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RSID: <<2016-09-14T20:30Z
MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1
20-22 UTC 6070 KHZ
VENERDI' 01-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ
SABATO 01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ
OGNI MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC 6070 KHZ IN MFSK 32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500
(2200 Hz)
01.25-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ IN MFSK32
(1500 Hz)
01.55-02 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
"RADIOPASSIONI.IT" a cura di Andrea Lawendel
E due. All'IBC di Amsterdam l'annuncio di un secondo nuovo ricevitore DRM, il
Gospell GR-216
Sono passati pochi giorni dalle prime rivelazioni riguardanti un nuovo modello
di ricevitore predisposto per il sistema di radiofonia digitale DRM - Digital
Radio Mondiale, e già arriva la notizia (http://www.drm.org/?p=4474) di un secondo ricevitore presto disponibi
le sul "mercato di massa". Il ricevitore, siglato GR-216, verrà prodotto da una
azienda cinese dal nome un po' improbabile, Gospell (http://www.gospell.com/),
al momento conosciuta solo per i suoi set top box. Ma a chi come Radiopassioni
segue questo settore da tempo
praticamente immemore, non sfugge la coincidenza di una origine in comune: nel
febbraio scorso Gospell ha infatti acquisito un concorrente chiamato Newstar
Chengdu, produttore negli ultimi anni di ben due modelli DRM, il DR111 e DR212.
Nella sua storia prossima a diventare trentennale (i primi esperimenti con una
versione preliminare dello standard Eureka 147, altrimenti noto come DAB
(http://www.teilar.gr/dbData/ProfAnn/profann-1a29fba4.pdf), risalgono al 1988),
la radio digitale ha raggiunto in
poche occasioni livelli di penetrazione autenticamente compatibili con la
definizione di mass market. Il DAB in questo momento è la tecnologia più diffusa
a livello globale, in alcuni casi con popolazioni di qualche milione di
ascoltatori. Anche i due sistemi
americani terrestri e satellitare - rispettivamente HD Radio, non a pagamento e
Srius XM, a pagamento - si può misurare in diverse centinaia di migliaia di
apparecchi venduti o abbonamenti sottoscritti.
Il DRM, concepito a suo tempo (1998) dai costruttori di apparati come tecnologia
"rivitalizzante" nell'ambito del broadcasting internazionale, in forte declino
negli anni a ridosso della caduta del Muro di Berlino, non ha mai avuto neppure
sfiorato queste cifre. In
una dozzina d'anni di vita commerciale dello standard, ufficializzato dall'ETSI,
i pochi ricevitori standalone prodotti da una manciata di costruttori hanno
venduto - e solo a hobbysti molto motivati - un esiguo numero di esemplari.
Insuccesso che non ha mai del
tutto bloccato la lenta ruota del mulino di una nicchia di industria che a
dispetto della evidente scarsità di componentistica, non ha mai smesso di
riprovarci con una certa regolarità. Tra i primi ricevitori "di massa" ci fu il
Morphy Richards, poi tanti altri
tentativi fino al Newstar. Più recentemente ci ha provato un costruttore indiano,
Avion, con un modello disponibile solo via Amazon India. E pochissimi giorni fa,
in occasione di un meeting della HFCC, l'associazione globale dei broadcaster in
onde corte, la
presentazione del PantronX Titus II (i nomi, quando si tratta di DRM, sembrano
quelli inventati per i film di James Bond 007), un dispositivo basato su tablet
Android che se non altro desta proprio per questo motivo una certa curiosità.
E adesso ecco il turno di Gospell, il cui comunicato diffuso nei giorni della
fiera olandese IBC recita così:
GR-216 is equipped to receive DRM broadcast, as well as traditional FM with RDS
and AM in medium wave band and shortwave band. Featuring a high performance DRM/AM/FM
tuner, GR-216 provides noise-free reception of even the weakest stations. It
supports the latest
audio compression standard xHE-AAC and traditional HE-AAC as well as SBR and
parametric stereo.
Besides the built-in whip antenna and ferrite bar antenna, dedicated AM/FM
external antenna terminals with switch are located on the rear side of the
radio, this will help those who live or work in a metal or concrete building and
enjoy listening to a radio.
This unique radio will automatically turn itself on and initiate its
emergency-tuning process when the Emergency Warning Broadcasting is engaged. The
radio will enlarge its volume, flash the backlight, play siren sound and tune
itself to the emergency program.
In addition to DRM program recording, AM/FM are also supported. Recorded program
will be stored on the attached USB pen drive and can be played back on other
devices such as a phone or a tablet. The GR216 also includes a scheduler which
allows the user to schedule
regular and unattended recordings for their favorite radio programme.
The built-in high-quality 3 inch full-range speaker with enlarged magnet
provides outstanding audio performance and room filling sound. With the help of
state-of-the-art audio processing technology, GR-216 includes separate bass, mid
and treble tone controls and a
graphics equalizer, users can tailor the sound to their taste. We’ve provided an
output for headphones along with an audio output on the rear side of the radio
for line recording or to connect GR-216 as a radio tuner to a home audio system.
As a tabletop radio, GR-216 features dual independent alarm clocks with sleep
timer. The alarm clock allows for once, daily, weekday and weekend settings. The
alarm can be adjusted to the volume you prefer with buzzer or radio stations.
Caratteristiche interessanti, soprattutto il nuovo codec audio xHE, e un design
che per una volta non ricorda un brutto giocattolo in plastica made in China.
Non ci sono indicazioni di prezzo ma è presumibile che si aggiri intorno ai
soliti 100, 150 euro. A parte il
sospetto che continuando di questo passo il famoso mass market non sarà
raggiunto da un costruttore capace di sfornare un milione di pezzi ma da un
milione di costruttori incapaci di andare oltre qualche manciata di prototipi,
resta un problema non marginale: ormai
sono pochissimi broadcaster attivi con trasmissioni digitali, i più impegnati
sono gli enti statali di Romania, India e Nuova Zelanda. Il senso di tutto
questo sfugge ai più, sembra diventata una strana partita tra broadcaster
sicuramente non celebri per la loro
governance e trasparenza interna, costruttori di trasmettitori HF, e un numero
imprecisato, ma non elevatissimo, di ascoltatori. Pergiunta, in una fase storica
in cui tutto lascia intuire che la radiofonia convergerà sulle future
infrastrutture 5G.
ABC Domestic Service lascia spegne le onde corte dei 120 e 60 metri. Niente più
ascolti esotici dall'Australia?
Se fosse definitivamente confermata, sarebbe una notizia tristissima per la
comunità globale degli ascoltatori delle onde corte, e forse un disagio ancora
più grande per gli abitanti della vasta regione desertica dei Northern
Territories australiani. Sembra che ABC
abbia improvvisamente dismesso le tre stazioni HF che ripetevano la
programmazione locale nell'area compresa tra Alice Spring al centro
dell'Australia e Katherine più a nord, in direzione del porto di Darwin. Tre
postazioni che utilizzavano diverse frequenze nelle
bande tropicali dei 120 e 60 metri, riportate in questa tabella, con potenze non
superiori ai 50 kW.
Malgrado la distanza e la potenza relativamente bassa tutte queste frequenze
consentivano di ricevere il segnale nazionale di ABC anche qui in Italia -
spesso con sorprendente intensità - per la gioia di tutti gli hobbysti delle
onde corte. Ma naturalmente, pensiamo
soprattutto alle implicazioni su scala locale. Secondo una prima testimonianza,
le onde medie non sono sufficienti per assicurare copertura diurna in quel
territorio, dove sono presenti piccoli ripetitori in FM. Le piccole comunità
degli aborigini non disporrebbero
neppure di tale opportunità.
Ma sarà una decisione definitiva? La domanda è lecita perché proprio in queste
ultime settimane la sezione internazionale di Radio Australia operativa dagli
impianti di Shepparton hanno avuto un comportamento strano. Di colpo, verso metà
agosto, tutte le trasmissioni
sono state sospese e tra i commenti che circolavano tra DXer e appassionati di
programmi radio dall'estero l'ipotesi più concreta era che lungi dal trattarsi
di una semplice manutenzione, lo spegnimento era stato deciso proprio per poter
valutare le reazioni degli
eventuali ascoltatori. Insomma, un trucco per capire se se Radio Australia in
onde corte la ascoltasse qualcuno. Il problema di un servizio domestico diffuso
in modalità analogica in HF oggi è legato ai costi delle potenze impegnate in
funzione della qualità e della
reale penetrazione di queste emissioni. Le onde corte sono molto affidabili, lo
si sa, ma è naturale che non tutti la considerino necessariamente una soluzione
percorribile. Tenere in piedi certe attività di trasmissione solo per la
felicità di poche centinaia, forse
decine di persone in tutto il mondo, per di più non contribuenti dell'erario
australiano oggigiorno può presentare un po' di problemi a livello politico.
Se le ipotesi sono vere, è anche possibile che ABC stia cercando di vagliare
meglio il potenziale di audience del servizio domestico, pur se sarebbe
verosimilmente più logico svolgere una vera e propria ricerca di mercato nella
regione centrosettentrionale. Dopo la
momentanea pausa, durata comunque diversi giorni, Radio Australia internazionale
è ritornata a trasmettere da Shepparton. Ora bisogna vedere che cosa succederà
dei programmi nazionali diffusi nei 120 e 60 metri. Il rischio di sparizione
definitiva c'è e non è affatto
trascurabile. Basteranno le reazioni degli ascoltatori autraliani e dei DXer
d'oltre confine a determinare un esito diverso?
SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)
RSID: <<2016-09-14T20:44Z
OL 16-500 @ 6070000+2200>>
5W Samoa Sep 21 - Sep 27 JA0JHQ will be active as 5W0JHQ QSL H.C. dir/bur LoTW
5X Uganda Sep 20 - Oct 1 DL3YM will sign 5X8B during his free time mainly HF CW
QSL H.C. dir & bur & LoTW
5Z Kenya Sep 24 - Oct 10 IW5BBV will be on /5Z4 QSL H.C. dir & bur
7P Lesotho Aug 26 - Nov 5 K7TRB will be on as 7P8VA QSL H.C. dir & bur
A3 Tonga Sep 28 - Oct 4 JA0RQV will sign A35JP/p from OC-123 QSL H.C. dir/bur
CE0Y Easter Isl. Sep 26 - Sep 30 LU9VEA will be /CE0Y QSL IK2DUW
CR3 Madeira Sep 19 - Sep 28 A DL group will be on Home Call/CT9 QSL H.C.
D4 Cape Verde Sep 15 - Sep 28 DK8FA will operate as D44TUJ QSL H.C.
D6 Comoros Sep 18 - Sep 30 5 OK operators will be on as D66D QSL OK6DJ LoTW
DU Philippines Sep 24 - Sep 25 4 DU operators will be on as DX2R during the
contest QSL LoTW only
E5/S S. Cook Sep 8 - Sep 19 JA2FJP & JF2MBF will be on signing E51Q QSL JA2FBY
E6 Niue Sep 20 - Sep 29 JA2FJP & JF2MBF will be on QSL JF2KOZ OQRS
FP S. Pierre Sep 10 - Sep 20 TO5FP by a French group from NA-032
H44 H40 Solomon Temotu Sep 24 - Oct 21 LZ1GC plan to be on as H44GC & H40GC from
OC-100 QSL H.C. Club Log LoTW
KG4 Guantanamo Sep 13 - Sep 26 K4MIL will be on as KG4SS QSL H.C. LoTW dir/bur
OY Faroe Sep 15 - Sep 21 8 ON operators will sign OY/ON6NB QSL ON4ANN & LoTW
PY0 F. de Noronha Sep 23 - Sep 28 PP5BZ will be on as PX0F QSL H.C. dir & bur
S7 Seychelles Sep 24 - Oct 8 DL2SBY as S79KB QSL H.C. Dir & OQRS
S9 Sao Tome Sep 25 - Oct 1 EA3BT & EA3WL as S9BT & S9WL QSL EA3BT
T2 Tuvalu Sep 27 - Oct 4 KK7L & N7SMI will operate as T2R Tuvalu
T30 W.Kiribati Sep 24 - Oct 24 KC0W will operate from T30 signing T30COW
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OL 16-500 @ 6070000+1500>>
Hello and welcome to DigiDX 28 a
weekly review of the latest shortwave
and DX news today in Olivia 16-500 on 1500Hz and 2200Hz.
DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI
(Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 1830 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall,
Monday 2000 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall,
Latest Shortwave News:
Radio Rossii reactivated from Vladivostok
ABC Australia Northern Territory services off the air
Another new DRM Radio to launch
Part 3 of From The Radio Netherlands Archives
Radio Rossii reactivated from Vladivostok
Since the 4th of September, Radio Rossii has been heard on several
frequencies throughout the day from the Vladivostok transmitter. The
station switches between the local Primorye service and the national
Radio Rossii broadcasts.
Radio Rossii stopped broadcasting
on shortwave and it's not clear if the
reactivation is going to be permanent and on more than the one
transmitter or due to a typhoon affecting the Far East of Russia.
The station has been heard in Japan and the West coast of North America
using the following schedule:
0200-0700 7245kHz
0700-1000 9895kHz
1000-1500 5900kHz
1500-2100 7350kHz
ABC Australia Northern Territory services off the air
Similar to the recent time off the air for Radio Australia, the ABC
Northern Territory services have now been off air since the 4th of
The broadcasts normally use the following frequencies
Alice Springs - 0000-2359 on
Tennant Creek - 0830-2130 on 2325kHz / 2130-0830 on 4910kHz
Katherine - 0830-2130 on 2485
KTH / 2130-0830 on 5025
Original reports suggested that the broadcasts would close down
permanently although more recently emails from ABC indicate that this is
a “maintanence” period with the stations to return on Tuesday at
Another new DRM Radio to launch
A new DRM radio has been announced by manufacturer Gospell. The GR-216
features DRM, AM and FM modes has been revealed as the first in a series
of tabletop radios.
The radio features DRM program recording and also AM/FM can also be
recorded to a USB stick attached to the radio and played back on a PC. A
scheduler is also listed as a feature of the GR216.
Although this looks to be a new manufacturer of DRM radios, Keith Perron
from PCJ Radio has discovered that the address, website and email
address is the same as previous DRM radio manufacturer Newstar. Newstar's
DRM radios were heavily criticised by most reviewers.
Part 3 of From The Radio Netherlands Archives
On September 18th and 19th PCJ Radio
International will present part 3 of From The Radio
Netherlands Archives which will focus on radio dramas made by RNW during
the 60s and 70s.
There will be a special E-QSL issued for this program presented by
Paulette MacQuarrie.
September 18
Europe: 0600 to 0800UTC – 7780kHz (WRMI)
September 19 North
0100 to 0300UTC – 7570kHz (WRMI)
Now follows the e-QSL card in MFSK32 mode on 1500Hz.
MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>
Sending Pic:466x266;
you for listening, please send reports, comments and shortwave related news or
articles to reports@digidx.uk.
This is DigiDX Signing off.....
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RSID: <<2016-09-11T01:30Z
@ [6145000]-webstream+1500>>
KBC fan Max Berger contributed this great photo of the Nauen
shortwave transmitting antenna ...
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RSID: <<2016-09-10T16:01Z MFSK-32
@ 17580000+1500>>
Welcome to program 180 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of
I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.
Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 centered on
1500 Hz:
1:39 Program preview (now)
2:58 Europe may declare American lobsters an invasive species*
6:20 South Korea's Hanjin Shipping financial woes*
12:40 Russia's Daldykan River turns red*
16:23 Turkey seizes Deutsche Welle interview video*
21:14 ASCII art**
26:21 Closing annopuncements*
* with image
** Use UTF-8 and monospce font, e.g. Courier
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
And visit voaradiogram.net.
Twitter: @VOARadiogram
European Proposal to Ban American Lobsters to Move Forward
Associated Press via voanews.com
September 6, 2016
PORTLAND, MAINE - An arm of the European Union says there's
enough scientific evidence to move forward with a review of
Sweden's request to declare the American lobster an invasive
The opinion of the European Union's Scientific Forum on Invasive
Alien Species announced Tuesday sets in motion a broader review
of the proposal to ban American lobsters.
Lobstermen in the U.S and Canada stand to lose $200 million in
business with EU countries if the ban becomes a reality. They
contend a ban is not supported by science.
Sweden set the wheels in motion when it announced it had found 32
American lobsters in the country's waters earlier this year and
that they pose a threat to native crustaceans.
The expanded review won't be completed until the spring, at the
See also:
valid ===>
valid ===>
Sending Pic:239x129C;
This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
Ailing Korean Shipper Hanjin Moves to Resolve Cargo Chaos
Associated Press via voanews.com
September 5, 2016
SEOUL - Moving to unsnarl the chaos in its container cargo after
it filed for bankruptcy protection, Hanjin Shipping Co. will seek
stay orders in dozens of countries, the Financial Services
Commission said Monday.
Hanjin, South Korea's largest ocean container shipper, will seek
bankruptcy protection in 43 countries, including Canada, Germany
and Britain, and the government said it would urge those
countries to expedite the process.
Hanjin filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. and South Korea last
A company spokeswoman, Park Eun-hye, confirmed Hanjin was moving
to protect its assets but refused to specify in how many
countries, beyond the U.S. and South Korea.
The intent is to minimize seizures of Hanjin Shipping's vessels
in foreign countries, the South Korean government said in a
statement jointly released by several ministries, including the
FSC. Hanjin said last week that one ship had been seized in
South Korea hopes to salvage its ailing container shipping
sector, which like ocean shipping worldwide has been battered by
weak demand and overcapacity. But it is reluctant to commit huge
sums of taxpayers' money, and hopes to orchestrate a takeover by
Hanjin's smaller rival, Hyundai Merchant Marine, which is already
being restructured.
The moves would protect Hanjin's assets from being seized by
creditors while South Korea arranges to have Hyundai Merchant
Marine, take over Hanjin's key assets, including its vessels,
workforce and networks.
With its assets frozen, Hanjin's ships are being refused
permission to offload or take on containers at ports worldwide,
out of concern tugboat pilots or stevedores may not be paid. Out
of 141 vessels the company operates, 68 were not operating
normally, were stranded or seized, as of Sunday.
The South Korean giant represents nearly 8 percent of the
trans-Pacific trade volume for the U.S. market, and with Hanjin's
container ships marooned offshore, major retailers were
scrambling to work out contingency plans to get their merchandise
into stores.
The world's seventh largest ocean shipper, Hanjin Shipping is
part of the Seoul-based Hanjin Group, a huge, family-dominated
conglomerate, or chaebol, that also includes Korean Air.
Sending Pic:245x175C;
This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:
Russian River Runs Red, Prompting Regulators To Open
September 07, 2016
Environmental regulators say they have ordered an investigation
into why a river in far northern Russia turned an alarming hue of
red in recent days.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology said in a statement
on September 6 that residents in districts near the industrial
city of Norilsk had lodged formal complaints about the apparent
pollution that fouled the Daldykan River.
"According to preliminary information, the possible reason for
the river pollution may be a rupture in a slurry pipeline at a
Norilsk Nickel plant," the ministry statement said.
Photos that circulated on Russian social media showed sections of
the river that more resembled a stop light or a firetruck.
Norilsk Nickel, which is the world's largest producer of nickel
and other major industrial metals, said it had seen the images
but said there was no evidence of any leak.
The Norilsk region is one of the most polluted areas in the
world. The country's statistics service classified the region as
Russia's most polluted in 2010.
With reporting by RIA Novosti
Sending Pic:237x113C;
This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:
Berlin Backs Broadcaster After Turkey Confiscates Deutsche Welle
September 7, 2016
Germany's government has defended state-funded broadcaster
Deutsche Welle, after Turkish authorities confiscated video
footage of its interview with the country's youth and sports
Deutsche Welle said on September 6 that ministry employees seized
the footage after a spokesman for the minister, Akif Kilic, said
the international news outlet wouldn't be allowed to air the
interview dealing with the failed July 15 coup and its aftermath.
Deutsche Welle Director-General Peter Limbourg called it "an act
of the Turkish regime's coercion," adding that Turkey "no longer
follows the rule of law and has nothing to do with democracy."
Limbourg said a minister can't agree to an interview and then try
to stop it from being aired "just because he did not like the
questions posed."
The broadcaster said Conflict Zone host Michel Friedman asked
Kilic about the aborted coup and the mass layoffs and arrests
that followed it. The interview also covered the position of
women in Turkish society and the media situation in the country.
In addition, Kilic was asked to explain statements Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had previously made about these
Based on reporting by AP, Reuters, and AFP
See also from DW.com:
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http://patorjk.com/software . Where it
says Type
Something, type something! Then click Test All.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
And visit voaradiogram.net.
Twitter: @VOARadiogram
Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.
I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.
This is VOA, the Voice of America.
Sending Pic:316x28C;
Tag des offenen Denkmals -
The "big ear of Dessau" - 11.
September 2016
Heritage Day 2016
parabolic antenna (Type RA-28, diameter 10m) was put into operation
in autumn 1988. It served to FuAR-2 ("FunkAufklärungsRegiment-2,
located in Dessau) respectively
ZFD (Zentraler
FunkDienst der NVA)
the elucidation of satellite links by NATO such as connections over the
FLTSATCOM (Fleet Satellite
Communications System) and
SDS (Satellite Data
System, system of United States military communications satellites).
After reunification and handover of the property the antenna remained on the
premises. Since 1998 it was
rented from a Ham Radio Club (DARC Ortsverband W 22 Dessau)
These radio
amateurs uses this antenna for wireless connections via EME
(Earth-Moon-Earth). Antennas of
the same design are located in Biesenthal. There
was the satellite spying center of the STASI.