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RSID: <<2016-09-24T20:25Z MFSK32 @ WEBSTREAM-[1584000]+1500>>



MERCOLEDI' 18.00-21 UTC  6070 KHZ
VENERDI'   01-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ
SABATO     01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ
SABATO     20-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ

MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
VENERDI'   01.25-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     01.55-02.00 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     20.25-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)



9A Croatia Aug 1 - Sep 30 PA4JJ is on /9A QSL OQRS
A3 Tonga Sep 28 - Oct 4 JA0RQV will sign A35JP/p from OC-123 QSL H.C. dir/bur LoTW
CE0Y Easter Isl. Sep 26 - Sep 30 LU9VEA, LU8EY, LU7VB will be /CE0Y QSL H.C.
D6 Comoros Sep 18 - Sep 30 5 OK operators will be on as D66D QSL OK6DJ LoTW ClubLog
DL Germany Sep 9 - Oct 10 DF8HS is on from EU-128 QSL H.C.
DL Germany Sep 18 - Sep 30 DL7UXG will be /p from EU-057 QSL H.C.
E6 Niue Sep 20 - Sep 29 JA2FJP & JF2MBF will be on QSL JF2KOZ OQRS
GD Isle of Man Sep 23 - Oct 3 DL1RTL, DL2AWG, DL2HWA, DL4SVA, DL7JOM, DL7VEE and DM2AUJ will operate /MD QSL H.C. LoTW dir/bur & ClubLog
GJ Jersey Sep 24 - Sep 25 M0CFW will be in the contest as MJ5Z. MJ0CFW outside the contest QSL H.C. LoTW Club Log
GU Guernsey Sep 24 - Sep 25 G0URR will sign GU0URR during the contest QSL H.C.
S7 Seychelles Sep 24 - Oct 8 DL2SBY as S79KB QSL H.C. Dir & OQRS
T2 Tuvalu Sep 27 - Oct 4 KK7L & N7SMI will operate as T2R Tuvalu
T30 W.Kiribati Sep 24 - Oct 24 KC0W will operate from T30 signing T30COW
T8 Palau Sep 23 - Sep 30 JA3JND & JA3KIO will sign T88ON & T88XA QSL H.C.
V6 Micronesia Sep 19 - Sep 25 JH6HZH as V533ZH & JA6REX as V633KS QSL H.C. & ClubLog
VK9L Lord Howe Sep 20 - Sep 27 NI1L will be in OC-004 signing VK9LN QSL H.C. dir/bur LoTW
VK9N Norfolk Sep 25 - Oct 15 ZL3GA ZL3AB ZL4TT ZL3P as VK9NZ QSL ZL3PAH & Club Log
VP6 Pitcairn Sep 3 - Nov 25 DL2AH as VP6AH DL2AH
XW Laos Sep 19 - Sep 30 3W3B will be active as XW4XR QSL E21EIC & LoTW
ZD8 Ascension Now - Sep 29 M4RG is active as ZD8RG QSL H.C.
ZF Cayman Sep 27 - Oct 1 W5SJ will be again on as ZF2EZ QSL H.C.






(English below)
Nuovo schedule delle trasmissioni settimanali per l'Italia e l'Europa.
Da questa settimana infatti sono 3 le ore di trasmissione ogni mercoledì sulla frequenza di 6070 kHz,

con nuovi orari, ed aggiungiamo anche 30 minuti in onde medie, sui 1584 kHz di Radio Studio X; nel dettaglio:
- OGNI MERCOLEDI' 18-21 UTC (20-23 ORA ITALIANA) su 6070 kHz
- OGNI SABATO 20-20.30 UTC (22-22.30 ORA ITALIANA) su 1584 kHz
"IBC DIGITAL" è per il momento mantenuta fra alle 20.30-21 UTC in MFSK32 e OLIVA 16-500 su 6070 kHz

e gli ultimi 5 minuti di trasmissione in MFSK32 su 1584 kHz.
Vi invitiamo ad ascoltare le nostre nuove trasmissioni ed inviarci rapporti di ricezione,

consentendoci così un preciso ed attento monitoraggio delle novità introdotte.
Ovviamente proseguono le nostre trasmissioni dal trasmettitore di Okeechobee FL, USA, con i consueti orari:
- OGNI VENERDI' 01-01.30 UTC su 9955 kHz
- OGNI SABATO 01.30-02 UTC su 11580 kHz
Anche in questi casi "IBC DIGITAL" è in onda gli ultimi 5 minuti di trasmissione in MFSK32.
Buon ascolto e decodifica!



This is our new schedule of the weekly broadcasts to Italy and Europe.
Since this week there will be 3 hours of broadcasting every Wednesday on 6070 kHz, with new times,

and we add also 30 minutes on medium wave, on 1584 kHz of Radio Studio X; in detail:
- EVERY WEDNESDAY 18-21 UTC (20-23 CET) on 6070 kHz
- EVERY SATURDAY 20-20.30 UTC (22-22.30 CET) on 1584 kHz
"IBC DIGITAL" is still on the air at 20.30-21 UTC in OLIVA MFSK32 and OLIVIA 16-500 on 6070 kHz

 and the last 5 minutes of transmission on 1584 kHz in MFSK32.
We invite you to listen to our new transmissions and send reception reports to our mail ibc@europe.com .
Of course we continue our broadcasts from Okeechobee FL, USA, with the usual schedule:
- EVERY FRIDAY 01-01.30 UTC on 9955 kHz
- EVERY SATURDAY 01.30-02 UTC on 11580 kHz
"IBC DIGITAL" is on the air last 5 minutes in MFSK32.
Good listening and decoding!

mail: ibc@europe.com




RSID: <<2016-09-28T20:30Z MFSK32 @ WEBSTREAM-[6070000]+1500>>

MERCOLEDI' 18.00-21 UTC  6070 KHZ
VENERDI'   01-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ
SABATO     01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ
SABATO     20-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ

MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
VENERDI'   01.25-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     01.55-02.00 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     20.25-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)

Sending Pic:500x429C;


SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)





RSID: <<2016-09-28T20:43Z OL 16-500 @ WEBSTREAM-[6070000]+1500>>



5U Niger NOW F5PRU is now active as 5U7RK and will be on during his free time for a few months QSL H.C. LoTW & ClubLog
5Z Kenya Sep 24 - Oct 10 IW5BBV will be on /5Z4 QSL H.C. dir & bur
5Z Kenya NOW till 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
7P Lesotho Aug 26 - Nov 5 K7TRB will be on as 7P8VA QSL H.C. dir & bur
8Q Maldives Oct 2 - Oct 12 IZ1MHY will sign 8Q7MD QSL H.C. LoTW dir/bur
8T Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ is active as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9Q Congo Nov 20 - Dec 25 IS0BWM will sign 9Q0HQ/3 QSL Dir only
9X Rwanda Now - Dec 30 KB1ZSQ is on as 9X0JW during spare time
A3 Tonga Sep 28 - Oct 4 JA0RQV will sign A35JP/p from OC-123 QSL H.C. dir/bur LoTW
BV Taiwan Oct 29 - Oct 30 JL3RDC will be /BW in the contest QSL H.C.
C9 Mozambique NOW - Mar 2017 PD0JBH is now on as C91PA QSL H.C. & LoTW
DL Germany Sep 9 - Oct 10 DF8HS is on from EU-128 QSL H.C.
FM Martinique Sep 12 - Oct 3 DD5ZZ will be /FM
GD Isle of Man Sep 23 - Oct 3 DL1RTL, DL2AWG, DL2HWA, DL4SVA,DL7JOM, DL7VEE and DM2AUJ willoperate /MD QSL H.C. LoTW dir/bur & ClubLog
HB0 Liechtenstein Sep 22 - Oct 5 DL5YL & DL5YM will be /HB0
HI Dominican Rep. Sep 25 - Oct 1 HA3JB will be /HI3 QSL H.C.
JD Ogasawara Sep 22 - Oct 1 JA1UII will sign JD1BON QSL H.C. dir & bur
S9 Sao Tome Sep 25 - Oct 1 EA3BT & EA3WL as S9BT & S9WL QSL EA3BT
T2 Tuvalu Sep 27 - Oct 4 KK7L & N7SMI will operate as T2R Tuvalu
T2 Tuvalu Oct 4 - Oct 10 JA2FJP & JF2MBF will be on QSL LoTW & Club log
T30 W.Kiribati Sep 24 - Oct 24 KC0W will operate from T30 signing T30COW
V3 Belize Now - Oct end PA0C will sign V31HV & V31HV/p QSL H.C. dir
VK9L Lord Howe Oct 1 - Oct 2 W1RSD will be /VK0L in the contest
VK9N Norfolk Sep 25 - Oct 15 ZL3GA ZL3AB ZL4TT ZL3P as VK9NZ QSL ZL3PAH & Club Log
VP6 Pitcairn Sep 3 - Nov 25 DL2AH as VP6AH QSL DL2AH
ZF Cayman Sep 27 - Oct 1 W5SJ will be again on as ZF2EZ QSL H.C.













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RSID: <<2016-09-26T20:00Z MFSK32 @ 6070000+1500>>

Hello and welcome to DigiDX 30 a weekly review of the latest shortwave
and DX news today in MFSK32 mode. This programme includes the latest
shortwave news, an article on combating shortwave radio interference by
Jay Allen and the e-QSL card.

DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 1830 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)
Monday 2000 - 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)

 To buy shortwave time from Channel 292 at very reasonable prices go to
http://www.channel292.de or from WRMI from http://www.wrmi.net/

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating
via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk. Any money donated will go towards
paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to Europe and North

Latest Shortwave News:

All India Radio to stay on shortwave
Radio Argentina changes
RTE All-Ireland Final replay on shortwave
Radio Rossii update


All India Radio to stay on shortwave

Director of All India Radio Fayyaz Sheheryar has revealed in an
interview with Radio and Music Biz (RmBiz.com) that All India Radio’s
shortwave service will not be taken off the air.

Several websites based in India had suggested that to cut costs and to
spend more money on programming the shortwave service of All India Radio
would be taken off air. However Mr Sheheryar has said the following in
the interview:

Q:*...But there had been some talk in the government at one time to
disband short wave broadcasts?*

A: “Yes, but we had opposed this and it is agreed by all that short
wave will stay.”

Q: *What are the future plans for popularizing programming and
strengthening internal functioning?* A: “All India Radio has embarked
on a major plan to start a Content Delivery Network (CDN) which will be
ready within the next two to three months. It will help keep track of
number of listeners, and also prevent ‘stream theft’. There will be
greater live streaming of channels on the internet complementing Short
wave on air.org.in, and Mobile Apps will be launched for more channels.
It will also be possible to give audio on demand and the internet will
store programmes of up to seven days for this purpose. The App will be
monetized, and there will be an alert which gives information about
listeners, and messages and advice about programmes on the Apps”

All India Radio’s Global Overseas Service transmits in 26 languages on
shortwave including English, French, Hindi, Arabic and Urdu.





A new stage begins in the history of RAE, that will transform from
updating the identity of our international signal.

Among the news to share, there’s the decision to maintain presence on
the shortwave frequencies of 15345 and 11710 KHZ, which are broadcast
from the transmission plant located in General Pacheco. Currently,
we’re facing some technical problems with regard to modulation, but
we’ll face the challenge of fixing this and increase our presence on
the shortwaves. We’ll keep on transmitting in eight languages, now
with a homogenous programming, that will be coherent with regard to
contents, with the specific contribution of each language considering
particular characteristics. RAE’s new stage will feature programs
Mondays through Mondays. Each language will have a daily 55-minute
broadcast on the shortwaves, with one daily re-run. In addition, the
daily show will be available on the new website of RAE, where the
program will be on streaming 24 hours a day. Specific applications for
RAE will be developed for mobile devices and on a second stage, podcasts
and RAE content broadcast by local stations in other countries. The most
recent shows will also be available to download on demand. Another
innovation are the six channels of Argentine music available on RAE’s
website, organized by genre: Tango, Folk, Rock, Pop, Jazz and Classical,
that will play music 24 hours, with playlist in constant expansion and a
radio sound, that’s to say, with a presentation of songs, that will
provide additional data about the tunes.

This way, listeners will be able to enjoy at any time of the day the
best works by artists such as Charly Garcia, Yupanqui, Piazzolla,
Sandro, Malosetti, La Camerata Bariloche, announced in various
languages, with a radio format. This is part of the new design of what
we call DIGITAL RAE.

The daily programs of RAE cover various topics developed jointly by the
new production team of RAE as well as the language teams. After the news
bulletin, with the inclusion of music and bite-sized features about
various topics. In addition, we’ll now have a new interval ID signal.

The schedule for our station in all languages now will be:
MONDAY: Our  Football/Argentine Tango
TUESDAY: Argentines Without Borders / La Folklórica
WEDNESDAY: The Conversation/Argentine Roads
THURSDAYS: Welcome/Science and Technology
FRIDAYS: Multi-Sports Center/Histories in Common
On Saturdays, a SUMMARY OF THE WEEK will be broadcast, followed
by ACTUALIDAD DX.COM.AR, the new segment dedicated to DXing, radio,
media and information technology.

This program will be produced and presented in Spanish by ARNALDO SLAEN
and RAE’S director, LUIS MARIA BARASSI, featuring news about radio and
technologies applied to communication, plus audio files, interviews,
etcetera. The program will have an average duration of 25-30 minutes.

This format will be broadcast also on various languages and will not
only be available on RAE’s website, but also in the spaces dedicated
to DX-related content on the web. Finally, Sundays will be the day of
program THE BRIDGE, a weekly space focused on the contact with
listeners, music and interviews. The show will also pay homage to
classics of international broadcasting such as the STATION OF JOY and
similar programs that left their mark in the history of international

The support of all DXing colleagues, radio ham enthusiasts and fans of
the Short Waves is paramount, in order to spread their messages,
emphasize the importance of the shortwaves as well as the need to
increase the presence on various bands, complementing digital content.

A new stage begins for RAE, ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD, with many ideas and
challenges ahead, a phase in which the participation of all sectors
linked to our field will be key for our growth and for the steps that
will follow. It’s important to underline that after many years of
being practically ignored by various administrations, the new stage of
Radio Nacional, under director Ana Gerschenson, and Deputy Director
Pablo Ciarliero, includes a project for RAE, with the participation of
the excellent and historic professionals of RAE, plus the arrival of
experts in digital content and with the incorporation of Adrián Korol,
who, beyond his renown for his work in Radio and TV, is a passionate
DXer and Radio Ham fan. Over the next few days, we’ll release the
definitive schedule, with timetables, frequencies and targeted zones for
all languages. The launch of this new phase will be next October 5 at
7PM, at the Auditorium of Radio Nacional Buenos Aires. We let you know,
as well, that next week a definitive timetable will be released. It’s
clear that all ideas, proposals and specially the dissemination to this
news will be greatly appreciated.




RTE All-Ireland Final replay on shortwave

As every year, RTE have been broadcasting the All Ireland Football and
Hurling finals on shortwave. This year however has seen only one
frequency used instead of the previous use of three freqencies.

As last Sunday's game was a draw, it will be replayed on Saturday 1st of
October 2016. Kick off is at 5 pm (1600 GMT.) and it is assumed that the
relay on shortwave will be on 15320 kHz via Meyerton, South Africa.



Radio Rossii update

Last week on DigiDX we reported on the return of Radio Rossii to
shortwave. It has now been confirmed by RTRS that this return was
temporary due to a cyclone affecting the East of Russia causing many
power outages affecting DVB-T and FM transmitters .

Shortwave and Medium wave broadcasting was brought back to provide news
to people affected by the cyclone but As of 4:00 am (Moscow time) 17th
September 2016 the work of all the objects RTRS network was restored in

Broadcasting in MW and SW bands was scheduled to continue for another
week and is scheduled to finish on the 24th September.



Upcoming relays and special broadcasts:

VOA Radiogram will be on air this weekend on the following frequencies,
for more information on the modes to be used visit

Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz

After a summer break Gilles Létourneau who runs the excellent
OfficialSWLchannel channel on Youtube is back with with his shortwave
and radio related Youtube Live shows. To watch the shows or any of his
videos go to https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialSWLchannel


This weeks feature now follows, the first part of an article on combatting shortwave and medium
wave interference by Jay Allen from https://radiojayallen.com

I am frequently asked by readers how they can improve their AM (and SW)
reception. They usually ask me what kind of radio is best for AM, or
which radio will bring in a particular station they are unable to
receive adequately. The answers are often complex because one of the
most misunderstood aspects of getting good AM reception is dealing with
and reducing local noise, referred to as Radio Frequency Interference,
or RFI. The most important single piece of information I can give you is
that most AM reception is limited by local noise, even if you have a
good radio. In fact you may not be able to notice much difference
between an excellent and an average radio if noise is the limiting
factor. You can find many technical and semi-technical articles about
RFI but the aim of this article is to distill all that information down
to some very specific things you can actually do to improve your AM
radio reception.

In a typical home today there is so much RFI that only strong local AM
signals can break through. The noise usually sounds like a buzz, hum,
whine or whistles. In such conditions, getting a better radio will
provide little improvement because the reception is limited by the noise
floor…when signals are near or below that noise floor no radio can do
much to improve things. An important term to learn is “signal to noise
ratio” – simply it describes how much stronger the desired signal is
than the RFI. If you want to improve your reception of weak signals you
must work to reduce the noise level to be lower than the desired signal.
Because of the noise problem, many comparisons of radios, or listening
tests, are inaccurate, because in the presence of high noise levels, you
cannot distinguish the true differences among radios. I am lucky enough
to live in a private residence with relatively low noise, but even so,
noise is an on-going battle I have had to deal with, and I have found
that some parts of the house are much quieter than others. Even so I
still occasionally take radios outside, well away from the house where
the last vestiges of noise disappear, in order to reveal extremely
subtle differences among the most sensitive radios.

In this article I will describe how to identify and reduce local noise
as much as possible, then I’ll give you some tips on what you can do
to improve your AM/SW reception as much as possible in your local
conditions. Even though you may not achieve perfection there are some
very real steps you can take, many of which cost little or nothing, to
maximize your AM reception.

Shielded Buildings: Another big problem is that many buildings, such as
steel-framed structures, stucco with embedded mesh-like wire, concrete
walls with rebar, foil-backed insulation and aluminum siding can block
AM signals. If your signals are much stronger outside than inside this
could be an additional problem…we’ll talk about things you can do to
maximize your reception in shielded buildings.

Inside versus Outside Noise Sources: It’s an unfortunate fact that
many modern electrical devices generate AM interference…after all
that’s one reason why FM was invented. But if you love AM the first
thing to do is to become aware of what your noise sources are, which
ones you can control or reduce and those which you must deal with. To do
that we must first divide the noises up into two main categories; that
which comes from outside your home (most of which you can do little
about), and that which comes from within your home. If you live in a
densely populated area, such as an apartment building, there is likely
very little you can do about external noise sources, although you can
often minimize its impact to some degree. If you live in a stand-alone
dwelling you may still have noise coming in from the power lines so
again, you’ll have to learn how deal with it. But for noises within
your home there is a lot you can do to reduce or eliminate noise
sources, although some are tricky to find. As always, please always use
extreme caution when working around AC power…safety should always be
the first thing on your mind.

A good starting point is to turn off the main power to the house to see
if the noise changes. The easiest way to do this is to use a small
portable radio, tuned to a fairly weak AM station that is plagued by
noise. Then shut off the main power switch or begin turning off the
breakers one at a time. If most of the noise abruptly stops that tells
you that it was coming from something within your house. Usually this
will be the case…see below. You can also turn individual circuits on
and off to see if a particular circuit causes the noise. However, if the
noise continues, even at a reduced level, that tells you it is coming in
on the power lines or it is simply in the air from noise sources
outside. In that case you can take your radio for a walk outside to see
if you can pinpoint any noise sources, such as a neighbor’s Plasma TV
or a noisy power pole. Almost all portable radios use an internal
ferrite rod antenna for AM and this is very directional. Signals and
noise are maximized when they arrive broadside to the radio, so if you
hear a noise source you can tell where it is coming from by aiming your
radio at it. The noise will be loudest when it is coming from a
direction broadside to the radio…if you aim the radio to minimize or
null the noise it will be aimed directly at the noise source…this is
RDF…Radio Direction Finding in its simplest form. I have read accounts
of noise hunters locating noisy insulators on power poles by hitting the
pole with a wooden bat to see if they could hear spikes in the noise.
I’ve personally never done that but it sounds interesting. Of course,
contact your utility company to fix the problem if you find one. But
probably you will find the noise is just all around, coming from the
overhead power lines and neighbor’s homes…you will have to deal with
minimizing its impact on your listening.

However, you may find that most or all of the noise stopped when you cut
the power off. If so, count yourself lucky, because you can probably
eliminate some of it, and deal with the rest even though it may not be
easy. I have often located noise sources by turning the circuit breakers
off one at a time, listening for noise changes with each one. When you
hear one, you then have to track down what it is on that circuit
that’s making the noise and proceed from there….even that can
sometimes be tricky as I’ll explain. Also be aware that sometimes
turning a circuit back on may not cause a noise to return immediately as
some devices cycle themselves as they see fit.

Typical noise sources include:

Overhead wires & transformers (those big “cans”) on utility poles

Computers/monitors/scanners/modems and their “wall-wart” power

Wall-wart chargers of the switching type (most modern light-weight ones
such as for cell phones and the like)

TV sets (especially Plasma…extremely noisy)

Fluorescent and CFL (Compact Fluorescent) light bulbs


Touch lamps

Auto sensing light switches (as on outdoor security lights)

AC Wired Smoke and O2 Detectors


Electric Fences

Garage Door Openers

Faulty connections and electrical components such as power strips (more
on this later)

Some of these devices don’t have to be turned on and running to cause
noise…many cause interference the moment they are plugged in to the AC
outlet. Others are intermittent offenders…finding those can be among
the toughest of challenges.

The easiest problems come from those devices which you can simply turn
off or unplug when you want to listen to radio…light dimmers for
example. Touch lamps (as far as I’m concerned) are expendable…not
everyone will agree with this of course. Other noise sources which you
can’t eliminate, such as TV sets others are watching or smoke
detectors, must be dealt with – it’s a matter of learning how to
minimize their nuisance value. Each case must be attacked on an
individual basis.

Email me at: radiojayallen@gmail.com and please tune in next week for the second
part of this article.

Now follows the E-QSL card for last week's reception reports as an
MFSK32 image.

Sending Pic:466x266;



Thank you for listening, please send reports, comments and shortwave
related news or articles to reports@digidx.uk. This is DigiDX Signing




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RSID: <<2016-09-25T00:31Z MFSK-32 @ WEBSTREAM -[6145000]+1500>>

6145 kHz Nauen - decoding NOT succsessful:     India O=3-4 !!

The pedestrian overpass at the Hilversum Mediapark railway
station near Radio Nederland Wereldomroep headquarters ...

Sending Pic:155x104C;


Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com

     kHz: 6145
     UTC: 0015-0430
     Days/PI: 1234567 (Mo-Su)
     Language: urdu
     Station: ALL INDIA RADIO
     Country: IND (India)
     Transmitter: Aligarh
     Latitude: 28.0000
     Longitude: 78.1000
     Power (kW): 500
     Target: 325
     Distance: 5999
     Bearing: 89
     Notes: AIR b15
     Details: 49 m from India
     QTH locator: ML98ba20aa



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=====>     http://www.rhci-online.net/radiogram/VoA_Radiogram_2016-10-22.htm#intermodulation




RSID: <<2016-09-24T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

Welcome to program 182 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 centered on
1500 Hz ...

 1:47 Program preview (now)
 2:56 Extraterrestrial biosignatures are complicated*
10:11 University moon mission would be propelled by water*
18:14 Receiving/decoding Outernet L-band satellite content*
24:05 Closing announcements, ASCII art
28:33 Flmsg: VOA News video

* with image

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram


Looking for Extraterrestrial Life Just Got More Complicated

Kevin Enochs
September 21, 2016

When NASA scientists talk about finding proof of life beyond
earth they often zero in on the term "biosignatures." These are
the clues that can be spotted when looking at another planet that
strongly suggest 'life' is happening.

Our planet is a great example, according to Victoria Meadows, an
astronomer at the University of Washington who spoke with VOA. If
aliens were looking at us, she says, "life would be obvious to a
distant observer looking at the gases in our atmosphere..."

Hold on a minute!

But it's never that simple. Through her work at the Virtual
Planetary Laboratory (VPL), her team has also shown that "there
are a number of different possible ways that a planet, often
interacting with the host star, can produce oxygen in its
atmosphere without life."

Her point is that as we get better and better at looking for
signs of life beyond earth, we're also going to have to get
better at making sure it is actually life and not some random
geologic process.

A new study published this week in the Journal Nature
Communications offers more proof of the need to take a cautious

A team from the University of Colorado Boulder studying giant
"mineral deposits that form on ice surfaces" in the Canadian High
Arctic found "sulfur-metabolizing organisms" living on the ice.
Samples of the sulfur deposits were sent back to the lab and the
team looked for 'biosignatures' that could help scientists look
for life on Mars or the Jovian moon Europa, or even farther out.

The team found a lot of what they called "extracellular
structures" in the sulfur.

But they also discovered, to their surprise, that these
microstructures "are capable of self-assembling..." In other
words, what they thought was definitive proof of life was a
non-biological process that just looked like life.

"It was very disconcerting," according to Julie Cosmidis, the
lead author "...to see that the carbon-sulfur structures appear
in our tests without biological activity..."

A cautionary tale

There's a moral to this story. It's that as scientists find more
and more planets like earth orbiting in our galaxy, the chance
that life exists on one of them becomes become more likely. In
fact, a number of researchers we spoke with, like Alan Boss from
NASA, are optimistic we'll make that discovery in the next few

But this new research suggests it won't be easy.

In fact, scientists will have to assume that any biosignatures
they find aren't biological at all, because - according to Alexis
Templeton from CU Boulder - "we can create all sorts of
biogenic-like materials that have the right shape, structure and
chemistry to match natural materials we assume are produced

And Rory Barnes, who also works at the VPL, says finding
biosignatures is likely going to be the easy part. The hard part,
he says, will be ruling out "non-biological sources," when we
find them.

Guess we'll just have to figure out a way to visit and see for


See also: http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms12812#f3

Image: From the Cosmidis and Templeton paper, map of carbon
(blue) and sulfur (yellow) obtained in the presence of a yeast
extract ...

Sending Pic:246x152C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.




Cornell University Team Envisions Watery Flight to the Moon

Kevin Enochs
September 19, 2016

If all goes as planned, a group of U.S. university students will
have placed a satellite powered exclusively by water, into orbit
around the moon in just over a year.

The Cornell University team CisLunar Explorers (cislunar means
"between Earth and the moon") and their eponymously named
satellite - actually two adjoining satellites - are taking part
in a NASA program called the Cube Quest Challenge.

Cube Quest

The challenge is simple: design, build and deliver
"flight-qualified, small satellites capable of advanced
operations near and beyond the moon."

Nothing to it, right? Evidently not, because there are 10 teams
that are competing in the challenge with names like
"Cubequestador" and "Eagles Quest."

But the CisLunar Explorer satellites are unique because the only
form of propulsion on board these these two small (30 centimeters
or so) L-shaped craft is water.

The idea is the brainchild of Mason Peck who works at Cornell
University but used to be NASA's chief technologist. He has
always wanted to figure out a way to get beyond rockets as a way
to push our spacecraft beyond earth.

"A lot of the mass we send into orbit these days is in the form
of rockets – the only way we get anything into space," he said in
a Cornell press release. "But what if we could use what’s already
there? If we could do that, if we could refuel spacecraft while
they’re already in space..."

Here's how it works: The craft is two connected satellites that
will gradually separate from each other, both shaped like the
English letter "L." Water is stored in the lower part of the L .
Energy from the sun will electrolyze the water into its two
parts, hydrogen and oxygen. Put the hydrogen, oxygen and a spark
together and you get a bang that provides thrust, with water as
the only by-product.

And it turns out water is pretty plentiful out in space. Icy
comets are full of it, and NASA is currently in the process of
looking for it on a number of rocky near-earth asteroids. The
newest theories suggest that most of the water on our planet may
have come from asteroids or comets when the ancient Earth was
being bombarded with space junk in its formative years.

CisLunar Navigation

Another cool thing about the CisLunar Explorer is how the team is
teaching it to navigate its way through space.

The idea is to copy how ancient mariners used the moon, sun and
stars to fix their position on the oceans.

Once the twin satellite halves separate after launch they will
spin around each other on their way to the moon to keep them from
going off course. They will be equipped with cameras and be
constantly taking pictures of the sun, Earth and the moon, and
comparing their positions and their size.

Based on where the sun, moon and Earth are at any given moment,
the CisLunar Explorers will do the math to figure out their

"'Okay, I must be here, because these bodies look like this,'" is
how Cornell engineer Kyle Doyle explains it. "It's very much like
ancient explorers using the sun and moon to navigate."

And the Winner is?

Of the 10 teams competing, the top three winners will hitch a
ride on board NASA's space launch system in early 2018. The
competition is in four stages and the Cornell team has been in
the top three in stages one and two. The winners of this third
stage will be announced in about a month, and the final three
winners will be announced in early 2017.


See also:


Image: Artist's rendering of the Cislunar Explorers spacecraft
separating from each other after deployment.

Sending Pic:176x208C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

VOA Radiogram listener receives and decodes Outernet content

In July 2014, we reported about Outernet, which, according to
Google, "is a filecast service provider, providing global file
distribution over the L-band satellite stream."

VOA Radiogram listener and contributor Merkouris, SV3HWM, in
Greece, recently wrote that he "decoded for the first time the
Outernet broadcast via Inmarsat on the L-band." The content was a
science news story from VOA.

     Outernet started test broadcasts on the Ku satellite band
     but this year they moved the service on the L-band because
     the project on the higher band proved to be not commercially
     viable. A cheap RTL-SDR dongle, a LNA and a simple antenna
     are sufficient for the reception of the signals on the

     Initially they supported only the Raspberry and C.H.I.P.
     single-board computers but now they are testing the
     demodulating and decoding software on desktop Linux and
     Windows. On the Microsoft OS the software runs on a Linux

     The broadcasts are modulated in a Viasat proprietary
     protocol, based on BPSK, and the signal can be demodulated
     and decoded with the software provided by Outernet. While
     the source code is not available, the software can be freely

     Now they are testing at very low speeds of 2400 bps and they
     broadcast about 10 MB per day. From what I have received so
     far, the content of the test broadcasts is mainly Wikipedia
     articles and a few news articles.

     The hardware I use for the reception is an experimental
     home-made 12-turn helical antenna, a Minikits EME179 L-band
     pre-amplifier and  an RTL-SDR v.3 dongle. I also tested the
     patch antenna and the cheaper LNA with filter available from
     the Outernet store with excellent results.

For more discussion, see the posts by SV2HWM (Merkouris) here:


The Outernet website is:


The satellite locations and frequencies are here:


Merkouris suggests these other links:


Image: L-band antenna, amplifier, and RTL-SDR used to
receive Outernet transmissions ...

Sending Pic:224x164C;


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

 __  __  _____   ______      ____                 __                                               
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... start
[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn VOAR182_Putic.b2s]<flmsg>2.0.12
KD9XB 20162209192251
KD9XB 20162209154157
:mg:309 <video controls autoplay>
<source src="http://av.voanews.com/Videoroot/Pangeavideo/2016/09/8/8b/8b10a566-9098-4411-9804-d390661adcfc_mobile.mp4" type="video/mp4">

<a href="http://www.voanews.com/a/3520326.html">
Solar Power Source That Fits in a Bucket</a>
by George Putic, KI4FNF, VOA News

[WRAP:chksum B6D5][WRAP:end]
... end






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