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RSID: <<2016-06-29T20:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1515>>


OGNI VENERDI' 01-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ
OGNI SABATO 01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ


OGNI MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC 6070 KHZ AM

IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)





Dies ist "
JEDEN MITTWOCH  20.00 - 22.00 UTC   6070 KHZ
JEDEN FREITAG   01.00 - 01.30 UTC   9955 KHZ
JEDEN SAMSTAG   01.30 - 02.00 UTC  11580 KHZ


JEDEN MITTWOCH   20: 30 bis 21:00 UTC 6070 KHZ AM SENDEN WIR:
NANNTE"   IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)

IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)



(immagine dello studio nel 1979)
Sending Pic:400x259Cp4;








1,5 W, 6240 KHZ, 3 LUGLIO 1979, per la prima volta in Italia una emittente
privata e indipendente, in onde corte, diffonde il suo segnale nell'etere: è
la "COMPAGNIA ITALIANA DI RADIODIFFUSIONE"; questo nome fu presto abbandonato
per utilizzare quello inglese di ITALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION – IBC RADIO.
E' veramente emozionante ricordare le vicissitudini, i problemi, i successi e
le traversie di quello che da gioco, si trasformò in una iniziativa di grandi
IBC iniziò le proprie trasmissioni con un trasmettitore surplus militare di 10
W di potenza, ma che effettivamente erogava poco più di 1 W, con la sua
antenna telescopica, timidamente svettante attraverso l’abbaino di una
soffitta, in una città del centro Italia. Dopo le prime prove comunque, grazie
anche alla collaborazione di amici tecnici dilettanti, fu realizzato un
piccolo trasmettitore transistorizzato da 2 W, che a sua volta pilotava uno
stadio finale di "ben" 10 W, il tutto camuffato in una comune scatola da
scarpe (immagine del trasmettitore)
Sending Pic:400x273p4;






DIE GESCHICHTE DER IBC - ITALIAN Broadcasting Corporation
(Bild des Studios im Jahr 1979)
Senden Pic: 400x259Cp4;

.(aus dem Internet)

1,5 W, 6240 KHZ, 3. Juli 1979: Zum ersten Mal gab es in Italien eine private

und unabhängige Rundfunkstation, die ihre Signale über Kurzwelle verbreitete.
ieser Name wurde bald aufgegeben und durch die englische Bezeichnung

Es ist wirklich spannend, sich an das Wechselspiel von Problemen, Erfolgen und

Schwierigkeiten zu erinnern, das sich nun in eine Initiative mit großer Zustimmung wandelte.
IBC begann seine Übertragungen mit einem militärischen SURPLUS-Sender von

10 W Leistung, der aber effektiv eigentlich nur etwas mehr als 1 W abstrahlte.

Der Sender war mit einer vertikalen Teleskopantenne verbunden, die etwas

unscheinbar aus dem Fenster einer Dachmansarde ragte - in einer Stadt in Mittel-Italien.
Nach den ersten Tests wurde dank der Zusammenarbeit von technisch versierten

Funk-Amateur-Freunden ein kleiner transistorisierter Sender von 2 W realisiert, der wiederum

eine End-Stufe von "gut" 10 W ansteuerte. Das ganze Equipment fand seinen Platz in einem

Schuhkarton (Bild des Senders)

Sending Pic:400x273p4;

(aus dem Internet)

Questo, unito ad un dipolo a V-invertito in aperta campagna, fece la fortuna
di IBC sulla famosa frequenza di 6275 kHz, quando alla fine dello stesso anno
della famosa "prima volta", iniziarono le trasmissioni regolari.
Il palinsesto era comunque piuttosto limitato: 30 minuti di trasmissione
settimanale, ogni domenica, ripetuta tre o quattro volte durante il giorno.
Il metodo di preparazione delle trasmissioni era e rimase sempre lo stesso: si
registrava di regola il venerdì notte, in quella famosa soffitta, dove era
allestito uno studio piuttosto artigianale. Si assemblavano le collaborazioni
degli amici sparsi un po’ in tutta Italia, che pervenivano sottoforma di
registrazioni, si pensavano rubriche, si preparava un palinsesto musicale, si
leggeva Play DX : una delle caratteristiche di IBC infatti era sempre stata
quella di aggiornare i propri ascoltatori sul loro hobby preferito,il
radioascolto appunto, e la collaborazione tra il bollettino milanese e
l'emittente fu molto stretta; molti lettori si ricorderanno che l'indirizzo di
IBC era presso la redazione di quel bollettino e che ogni settimana Play DX
veniva letto integralmente nel corso del Programma DX.
Per rimanere nell'ambito dei programmi, sicuramente la rubrica fra le più
attese e seguite ogni week-end era "La posta degli ascoltatori", condotta in
studio da "Saverio Masetti": tutte le lettere trovavano un loro spazio, con
soddisfazione di chi ascoltava ma forse con maggior soddisfazione di IBC che
poteva, in questo modo, informare i propri ascoltatori che le trasmissioni
venivano ascoltate in Australia piuttosto che in Finlandia o chissà dove, che
la rubrica "La storia delle telecomunicazioni" a cura di Fabio Veronese era
piaciuta, che l'intervento di Dario Monferini era stato apprezzato, etc, etc,
Via via che il tempo passava i collaboratori aumentavano, le rubriche si
infittivano, e l'apparato tecnico migliorava. Nel periodo del suo massimo
splendore, se così si può dire, IBC trasmetteva ogni sabato e domenica, su
quattro frequenze contemporaneamente. La frequenza di 11585 kHz divenne il
fiore all'occhiello: 200 W, con una portata veramente "mondiale". Insieme
venne anche l'epoca dello scambio dei programmi; fu così che in Australia sui
41 metri ed in Olanda sui 48 metri, IBC vedeva ripetute le proprie emissioni
per quei paesi, restituendo poi il "piacere" attraverso i propri
Sempre così arrivò anche l'indirizzo internazionale, una casella postale in
Olanda, come le maggiori emittenti pirate nord-europee dell'epoca. Le
trasmissioni assunsero carattere decisamente più professionale e si
presentarono anche ad un pubblico non soltanto italiano con emissioni in
Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo, Greco e Persiano. Fiorirono iniziative
come, ad esempio, il Diploma d'ascolto ed IBC Newsletter, quest'ultimo poi
Tutto sembrava andare per il meglio ed IBC era decisamente ascoltata ed
Sorsero però inevitabili problemi : le spese iniziavano ad essere gravose per
una stazione di carattere hobbistico che lo era, in definitiva, sempre meno.
Basti pensare che i rapporti erano oramai oltre cento la settimana, e che
tutti dovevano essere confermati con QSL; le spese per i trasmettitori erano
sempre più ingenti, come quelle per i nastri, l'elettricità, i Diplomi, i
Insomma la gestione era divenuta veramente difficile: fu così che le
trasmissioni divennero sempre più irregolari,si chiusero e timidamente, un
paio di volte, riaprirono, fino a divenire un semplice ricordo.
Dal 2016 però, dopo oltre 30 anni, IBC ha ripreso a trasmettere in onde corte,
prima a carattere sperimentale ed ora con trasmissioni regolari... buon

SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)


Dieser Sender wurde mit einem invertierten V-Dipol in einer ländlichen Gegend *1.) betrieben

und sorgte für den Erfolg von IBC auf dem berühmten Frequenz von 6275 kHz..

Am Ende des gleichen Jahres von dem famosen "erste Mal" begann man mit regelmäßigen Sendungen.
Allerdings war der Sendeplan noch eher begrenzt auf 30 Minuten wöchentlich,

jeden Sonntag, mit  drei- oder viermaligen Wiederholungen während des Tages.
Das Arrangement der Rundfunksendungen war und blieb immer das Gleiche:
Normalerweise fanden die Aufnahmen Freitag Nacht statt, auf diesem berühmten Dachboden,

wo sich ein kleines Heim-Studio befand.

In Zusammenarbeit mit Freunden aus ganz Italien, welche Audio-Aufnahmen schickten,

wurde ein Programm ersonnen, eine Playlist ausgewählt und es wurde aus "Play DX" gelesen.

Ein wesentliches Merkmal der IBC war immer, die Hörer auf dem aktuellsten Stand zu halten,

was ihr Lieblings-Hobby betraf: Natürlich das Radiohören. Dadurch war die Zusammenarbeit

zwischen der Hobbyzeitschrift aus Mailand und dem IBC sehr eng.
Viele Leser werden sich sicherlich erinnern, dass Empfangsberichte an IBC über die Adresse

dieses Nachrichten-Blattes *2.) vermittelt wurden und dass jede Woche "Play DX" vollständig

im Verlauf des DX-Programm vorgelesen wurde.
Wenn man jetzt über die Programme spricht war ohne Zweifel, an jedem Wochenende,

eines der meistgehörten Programme die Sendung mit "Post von den Zuhörern",  unter Leitung von

.....alias "Saverio Masetti". All die vielen Briefe wurden irgendwie mit in das Programm einbezogen
Andererseits gab es natürlich auch eine vielleicht noch größere Genugtuung bei der IBC,

wenn man auf diese Weise erfuhr, das die Sendungen sowohl in Australien, oder in Finnland,

oder wo auch immer, gehört werden konnten und das die Rubrik

"Die Geschichte der Telekommunikation" von Fabio Veronese den Hörern gefallen hat,

dass Intervention von Dario Monferini geschätzt worden sind, etc, etc.
Im Laufe der Zeit gab es mehr Mitarbeiter, mehr Programme und bessere Übertragungstechnik.
In der Zeit mit dem maximalen Glanz, wenn man es so sagen kann, sendete IBC gleichzeitig

auf 4 Frequenzen *3.) jeden Samstag und Sonntag. Die 11.585 kHz wurde das Flaggschiff: 200 W, *4.)

mit einem wirklich "globalen" Reichweite. Es war auch die Ära von Austauschprogrammen;

so kam es, dass man in Australien *5.) auf 41 Meter und auf 48 Meter von den Niederlanden *6.) aus

gehört werden konnte. Im Gegenzug übertrug die IBC auch ausländische Radioprogramme.
Auf diese Weise bekam IBC die internationale Adresse, eine P.O.Box in den Niederlanden,

so wie sie auch alle bedeutenden nord-europäischen Piratensender in dieser Epoche hatten.
Die Programme bekamen einen immer größeren professionellen Charakter und man wendete

sich nicht mehr nur an ein italienisch sprechendes Publikum. Für eine internationale Hörerschaft

gab es nun Sendungen in Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Griechisch und Persisch (Farsi).
Alles schien gut zu gehen und IBC wurde zweifellos gehört und geschätzt.

Aber dann fingen unvermeidliche Probleme an: Die Ausgaben wurden immer belastender

für eine Station, die mit Hobby-Charakter begann. Es wurde immer schwieriger.


Wenn man daran denkt, das mehr als einhundert Empfangsberichte jede Woche

eintrafen, und jeder wollte mit einer QSL-Karte bestätigt werden.... Die Kosten für die Sender

wurden immer höher, ebenso die für Magnetbänder, Strom, Diplome, die Antennen.... ....

Kurz gesagt, es wurde immer schwieriger das Ganze zu managen: Die Radio-Sendungen

wurden immer unregelmäßiger und letztlich ganz eingestellt.  Einige Male gab es noch

Wiederaufnahme von Ausstrahlungen, nur um einfach in Erinnerung zu bleiben.

Im Jahr 2016, nach mehr als 30 Jahren, hat  IBC wieder mit Rundfunksendungen

auf Kurzwelle begonnen. Zuerst hatten diese einen experimentellem Charakter - nun gibt

es aber wieder regelmäßige Aussendungen ... Guten Empfang!   *8.)  *9.)

SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)

*1.)   "colline dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano"

*2.)   "PLAY DX, Via Davanzati 8 - IT-20158 Milano - Italy

*3.)   "IBC Schedule: We broadcast daily a test-transmission on 6275 and 11585 kHz,

       from 0500 to 0900 GMT, non stop music.

       Regular service: from 09.00 on Saturday to 2000 GMT on Sunday on 6275,

       7350 (alt. 7380), 11585 and 17950 kHz......"

*4.)   ".....Ascolto del 7 luglio 1982 - Freq. 11590 kHz - Ora 11:35 GMT  Potenza 500 Watt...."

*5.)   "anno 1982 - lo scambio dei programmi con CBN, Australia..."

       "...I just got a blurb sheet in from CBN, the Clandestine Broadcasting Network, of

       Australia! They claim to be Australia’s only pirate station and they operate

       on 7350 and 13995 kHz and soon plan to serve Melbourne and Sydney on high power FM.

       They broadcast every Sunday morning, and should you hear them, the address

       to write to is:

       CBN, 1 Browns Lane, North Sydney, New South Wales 2060, Australia.

*6.)   "anno 1982 - lo scambio dei programmi con Radio Rastafari, Olanda.........."

                                          P.O.Box 162, Bemmel, Holland

*7.)   "Italien Broadcasting Corporation, P.O.Box 162, Bemmel, Holland,

*8.)   "...Saverio Masetti (English translation by Silvia Cavagnin) ..."

*9.)   "...Stefano Mannelli..." ===>  http://web.mclink.it/MJ0350/libera/ibc/ibc.htm

                                ===>  http://www.iz3enh.it/



RSID: <<2016-06-29T20:43Z OL 16-500 @ 6070000+2200>>






CP Bolivia Jul 1 - Aug 3 EA5RM as CP1XRM qslH.C. LoTW
D2 Angola NOW CT1CRS is active as D2XX qsl H.C.
D4 Cape Verde Now - Jul 13 DF2WO as D44TWO qsl M0OXO OQRS
DL Germany Jun 5 - Jul 4 DF8HS f \ ;UU28 qsl Bur
F France Jul 1 - Jul 3 TM65EU in EU-065 qsl F4ELK
HR Honduras Now - Jun 30 HD2DMR as HQ8S qsl KD4POJ
I Italy Now - Jul 1 IU2HDO is /IF9 from EU-054 qsl H.C.
J6 St. Lucia Jun 22 - Jul 24 NY3B is /J6 qsl LoTW
J7 Dominica Jun 22 - Jul 11 WB4WXE as J79XE qsl H.C.
J8 St.Vincent Jul 4 - Jul 10 W6NN and KE1B as J8/ qsl KE1B
JX Jan Mayen Apr 12 - Oct 4 LA9JKA as JX9JKA qsl H.C. dir
P5 N.Korea Not yet fixed 3Z9DX has received confirmation of a 5 days license on a single band
RI1 Antartica Apr 2016 to Apr 2017 RW1AI as RI1AND from AN-016 qsl RW1AI
S7 Seychelles Jul 1 - Jul 10 A65DR, A65BX,A65DC, A65CB, A61DJ and TF8KY will be active as S79V qsl IZ8CLM
SV Greece Jun 17 - Jul 6 GM0LVI as /SV8 from EU-052 qslH.C.
SV9 Crete Jul 2 - Jul 8 OK6DY as /SV9 qsl H.C.
UA Russia Jun 3 - Sep 3 RI1C team from EU-133 qsl RW1F OQRS
V3 Belize Now - Oct end PA0C as V31HV & V31HV/p qsl H.C. dir
V4 St. Kitts Jun 29 - Jul 6 G0FWX as /V4 qsl M0URX & OQRS
XW Laos Jun 30 - Jul 12 XW4XR as 3W3B qsl LoTW & E21EIC

3D2 Fiji Oct 21 - Oct 25 JA1NLX & JI1CNA as 3D2YA qsl OQRS only
6V Senegal Nov 6 - Nov 16 Italian team from AF-045 as 6V1IS qsl IK7JWX
6Y Jamaica Oct 21 - Nov 1 N4SF,K8AJ & W4GE as /6Y and 6Y4V qsl Dir AA4V LoTW
8P Barbados Jul 11 - Jul 16 W6NN as 8P6NN and KE1B as 8P6MM qsl KE1B
8P Barbados Oct 28 - Oct 29 8P6ET contest as 8P1W qsl KU9C
9K Kuwait Oct 29 - Oct 30 OK2GS as 9K2K qsl Clublog
CE Chile Jul 30 - Jul 31 XR1T group will be on from SA-069 CE3OP







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".....Due to an operation I had earlier in the week I haven't been well enough to make a new episode of DigiDX this week.

VOA Radiogram will instead be broadcast on WRMI and Channel 292 on DigiDX's timeslots. DigiDX will be back next week."








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RSID: <<2016-06-26T00:30Z MFSK-32 @ 9925000+1500>>

The Mighty KBC received in central Ontario accompanied by

See video: bit.ly/28NwAQC


Sending Pic:109x172C



Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com





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RSID: <<2016-06-25T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

Welcome to program 169 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all im MFSK32 except
where noted:

  1:35 Program preview (now)
  2:45 Pluto may have liquid ocean*
10:17 Fiery re-entry for junk from ISS*
16:33 Olivia 16-1000 (2000 Hz): Zuckerberg PC security*
22:06 MFSK32: Image, mobile app transmitted by shortwave*
26:04 Closing announcements*

* with image

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Pluto May Have a Liquid Ocean

VOA News
June 22, 2016

Far out, at the edge of our solar system, there's water. A new
study indicates that Pluto appears to still have a liquid ocean
under its icy crust.

Using data from the New Horizons space probe, researchers from
Brown University found that the dwarf planet has been expanding.
If the ocean had "frozen into oblivion" long ago, Pluto would
have shrunk.

"Thanks to the incredible data returned by New Horizons, we were
able to observe tectonic features on Pluto's surface, update our
thermal evolution model with new data and infer that Pluto most
likely has a subsurface ocean today," said Noah Hammond, a
graduate student in Brown's Department of Earth, Environmental
and Planetary Sciences, and the study's lead author.

Spectacular images from New Horizons have changed the impression
of Pluto from a "simple snowball in space" to something more
"exotic," with surface ice composed of water, nitrogen and

Furthermore, the planet is spiked with mountains that are
hundreds of meters high in contrast to the now famous
"heart-shaped plain." The surface is also far from static, as the
probe revealed sinuous faults "hundreds of kilometers long, as
deep as 4 kilometers."

Those tectonic features, researchers say, point to a strong
possibility of a subsurface ocean.

"What New Horizons showed was that there are extensional tectonic
features, which indicate that Pluto underwent a period of global
expansion," Hammond said. "A subsurface ocean that was slowly
freezing over would cause this kind of expansion."

The researchers added that despite the frigid temperatures so far
from the sun, "there may have been enough heat-producing
radioactive elements within Pluto's rocky core to melt part of
the planet's ice shell."

Then, researchers said, the melted liquid would have likely
refrozen and expanded.

"If Pluto had on ocean that was frozen or in the process of
freezing, extensional tectonics on the surface would result, and
that's what New Horizons saw," the researchers wrote in a news

A gravitational "tug of war" with Pluto's moon Charon could have
caused the faults, but researchers say that dynamic has "long
since wound down."

To determine the state of a potential ocean today, the
researchers used data from New Horizons and came to the
conclusion that a frozen ocean would have caused the planet to

"We don't see the things on the surface we'd expect if there had
been a global contraction," Hammond said. "So we conclude that
ice II has not formed, and therefore that the ocean hasn't
completely frozen."

Ice II is a more compact form of standard ice, so an ocean of it
would "occupy a smaller volume and lead to a global contraction
on Pluto, rather than an expansion."

The researchers added that it is possible that if the Pluto's ice
shell were less than 260 kilometers thick, an ocean below could
have frozen without causing contraction, but their updated model
indicates the ice shell is over 300 kilometers thick.

"Those exotic ices are actually good insulators," Hammond said.
"They may be helping Pluto from losing more of its heat to space.
That's amazing to me," Hammond said. "The possibility that you
could have vast liquid water ocean habitats so far from the sun
on Pluto — and that the same could also be possible on other
Kuiper belt objects as well — is absolutely incredible."





Image: A journey to Pluto reveals a close-up view of mountains of
water in frozen fields of nitrogen and methane ...

Sending Pic:214x169C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

Capsule Full of Space Station Junk Makes Fiery Re-entry

Associated Press voa voanews.com
June 22, 2016

CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDA - A capsule filled with space station
trash bit the cosmic dust Wednesday with a keenly interested
scientific audience.

The cargo carrier broke apart and burned up while re-entering
Earth's atmosphere high above the Pacific. Researchers gathered
information on the breakup from sensors it carried, in hopes that
the data will improve future spacecraft.

Built by Virginia-based Orbital ATK, the capsule had been cut
loose from the International Space Station last week. It followed
its own orbit until it was steered into the atmosphere, where it
was consumed by the heat of re-entry.

The vessel had been the scene of another fiery experiment shortly
after it left the space station. A large blaze deliberately was
ignited in it so NASA could study the spread of flames in
weightlessness. Like the re-entry test, this, too, was aimed at
enhancing spacecraft safety.

The so-called "Cygnus" vessel was named the S.S. Rick Husband,
after the commander of the doomed space shuttle Columbia. Husband
and six other astronauts were killed as Columbia broke apart
during re-entry in 2003, the result of launch damage.

NASA is paying Orbital ATK, as well as SpaceX, to stockpile the
space station. SpaceX has another station supply run coming up
next month, while Orbital ATK plans to resume launches from
Wallops Island, Virginia, in August. Orbital ATK temporarily
moved its Cygnus flights to Cape Canaveral, Florida, after its
Antares rocket exploded during liftoff from Wallops Island in

This latest Cygnus was launched to the space station from Florida
back in March, using another company's rocket. Once the supplies
were unloaded, the capsule was filled with more than 4,000 pounds
of garbage and discarded equipment for disposal. It had delivered
twice that much.


Image: The Cygnus cargo craft approaches the International Space
Station on Dec. 9, 2015 ...

Sending Pic:277x170C;

VOA Radiogram now changes to Olivia 16-1000 centered on 2000 Hz


RSID: <<2016-06-2
5T16:16Z OLIVIA 16-1000 @ 17580000+2000>>

This is VOA Radiogram in Olivia 16-1000

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com

Facebook Founder Takes Low-tech Approach to Security

VOA News
June 22, 2016

While posing for a photo to mark 500 million Instagram users,
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg inadvertently showed off a
couple of security measures he takes.

Upon close inspection, the photos reveal he has placed layers of
tape over his computer's camera and microphone.

This is a widely recommended move by security experts. Even the
head of the FBI does it.

"This is basic security awareness and security appreciation,"
said online security expert Robert Siciliano in an interview with
ABC News. "Unfortunately there are many remote access Trojan
viruses that can activate and enable a user's webcam without
their knowledge. That same webcam can also pick up room ambient

Zuckerberg was recently a victim of hackers, who breached his
Twitter and Pinterest accounts.

Facebook purchased the popular photo sharing service in 2012 for
a reported price tag of $1 billion.


VOA Radiogram now returns to MFSK32



RSID: <<2016-06-2
5T16:22Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32.

Image: Photo shows where tape covers the camera and microphone
jack on Mark Zuckerberg's computer ...

Sending Pic:129x227C;


There was much discussion this week about the recent transmission
of a mobile app from KTWR, the Trans World Radio shortwave
station on Guam, to a Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) receiver in
Thailand. At the receiving end, the app was then transferred via
wifi to nearby mobile devices.

For information about this developing story, visit drmna.info and

Image: Antennas at KTWR ...


Sending Pic:168x126C;

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Sending Pic:506x45C;








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 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

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 Software IF:

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 Software AF:

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