeal for freedom of the press, after announcing that

an Egyptian court was restricting some of its activities.


The administrative court ruling Tuesday includes the Ahrar 25

network operated by the Brotherhood, as well as the pro-Islamist

Al-Quds and Al-Yarmuk channels.


Aljazeera reported the court had placed restrictions on it and

said Aljazeera was "broadcasting without a license." The station

says it was granted a license in April.


Aljazeera Direct played a jingle Tuesday on its airwaves, amid an

abbreviated news schedule, calling for the "victory of Islam and

the defeat of secularism."


Three Islamist-oriented satellite channels banned by the court

Tuesday have been off the air since former President Mohamed

Morsi was ousted on July 3.


Officials of Egypt's military-installed interim government have

complained Aljazeera and several other media organizations have

been broadcasting "biased" information."


Al Jazeera denies the charge, though critics say it has shown a

trend toward having a higher proportion of Muslim Brotherhood

guests on its shows.


Veteran Egyptian editor and publisher Hisham Kassem said that

despite Aljazeera's "clear support for one (Egyptian) party

against the other," he does not think there was sufficient reason

to stop it from broadcasting.


While he generally opposes restrictions on the press, he believes

that there are situations, as in Sri Lanka, Kosovo and Rwanda,

where in the past curbs have been warranted due to media inciting



"I do accept that incitement has to be punishable by jail, and in

that I bring up the case of Rwanda or Kosovo or Sri Lanka, where

there was clear incitement," Kassem said. "If you call somebody a

dog, then that can be libel and punishable by a fine. But if you

say, 'go out there,' and say, 'kill the men', then that is

incitement and you should be imprisoned for it."


But Kassem says Aljazeera has "not committed incitement."


Still, the Egyptian public and many government officials continue

to call for increased restrictions against some media

organizations, which are finding it increasingly dangerous to

report from the streets.








VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32 for an image to accompany the

preceding VOA News story.


Next will be 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for

MFSK32, followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID does

not change your mode to MFSK32, please do so manually.






RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:44Z MFSK-32 @ 15670000+1500>>




This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32.


A screenshot of Aljazeera channel showing anti-government

protests in the Egyptian port city of Alexandria on Aug. 30,

2013. The protests were not covered by Egyptian TV channels...




Sending Pic:268x151C;


























via Internet:





RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:47Z MFSK-32 @ 15670000+1500>>



The following brief description of VOA is formatted for Flamp

2.1.00. The paragraph is divided into 7 blocks of no more than 64

characters, and it will be transmitted 3 times.


VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK128.


Next will be 5 seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for

MFSK128, followed by another 5 seconds of silence. If the RSID

does not change your mode to MFSK128, please do so manually...





RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:48Z MFSK-128 @ 15670000+1500>>




<PROG 18 CD4C>{BDA1}FLAMP 2.1.00

<FILE 37 37F5>{BDA1}20130904130657:VOA_overview.txt


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<SIZE 14 D268>{BDA1}425 7 64

<DATA 72 62A8>{BDA1:1}The Voice of America (VOA) is a dynamic international multimedia

<DATA 72 C086>{BDA1:2} broadcaster with service in more than 40 languages. Serving an

<DATA 72 E721>{BDA1:3}estimated weekly global audience of 134 million, VOA provides ne

<DATA 72 5CB0>{BDA1:4}ws, information, and cultural programming through the Internet,

<DATA 72 29F6>{BDA1:5}mobile and social media, radio, and television. VOA is funded by

<DATA 72 5094>{BDA1:6} the U.S. Government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors

<DATA 49 FE92>{BDA1:7}. For more information visit voanews.com.

<CNTL 10 1375>{BDA1:EOF}

<FILE 37 37F5>{BDA1}20130904130657:VOA_overview.txt


<SIZE 14 D268>{BDA1}425 7 64

<FILE 37 37F5>{BDA1}20130904130657:VOA_overview.txt


<SIZE 14 D268>{BDA1}425 7 64

<DATA 72 62A8>{BDA1:1}The Voice of America (VOA) is a dynamic international multimedia

<DATA 72 C086>{BDA1:2} broadcaster with service in more than 40 languages. Serving an

<DATA 72 E721>{BDA1:3}estimated weekly global audience of 134 million, VOA provides ne

<DATA 72 5CB0>{BDA1:4}ws, information, and cultural programming through the Internet,

<DATA 72 29F6>{BDA1:5}mobile and social media, radio, and television. VOA is funded by

<DATA 72 5094>{BDA1:6} the U.S. Government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors

<DATA 49 FE92>{BDA1:7}. For more information visit voanews.com.

<CNTL 10 1375>{BDA1:EOF}

<FILE 37 37F5>{BDA1}20130904130657:VOA_overview.txt


<SIZE 14 D268>{BDA1}425 7 64

<FILE 37 37F5>{BDA1}20130904130657:VOA_overview.txt


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<DATA 72 62A8>{BDA1:1}The Voice of America (VOA) is a dynamic international multimedia

<DATA 72 C086>{BDA1:2} broadcaster with service in more than 40 languages. Serving an

<DATA 72 E721>{BDA1:3}estimated weekly global audience of 134 million, VOA provides ne

<DATA 72 5CB0>{BDA1:4}ws, information, and cultural programming through the Internet,

<DATA 72 29F6>{BDA1:5}mobile and social media, radio, and television. VOA is funded by

<DATA 72 5094>{BDA1:6} the U.S. Government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors

<DATA 49 FE92>{BDA1:7}. For more information visit voanews.com.

<CNTL 10 1375>{BDA1:EOF}

<CNTL 10 B379>{BDA1:EOT}





FLAMP  2.1.00


decoded text:   (100% in 1st run) VoA_overview.txt













The Voice of America (VOA) is a dynamic international multimedia broadcaster with service in more than 40 languages. Serving an estimated weekly global audience of 134 million, VOA provides news, information, and cultural programming through the Internet, mobile and social media, radio, and television. VOA is funded by the U.S. Government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. For more information visit voanews.com.





RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:50Z MFSK-32 @ 15670000+1500>>



Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com


And visit voaradiogram.net


Twitter: @VOARadiogram


VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK64.


Next will be five seconds of silence, followed by the RSID for

MFSK64, followed by another five seconds of silence. If the RSID

does not change your mode to MFSK64, please do so manually...






RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:51Z MFSK-64 @ 15670000+1500>>



This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK64


NASA Readies Lunar Mission, Invites International Participation


Suzanne Presto

September 03, 2013


The U.S. space agency is launching a mission to study the moon

from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on September 7

around 0330 UTC.


The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, known as

LADEE, is NASA's newest robotic mission.  LADEE is the size of a

small car, and it will collect data for 100 days as it orbits our



Scientists want to learn more about the moon's thin atmosphere

because they think it could be common in our solar system. That

knowledge could help them better understand large asteroids and

other planets, including Mercury.


Lunar Dust


LADEE also will collect data about lunar dust, such as its

electric charge, density and mass.


LADEE project manager Butler Hine told reporters at a mission

pre-launch briefing that lunar dust is "kind of evil."  He said

the moon's dust is very rough, not powdery like terrestrial dust.


"It works its way in equipment," Hine said. "So one of the

questions about dust on the moon is an engineering question: How

do you design things so that they can survive the dust



And there's another question scientists hope to answer.

Astronauts who landed on the moon in the 1960s reported seeing a

pre-sunrise glow, and NASA wants to know if electrically charged

lunar dust was responsible for it.


Pristine Landscape


It's been decades since a manned mission, so the timing is right,

says LADEE program scientist Sarah Noble.


"There's actually a number of countries, a number of private

companies, that are planning landings on the moon in the upcoming

years, so now is a really good time to go and take a look at it

while it's still in its sort of pristine natural state," she



Noble says a landing disturbs the moon's delicate atmosphere more

than other impacts do because of the fuel used when a craft lands

on the lunar surface.


International Participation


NASA is urging amateur astronomers worldwide to watch for lunar

impacts during the LADEE mission.


"There are impacts hitting the moon all the time, and we want to

know what impact those impacts are having on the atmosphere and

dust environment," said Noble.  


She added that even skywatchers who don't have telescopes

powerful enough to spot lunar impacts can take part.  People with

iPhones can download a free application called Meteor Counter,

and when they observe meteorites here on Earth, they can share

their observations with the space agency.


"As we go through a meteorite storm, a certain number of things

are hitting the moon, and they're also hitting the Earth at

roughly the same rates, so we actually are interested in

acquiring data about how many things are hitting the Earth at any

given time," Noble explained.


NASA's Noble says something the size of LADEE hits the moon about

once a month, and LADEE will do just that, with a controlled

crash at the end of its mission.




See also:



If you are listening to the UTC Sunday 0230-0300 broadcast, and

if you live in eastern North America, you might soon be able to

view the launch. See the visibility map here:




VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32 for an image...





RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:53Z MFSK-32 @ 15670000+1500>>



An artist's concept of NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust

Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft seen orbiting near the

surface of the moon. Image credit: NASA Ames / Dana Berry...



Sending Pic:270x170C;





VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK16 for closing announcements...





RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:56Z MFSK-16 @ 15670000+1500>>



Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


And visit voaradiogram.net.


Twitter: @VOARadiogram


Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave

transmitting station in North Carolina.


I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.


This is VOA, the Voice of America.








RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:57Z MFSK-32 @ 15670000+1500>>


Sending Pic:316x28C;







RSID: <<2013-09-08T19:58Z Throb 4 @ 15670000+1500>>











 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol  40-mBand


 ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

Software IF:

 con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR in SAM-LSB

Software AF:

 Fldigi 3.21.75  +   flmsg 1.1.32  +  flamp 2.1.00


German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages


MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4  -  2,6 GHz]