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RSID: <<2014-08-09T22:58Z MFSK-16           @ 6135000+2000>>      ====>

RSID: <<2014-08-14T22:58Z OLIVIA 32-2000 @ 6135000+1500>>      ====>

RSID: <<2014-08-15T22:58Z OLIVIA 32-2000 @ 6135000+1500>>      ====>





RSID: <<2014-08-09T22:58Z MFSK-16 @ 6135000+2000>>






This is a test signal transmitted by the VOA in MFSK16 mode.

Please sen
d your listening-report to radiogram@voanews.com.

In the
case that you send us recordings to listen, then this will be particularly helpful to us.






RSID: <<2014-08-14T22:58Z OLIVIA 32-2000 @ 6135000+1500>>






Dies ist die VoA mit einem im Mode Olivia 32/2000 ausgestrahlten Testsignal.

Bitte senden Sie Ihren Empfangsbericht an: radiogram@voanews.com.

Wenn Sie uns Audioaufnahmen zusenden wird
dies besonders hilfreich für uns sein..



















RSID: <<2014-08-15T22:58Z OLIVIA 32-2000 @ 6135000+1500>>
























██╗  ██╗██████╗  ██████╗    ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██████╗  █████╗ ███╗   ███╗
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RSID: <<2014-08-16T11:30Z MFSK-64 @ 6095000+1500>>


Farewell to the Voice of America Greek Service, which broadcast
its last program on August 11, after 72 years on the air.

Here is the VOA press release...


And the VOA Greek Service's report (in Greek) about its own demise...





Sending Pic:207x27C;



VOA Radiogram is still on the air: http://voaradiogram.net

Thanks to The Mighty KBC.








██╗   ██╗ ██████╗  █████╗     ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██████╗  █████╗ ███╗   ███╗
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RSID: <<2014-08-16T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>

Welcome to program 72 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program (MFSK32):

  1:32 Program preview (now)
  2:37 Trans-Pacific undersea cable
  4:51 Van Allen radiation belt, with image
12:36 High resolution imaging satellite, with image
18:14 VOA Greek Service closes
21:19 VOA Greek reports its closure (in Greek)
24:43 VOA Greek logo
26:27 Closing announcements

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com .

And visit voaradiogram.net .

Twitter: @VOARadiogram .





High-speed Undersea Cable to Link US, Asia

George Putic, KI4FNF
August 12, 2014

A consortium of six global companies, including Google, announced
plans to lay the world's fastest undersea cable between the
United States and Japan by the end of 2016.

The trans-Pacific cable reportedly will be capable of
transmitting digital data at a speed of 60 terabytes per second.

The $300 million system, called "FASTER," will be financed
jointly by California-based Google and five Asian technology
companies, they announced in a press release. These include China
Mobile International and the Japanese NEC Corp., which will build
the system.

The cable will feature the latest optical transmission technology
and will run between the U.S. West Coast and Japan. In the U.S.,
it will connect with hubs in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland
and Seattle; in Japan, it will land in Chikura and Shima. On both
ends, it's expected to seamlessly connect with other cables to
extend the data pipeline.

The agreement's signatories say the system will provide faster
transmission of digital data between two regions, which require
more and more bandwidth. Construction is expected to begin


See also:






This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


NASA Probing Secrets of Van Allen Radiation Belt

George Putic, KI4FNF
August 07, 2014

One of the first discoveries of the space age, made in 1958, was
that the Earth is surrounded with a doughnut-shaped field of
highly charged particles. It was named the Van Allen radiation
belt, after its discoverer, U.S. space scientist James Van Allen.
But not much was known about it until NASA launched two probes in
2012. Scientists say the data they sent back to earth is very

Space weather can be as unpredictable as the weather on earth.
Periodic eruptions on the sun's surface eject huge clouds of
highly charged protons and electrons.

Some of them reach the earth and cause spectacular light displays
like the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights.

When the clouds of charged particles are unusually strong, they
can knock out power grids, disrupt communications and even damage
electronic equipment.

But most of the time they get trapped by the earth's magnetic
field in the so-called the Van Allen radiation belt.

Nevertheless, they can still inflict damage, says NASA's program
scientist, Mona Kessel.

"We also have a lot of satellites that fly through that area -
communications satellites, navigation satellites - and so we need
to understand what it is that the effects are, because the
effects can be quite dramatic," said Kessel.

To learn more about space weather, NASA in 2012 launched a pair
of satellites built by Applied Physics Laboratory. Called Van
Allen Probes, they were to explore the mysterious belt. At first
researchers expected only quantitative data, says project
scientist Barry Mauk.

"I was skeptical we would find anything surprising. In fact, we
found tremendous surprise. We found new structures that we never
anticipated," said Mauk.

The Van Allen Probes discovered that, instead of two layers, the
belt has an occasional third layer of charged particles and that
they sometimes form zones called ‘zebra stripes'. The probes
also found how the electric and magnetic fields additionally
energize the particles.

Mauk says measurements gathered by the two probes will help
scientists develop computer models for creating space weather

"If I see something at the sun, some flare or something, and I
can measure the magnetic field on the sun - there are remote ways
of doing that - I can now predict how will the radiation belts
respond to that," he said.

And that, he says, may lead to sending the astronauts to their
vaults or powering down the communication and navigation
satellites while this effect passes by.

"And then we also just want to understand it because it's a very
dynamic part of our whole space, above the earth, our
electromagnetic space," said Kessel.

Scientists say better understanding of the Van Allen radiation
belt will help us prepare for potential surprises from our own





Image: Screen capture from video version of this VOA News




Sending Pic:246x215C;







RSID: <<2014-08-16T16:12Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>


This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


First Private Hi-Resolution Satellite Set to be Launched

George Putic, KI4FNF
August 12, 2014

A U.S.-based company is about to launch the first commercial
observation satellite with twice better resolution than before.

DigitalGlobe says it will launch its new satellite Worldview-3
later this week. The move comes two months after the U.S.
government relaxed its restrictions on the resolution of
commercial satellite imagery from 50 centimeters to 25

Images from the company's previously launched satellites are
being used by many private companies and agencies, such as
Microsoft, NASA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
Google is using them for its popular services Google Earth,
Google Maps and Street View.

Digital Globe says the new, twice-as-sharp images from
Worldview-3, will be available starting early in 2015, making it
possible to see objects as small as 25 centimeters.

Previously, photographing such high-resolution imagery for
commercial purposes required hiring specially equipped aircraft.

Satellite imagery is increasingly used in mapping, natural
resource research, urban planning, navigation and many other
areas. According to some estimates the new satellite may help
grow DigitalGlobe's annual income by as much as $400 million.






Image: Illustration of the WorldView-3 satellite...





Sending Pic:205x278C;







This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

Voice of America press release...

Voice of America Ends Greek Broadcasts

August 11, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. - After 72 years on air, the Voice of America
Greek Service -- one of its longest-running language services --
is signing off today for the last time, bidding adieu to loyal
listeners in Greece, Cyprus, and beyond.

VOA Director David Ensor called the Greek Service "a small but
mighty group of talented, dedicated journalists, who for over
seven decades served as an unbiased, objective news source."

The Greek Service was established on November 1, 1942, and went
on to cover historic turning points of modern Greece, from the
civil war in the late 1940s to the accession to the European
Union, and most recently the country's struggles to remain an
integral part of the E.U.

The Greek Service was among the first services at the Voice of
America to transition to exclusively affiliate-based broadcasting
in the early 1990s. One of VOA's smallest language services, the
staff provided regular and ad-hoc content to its affiliate
stations in Greece, with unique perspectives on U.S. politics,
coverage of issues concerning the Greek-American community, and
live Q&As during major global news events.

Greek broadcasts end after 72 years

Ioannis Spanolios, general manager of one of VOA's first-ever
affiliates, SKAI Radio and TV in Greece, said, "We are saddened
because our collaboration that lasted close to a quarter century
has come to a close…because we are losing a valuable news source
from the other side of the Atlantic."

VOA Greek Service Chief Anna K. Morris said of her time with the
Greek Service, "I feel absolutely privileged to have been given
the opportunity to present American perspectives to Greek
audiences for over 22 years."







The VOA Greek Service reported on its own closure...

Κλείνει η Ελληνική Υπηρεσία της Φωνής της Αμερικής

VOA News

Μετά από 72 χρόνια λειτουργίας η Ελληνική Υπηρεσία της Φωνής της
Αμερικής θα πάψει να εκπέμπει.

Περιορισμοί στον προϋπολογισμό που διατίθεται για την λειτουργία
του ειδησεογραφικού οργανισμού οδήγησαν σ' αυτή την απόφαση.

Η τελευταία εκπομπή θα μεταδοθεί την Τρίτη το πρωί ώρα Ελλάδος
από τον Σκάι.

Η Ελληνική Υπηρεσία είναι μια από τις ιδρυτικές υπηρεσίες της
ΦτΑ. Ξεκίνησε την λειτουργία της το 1942 και από τότε καλύπτει
διεθνείς εξελίξεις καθώς και το πολιτικό και πολιτιστικό
γίγνεσθαι στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες σε σχέση με την Ελλάδα και την
















  Die "Stimme Amerikas" ["Foni tis Amerikis"] schließt ihren Griechischen Dienst

  VOA Nachrichten

  Nach 72 Jahren wird die Übertragung des griechischen Dienstes

  der "Stimme Amerikas" eingestellt.

  Laut Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur führten Einschränkungen der

  Betriebsmittel im Haushalt zu dieser Entscheidung.

  Die letzte Show wird am Dienstagmorgen
Griechischer Zeit ["ora ellados"]
Σκάι ["Skai" / http://www.skai.gr/1003/] ausgestrahlt.

  Die griechische Service ist eine der Gründungsabteilungen der
  VOA. Es begann seinen Betrieb im Jahr 1942 und analysierte seitdem
  internationalen Entwicklungen und die politische und kulturelle
  Szene in den Vereinigten Staaten in Bezug auf Griechenland und









  Το τελευταίο δελτίο ειδήσεων μεταδόθηκε στις 6:33 το πρωί και αναμεταδόθηκε από το ραδιόφωνο του ΣΚΑΪ.

  Die letzte Nachrichtensendung wird um 06.33 Uhr auf SKAI ausgestrahlt.





  Icecast:  http://netradio.live24.gr/skai1003      http://netradio.live24.gr/skai1003.m3u     96 kbps/44kHz   mp3

  ID:  "Skai -  Ekato koma tria"








Sending Pic:516x67C;








RSID: <<2014-08-16T16:26Z MFSK-32 @ 17860000+1500>>



Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram

This is VOA, the Voice of America.



Sending Pic:209x19C;






RSID: <<2014-08-16T16:27Z OLIVIA 32-2000 @ 17860000+1500>>

Thank you for decoding the modes on VOA Radiogram.









 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band


 ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1 - Software italiano per SDR       [SAM-USB]

 Software AF:

 Fldigi 3.21.83  +   flmsg-2.0.4


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4  -  2,6 GHz]