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RSID: <<2016-05-15T23:30Z
MFSK-32 @
Hello and welcome to DigiDX 13, a weekly review of the latest shortwave and DX
news broadcast mainly in MFSK32 mode. This broadcast includes shortwave news, an
over-the-air QSL card and some of the listeners emails from the last week.
Followers of VOA Radiogram will know about the debate regarding what causes some
listeners to be unsuccessful in the decoding the very robust Olivia 64-2000
mode, in this episode of DigiDX we will include some text broadcast several
times in 3 different Olivia modes.
DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Monday 2000 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach
Wall, DE)
Any changes to this schedule or extra broadcasts will be listed on
If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating via our
Patreon page. Any money donated will go towards paying for airtime to keep
DigiDX on the air to Europe and North America.
Every donation will help no matter how little -
Thanks very much to listeners Mike Stapp, Mark Braunstein and Richard Langley
for contributing to the Patreon campaign.
Latest Shortwave News:
Radio Sakha on shortwave
BBC World Service funding protected
WRTH A16 schedules
MightyKBC changes
SRF Switzerland returns to shortwave
Radio Sakha on shortwave
In last weeks DigiDX we mentioned the return of NVK Sakha / Radio Sakha to
shortwave from the 6th of May and the Russian station has been heard by
listeners in Western North America, Japan and Europe over the last week.
The station features a mix of speech programming and music and is broadcast from
the Yakutsk transmitter in Siberia. The EiBi listings have the following
schedule for the station:
7295 0000-0300 SaSu
7345 0000-0300 SaSu
7295 0300-0500 Daily
7345 0300-0500 Daily
7295 0900-1200 Daily
7345 0900-1200 Daily
7295 1200-1400 Mo-Fr
7345 1200-1400 Mo-Fr
7295 2100-2200 Su-Th
7345 2100-2200 Su-Th
7295 2200-2400 Daily
7345 2200-2400 Daily
Officially 7295kHz is 250KW and 7345kHz is 100KW although monitoring from Ron
Howard in California (Source:DXLD) has suggested that the other-way round might
be more likely.
Other stations using these frequencies such as China Radio International and CNR
1 has however made listening to NVK Sakha difficult in some locations outside
the target area of the Sakha region of Russia.
BBC World Service funding protected
The UK government have set out major changes to the way the BBC is to be run in
a white paper released by Culture Secretary John Whittingdale.
The BBC World Service was mentioned in the document with it being confirmed that
annual funding of £254m will be protected for five years and, as previously
announced there will get an extra £289m of government funding over next 5 years.
The Guardian’s media correspondent John Plunkett gave the following verdict on
this news “Amid all the cuts, there appears widespread agreement that the World
Service is a very good thing for all concerned.”
Other points in the White Paper include:
*All employees and freelancers who earn more than £450,000 will be named,
although salaries will only be revealed in "broad bands". *The licence fee will
continue for at least 11 years, and will increase in line with inflation until
*There will be a new "unitary board" - replacing the external BBC Trust and
internal BBC Executive - responsible for ensuring the corporation's "strategy,
activity and output are in the public interest".
WRTH A16 schedules
The World Radio and TV Handbook (WRTH) have released their free online A16
schedule update to replace the B15 schedules included in the 2016 version of the
As well as schedules for international broadcasters, the update includes the
latest schedules for clandestine stations including 9 new entries over the B15
schedule from WRTH 2016.
The updates are available in PDF form for free from
http://www.wrth.com/_shop/?page_id=444 although a voluntary 5GBP donation is
suggested to keep these updates being made avalible each year once the “A”
season schedules are released.
MightyKBC changes
As mentioned two weeks ago on DigiDX, MightyKBC has changed frequency for its
broadcast targeted at North America from
6040kHz to 9925kHz on Sunday at 0000UTC.
As of the 15th of May the broadcast will be an hour shorter and run from
0000-0200 instead of the previous
0000-0300 timeslot.
0000-0100 UTC will be the Dave Mason show and then
0100-0200 UTC will be the Giant Jukebox.
We now change to Olivia 64-2000 for a news story about SRF Switzerland returning
to shortwave, this same story will then be broadcast in 2 other Olivia modes -
32-1000 and 16-500.
Duty Cycle
BW (Hz)
S/N |
63 |
20 |
250 |
-12 dB
75 |
31 |
15 |
250 |
-14 dB
69 |
125 |
40 |
500 |
-10 dB
74 |
63 |
30 |
500 |
-11 dB
72 |
31 |
20 |
500 |
-13 dB
70 |
125 |
58 |
- 7 dB
116 |
63 |
40 |
-10 dB
73 |
31 |
24 |
-12 dB
71 |
? |
? |
? |
<<2016-05-15T23:37Z OL 64-2K
@ 11580000+1500>>
Thanks to Dave Harries for finding this in the schedule of the ShortwaveService
Kall-Krekel transmitter in Germany (mainly used by Radio 700). He writes “I am
glad to see that a number of relays have been added for SRF (Switzerland)”
The broadcasts began on Sunday 1st May and the schedule is as follows
German broadcasts:
0600 - 0613: "Heute Morgen" (Mondays to Saturdays) on 3985 / 6005** / 7310khz
1030 - 1100: "Rendez-vous" (Mondays to Fridays) on 3985 / 6005 / 7310khz
1600 - 1645: "Echo der Zeit" (Daily?) on 3985 / 6005 / 7310khz
2000 - 2030: "Das War Der Tag" (Monday to Friday) on 3985khz
English broadcasts:
1445 - 1500: "Swissinfo" (Saturdays) on 6005khz
1445 - 1500: "Swissinfo" (Sundays) on 7310khz
We now switch to Olivia 32-1000
<<2016-05-15T23:42Z OL 32-1K
@ 11580000+1500>>
Thanks to Dave Harries for finding this in the schedule of the ShortwaveService
Kall-Krekel transmitter in Germany (mainly used by Radio 700). He writes “I am
glad to see that a number of relays have been added for SRF (Switzerland)”
The broadcasts began on Sunday 1st May and the schedule is as follows
German broadcasts:
0600 - 0613: "Heute Morgen" (Mondays to Saturdays) on 3985 / 6005** / 7310khz
1030 - 1100: "Rendez-vous" (Mondays to Fridays) on 3985 / 6005 / 7310khz
1600 - 1645: "Echo der Zeit" (Daily?) on 3985 / 6005 / 7310khz
2000 - 2030: "Das War Der Tag" (Monday to Friday) on 3985khz
English broadcasts:
1445 - 1500: "Swissinfo" (Saturdays) on 6005khz
1445 - 1500: "Swissinfo" (Sundays) on 7310khz
We now switch to Olivia 16-500
<<2016-05-15T23:47Z OL 16-500
@ 11580000+1500>>
Thanks to Dave Harries for finding this in the schedule of the ShortwaveService
Kall-Krekel transmitter in Germany (mainly used by Radio 700). He writes “I am
glad to see that a number of relays have been added for SRF (Switzerland)”
The broadcasts began on Sunday 1st May and the schedule is as follows
German broadcasts:
0600 - 0613: "Heute Morgen" (Mondays to Saturdays) on 3985 / 6005** / 7310khz
1030 - 1100: "Rendez-vous" (Mondays to Fridays) on 3985 / 6005 / 7310khz
1600 - 1645: "Echo der Zeit" (Daily?) on 3985 / 6005 / 7310khz
2000 - 2030: "Das War Der Tag" (Monday to Friday) on 3985khz
English broadcasts:
1445 - 1500: "Swissinfo" (Saturdays) on 6005khz
1445 - 1500: "Swissinfo" (Sundays) on 7310khz
We now switch to back to MFSK32
<<2016-05-15T23:54Z MFSK-32
@ 11580000+1500>>
Thank you for all the reception reports sent to
reports@digidx.uk The MIDI file sent in
last weeks broadcast was from Radio Berlin International and was the DDR
national anthem - Auferstanden aus Ruinen.
As promised last week, this weeks e-QSL card is in the form of a QR code which
you can scan with a mobile device or upload to
to convert to text. Everyone who sent a reception report
reports@digidx.uk over the last week
should be included in one of
the two following images. The normal E-QSL card will be sent out via email.
Sending Pic:300x300;
https://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx |
11580 kHz WRMI

Raw text |
Fred Albertson (US), LA7UM Finn (NO), Don Wycoff (US),
Emiliano Rocchetta (IT), Hans-Martin Kurka (DE), Klaus Fuchs (DE),
Ferruccio IW1DTU (IT), Mark Harper (UK), Bruno Costantini (IT),
Frank Kreuzinger (DE), Merkouris (GR), Andreja Kostić (BA),
Raw bytes |
40 01 44 67 26 56 42 04 16 c6 26 57 27 47 36 f6
e2 02 85 55 32 92 c2 01 19 a4 e4 d5 cc c6 80 0d
2d 2d cd c4 05 09 c9 e5 25 84 08 8d ed c4 0a ef
2c 6d ec cc c4 05 0a aa 65 25 84 01 48 ad ad 2d
8d 2c 2d cd e4 0a 4d ec 6c 6d 0c ae 8e 8c 24 05
09 2a 85 25 84 09 0c 2d ce 65 a9 ac 2e 4e 8d 2d
c4 09 6e ae 4d 6c 24 05 08 88 a5 25 84 09 6d 8c
2e ae 64 08 ce ac 6d 0e 64 05 08 88 a5 25 84 01
48 cc ae 4e 4e ac 6c 6d 2d e4 02 33 35 a1 4c d5
a9 00 1a ca 12 55 0a 4b 08 13 58 5c 9a c8 12 18
5c 9c 19 5c 88 0a 15 52 ca 4b 08 10 9c 9d 5b 9b
c8 10 db dc dd 18 5b 9d 1a 5b 9a 48 0a 12 55 0a
4b 02 91 9c 98 5b 9a c8 12 dc 99 5d 5e 9a 5b 99
d9 5c 88 0a 11 11 4a 4b 08 13 59 5c 9a db dd 5c
9a 5c c8 0a 11 d4 8a 4b 08 10 5b 99 1c 99 5a 98
48 12 db dc dd 1a 71 21 c8 0a 10 90 4a 4b 00 ec
11 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec
11 ec
Barcode format |
Parsed Result Type |
Parsed Result |
Fred Albertson (US), LA7UM Finn (NO), Don Wycoff (US),
Emiliano Rocchetta (IT), Hans-Martin Kurka (DE), Klaus Fuchs (DE),
Ferruccio IW1DTU (IT), Mark Harper (UK), Bruno Costantini (IT),
Frank Kreuzinger (DE), Merkouris (GR), Andreja Kostić (BA),
6070 kHz ch292

Sending Pic:300x300;
https://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx |
11580 kHz WRMI

Raw text |
Giovanni Barbara (NL/IT), Pavel Ivanov (RU), Free Radio Fun (NL),
Claudio Tagliabue (IT), Wim Haarmann (NL), Rafael Martinez (ES),
Willy Andersen (DK), Richard Langley (CA), Mark Hirst (UK),
Nestor Vargas (VE), Christian Denoux (FR), Alan Gale (UK),
Williams López (VE)
Raw bytes |
40 10 f4 76 96 f7 66 16 e6 e6 92 04 26 17 26 26
17 26 12 02 84 e4 c2 f4 95 42 92 c2 05 06 17 66
56 c2 04 97 66 16 e6 f7 62 02 85 25 52 92 c2 04
67 26 56 52 05 26 16 46 96 f2 04 67 56 e2 02 84
e4 c2 92 c0 a4 36 c6 17 56 46 96 f2 05 46 16 76
c6 96 16 27 56 52 02 84 95 42 92 c2 05 76 96 d2
04 86 16 17 26 d6 16 e6 e2 02 84 e4 c2 92 c2 05
26 16 66 16 56 c2 04 d6 17 27 46 96 e6 57 a2 02
84 55 32 92 c0 a5 76 96 c6 c7 92 04 16 e6 46 57
27 36 56 e2 02 84 44 b2 92 c2 05 26 96 36 86 17
26 42 04 c6 16 e6 76 c6 57 92 02 84 34 12 92 c2
04 d6 17 26 b2 04 86 97 27 37 42 02 85 54 b2 92
c0 a4 e6 57 37 46 f7 22 05 66 17 26 76 17 32 02
85 64 52 92 c2 04 36 87 26 97 37 46 96 16 e2 04
46 56 e6 f7 57 82 02 84 65 22 92 c2 04 16 c6 16
e2 04 76 16 c6 52 02 85 54 b2 92 c2 00 a5 76 96
c6 c6 96 16 d7 32 04 cc 3b 37 06 57 a2 02 85 64
52 90
Barcode format |
Parsed Result Type |
Parsed Result |
Giovanni Barbara (NL/IT), Pavel Ivanov (RU), Free Radio Fun (NL),
Claudio Tagliabue (IT), Wim Haarmann (NL), Rafael Martinez (ES),
Willy Andersen (DK), Richard Langley (CA), Mark Hirst (UK),
Nestor Vargas (VE), Christian Denoux (FR), Alan Gale (UK),
Williams López (VE)
6070 kHz ch292

Thanks again to Mark Hirst for suggesting using QR codes to send the e-QSL card,
I look forward to reading how the image was decoded for everyone listening.
Sorry for the lack of listeners feedback this week, however next week we will
return to include a selection of
emails and reports that have been sent to

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<<2016-05-15T0 131Z
MFSK-32 @
The Mighty KBC is back on 6095 kHz to Europe this weekend, as
well as 9925 kHz to the Americas ...
Sending Pic:160x121C;
<<2016-05-15T0 831Z
MFSK-32 @
The Mighty KBC is back on 6095 kHz to Europe this weekend, as
well as 9925 kHz to the Americas ...
Sending Pic:160x121C;
Please report decode to
Please report decode to
2016-05-15 0131z
9925 kHz |
0831z 6095
kHz |
2016-05-15 0131z
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RSID: <<2016-05-14T16:01Z
MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1
Welcome to program 163 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.
Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 except
where noted:
1:34 Program preview (now)
2:46 Giant Magellan Telescope in Chile*
8:42 UK government review of the BBC*
14:29 RFE/RL Crimea website blocked*
18:35 Radio/TV Martí now receiving letters direct from Cuba*
23:11 Image from South Pole Journal*
26:36 Closing announcements*
28:15 Olivia 64-2000: Transmission schedule under music
* with image
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
And visit voaradiogram.net.
Twitter: @VOARadiogram
Scientists Expect 'Unexpected' from Largest Ground-based
George Putic
May 07, 2016
The mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope that gave the world
stunning pictures of deep space is about 4.5 square meters.
Compare that with the primary mirror of the James Webb Space
Telescope, which will be 25 square meters — and which is creating
big expectations for even higher-quality results when it is
deployed in 2018.
But both will be dwarfed by the Giant Magellan Telescope, which
is under construction in Chile's Atacama Desert. Its mirror array
covers about 368 square meters.
By looking at different parts of the visible and infrared
spectrums, the two new telescopes will complement each other,
Magellan Telescope director Patrick McCarthy said.
'Complete picture'
"The two working together, I think, will give us a complete
picture, whether we are looking at planets around nearby stars,
black holes in the centers of other galaxies, or back to that
early universe that we call the First Light, when we see the
first stars in the first galaxies," McCarthy said.
To isolate it from vibrations, the 1,200-ton telescope will rest
on an oil flotation bearing system, completely free of any
friction. A range of cameras and spectrographs will record and
dissect the received light, looking for signatures of atoms and
molecules. And the light coming from billions of kilometers away
may be impossibly faint.
"The photons come in once every 15 to 20 minutes, so it takes a
long time to collect that light," McCarthy said. "In our case, we
think we'll get a few photons a minute, but you need hundreds to
get a good signal, so it just takes patience."
What to expect
But with a telescope sensitive enough to detect a birthday candle
on the moon, nobody knows what to expect.
"The most important is the unexpected," McCarthy said. "The new
discoveries, the unanticipated breakthroughs. That's always been
the story of astronomy. When you build a new capability, young
people find things that either no one expected, or they prove
that their elders were wrong."
The $1 billion joint project of the U.S., Australia, Brazil,
South Korea and Chile is expected to open for the first
observations by 2022 and be fully operational by 2026.
Image: Screen capture from video version of this VOA News story
Sending Pic:197x195C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to
BBC Faces Major Overhaul, But Its Worst Fears Not Realized
Reuters via voanews.com
May 12, 2016
LONDON - Britain stepped back from cutting the size and scope of
the BBC on Thursday after the publicly-funded broadcaster and
some of its biggest stars had accused ministers of threatening
the independence of the 94-year-old institution.
Unveiling its once-in-a-decade review, the government said a new
governing body would be created to oversee the BBC, and the
salaries of its best-paid employees would be made public to
improve transparency and address concerns that Britain's biggest
player in TV, radio and online news stifles rivals.
But the government avoided more extreme measures such as allowing
ministers to tell the BBC what to air during prime-time TV
periods such as Saturday nights, or forcing it to hand over some
of its income, derived from a levy paid by nearly every
household, to other commercial broadcasters.
"The BBC is one of the country's greatest institutions. It is our
overriding aim to ensure that the BBC continues to thrive in a
media landscape that has changed beyond recognition since the
last charter review 10 years ago," Culture Secretary John
Whittingdale told parliament.
The BBC's extensive services, estimated to reach 97 percent of
Britons each week, are funded by a guaranteed income of 3.7
billion pounds ($5.35 billion) from a license fee imposed on all
TV-watching homes.
It is fiercely resistant to any change that it says would make it
less popular with the public who pay for it.
Critics, however, say it is a bloated organization that swamps
commercial rivals, for example in providing free and extensive
online news and information, meaning many commercial groups
struggle to charge for their content.
Others have said its news coverage is politically biased,
although critics disagree as to whether it is biased to the right
or to the left.
"There has been a big debate about the future of the BBC," BBC
Director-General Tony Hall said. "Searching questions have been
asked about its role and its place in the UK. That's right and
healthy, and I welcome that debate."
Whittingdale said the BBC Trust, its governing body, would be
replaced with a new unitary board which would still allow the
corporation to appoint a majority of members to ensure
External regulation will be handed to Ofcom, the communications
watchdog which oversees commercial broadcasters, he said.
Image: Entrance to BBC Broadcasting House in London ...
Sending Pic:219x123C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:
Russia-Backed Authorities Block Access To RFE/RL's Crimea Website
By RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service
Pro-Russian authorities in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula have
blocked access to RFE/RL's Crimea news website, Krym.Realii.
Web users in Ukraine, Russia, and Russia-annexed Crimea
complained on May 12 that the site was inaccessible.
Instead, a notice appears saying, "Access denied, as the site has
been added to the list of banned sites."
"This is an aggressive act that uses the outrageous pretext of
extremism to censor RFE/RL and prevent audiences in Russia and
Crimea from learning the truth about the annexation," RFE/RL
Editor in Chief Nenad Pejic said in a statement on May 12.
"We condemn it as an attack on RFE/RL's operations and the
public's fundamental right to freely access information," he
The de facto prosecutor of Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya, said on
May 12 that Russia's Internet regulator, Roskomnadzor, had
launched measures to block and shut down the site.
But Roskomnadzor's spokesman said on May 12 that only one page on
the Krym.Realii website -- an interview with a leader of the
Crimean Tatars' self-governing body, the Mejlis -- was blocked.
Crimea's Moscow-backed Supreme Court branded the Mejlis as an
extremist organization and officially banned it in April.
Russia has been heavily criticized by international rights groups
and Western governments for its treatment of Crimean Tatars since
the annexation of the peninsula in March 2014.
With reporting by TASS and Interfax
Sending Pic:255x87C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
Martís Receiving Audience Letters Directly From Cuba for First
Broadcasting Board of Governors Highlights
May 11, 2016
In March, direct mail was restored between the United States and
Cuba for the first time in a half century as part of a renewal of
ties between the long-time adversaries.
The Martís [Radio and TV Martí] have since received dozens of
letters directly from their audience members on the island.
Previously, the letters had to make their way through a number of
countries before reaching OCB headquarters in Miami. Most of the
letters sent to the Martís address OCB programming and employees,
thanking them for their great work in bringing news and
information to people in Cuba. A Radio Martí listener in Cardenas
in the province of Matanzas, for example, wrote in the letter
below that she loves Martí programming and walks 12 blocks to get
to a radio owned by one her friends in order to listen to the
shows. She requested a radio, and the Martís promptly responded
by sending it to her. Through letters, social media and phone
calls, the Martís have received 50-57 requests for radios in
recent months.
Some of the letters also provide suggestions for new programming,
reports on signal strength and details on everyday necessities of
life on the island that audience members want to make the Martís
aware of.
Image: The Director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, Maria
"Malule" González, with some of the many letters the Martís have
received since direct mail was restored in March between the U.S.
and Cuba. ...
Image: "After weeks of darkness at the South Pole, a full moon
seems nearly as bright as the sun." From Refael Klein's South
Pole Journal, VOA Science World Blog, 3 May 2016:
Sending Pic:293x195C;

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
And visit voaradiogram.net.
Twitter: @VOARadiogram
Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.
I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.
This is VOA, the Voice of America.
Sending Pic:316x28C;

RSID: <<2016-05-14T16:27Z OL 64-2K
@ 17580000+1500>>
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(days/times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via North Carolina