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RSID: <<2016-07-27T20:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+150


VENERDI' 01-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ
SABATO 01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ


OGNI MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC 6070 KHZ

OGNI VENERDI' 01.25-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ IN MFSK32
OGNI SABATO 01.55-02 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32


Sending Pic:350x220Cp4;








Avionica e sicurezza: la disavventura di un hacker troppo scherzoso
                 ===> http://radiolawendel.blogspot.de/2015/04/avionica-e-sicurezza-la-disavventura-di.html

Chris Roberts, alias @sidragon1, non pensava di averla fatta così grossa. Dopotutto il tweet dell'esperto di sicurezza informatica e fondatore della società
One Worlds Labs (https://oneworldlabs.com/), specializzata in counterintelligence e misure anti-hackeraggio, era solo scherzoso: salito a bordo del suo volo
United Roberts aveva twittato "dunque, vediamo, box-ife-ice-satcom... e se facessi passare su EICAS l'ordine di far scendere le maschere dell'ossigeno?"
riferendosi alla possibilità di entrare nel sistema di intrattenimento di bordo via wi-fi e interfacciarsi (cosa non necessariamente possibile) con il
cosiddetto Engine Indicating and Crew Alert System, la piattaforma Boeing - l'equivalente Airbus è ECAM, Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor - che
centralizza tutte le informazioni dei vari sistemi di bordo. Una di quelle battute "da hacker" tipiche dei convegni specializzati, consessi in cui molto
spesso i consulenti di sicurezza presentano studi di vulnerabilità di sistemi di rete - quasi sempre ormai accessibili via radio - effettuati proprio con la
mentalità del pirata informatico. In questi casi un pirata buono che finge di agire da cattivo per mettere in luce carenze e difetti di un sistema di
Purtroppo per Roberts il suo tweet è stato preso estremamente sul serio. E a stretto giro di volo. Appena sbarcato, il consulente è stato bloccato e
interrogato per ore dall'FBI, che ha anche provveduto a sequestrare tutta la sua attrezzatura tecnologica. Non è finita lì perché qualche giorno dopo, quando
Roberts si è presentato nuovamente in aeroporto per raggiungere, guarda caso, un convegno sulla sicurezza, United Airlines gli ha negato la carta di imbarco
e lui ha dovuto arrangiarsi altrimenti. L'episodio increscioso ha scatenato l'ironia dei colleghi di Roberts e dell'intera comunità dei cosiddetti whitehat
hackers, i "pirati dal cappello bianco" che agiscono facendo del male a fin di bene. Uno di loro (http://blog.erratasec.com/2015/04/solidarity.html) ha
proposto di lanciare una vera e propria battaglia a colpi di tweet dello stesso tenore, minacciando (senza ovviamente eseguirle) le peggiori monellerie
tecnologiche. Dopo il security theatre, la security comedy... "HackRF says there's a strong 915 MHz qpsk 64k symbol/second signal. I wonder what'll happen if
I replay it" (qui il riferimento è alla famosa scheda SDR a larga banda, potenzialmente in grado di intercettare o interferire con le comunicazioni di molti
sistemi, inclusi quelli di bordo, mentre i 915 MHz sono per esempio utilizzati dalle reti ZigBee). Visti i tempi, è comprensibile che le linee aeree e le
autorità di controllo abbiano i nervi a fior di pelle quando si tratta di potenziali violazioni e dirottamenti, anche solo virtuali. Ma l'atteggiamento nei
confronti degli esperti dovrebbe essere diverso, perché purtroppo è assolutamente vero che molti sistemi di controllo a bordo di aerei, automobili, impianti
industriali sono stati sviluppati quando certe opportunità non c'erano e dal punto di vista della sicurezza e dell'autenticazione ci sono parecchie lacune da
colmare. Meglio prepararsi all'eventualità che un hacker armato di radio software defined decida di mettersi in testa il cappello nero.
La radio invisbile che univa Werner a Marie-Laure
"Volevo scrivere un libro sul miracolo della radio", racconta Anthony Doerr nel trailer di presentazione del suo All the light we cannot see, un riferimento
al fatto che, come la luce, ma su frequenze non visibili a occhio nudo, le trasmissioni della radio e della tv, milioni di telefonate, miliardi di
connessioni Wi-Fi, altro non sono che radiazione elettromagnetica. La storia del suo romanzo, che ha avuto un successo straordinario, è un dialogo a distanza
- solo alla fine i due personaggi si incontreranno brevemente - tra la figlia, cieca, del fabbro ufficiale del Museo di Storia Naturale di Parigi, sfollato
insieme a Marie-Laure nella città costiera di Saint Malo, poco prima del bombardamento alleato che rase al suolo la città storica; e Werner, un orfano
tedesco che scopre di essere ferratissimo in elettronica e in radioriparazioni e grazie a questa sua capacità finisce dentro a una esclusiva scuola della
Gioventù hitleriana e si ritrova durante la guerra nel Corpo tramissioni, a dare la caccia alle emittenti clandestine della Resistenza francese. Non è un
caso - anche se la scelta non è assolutamente apologetico - che in ex ergo al suo romanzo Doerr sceglie una sinistra - per noi radioappassionati - citazione
di Goebbels: "Per noi - dichiarava il responsabile della propaganda nazista, non sarebbe stato possibile prendere il potere così come ci siamo riusciti,
senza la radio."
Questo racconto così intimamente legato alla natura pervasiva, labirintica delle onde elettromagnetiche e dei sentimenti, ha colpito uno degli autori di

Spectrum, la prestigiosa rivista della associazione ingegneristica americana, IEEE, Robert W. Lucky, che ha scritto una bellissima recensione.

( http://www.radiopassioni.it/ )


Sending Pic:300x118;






RSID: <<2016-07-27T20:42Z OL 16-500 @ 6070000+2





3DA0 Swaziland Jul 18 - Jul 25 ZS6AYE as 3DA0AY qsl Dir H.C. OQRS
5Z Kenya Now - Aug end JM1CAX as /5Z4 qsl H.C.
8T Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ as BT2BH qsl I1HYW
9A Croatia Jul 30 - Jul 31 S53V from EU-136 as 9A8CV
9M6 E.Malaysia Jul 30 - Jul 31 9M6IH from OC-088
BY China Jul 30 - Jul 31 BY4JN from AS-150 qsl BG4OGO dir LoTW
BY China Jul 30 - Jul 31 B4R from AS-135 qsl BA4WR
BY China Jul 30 - Jul 31 B5C from AS-141
CE Chile Jul 30 - Jul 31 XR1T group will be on from SA-069 CE3OP
CR2 Azores Jul 30 - Jul 31 W6NV as CR2M qsl H.C
D2 Angola NOW CT1CRS as D2XX. No more details qsl H.C.
DL Germany Jul 20 - Jul 31 DG5LAC as /p from EU-042 qsl H.C. OQRS
DL Germany Jul 28 - Aug 1 DR0F from EU-127 DM4DL qsl bur
EA6 Balearic Jul 30 - Jul 31 M0DXR as /EA6 qsl H.C. dir & bur
EA8 Canary Islands Jul 11 - Jul 25 IW2NEF as /EA8 qsl IK2DUW
F France Jul 30 - Jul 31 TM6G from EU-048 qsl ON6DP dir
F France Jul 30 - Jul 31 G4BJM as /F qsl H.C.
FP St.Pierre Jul 22 - Jul 30 F6ACH as /FP and TP200SPM qsl H.C.
G England Jul 30 - Jul 31 G6LD from EU-120
GD Isle of Man Jul 30 - Jul 31 MD7C as M5RIC from EU-116 qsl M0OXO
GM Scotland Jul 23 - Jul 29 GM0LVI from EU-092 qsl H.C.
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 GM0ADX from EU-008 qsl H.C.
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 MM0GOR from EU-009 as MM1E qsl H.C. & LoTW
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 G4SGX as GM4U7p from EU-010 qsl H.C.
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 M1KTA as MK1K from EU-011
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 GS3BSQ from EU-012 qsl GM3WIJ
HL Korea Jul 30 - Jul 31 HL5YI,DS5ACV,DS5ANY, DS5BRE,DS5DNO and DS5QLJ as /p from AS-081 qsl DS5DNO
I Italy Jul 30 - Jul 31 IQ3ME/p from EU-131
I Italy Jul 30 - Jul 31 IF8ZWA from EU-054 qsl H.C. bur only
I Italy Jul 30 - Jul 31 IC8WIC from EU-031 qsl H.C. dir & bur







RSID: <<2016-07-29T01:25Z MFSK-32 @ 9955000+1500>>


VENERDI' 01-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ
SABATO 01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ


OGNI MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC 6070 KHZ

OGNI VENERDI' 01.25-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ IN MFSK32
OGNI SABATO 01.55-02 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32





3DA0 Swaziland Jul 18 - Jul 25 ZS6AYE as 3DA0AY qsl Dir H.C. OQRS
5Z Kenya Now - Aug end JM1CAX as /5Z4 qsl H.C.
8T Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ as BT2BH qsl I1HYW
9A Croatia Jul 30 - Jul 31 S53V from EU-136 as 9A8CV
9M6 E.Malaysia Jul 30 - Jul 31 9M6IH from OC-088
BY China Jul 30 - Jul 31 BY4JN from AS-150 qsl BG4OGO dir LoTW
BY China Jul 30 - Jul 31 B4R from AS-135 qsl BA4WR
BY China Jul 30 - Jul 31 B5C from AS-141
CE Chile Jul 30 - Jul 31 XR1T group will be on from SA-069 CE3OP
CR2 Azores Jul 30 - Jul 31 W6NV as CR2M qsl H.C
D2 Angola NOW CT1CRS as D2XX. No more details qsl H.C.
DL Germany Jul 20 - Jul 31 DG5LAC as /p from EU-042 qsl H.C. OQRS
DL Germany Jul 28 - Aug 1 DR0F from EU-127 DM4DL qsl bur
EA6 Balearic Jul 30 - Jul 31 M0DXR as /EA6 qsl H.C. dir & bur
EA8 Canary Islands Jul 11 - Jul 25 IW2NEF as /EA8 qsl IK2DUW
F France Jul 30 - Jul 31 TM6G from EU-048 qsl ON6DP dir
F France Jul 30 - Jul 31 G4BJM as /F qsl H.C.
FP St.Pierre Jul 22 - Jul 30 F6ACH as /FP and TP200SPM qsl H.C.
G England Jul 30 - Jul 31 G6LD from EU-120
GD Isle of Man Jul 30 - Jul 31 MD7C as M5RIC from EU-116 qsl M0OXO
GM Scotland Jul 23 - Jul 29 GM0LVI from EU-092 qsl H.C.
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 GM0ADX from EU-008 qsl H.C.
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 MM0GOR from EU-009 as MM1E qsl H.C. & LoTW
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 G4SGX as GM4U7p from EU-010 qsl H.C.
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 M1KTA as MK1K from EU-011
GM Scotland Jul 30 - Jul 31 GS3BSQ from EU-012 qsl GM3WIJ
HL Korea Jul 30 - Jul 31 HL5YI,DS5ACV,DS5ANY, DS5BRE,DS5DNO and DS5QLJ as /p from AS-081 qsl DS5DNO
I Italy Jul 30 - Jul 31 IQ3ME/p from EU-131
I Italy Jul 30 - Jul 31 IF8ZWA from EU-054 H.C. bur only







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RSID: <<2016-07-25T20:00Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>

Hello and welcome to DigiDX 22, a weekly review of the latest shortwave
and DX news broadcast mainly in MFSK32 mode. This broadcast includes
shortwave news, part one of a review of a review by Thomas Witherspoon
of the BST-1 car shortwave radio and the e-QSL card,

DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Monday 2000 -
 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)
Daily 0530/1830 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)

Thanks to Channel 292 broadcasting the extra daily repeats of DigiDX, to
buy shortwave time from Channel 292 at very reasonable prices go to

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating
via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk or via our Patreon page. Any money
donated will go towards paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to
Europe and North America.

Every donation will help no matter how little
-https://www.patreon.com/digidx. / reports@digidx.uk

Thanks very much to listeners Oscar Marazzini, Alan Gale, Jordan
Heyburn, Fred Albertson, Mike Stapp, Mark Braunstein and Richard Langley
for contributing via Paypal or to the Patreon campaign.


Latest Shortwave News:

Radio Taiwan special broadcasts in German
North Korea resumes coded broadcasts after 16 years
Unique Radio broadcast via WINB
Venezuela DX Club special broadcasts
IBC Extra



Radio Taiwan special broadcasts in German

Radio Taiwan International will have special broadcasts in AM and DRM
mode in August, September and October. The German language transmissions
will be directly from the Tamshui transmitter in Taiwan.
All transmissions will be on 11665 kHz and the following schedule will
be used:

July 22, 2016 at 1600-1610 UTC in AM and at 1620-1630 UTC in DRM (Test)
August 26, 27, 28, 2016 and September 02, 03 and 04, 2016 all at 1600-1700 UTC AM
October 01, 02, 03, 08 and 09, 2016 all at 1000-1100 UTC in AM
October 10, 2016 at 1000-1100 UTC in DRM


North Korea resumes coded broadcasts after 16 years

North Korea’s state radio has recently broadcast strings of
indecipherable numbers, according to officials in Seoul, in a possible
resumption of a cold war-era method of sending coded messages to spies
operating in South Korea.

A female announcer at the radio station read numbers for two minutes on
24 June and 14 minutes on Friday, according to Seoul’s unification
ministry and national intelligence service (NIS). A copy of those
comments provided by the ministry included phrases such as “No 35 on
Page 459” and “No 55 on Page 913”.

During the cold war, Pyongyang sent such numbers via shortwave radio to
give missions to agents dispatched to South Korea, according to captured
North Korean spies. It later reportedly stopped such broadcasts once it
could communicate with its spies overseas via the internet, and as
animosities with South Korea eased following a historic inter-Korean
summit meeting in 2000. Relations have deteriorated greatly since then
as North Korea has pursued the development of nuclear weapons despite
international sanctions.

Read the full story via the Guardian here -



Unique Radio broadcast via WINB

Australian station Unique Radio which hopes to soon resume broadcasting
on 3210kHz has a new programme airing on WINB Red Lion Pennsylvania USA
every Friday on 9265kHz.

The programme which starts on the 5th August at 0300 is presented by
“Aussie Tim” and will feature shortwave chat, a mailbag segment and
requests. The main music focus will be oldies and listener interaction.

Reception reports and other shortwave related emails such are telling
Unique Radio how you got into listening to shortwave are welcome to


Venezuela DX Club special broadcasts

Regular listener Williams Lopez has contacted DigiDX with news about
some special broadcasts from the Venezuelan based DX Club “C.DX.A –
INTERNACIONAL” celebrating 3 special anniversary events in the history
of Venezuelan broadcasts. These are:

1) The 40th anniversary of “C.DX.A – Internacional”, celebrating the past and future of  the “friendship dxers’ club”.
2) The international day of “Ecos del Torbes” radio, from San Cristobal, Venezuela - "The Major Sound of the Andes”.
3) the 26th anniversary of "America en Antena", "The international radio magazine” which is broadcast by Radio Mundo 88.9FM in Barinas, Venezuela

The schedule of the broadcasts is below, all transmissions are via WRMI:

15770 Khz 2100 UTC Tuesday 9th August
 7730 Khz 0000 UTC Wednesday 10th August
15770 Khz 2100 UTC
Friday 12th August
 7730 Khz 0000 UTC Saturday 13th August
 7730 Khz 0000 UTC Monday 15th August

E-QSL cards will be sent for reception reports sent via the Facebook
group "Cadena DX" or to the email 40cdxainternacional@gmail.com. We now
send the logo of C.DX.A club as an MFSK32 image.


Sending Pic:170x160C;





IBC Extra digital broadcasts:

IBC (Italian Broadcasting Corporation) current have a broadcast to
Europe on 6070 kHz, Wednesdays, 2000-2200 UTC, with MFSK32 and Olivia
16-500 at 2030-2100 UTC.

A digital part to the broadcast has also been added to the transmissions
via WRMI
Friday 0125-0200 UTC on 9955 kHz which is part of their 0100-0130 broadcast.
Saturday 0155-0200 UTC on 11580 kHz, part of their 0130-0200 broadcast.

For more information and the complete schedule see http://ibcradio.webs.com/



Upcoming relays and special broadcasts:

VOA Radiogram will be on air this weekend on the following frequencies,
for more information on the modes to be used visit

Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz

All broadcasts are from Greenville, NC.




IBC - Italian Broadcasting Corporation has added a digital mode
broadcast to weekly broadcast via Channel 292 on 6070kHz.

The entire broadcast is Wednesday 2000 to 2200 UTC, with MFSK32 followed
by Olivia 16-500 at 2030-2100 UTC. The text includes DX and amateur
radio news.

A digital part to the broadcast has also been added to the transmissions
via WRMI

Friday 0125-0200 UTC on 9955 kHz which is part of their 0100-0130

Saturday 0155-0200 UTC on 11580 kHz, part of their 0130-0200

For more information and the complete schedule see

Now we have part one of a review of the BST-1 car shortwave radio by Thomas
Witherspoon. The following article originally appeared in the June 2016
issue of The Spectrum Monitor Magazine -

Last year, I was approached by die-hard shortwave radio listener Fred
Studenberg, who had an idea that at first seemed outmoded, but soon had
me intrigued: he wanted to design and build a car radio. Well, a car
shortwave radio.

Studenberg described his ideal car receiver. It seems he’d abandoned
the idea of making a radio along the lines of a Sony, for example, that
takes the place of an existing car radio. Rather, Studenberg, with
singular purpose, envisioned something quite unique: a little black box
shortwave that could be easily installed in the back of a vehicle,
transmitting audio from the shortwave receiver to the car’s system via
an FM transmitter link. One would tune the car radio to an FM
frequency––say, to 88.5––and listen to the shortwave receiver
which would be located at a convenient location, near the mobile
antenna, somewhere in the car (in the trunk, under a seat, etc.).

I was doubtful…and for good reason. To begin with, I’ve never used
an effective audio FM transmitter link in a vehicle. They’re all
rather mediocre, and usually inject noise––or, are simply too weak
to be effective. Secondly, I imagined it would be frustrating to
remotely operate a little black box stashed in the trunk of your car
without some form of display feedback at hand, showing frequencies and
so forth. Plus, I concluded, wouldn’t it be a pain to install? And how
would you control such a shortwave receiver? To top it off, I just
couldn’t imagine such a system coping with the RF-noisy environment of
an car. The more I thought about it, the less feasible it seemed. I
hated to disappoint Fred with my concerns.

I needn’t have worried. Thing was, Studenberg had already developed
said car shortwave radio, and even sent me a video of it being used in
his own car. And the video silenced my concerns: remarkably, it appeared
Studenberg had managed to overcome each of my doubts. I was impressed,
and interested.

All Studenberg wanted to know was, might any other SWLs benefit from
such a device?

I thought of all the commuters and frequent travelers out there, with a
penchant for shortwave and a shortage of time in which to enjoy it. Are
you kidding? I thought. What SWLers wouldn’t give to turn a tedious
traffic jam into a shortwave jam session?

Fast-forward to this year, when Studenberg put his BST-1 on the open
market. And in late February, he kindly sent me a loaner BST-1 to


As many regular readers know, this has been a particularly busy winter
and spring for me, so I had to delay installing the BST-1 in my car. I
was sure it would require dedicated time and likely a bit of
troubleshooting to get the shortwave working as intended.

But recently I finally had a moment to install the BST-1. And I quickly
I realized that, yet again, I had been fretting over nothing. My Toyota
minivan was actually well-suited to installation of the BST-1, since it
has a hinged hatchback door, a dedicated 12VDC plug in the rear, and
even a small niche in which to tuck the BST-1.

The radio’s proud papa also sent a Model CBST-1 mobile shortwave whip
antenna with the BST-1. The antenna came with the steel whip and base, a
trunk lip mount, and antenna feed line terminated with the appropriate
connector. [Note: this whip is surprisingly short!]

Admittedly, my minivan’s hinged door doesn’t work perfectly with
lip-mounted brackets—but after some trial and error, I found just the
place to mount it where the door wouldn’t damage the base of the
antenna. The feed line was easily long enough to cover the span from the
top of the door to the receiver.

As for the receiver, it really was a cinch to install: I simply
connected the antenna feed line, plugged in the supplied 12 VDC power
cord (note that, alternately, there are also twelve VDC pigtails that
can also be used) and placed the BST-1 in the back pocket compartment of
the minivan.

I’m sure some vehicles will lend themselves to an easy installation
like mine, while some may actually be a bit more difficult. Regardless,
I do think the installation process is very easy compared with, for
example, installing a mobile ham radio transceiver.

I turned on my car’s power, tuned the radio to the default FM
frequency, and after a brief spot of tuning, recognized the unmistakable
vociferations of Brother Stair—a sure sign that we’re (a) in North
America, and (b) on the shortwaves!

Operating the BST-1

If, like me, you’re the type of person that likes to dive into a new
product without referencing a manual, you may need to dial down your
impulsivity a little to experiment with the BST-1. While the remote
control—a two-button key fob—is extremely simple to use, it’s
important to learn how it interacts with the BST-1 receiver.

Key fob

Studenberg’s tuning system is amazingly multifunctional, permitting
the tuner to keep his/her hands on the wheel––and car on the
road!––while simultaneously pursuing the SWL hobby.

Studenberg unlocked a total of twelve functions on a two-button key fob
by employing a clever system of short or long presses.

With a short press of the top or bottom button of the key
fob—essentially a quick “click,” like you would use to unlock a
car door, and which can readily be done while driving—you can
single-step tune in 5 kHz steps, or cycle through preset memories.

Long presses, though, are where you unlock the bulk of the BST-1’s
functionality. This was a little confusing to me at first, so I’ll
explain how the long presses work:

After pressing and holding the top or bottom button, you’ll hear an
audible feedback beep. As you hold the button down, you cycle through
one, two, three, and four selections, each marked, again, by an audible
beep, thus: beep, beep-beep, beep-beep-beep, and finally
beep-beep-beep-beep. Each sequence has a slightly different tone to
enable you to better distinguish them.

For example, if I want to toggle the AM filter between narrow (voice) or
wide (music), I press and hold the bottom button until I hear one beep,
then two beeps, then three beeps: as soon at the three-beep sequence is
heard, I let go of the button, and the filter will toggle.

As another example, if I want to store a frequency in memory, I’d
press and hold the top button until I heard a sequence of four beeps,
then let go.

The commands are logically arranged, in that the most common functions
are associated with the shortest key presses. Here’s the complete list
of remote functions, courtesy of the BST-1 Owner’s Manual (PDF):


Top Button

Short press (click) – Single step PRESET channels or tune in 5 KHz
steps in TUNE mode

1 Beep Toggles sensitivity between HIGH and LOW sensitivity

2 Beeps Sends frequency in Morse code and toggles S-Meter update on/off
and toggles squelch on/off

3 Beeps Quick to tune Preset Channel 50, WWV at 5 MHz.

4 Beeps If in TUNE mode, stores currently tuned frequency (Morse code
“S”). If in PRESET mode, it will delete the channel. To prevent
accidental deletions, this delete function must be executed twice. The
first activation will display the message “R U SURE” and send the
Morse code “?”. The second activation will delete the channel and
then display the message “DELETED”.


Bottom Button

Short Press (click) – Starts scanning up or down in PRESET and TUNE

1 Beep Toggles tuning direction up or down

2 Beeps Toggles between PRESET or TUNE Mode

3 Beeps Toggles receiver bandwidth between SPEECH (3 KHz) and MUSIC (5

4 Beeps Starts scanning of FM transmitter among 4 frequencies : 88.3,
88.5, 88.7, 88.9 MHz.

It took a couple of days to get used to the commands I used the most
(tuning by steps, scanning, memory scans, and changing the
filters/sensitivity) mainly because I was driving while using the BST-1.

While driving alone, obviously I couldn’t divert my attention from the
road to read the included reference guide attached to the key fob, so I
had to simply take a bit of time off the road to review the manual.

Sending Pic:499x285;






We end this weeks DigiDX with another radio station logo created by Mark Hirst,
to open this file copy and paste the text broadcast from (and including)
<?xml to </svg> to Notepad or similar text editor and save as logo22.svg.
You should then be able to open this file in Internet Explorer, Chrome,
Firefox or any other modern browser to view it.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="44" height="68">
<!-- by Mark Hirst -->
<polygon fill="#ED9A22" points="17,68 15,68 15,46 26,46"/>
<polygon fill="#ED9A22" points="29,45 13,45 13,37 33,37"/>
<path fill="#ED9A22" d="M18,36c0,0,4.9,2,9,0c5-2,5-3,9-9c4-6,6-7,8-7s-5-2-9-0c-5,2-7,6-8,8c-1,2-3,5-5,7C19,36,18,36,18,36z"/>
<path fill="#ED9A22" d="M23,31c0,0,4-3,5-8c0-6-0.2-6-3-13c-3-6-3-9-2-10s-4,3-5,7c-1,5,1,9,3,11c1,2,3,5,3,8C24,29,23,31,23,31z"/>
<path fill="#ED9A22" d="M23,29c0,0,0.2-5-2.4-9c-4-4-5-4-11-6c-7-2-8-4-9-6c-0-2-1,5,2,8c3,4,8,5,10,6c2,1,6,1,8,3S23,29,23,29z"/>






Thank you for listening, please send reports, comments and shortwave related news or articles to reports@digidx.uk
This is DigiDX Signing off.....







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RSID: <<2016-07-28T18:30Z
MFSK-32 @ 6070000+2250>>

Hello and welcome to the extra version of DigiDX 22, a weekly review of the latest shortwave and DX news broadcast experimenting with various digital modes. This broadcast includes shortwave news and the e-QSL card.
We will start with this week's e-QSL card in html format. The html code has been edited, in order the output to look similar to the original eQSL image, and it has been stripped down to the essential code in the direction of reducing the transmission time.
In order to view the QSL card, please copy the received text from <html> to </html> (including the two tags) to a text editor and save it as html file (e.g. QSL21.html) which can be viewed in your favourite browser.

body *{
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
h2 {
color: DarkBlue;
font-size: 30pt;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
h3 {
color: DarkBlue;
font-size: 16pt;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
p {
color: Red;
font-size: 18pt;
font-weight: bold;

<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Faster+One' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>


<table style="width:800; border: none; border-collapse: collapse" cellpadding="5">

<tr><td bgcolor="#d5d5d5" style="width:40%; text-align:center; color:red;
font-family: 'Faster One', cursive; font-size:50pt;">DigiDX</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d5d5"><h2>Thank you for tuning in</h2></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
<p>Frank Kreuzinger (DE), Kim Andrew Elliott (US), Luis Guerra (VE),<br>
Mike Pompey (US), Jonathan Coles (CA), Mark Braunstein (US),<br>
Louis Declerck (FR), Klaus Fuchs (DE), Jawahar Almeida (US),<br>
Finn Orestad (NO), Emiliano Rocchetta (IT), Fer IW1DTU (IT),<br>
Merkouris (GR), Ralf Urbanczyk (DE), Willy Andersen (DK),<br>
Hans-Joachim Pellin (DE), Mark Hirst (UK), Richard Langley (CA),<br>
Norberto Zanetti (IT), Alan Gale (UK), Franco Spinelli (IT),<br>
Oscar Marazzini (IT), Williams López (VE), Fred Albertson (US),<br>
Nestor Vargas (VE), Andreja Kostic (DE), Christian Denoux (FR),<br>
Rafael Martínez (ES), Klaus Höfinghoff (DE), Varga Tamás (HU),<br>
Gabriel Ochoa (CO), Richard Cook (UK)</p>

<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#b5b5b5">
<h3>Freq: 15770 kHz &nbsp Date/Time: 2016-07-17 2130 UTC &nbsp TX: Okeechobee 100 kW<br>
Freq: 11580 kHz &nbsp Date/Time: 2016-07-17 2330 UTC &nbsp TX: Okeechobee 100 kW<br>
Freq: 6070 kHz &nbsp Date/Time: 2016-07-18 2000 UTC &nbsp TX: Rohrbach Waal 10 kW</h3>


DigiDX now changes to Olivia 4-500 .....

RSID: <<2016-07-28T18:35Z OL 4-500 @ 6070000+2250>>

..... This is DigiDX in Olivia 4-500.

DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770 kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580 kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Monday 2000 - 6070 kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)
Daily 0530/1830 - 6070 kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)

Thanks to Channel 292 broadcasting the extra daily repeats of DigiDX, to buy shortwave time from Channel 292 at very reasonable prices go to http://www.channel292.de.

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk or via our Patreon page. Any money donated will go towards paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to Europe and North America.

Every donation will help no matter how little
https://www.patreon.com/digidx / reports@digidx.uk




Radio Taiwan special broadcasts in German

Radio Taiwan International will have special broadcasts in AM and DRM mode in August, September and October. The German language transmissions will be directly from the Tamshui transmitter in Taiwan.

All transmissions will be on 11665 kHz and the following schedule will be used:

July 22, 2016 at 1600-1610 UTC in AM and at 1620-1630 UTC in DRM (Test)
August 26, 27, 28, 2016 and September 02, 03 and 04, 2016 all at 1600-1700 UTC AM
October 01, 02, 03, 08 and 09, 2016 all at 1000-1100 UTC in AM
October 10, 2016 at 1000-1100 UTC in DRM





North Korea resumes coded broadcasts after 16 years

North Korea’s state radio has recently broadcast strings of indecipherable numbers, according to officials in Seoul, in a possible resumption of a cold war-era method of sending coded messages to spies operating in South Korea.

A female announcer at the radio station read numbers for two minutes on 24 June and 14 minutes on Friday, according to Seoul’s unification ministry and national intelligence service (NIS). A copy of those comments provided by the ministry included phrases such as “No
35 on
Page 459” and “No 55 on Page 913”.

During the cold war, Pyongyang sent such numbers via shortwave radio to give missions to agents dispatched to South Korea, according to captured North Korean spies. It later reportedly stopped such broadcasts once it could communicate with its spies overseas via the
internet, and as animosities with South Korea eased following a historic inter-Korean summit meeting in 2000. Relations have deteriorated greatly since then as North Korea has pursued the development of nuclear weapons despite international sanctions.

Read the full story via the Guardian here -


Unique Radio broadcast via WINB

Australian station Unique Radio which hopes to soon resume broadcasting on 3210 kHz has a new programme airing on WINB Red Lion Pennsylvania USA every Friday on 9265kHz.

The programme which starts on the 5th August at 0300 is presented by “Aussie Tim” and will feature shortwave chat, a mailbag segment and requests. The main music focus will be oldies and listener interaction.

Reception reports and other shortwave related emails such are telling Unique Radio how you got into listening to shortwave are welcome to manager@uniqueradio.info.




Venezuela DX Club special broadcasts

Regular listener Williams Lopez has contacted DigiDX with news about some special broadcasts from the Venezuelan based DX Club “C.DX.A – INTERNACIONAL” celebrating 3 special anniversary events in the history of Venezuelan broadcasts. These are:

1) The 40th anniversary of “C.DX.A – Internacional”, celebrating the past and future of the “friendship dxers’ club”.
2) The international day of “Ecos del Torbes” radio, from San Cristobal, Venezuela - "The Major Sound of the Andes”.
3) the 26th anniversary of "America en Antena", "The international radio magazine” which is broadcast by Radio Mundo 88.9FM in Barinas, Venezuela.

The schedule of the broadcasts is below, all transmissions are via WRMI:

15770 kHz 2100 UTC Tuesday 9th August
 7730 kHz 0000 UTC Wednesday 10th August
15770 kHz 2100 UTC Friday 12th August
 7730 kHz 0000 UTC Saturday 13th August
 7730 kHz 0000 UTC Monday 15th August

E-QSL cards will be sent for reception reports sent via the Facebook group "Cadena DX" or to the email 40cdxainternacional@gmail.com.


VOA Radiogram will be on air this weekend on the following frequencies, for more information on the modes to be used visit http://voaradiogram.net/

Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz

All broadcasts are from Greenville, NC.

IBC - Italian Broadcasting Corporation weekly digital mode broadcasts:

Wednesday 2030-2100 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel 292 in MFSK32@1500Hz followed by Olivia 16-500@2200Hz (part of their 2000-2200 broadcast)
Friday 0125-0130 UTC on 9955 kHz via WRMI in MFSK32 (part of their 0100-0130 broadcast).
Saturday 0155-0200 UTC on 11580 kHz via WRMI (part of their 0130-0200 broadcast).
For more information and the complete schedule see http://ibcradio.webs.com/

Thank you for listening, please send reports, comments and shortwave related news or
articles to reports@digidx.uk.

This is DigiDX Signing off.....




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RSID: <<2016-07-24T01:30Z MFSK-32 @ 9925000+1500>>

... start
[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn KBC240716_piclink.b2s]<flmsg>2.0.12
KD9XB 20162007132144
KD9XB 20162007122305
:mg:521 </pre><style>
body *{font-family:Arial,sans-serif;width:800px}
<h1>KBC Import/Export</h1>
<a href="http://www.k-po.com/TECSUN-PL-680.2.html"><img src="http://www.k-po.com/data/shop/preview/b420x420/5000680.jpg" width="800" height="800">
<h2>Tecsun PL680</a> Fully featured portable LW/MW/SW/FM/Airband radio, with SSB reception!</h2>
Please report decode to <a href="mailto:themightykbc@gmail.com">themightykbc@gmail.com</a>
[WRAP:chksum 446C][WRAP:end]
... end




<blankform>  HTML-source-code ==> KBC240716_piclink.html ==> Inlineframe








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██║   ██║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗  ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║██╔═══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗ ████║
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╚██╗ ██╔╝██║   ██║██╔══██║  ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██║  ██║██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██╗██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║
 ╚████╔╝ ╚██████╔╝██║  ██║  ██║  ██║██║  ██║██████╔╝██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║██║  ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║
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RSID: <<2016-07-24T02:31Z
MFSK-32 @ 5745000+1

Welcome to program 173 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 centered on
1500 Hz:

  1:32 Program preview (now)
  2:52 New map of cerebral cortex*
  9:21 X-shaped configuration at center of Milky Way*
14:41 US Navy will visit New Zealand*
19:04 Amateur radio numbers decline in Germany*
22:17 Kepler telescope discovers planets (Flmsg file transfer)
27:18 Closing announcements

* with image

** information about using Flmsg is at http://bit.ly/29Yen0J

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Mind Over Gray Matter: New Map Lays Out Brain's Cerebral Cortex

Reuters voa voanews.com
July 20, 2016

WASHINGTON - Neuroscientists acting as cartographers of the human
mind have devised the most comprehensive map ever made of the
cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher
cognitive functions such as abstract thought, language and

Using MRI images from the brains of 210 people, the researchers
said on Wednesday they were able to pinpoint 180 distinct areas
in the cerebral cortex, the brain's thin, wrinkly outermost layer
made of so-called gray matter.

These areas were present in both the left and right hemispheres
of the ceoal cortex. More than half, 97 of them, were
previously unknown. The researchers nailed down the specific
function of some of the areas, but said they were only scratching
the surface on understanding what all of the areas did.

The map could assist in the study of brain maladies such as
autism, schizophrenia, dementia and epilepsy, and shed light on
the differences between the brains of people with such conditions
and healthy people, the researchers said.

Neuroscientist Matthew Glasser of Washington University in St.
Louis, lead author of the study published in the journal Nature,
said the map also may be useful in neurosurgery, helping surgeons
avoid damaging important brain areas involved in speech or

"The cerebral cortex underlies most of human cognition, providing
such functions as speech production and understanding, ability to
use tools, ability to make decisions, et cetera," Glasser said.

"Indeed, it is responsible for the stuff that makes us human, and
the cortex has expanded dramatically in humans relative to our
closest living relatives, the apes."

The regions were mapped based on features such as cortical
thickness and the amount of insulation, called myelin, around
nerve-cell connections.

The researchers also used MRI data on cortical activity when
people carry out tasks such as listening to stories, computing
math problems and looking at other people making various facial

"We consider this to be the most accurate and detailed map of
human cerebral cortex published to date," Washington University
neuroscientist David Van Essen said.

German neurologist Korbinian Brodmann published a landmark first
map of the cerebral cortex in 1909. Glasser said the new one also
will not be the last word on the subject.

"Think of this as version 1.0 of the brain map. It is very likely
that better data or more eyes on the problem will identify
improvements, perhaps for a version 2.0 in the future," Glasser


Image: The pattern of brain activation (red, yellow) and
deactivation (blue, green) in the left hemisphere when listening
to stories while in the MRI scanner ...

Sending Pic:256x144C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

X Marks the Center of the Milky Way

Rick Pantaleo
VOA Science World Blog
July 20th, 2016

When we hear "X marks the spot," many of us might think of old
pirate maps and where treasure is supposedly buried.

But "X marks the spot" could also have more of a cosmic meaning,
thanks to a new study published in the Astronomical Journal.

The study's two authors say that the X, in this case, marks the
center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Using data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or
WISE space telescope, a configuration of stars forming the letter
X was could be seen within the galactic bulge located at the
heart of the galaxy.

NASA describes this bulge as a round structure of tightly packed
material that includes old stars, gas, and dust. The space agency
says the Milky Way's bulge is about 10,000 light years across.

While previous reports have mentioned the central X structure,
the authors say data gathered for their study provides the
clearest indication of the X shape so far.


Image: NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission
observed and gathered data of the entire sky twice in 2010.
Astronomers then used the data to find the X-shaped structure in
the bulge of the Milky Way ...

Sending Pic:295x186C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

US Naval Ship to Make First Visit to New Zealand Since 1980s

VOA News
July 21, 2016

A U.S. naval warship will visit New Zealand later this year,
ending a three-decade-old stalemate over the South Pacific
nation's nuclear-free policy.

Prime Minister John Key announced Thursday during a joint press
conference with visiting U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that
Washington had accepted an invitation to participate in
November's celebration of the Royal New Zealand Navy's 75th

An American naval vessel has not docked at a New Zealand port
since the mid-1980s, when the country's nuclear-free policy went
into effect. Since the United States neither confirms nor denies
whether its ships are nuclear-powered or carrying nuclear
weapons, all its naval vessels have been effectively banned from
New Zealand waters.

Both the U.S. and Australia considered New Zealand's policy a
breach of the three-way ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, United
States) defense cooperation treaty, and Washington suspended its
ANZUS obligations to New Zealand in 1986.

Despite the rift, the two countries have maintained close
diplomatic ties, and New Zealand has supported U.S.-led military
efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Biden says the invitation is "yet another expression of our close
and cooperative relationship."

The law requires Prime Minister Key to be satisfied that a
foreign country's naval vessel is nuclear free before he approves
it to visit.



Image: Logo of the Royal Navy of New Zealand 75th birthday ...

Sending Pic:198x407;


This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

Statistics from Germany Show Decline in Amateur Radio Numbers

21 July 2016

License statistics and exam information provided by Gerrit
Herzig, DH8GHH, show that Amateur Radio numbers in Germany have
been declining since peaking 2002. Herzig presented the
statistics at Ham Radio 2016, during the fifth International
Youth Meeting.

The ham radio population in Germany topped out in 2002 at about
80,000 licensees. In 2015, the number had dropped to 67,349.

To combat the decline the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC)
began offering a free online training course and has become more
active in education and youth work. More clubs also are offering
Amateur Radio licensing courses, he said. Herzig noted that
inactive operators often turn in their licenses rather than pay
the required renewal fee.

The figures for 2015 show an upswing in the number of candidates
taking Amateur Radio license examinations. A new entry level
license is under consideration in Germany.


Sending Pic:188x121C;






Next on VOA Radiogram, an html-formatted VOA News story will be
transferred. The Flmsg file transfer window will appear. You can
save the html file and open it at your convenience ...

... start
[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn VOA_Kepler_190716.html]<flmsg>2.0.12
KD9XB 20162107190559
KD9XB 20162107171955
[b64:end][WRAP:chksum 48B8][WRAP:end]
... end



Decoded source-code from compressed FLMSG-message:


table, td {text-align:left} 
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<circle fill="#FFFFFF" cx="49" cy="21" r="21"/>
<circle fill="#132FBE" cx="49" cy="21" r="10"/>
</svg></td><td><h2>Voice of America</h3></td></tr>
<h3><a href="http://www.voanews.com/">News</a> / <a href="http://www.voanews.com/section/science-and-technology/2214.html">Science & Technology</a></h3>
<h1>Kepler Space Telescope Discovers 104 Exoplanets</h1>
  <img src="http://gdb.voanews.com/09AB292B-E149-4ECD-9F10-820ECB815F5E_w640_r1_s_cx0_cy16_cw0.jpg" width="640" height="360">
  <figcaption>FILE - Artist's impression of the Kepler spacecraft in one of its observing configurations</figcaption>
<h4>VOA News<br /><smaller>July 19, 2016</smaller></h4>
<p>Astronomers say they have discovered 104 exoplanets, two of which could support life.</p>
<p>They orbit the M type dwarf star K2-72, which is 181 light-years away.</p>
<p>The planets, which were discovered by using NASA&rsquo;s Kepler space telescope, are 20 to 50 percent larger than Earth in diameter, astronomers said.</p>
<p>They are much closer to their star, which is half the size of our sun and much dimmer,&nbsp;than the planets of our solar system with orbits of between 5.5 and 24 days.</p>
<p>Two of the planets, <a href="http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-07/uoa-nkc071516.php" target="_blank">researchers said</a>, are exposed to irradiation levels similar to Earth&#39;s. The two planets, calledK2-72c and K2-72e, lie in an area where liquid water could exist.</p>
<p>K2-72c orbits its star every 15 days and is only 10 percent warmer than Earth despite its proximity to its star. On the other hand K2-72e orbits every 24 days and is likely six percent cooler than Earth.</p>
<p>The planets were discovered indirectly, &ldquo;by measuring the subtle dip in a star&#39;s brightness caused by a planet passing in front of its star.&rdquo;</p>
<p>The discoveries bring the total number of exoplanets discovered by Kepler to more than 2,300 since it was launched in March of 2009. That accounts for nearly two thirds of all confirmed exoplanet discoveries.</p>
<p>The discoveries are published online in the <em>Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series</em>.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.voanews.com/content/mht-kepler-space-telescope-discovers-104-exoplanets/3424622.html">http://www.voanews.com/content/mht-kepler-space-telescope-discovers-104-exoplanets/3424622.html</a></p>





HTML-source-code ==> VOA_Kepler_190716.html ==> Inlineframe


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.





 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

 FRG-100B + IF-mixer  &    ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1  -  Software italiano per SDR     [S-AM-USB/LSB]

 Software AF:

 Fldigi-3.23.12     http://skylink.dl.sourceforge.net/project/fldigi/fldigi/readme.txt    +   flmsg-3.00.01


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages

 German W7 32bit + 64bit


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4 - 2,6 GHz]

 MSI-CR70-2MP345W7  (since2014)   [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ]