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RSID: <<2013-12-21T16:01Z MFSK-16 @ 17860000+1500>>





Welcome to program 38 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.


I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.


Here is the lineup for today's program:


  1:33  MFSK16: Program preview (now) (2:58)

  5:40  MFSK32: Introduction to experiment (1:21)

  7:36  MFSK64/1500 Hz: Image of Christmas tree (2:05)

10:17  MFSK64/1700 Hz: Same image of Christmas tree (2:05)

12:22  MFSK64/1700 Hz: Collapse of universe (3:39)

16:15  MFSK64/1700 Hz/Flmsg: Electronic waste, with image (3:26)

19:41  MFSK64/1700 Hz: Converting algae to oil, with image (4:19)

24:41  MFSK64/1500 Hz: Same image (1:46)

26:38  MFSK32/1500 Hz: Closing announcements (:35)


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com


And visit voaradiogram.net


Twitter: @VOARadiogram



VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32...









RSID: <<2013-12-21T16:04Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>









Beginning the weekend of 28-29 December 2013, there will be a new

VOA Radiogram transmission Saturday at 0930-1000 UTC on 5745 kHz.


The transmission Sunday at 1300-1330 UTC will be discontinued

after 22 December 2013.


Here is the new schedule for VOA Radiogram, effective 28 December



Saturday 0930-1000 UTC  5745 kHz

Saturday 1600-1630 UTC 17860 kHz

Sunday   0230-0300 UTC  5745 kHz

Sunday   1930-2000 UTC 15670 kHz


All frequencies are via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station

in North Carolina.











Today, we'll celebrate the holidays by doing another experiment

with audio harmonics.


Our MFSK64 mode centered on 1500 Hz has data from 1000 to 2000

Hz, with a second audio harmonic from 2000 to 4000 Hz.


Technically, there is no overlap, but there is also not a "guard

band" between the fundamental and the second harmonic. This can

cause interference, especially with less selective, lower cost



To determine if a guard band is helpful, we will first transmit

an MFSK64 image on our usual center audio frequency of 1500 Hz.


Then we will move the center audio frequency up to 1700 Hz. The

fundamental will be 1200 to 2200 Hz. The second harmonic from

2400 to 4400 Hz. The guard band will therefore be 200 Hz wide,

between 2200 and 2400 Hz.


VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 centered on 1500 Hz...







RSID: <<2013-12-21T16:07Z MFSK-64 @ 17860000+1500>>

RSID: <<2013-12-21T16:10Z MFSK-64 @ 17860000+1700>>





This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK64...



Next, an MFSK64 image of the Christmas Tree at the Museum of

Science and Industry in Chicago...






Sending Pic:136x289C;                               1500 Hz





Next, the same image of the Christmas Tree...










Sending Pic:136x289C; 1700 Hz









VOA Radiogram continues in MFSK64, but changes the center

frequency to 1700 Hz...









VOA Radiogram continues in MFSK64 on this center audio frequency

of 1700 Hz..











Now to add to the holiday cheer, this VOA News story about the

possible imminent collapse of the universe...



Data Shows Universe Could Collapse Any Minute


VOA Science World blog

December 16, 2013


Our universe is at even greater risk of collapse than has been

previously thought, according physicists in Denmark.


Not only are the scientists predicting the end of the world ...

but the end of the universe!


The prediction that the universe will collapse and compress into

a small hard ball isn't something new. Physicists have been

predicting a calamity for a long time.


Does this mean we should immediately cancel any long-term plans?

The Danish scientists really don't know when the universe will

collapse. They say it could happen tomorrow -- or a billion years

from now.


Writing in the Journal of High Energy Physics, the University of

Southern Denmark physicists said new calculations led them to

speculate  there will be a sudden and drastic change within the

forces of the universe one day  that will make every atom in the

universe become enormously heavy.


Everything, from the tiniest grain of soil to all of the planets

within our solar system to every galaxy contained within the

universe, will suddenly become billions and billions of times

heavier than they are now.


The theory holds that the sudden increase in weight will force

all of the material within the universe to compress into a

"small, super-hot heavy ball" which will cause the end of the

universe as we know it.


The physicists call this powerful and destructive process "phase

transition," and they compare it to what happens when water boils

and becomes steam, or when a magnet, after heating up, loses its



This phase transition within the universe would take place if a

bubble is formed where a Higgs-field, that's related to the

Higgs-Boson, transforms into a different value than the rest of

the universe.


If this newly formed bubble is big enough, and the newly modified

value produces lower energy, the bubble will then grow and expand

in all directions at a pace the speed of light.


This rapid expansion of the bubble will cause all of the

fundamental particles within the bubble to reach a mass that is a

lot heavier than if they were located outside the bubble.


This increase of mass inside the bubble then will pull together

and form what the physicists described as "supermassive centers".


"Many theories and calculations predict such a phase transition,

but there have been some uncertainties in the previous

calculations," said Jens Frederik Colding Krog of the University

of Southern Denmark, who co-authored the paper. "Now we have

performed more precise calculations, and we see two things: Yes,

the universe will probably collapse, and: A collapse is even more

likely than the old calculations predicted."


He said this phase transition could start at any spot in the

universe and then spread out to the entire universe.


"Maybe the collapse has already started somewhere in the universe

and right now it is eating its way into the rest of the

universe," Krog said. "Or maybe it will start far away from here

in a billion years. We do not know."


Along with "phase transition," another theory,  "The Big Crunch

Theory," could also spell the end of our universe. "The Big

Crunch" is based on and is the opposite of the "Big Bang" theory

in creating the universe.


Following that Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, material that

made up galaxies, stars, and planets was expelled into a

continually expanding universe from one small region.


According to the "Big Crunch", there will be a point and time

when this expansion will cease and  all of that material will

attract each other and ultimately come together again in a small



"The latest research shows that the universe's expansion is

accelerating, so there is no reason to expect a collapse from

cosmological observations," Krog said. "Thus it will probably not

be Big Crunch that causes the universe to collapse." The Danish

physicists said that while their new calculations predict the

collapse of the universe is now more likely than ever, they also

said it's possible it won't happen at all.


A requirement for the phase change to take place, according to

the researchers, is that the universe contains all of the known

fundamental particles, including the Higgs boson. But, if the

universe also contains undiscovered particles, the entire idea

for predicting the phase change vanishes.


"Then the collapse will be canceled," said Krog.




See also:












This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com


And visit voaradiogram.net


Twitter: @VOARadiogram




The next VOA News story will be in Flmsg format...







... start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn VOAR38_ewaste.b2s]<flmsg>1.1.33


VOA 20131912124504


VOA 20131912124402


:mg:1793 <svg version="1.1" width="98" height="42">

<polygon fill="#132FBE" points="22,25 29,1 43,1 30,42 15,42 0,1 15,1"/>

<polygon fill="#132FBE" points="77,17 83,42 98,42 84,1 70,1 55,42 70,42"/>

<circle fill="#FFFFFF" cx="49" cy="21" r="21"/>

<circle fill="#132FBE" cx="49" cy="21" r="9"/>


<h1 style="color:#132FBE;font-family:sans-serif">Voice of America</h1><h2

style="color:#FF0000;font-family:sans-serif">News / Science & Technology</h2><h2 style="font-family:sans-serif">

UN Warns of Hazards of Electronic Waste</h2>

<b>VOA News<br>December 15, 2013</b>


The United Nations predicts that the amount of electronic waste disposed of annually worldwide will surge 33 percent by 2017.


The U.N.'s "<a href="http://www.step-initiative.org/index.php/Home.html">Solving the E-Waste Problem</a>" initiative issued a report Sunday

saying that the weight of electronic goods discarded every year worldwide would rise to 65.4 million metric tons by 2017, with most of the

growth coming from developing nations.


The alliance of U.N. organizations, grassroots groups and industry said China had the highest volume of electrical goods put on the market last

year, with the U.S. ranking second. Taken together developing and emerging countries already produce as much e-waste as the developed world.


E-waste - defined as anything with a battery or electrical cord - often contains materials that are toxic to humans and the environment.


The study called for better monitoring of e-waste exports, saying a lack of consistent reporting makes it difficult to formulate effective rules

of the treatment of electrical junk.


<a href="http://www.voanews.com/content/un-warns-of-hazards-of-elect rical-waste/1810624.html">www.voanews.com/content/un-warns-of-hazards-of-el


[WRAP:chksum 7975][WRAP:end]

... end





Voice of America

News / Science & Technology

UN Warns of Hazards of Electronic Waste

VOA News
December 15, 2013

The United Nations predicts that the amount of electronic waste disposed of annually
worldwide will surge 33 percent by 2017.

The U.N.'s "Solving the E-Waste Problem" initiative issued a report Sunday saying that the weight
of electronic goods discarded every year worldwide would rise to 65.4 million metric
tons by 2017, with most of the growth coming from developing nations.

The alliance of U.N. organizations, grassroots groups and industry said China had
the highest volume of electrical goods put on the market last year, with the U.S.
ranking second. Taken together developing and emerging countries already produce
as much e-waste as the developed world.

E-waste - defined as anything with a battery or electrical cord - often contains
materials that are toxic to humans and the environment.

The study called for better monitoring of e-waste exports, saying a lack of consistent
reporting makes it difficult to formulate effective rules of the treatment of electrical








MFSK64 image follows: Discarded television sets...







Sending Pic:187x164C;





There was a bit of electrical waste in the air -
probably my own high-voltage ignition of the oil firing
























Algae Converted to Crude Oil in Under an Hour


VOA News

December 18, 2013


It used to take a million years to convert algae to oil, but

scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest

National Laboratory (PNNL), say they have developed a process to

do the job in minutes.


In the PNNL process, a slurry of wet algae with the consistency

of pea soup is pumped into the front end of a chemical reactor.

Once the system is up and running, out comes crude oil in less

than an hour, along with water and a byproduct stream of material

containing phosphorus that can be recycled to grow more algae.


While algae has long been considered a potential source of

biofuel, and several companies have produced algae-based fuels on

a research scale, the fuel is projected to be expensive. The PNNL

technology harnesses algae's energy potential efficiently and

incorporates a number of methods to reduce the cost of producing

algae fuel.


"Cost is the big roadblock for algae-based fuel," said Douglas

Elliott, the laboratory fellow who led the PNNL team's research.

"We believe that the process we've created will help make algae

biofuels much more economical."


The most important cost-saving step is that the process works

with wet algae. Most current processes require the algae to be

dried — a process that takes a lot of energy and is expensive.

The new process works with an algae slurry that contains as much

as 80 to 90 percent water.


"Not having to dry the algae is a big win in this process; that

cuts the cost a great deal," said Elliott. "Then there are

bonuses, like being able to extract usable gas from the water and

then recycle the remaining water and nutrients to help grow more

algae, which further reduces costs."


Other processes for converting algae to oil exist, but according

to PNNL, their process can continuously convert 1.5 liters of

slurry into biofuel per hour.


They say additionally their process eliminates the need for

complex solvents like hexane.


Instead, the PNNL team works with the whole algae, subjecting it

to very hot water under high pressure to tear apart the

substance, converting most of the biomass into liquid and gas



The PNNL method requires a lot of heat and a lot of pressure,

which together causes what is called hydrothermal liquefaction

and catalytic hydrothermal gasification. While not cheap to

build, Elliott says the savings "on the back end more than makes

up for the investment."


"It's a bit like using a pressure cooker, only the pressures and

temperatures we use are much higher," he said. "In a sense, we

are duplicating the process in the Earth that converted algae

into oil over the course of millions of years. We're just doing

it much, much faster."


A biofuels company, Utah-based Genifuel Corp., has licensed the

technology and is working with an industrial partner to build a

pilot plant using the technology. The company has been working

with Elliott since 2008.


The research results were reported in the journal Algal Research.












MFSK-64 @ 17860000+1700

RSID: <<2013-12-21T16:24Z MFSK-64 @ 17860000+1500>>




MFSK64 image follows: From left to right, algae slurry, biocrude

oil, and, with further processing, refined biocrude which

contains mostly the makings of gasoline and diesel fuel.






Sending Pic:219x151C;                             1700 Hz



This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK64 centered on 1500 Hz...


Now the same image of algae slurry...






Sending Pic:219x151C;   1500 Hz




Synchronization error    
 happened in both, LSB    

 as well as in USB.   








VOA Radiogram continues in MFSK64 but changes the center audio

frequency back to 1500 Hz...









VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK32 for closing announcements...












RSID: <<2013-12-21T16:26Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>






Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com


And visit voaradiogram.net


Twitter: @VOARadiogram


Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave

transmitting station in North Carolina.


I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.


This is VOA, the Voice of America.









 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band


 ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR in  LSB

 Software AF:

 Fldigi 3.21.77AB  +   flmsg 1.1.33


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4  -  2,6 GHz]





DRM-image   -   received via EASYPAL/DSSTV on 14233 kHz/USB from RA3ZSE   (FRG-100 / Dipol for ~12 MHz)


and just now: from EK3GM  [2013-12-22  09.45z)