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RSID: <<2016-08-31T20:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>



VENERDI' 01-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ
SABATO 01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ


OGNI MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC 6070 KHZ IN MFSK 32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
OGNI VENERDI' 01.25-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
OGNI SABATO 01.55-02 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)


Sending Pic:600x367Cp4;


SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)



RSID: <<2016-08-31T20:38Z OL 16-500 @ 6070000+2200>>






5A Libya NOW 5A1AL is often on HF QSL W5UE
6W Senegal NOW KG4KCT as 6W4AA QSL H.C. dir
7P Lesotho Aug 26 - Nov 5 K7TRB will be on as 7P8VA QSL H.C. dir/bur
8T Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9A Croatia Aug 1 - Sep 30 PA4JJ is on /9A QSL OQRS
A5 Bhutan Sep 8 - Sep 17 JH1AJT E21EIC DJ9ZB will sign A5A JH1AJT dir
C9 Mozambique NOW - Mar 2017 PD0JBH is now on as C91PA QSL H.C. & LoTW
D6 Comoros Sep 18 - Sep 30 5 OK operators will be on as D55D QSL OK6DJ & LoTW
DU Philippines Now - Sep 2 OE9MON is active /DU6 from OC-129 QSL LZ1JZ & LoTW
E5/S S. Cook Sep 8 - Sep 19 JA2FJP & JF2MBF as E51Q QSL JA2FBY OQRS
EI Ireland Sep 3 - Sep 6 MSOUKI from EU-108 QSL OQRS M0OXO
F France Aug 27 - Sep 3 4 ON operators from EU-081 as TM6U QSL ON8AZ
I Italy Sep 9 - Sep 11 IJ7TA group from EU-073 QSL IZ8EGM
J6 St.Lucia Aug 26 - Sep 11 K9EZ as J68HZ QSL H.C. LoTW ClubLog
JD Minami Torishima Aug - Sep JG8NQJ will be /8 QSL JA8CJY dir JG8NQJ bur
JT Mongolia Aug 30 - Sep 24 OK1DBS as JT1DBS & JT1DBS/3 QSL H.C.
JT Mongolia Sep 1 - Sep 4 JA0JHQ AS JT5NH QSL H.C. dir & bur LoTW
JW Svalabard Sep 7 - Sep 12 SM7RYR as /JW QSL LoTW only
OJ0 Market Reef Sep 3 - Sep 10 OH3WS will be on during spare time signing OJ0W QSL H.C dir & bur
PA Netherland Sep 3 - Sep 17 PD5MVH will be /p from EU-038 Will sign PD38EU on sep 10/11 QSL H.C.
PJ4 Bonaire Sep 3 - Sep 24 PA3BWK will be /PJ4 QSL H.C. dir & LoTW
T32 E.Kiribati Sep 1 - Sep 15 KH6QJ will be on (contests included) as T32AZ QSL H.C.
TK Corsica Aug 21 - Sep 4 MW1LCR will be /TK e-QSL
UA Russia Jun 3 - Sep 3 RI1C team will be active from several islands in the EU-133 group for a few days each activation QSL RW1F OQRS
V3 Belize Now - Oct end PA0C will sign V31HV & V31HV/p QSL H.C. dir
V6 Micronesia Aug 29 - Sep 3 V6M will be on 6 meters QSL W7GJ dir only
VK Australia Sep 9 - Sep 13 VK5MAV will be /6. More details will follow QSL H.C. dir & bur
VP6 Pitcairn Aug 25 - Sep 3 JA2FJP & jf2MBF will be on signing VP6J QSL JF2MBF OQRS
VP6 Pitcairn Sep 3 - Nov 25 DL2AH as VP6AH QSL DL2AH
VP9 Bermuda Aug 31 - Sep 8 VA3QSL will be /VP9 QSL H.C. dir & bur LoTW
W USA Sep 9 - Sep 11 KG4JSZ will be active from NA-085 QSL QRZ.com
XX9 Macau Aug 20 - Sep 4 IK7YTT will be on as XX9TYT QSL IW7EGQ
YJ Vanatu Aug 21 - Sep 21 KC0W will be on signing YJ0COW QSL H.C. dir






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RSID: <<2016-08-27T04:18Z MFSK-32 @ WINB-1500>>

Reception reports can be sent to: Paul Walker, PO Box 353, Galena Alaska 99741 USA. No return postage or $$
to cover costs is needed or requested at this time
Reception reports can be sent to: Paul Walker, PO Box 353, Galena Alaska 99741 USA. No return postage or $$ to cover costs is needed or requested at this time


Reception reports can be sent to: Paul Walker, PO Box 353, Galena Alaska 99741 USA. No return postage or $$ to cover costs is needed or requested at this time


RSID: <<2016-08-27T05:05Z MFSK-32 @ WINB-1506>>


Sending Pic:256x144C;


RSID: <<2016-06-25T01:47Z MFSK-32 @ 3985000-KALL+1500>>


Sending Pic:150x200C;


       -webstream-  RX ppm -5000

-webstream-  RX ppm -6000










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RSID: <<2016-08-28T18:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>

Hello and welcome to the extra version of DigiDX 25, a weekly review of the
latest shortwave and DX news broadcast experimenting with various digital
modes. This broadcast includes shortwave news and the e-QSL card.

We will start with this week's e-QSL. This time a larger image 780x446 px
will be transmitted, in the faster MFSK64 digital mode. Right after the
eQSL broadcast, we will switch to the slower Olivia 8-1000 mode, at about
58 wpm, on 2200 Hz.

DigiDX now changes to MFSK64 ...



RSID: <<2016-08-28T18:31Z MFSK-64 @ 607000+1500>>



Sending Pic:780x446;






RSID: <<2016-08-28T18:37Z OL 8-1K @ 6070000+1500>>


... This is DigiDX in Olivia 8-1000.

DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 1830 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE) *
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Monday 2000 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)

* Shorter version testing slower digital modes against co-channel QRM.

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating
via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk or via our Patreon page. Any money
donated will go towards paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to
Europe and North America.

Every donation will help no matter how little
-https://www.patreon.com/digidx. / reports@digidx.uk





Many shortwave listeners across the world have noticed that Radio Free
has not been on any of its shortwave frequencies since around
the 4th of August.

Although scheduled maintenance sometimes is carried out at Shepperton
which is Radio Australia’s only remaining transmissions site, rumours
of technical problems and contractual disputes were also mentioned as
possible reasons for this time off the air.

On the 10th of August, some listeners who had contacted ABC were sent an
email stating that “We are currently working with our transmission
provider on a number of shut downs over the past week and again over the
next week to investigate a range of technical and commercial issues for
the service“ and also advising listeners of the availability of Radio
Australia on satellites Intelsat IS18 and IS22 targetting the South
Pacitfic area.

On the 16th of August, Radio Australia started replying to queries about
their SW service on their Facebook page with the following response
“"Hi there, the ABC is running a technical outage of the Radio
Australia service until Friday the 19th of August to test reception in
the region. Sorry for any inconvenience caused."

Next week's DigiDX will include news on the return of Radio Australia
and if it does come back on shortwave on the 19th of August. However the
strange wording of the reply on Facebook has led some shortwave
listeners to ask if “running a technical outage” and “testing
reception in the region” is actually a way of testing how many
listeners are actually tuning into Radio Australia in the target area
rather an actual technical problems.





Anyone tuning in to last week's DigiDX will have heard a different
broadcast than normal as DigiDX’s regular programme was replaced by a
special WRMI digital modes broadcast.

The aim of the broadcast which was transmitted 10 times from Friday -
Tuesday was to demonstrate digital mode broadcasting at the upcoming
HFCC conference in Miami by showing delegates videos of the programme
being decoded.

The special broadcast was created by Kim Andrew Elliott from VOA
Radiogram and included MFSK32, MFSK64, Olivia 64-2000, various images,
segmentrs with 1500Hz and 2200Hz centre frequencies and a test with
music playing in the background.

It is hoped that delegates at the HFCC conference, which includes most
of the major international shortwave broadcasts, will be encouraged to
add digital mode parts to their own shortwave transmissions.



Radio Guinea (Conakry) which returned to shortwave for several days back
in April has again come back to shortwave this for longer having been on
the air from the 5th of August and still on air on the 16th August.

It is unclear if this is related to the Olympics which has featured in
the broadcasts in French and local languages but it is good to see the
station back on shortwave.

The 9650kHz transmissions seem to be on the air 24 hours a day and have
been heard in Europe and North America.



REE have been having some extended coverage of the Olympics in Spanish
passed their normal 2200 signoff time. 15390kHz, 15500kHz. 17715kHz and
17855kHz have stayed on the air until 0000 (or perhaps later) several
days in the last two weeks.







Article from http://www.rfa.org/english/

Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces its 20th anniversary QSL. Bringing free
press to closed societies, RFA’s first broadcast was in Mandarin on
September 29, 1996 at 2100 UTC. RFA is a private, nonprofit corporation
broadcasting news and information to listeners in Asian countries where
full, accurate, and timely news reports are unavailable. Acting as a
substitute for indigenous free media, RFA concentrates coverage on
events occurring in and/or affecting Burma, Cambodia, Laos, North Korea,
the People’s Republic of China, and Vietnam. RFA does not express
editorial opinions but provides news, analysis, commentary, and cultural
programming in the languages of the country of broadcast. This design is
RFA’s 62nd QSL and is used to confirm all valid reception reports from
September – December 2016.

RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports
are valuable to RFA as they help us evaluate the signal strength and
quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception
reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener. RFA welcomes all
reception report submissions at http://techweb.rfa.org (follow the QSL
REPORTS link) not only from DX’ers, but also from its general
listening audience Reception reports are also accepted by email at
qsl@rfa.org and by mail to: Reception Reports Radio Free Asia 2025 M.
Street NW, Suite 300 Washington DC 20036 United States of America.





Paul Walker has confirmed that his upcoming shortwave broadcasts will
include MFSK32 text and images in the transmissions over the weekend of
the 26th / 27th of August. Paul has said that the show will be “2
hours of rock n roll music with maybe a few country songs thrown in for
good measure” and the full schedule is now confirmed below:

WRMI 7570kHz Saturday August 27th 0400 to 0600UTC. Beaming at 315
degrees towards Vancouver. It should provide a good signal to the West
Coast of the US and Canada and probably parts of the midwest and upper
midwest along the way.

WRMI 11580kHz Friday August 26th 2100 UTC to 2300UTC. This signal
target area is Eastern North America and Western Europe.

WRMI 11530kHz Saturday August 27th, 0200UTC to 0400UTC targeting
South America with maybe a little spill over to extreme Western Africa.

WINB 9265kHz Saturday August 27th 0330 to 0530UTC. This
should provide good coverage into the Midwest, parts of southern Canada,
into Mexico along with parts of Central & Southern Europe it seemed. It
was weakly heard in Australia and New Zealand during the last broadcast.

Channel 292 6070kHz Friday August 26th 2200 to 2400UTC. This should
provide good coverage of central and parts of Western Europe.

Shortwave Services 15195khz via Armenia Saturday August 27th 1200 to 1400UTC.
Beaming at 65 degrees towards Japan.

Thanks to Channel 292 for this extra broadcasts of DigiDX 25.

Please send reception reports to reports@digidx.uk
and we welcome listeners on
our WINB test broadcast.

This is DigiDX signing off ...



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RSID: <<2016-08-28T22:30Z OL 16-500 @ 15770000-1500>>

Hello and welcome to DigiDX 26 a weekly review of the latest shortwave
and DX news broadcast today in Olivia 16-500 mode. This broadcast
includes shortwave news and the e-QSL card (in MFSK32). We also have a
Midi file transmitted zipped in Base64 format after the news section.

To compare testing of Olivia 16-500 on 1500Hz and 2200Hz centre
frequency this programme includes the same text on both.

DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 1830 -
 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)
Monday 2000 -
 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)

To buy shortwave time from Channel 292 at very reasonable prices go to
http://www.channel292.de or from WRMI from http://www.wrmi.net/

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating
via Paypal to reports@digidx.u
k. Any money donated will go towards
paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to Europe and North


Latest Shortwave News:

New DRM Radio announced
PCJ Radio “From the RNW Archives” rescheduled
Radio Australia back on air


New DRM Radio to be announced

A new DRM capable receiver has announced at the HFCC conference in Miami
this week. The Titus II is based on quad core Android tablet and uses
the same SDR chip as the popular SDRPlay. The radio can receive from
100Khz to 2Ghz in AM, DRM, FM and SSB modes.

WiFi, bluetooth and the ability to install any Android app is also
possible, for more information go to http://tinyurl.com/zaamc7s



http://www.drm-brasil.org/sites/drm.sarava.org/files/Titus%20quad-fold%202.pdf       1,3MB




PCJ Radio “From the RNW Archives” rescheduled

The 2nd part of the PCJ Radio “From the RNW Archives” has been
rescheduled due to an issue at the WRMI transmitter
during this week's scheduled broadcast. New Schedule:

Europe: 0600 – 7780 kHz Aug 28
North America: 0100 – 7570 kHz Aug 29





Radio Australia back on air

Last week’s DigiDX mentioned that Radio Australia had been of the air
for around two weeks and that ABC had given the date of Friday 19th
August for its return at 9am Sydney time (2300UTC Thursday).

This was indeed the case and Radio Australia returned to shortwave as
promised, hopefully the shutdown was not a trial to see if anyone was
listening but rather technical issues that have now been resolved.

We now broadcast a Base64 encoded ZIP file containing a MIDI of the
Waltzing Matilda interval signal. To decode you can use
and choose Zipped File to convert to MP3 or a
site such as goo.gl/ct0sUT to convert to a zip and then extract the .zip





  encoded   MATILDA.mid

  converted  MATILDA.mp3












RSID: <<2016-08-28T21:57Z MFSK-32 @ 15770000+1500>>


Sending Pic:366x220;




Thank you for listening, please send reports, comments and shortwave related news or articles to reports@digidx.uk.
This is DigiDX Signing off.....








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RSID: <<2016-08-28T01:30Z MFSK-32 @ 9925000-1500>>

Ray in Nova Scotia provided this video of KBC reception using an
SDRPlay with SDRuno software:


Sending Pic:198x91C;




Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com








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RSID: <<2016-08-27T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

Welcome to program 178 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 centered on
1500 Hz:

  1:34 Program preview (now)
  2:46 NASA finds "lost" space probe*
  6:53 Octobot, a soft cheap robot*
12:33 North Korea confiscating popular video player*
19:41 RFA anniversary*, new DRM receiver*
25:50 Closing announcements
28:52 VOA newscast via Flmsg

* with image

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

NASA Finds 'Lost' Space Probe

VOA News
August 23, 2016

After losing communication with a space probe two years ago, NASA
says it has reestablished contact.

NASA said it lost contact with the Solar Terrestrial Relations
Observatories, known as the STEREO-B spacecraft, on Oct. 1, 2014,
but that on Aug. 21, the Deep Space Network (DSN) established a
link with the craft.

Contact with the probe was lost after a maneuver to try to
prevent overheating of the ship's antenna.

STEREO-B is the sister craft to STEREO-A, both of which were
launched in 2006 to study the sun and space weather. The
spacecraft have contributed greatly to the understanding of
coronal mass ejections, a bubble of super-heated gas and charged
particles blasted into space from the sun's upper atmosphere, the

STEREO-A is reportedly working normally.

NASA said it will now have to test STEREO-B to see how
instrumentation and other sensors are operating after two years.

Both spacecraft are located on the other side of the sun from



Image: Artists's concept of the Stereo-B spacecraft ...


Sending Pic:220x180C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

Meet Octobot, a Robot That's a Real Softie, and Cheap

Associated Press via voanews.com
August 24, 2016

WASHINGTON - The latest revolutionary robot isn't the metallic,
costly machine you'd expect: It's squishy like Silly Putty,
wireless, battery-less and made for pennies by a 3-D printer.

Meet Octobot. It looks like a tiny octopus and is designed to
mimic that slithery creature to get through cracks and tight
places, making it ideal as a rescue robot.

A team at Harvard University has created a robot - actually about
300 of them, since they are so cheap to make - that is opposite
of the common view of a robot. Soft, not hard. Flexibl,e not
rigid. It's not mechanical, nor electrical. It's powered by
fluids. The discovery is described, photographed and on video in
the scientific journal Nature on Wednesday.

"It's sort of a hybrid between octopus and robot," said study
author Jennifer Lewis, a Harvard professor of biologically
inspired engineering. "We've done something that nobody's been
able to do."

Soft robotics are important because "you've got these hard
mechanical objects and soft humans" and when they interact - or
collide - it can be a problem, Lewis said. That's not the painful
case with Octobot, which fits in the palm of a hand. It's softer
and more adaptive, she said.

Here's a reality check: So far, all Octobot can do is wiggle a
bit. It can't really even move along a table yet, so this is an
"extremely simple first step," Lewis said.

Initially it was supposed to be a spider, but the team wanted
both swimming and crawling and it looked more like an octopus,
Lewis said.

The idea is to make this something that is powered by a chemical
reaction in fluids; fluid movement moves the arms and directs the
robot's actions. It can be printed cheaply by the 3-D printer
with the most costly part a really small bit of platinum.

Aside from that it is essentially like bathroom caulk, "a
rubbery-type object," Lewis said.

Outside robotic experts raved about the new squishy machine.

In an email, Tufts University professor Barry Trimmer called it
"an ingenious approach to building and controlling a completely
soft robot."

Daniela Rus at MIT said the discovery was what the soft robotics
community has been looking for: "The octopus robot is a first
self-contained soft robot system whose components are all soft -
it is a very beautiful machine."


Sending Pic:234x114C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.




From Radio Free Asia:

North Korea Does an About Face as Authorities Now Fear the

August 24, 2016

North Korea's most popular electronic gadget has suddenly caught
the eye of the authorities who have become fearful that the
device makes it too easy to watch forbidden TV stations and

The Chinese-made Notetel may be primitive when compared to an
iPhone or Galaxy Note, but its cheap price, small size,
availability and functionality have made it a big hit with North

While North Koreans love their Notetels for the device's ability
to play DVDs, EVDs, accept USB sticks and SD cards, and its
ability to tune in Chinese or South Korean TV stations, that very
ability has Pyongyang worried, sources tell RFA's Korea Service.
The EVD, or enhanced video disc, is China's equivalent to the

While the North Korean government recently legalized the Notetel,
they are apparently having second thoughts, as the sources tell
RFA that the authorities are now confiscating the devices.

"The most popular electronic product among North Koreans is
Notetel from China," a source in North Hamgyong province told
RFA. "Since people in North Korea are able to watch videos via
DVD, USB or SD card with Notetel, and also watch Chinese TV
programs with the device, the NK authorities ordered the forfeit

Despite severe penalties, North Koreans appear to have a hunger
for media other than the state-sponsored programming they are
legally allowed to watch.

"North Korean residents seldom watch domestic TV, considering it
a home decoration, rather, they frequently watch a small TV or a
Notetel which is easy and quick to hide from sudden inspection,"
a source from South Hamgyong province told RFA.

Cost for the device runs from a low of about $33 for the most
basic black-and-white model to around $66 for the newest models
with the most features, according to the sources. The devices are
particularly popular with students who use them for both
education and recreation.

"If people adjust the antenna of small TV or Notetel, they can
watch South Korean and Chinese TV programs under the blanket even
at night," said the source from North Hamgyong province. "Most
students own a Notetel, which is intended for education, but it
can been also used for watching illegal videos."

South Korean English study programs are a popular product for
Notetel owners, the source said.

"North Korean authorities are even confiscating students'
educational Notetels, but the upper class and executives avoid
the authorities' inspections and keep their children's
educational Notetels. ...

Reported by Sunghui Moon and Jieun Kim for RFA's Korea Service.
Translated by Hyosun Kim. Written in English by Brooks Boliek.

Full text:

Kim's note: A web search on "Nototel" won't find much. To find
devices of this type on the Internet, search ...

PDVD Alibaba

They look like this ...

Sending Pic:219x190C;


A similar item, with digital TV tuner, is available in the USA
for $80 ...


North Koreans would have to live close to the borders to receive
Chinese or South Korean broadcasts using the TV or FM tuners on
these devices. For viewing content from outside North Korea, they
are useful because they accommodate various disc formats,
and their ports accept USB drives and different sizes of SD

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

RFA 20th Anniversary QSL

Radio Free Asia will mark the 20th anniversary of its first
broadcast (in Mandarin) during September. A special anniversary
QSL card will be issued.



More about the history of RFA:


Sending Pic:229x123C;

New DRM-capable SDR receiver

At the High Frequency Coordination Conference (HFCC) held in
Miami during the past week, the prototype of the Titus II
combination SDR and Android tablet was introduced. The device
tunes from 100 kHz to 2 GHz. It decodes DRM digital broadcasts
"natively," as well as analog transmissions. According to its
brochure, it "runs any Android app." If so, it should be able to
run TIVAR to decode VOA Radiogram and other text and images via
analog radio.

For information:


Sending Pic:236x166C;


Also at the HFCC, a YouTube video of the WRMI digital special
broadcast was shown to the participants. The WRMI special
showcased the capabilities of text and images via analog radio.
The videos are available here:


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.


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".......The Brocken was extensively used for surveillance and espionage purposes. On the summit were two large and powerful listening posts. One belonged to Soviet military intelligence, the GRU and was also the westernmost outpost of Moscow; the other was Department III of the Ministry for State Security in the GDR. The listening posts were codenamed "Yenisei" and "Urian". Between 1973 and 1976 a new modern television tower was built for the second channel of the GDR-TV. Today it is used by the public Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) television network. The Stasi (East German secret police) used the old tower until 1985, when they moved to a new building – now a museum. To seal the area, the entire Brocken plateau was then surrounded by a concrete wall, built from 2,318 sections, each one 2.4 tons in weight and 3.60 metres high. The whole area was not publicly accessible until December 3, 1989. The wall has since been dismantled, as have the Russian barracks and the domes of their listening posts. Today the old tower beside the lodge again is home to a weather station of the Deutscher Wetterdienst....."