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RSID: <<2016-10-16T10:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>


MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00
UTC 3975/6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)                    <------- 3975 kHz !!
VENERDI'   01.25-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     01.55-02.00 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     20.25-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
DOMENICA   10.30-11.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz) VIA "RADIO BCL NEWS"


Radio Revolten: a Halle, in Germania, un mese di arte alla radio (anche in onde medie low power!)

Durerà fino al 30 ottobre il festival di radio-art Radio Revolten, varato il primo del mese nella località sassone di Halle an der Saale, nei pressi di
Lipsia. Tra performance, esecuzioni, workshop e conferenze, diverse location della storica cittadina saranno animate da una settantina di sound e radio
artist di 17 nazioni, che daranno luogo al festival di arte radiofonica più ambizioso della storia. Non poteva ovviamente mancare una stazione radio, attiva
24 ore su 24. L'omonima Radio Revolten (http://radiorevolten.net/) si può ascoltare comodamente in streaming, ma per l'occasione da Halle sono in funzione
anche una frequenza in FM, 99,3 e una in onde medie, su 1575 kHz. Il festival, curato tra gli altri da Knut Aufermann (qui intervistato dal Goethe
https://www.goethe.de/de/kul/med/20838148.html), per anni alla direzione artistica della londinese Resonance Radio, è davvero pieno di cose da ascoltare e
seguire. Un dettagliato giornale-catalogo, RR Zeitung, è accessibile su Issuu (https://issuu.com/corax/docs/rr_zeitung). Il Festival si può seguire anche su
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/radiorevolten) e su Twitter (https://twitter.com/RadioRevolten).
Dopo lo spegnimento di tutti gli impianti AM degli enti regionali tedeschi, nel 2015, la low power Radio Revolten1575 kHz, offre, al di là dell'enorme valore
culturale del festival, la ghiotta opportunità di riascoltare in onde medie la Germania (a dire il vero non è proprio così perché in questa porzione dello
spettro radio è rimasta attivo il network delle forze americane AFN su 1107 kHz). Qui in Italia non sarà facile intercettarne il segnale, perché sulla stessa
frequenza è ancora in funzione l'impianto OM di Genova/Portofino, ma si può tentare nelle ore notturne, nonostante l'interferenza dalla Spagna (e forse dagli
Emirati arabi), tanto più che, specie di notte, è prevista la trasmissione dell'identificativo Radio Revolten anche in codice Morse. Utilizzando la Web radio
remotizzata di Twente, in Olanda, riesco a sentire qualcosa intorno al tramonto, anche se molto a sprazzi.
L'antenna di Radio Revolten 1575 troneggia su una delle cinque torri della centrale Marktplatz. Radio Revolten, l'arte alla radio e la radio nell'arte, è un
progetto curato da Radio Corax (http://radiocorax.de/), emittente alternativa FM della stessa Halle. L'antenna è stata montata, accanto al dipolo già
utilizzato da un club radioamatoriale, sulla cima della torre dell'ex Istituo di Fisica dell'Università.
La Fondazione culturale federale è il principale sponsor dell'iniziativa, la cui direzione, oltre a Auferrmann è affidata ad Anna Friz e Sarah Washington, la
redattrice dell'austriaca ORF Kunstradio Elisabeth Zimmermann e al responsabile della programmazione di Radio Corax, Ralf Wendt.







Segnali ultradeboli e SDR da master a Castelfeder, per la 18esima edizione di Digital&Radio Communications

Lo so, non è un gran preavviso, ma non potevo non segnalare - facendo i miei auguri ai partecipanti - il summit di due giorni a Castelfeder che si apre
domani, sabato 8, in Alto Adige. Si tratta della 18esima edizione dello storico convegno sulle comunicazioni radioamatoriali digitali ideato
dall'associazione i-Link e da diversi anni è il centro delle discussioni e degli annunci a più alto livello per quanto riguarda la ricerca e sviluppo SDR in
Personalmente ho diversi problemi che mi impediscono di prendere parte quest'anno, ma se potessi non mi perderei il pomeriggio di domani, con gli interventi
di Giovanni Franza, giovane ingegnere svizzero che ha dedicato la sua tesi per il master (http://www.eladit.com/download/sdr/Linux/webradio/Tesi.pdf) alla
scuola superiore SUPSI di Lugano alle applicazioni della piattaforma SDR Elad DUO,  e il solito Nico Palermo, che presenterà il suo straordinario lavoro
sulla trasmissione di segnali a bassissima potenza, alle estreme frontiere del limite di Shannon, con la codifica QRA64
(https://github.com/Microtelecom/qracodes) che estende quelle già disponibili con il software WSJT. In occasione della conferenza di Venezia EME2016 lo
scorso agosto, Nico aveva già reso pubblici un articosui codici (http://microtelecom.it/qracodes/QRACodes-Rev10.pdf) "cumulativi", e le slide
(http://www.eme2016.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/EME-2016-IV3NWV-Presentation.pdf) della sua presentazione.
Arrivare alla Haus Castelfeder (http://www.haus-castelfeder.com/), nei pressi di Ora (Bolzano), non è banale, così come non banali saranno i contenuti
discussi durante Digital&Radio Communications 2016, ma bisognerebbe davvero esserci. Come sempre, attenderò il reportage fotografico di Alberto Di Bene.



SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)


RSID: <<2016-10-16T10:40Z OL 16-500 @





3D2 Fiji Oct 21 - Oct 25 JA1NLX& JI1CNA will be again there signing 3D2YA QSL OQRS only
3W Vietnam Oct 20 - Oct 28 5 EA & 1 US operator will be in 3W signing 3W2R QSL EB7DX
3W Vietnam Oct 29 - Oct 30 N0ODK will be in the contest signing 3W2DK QSL H.C.
5H Tanzania Oct 20 - Nov 12 VE3ISD will be active again as 5H3DX during free time QSL EA7FTR & LoTW
5U Niger NOW F5PRU is on as 5U7RK during free time for a few months QSL H.C. LoTW & ClubLog
5W Samoa Oct 31 - Nov 9 JF1OCQ & JH1BED will sign 5W7X & 5W0ST QSL H.C
5Z Kenya Sep 24 - Oct 10 IW5BBV will be on /5Z4 QSL H.C. dir & bur
5Z Kenya NOW till 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
6Y Jamaica Oct 21 - Nov 1 N4SF,K8AJ & W4GE will be /6Y. Will sign 6Y4V in the contest QSL Dir AA4V LoTW
7P Lesotho Aug 26 - Nov 5 K7TRB will be on as 7P8VA QSL H.C. dir & bur
7P Lesotho Oct 15 - Oct 29 HA5AO will be operating as 7p8AO during free time QSL H.C. & OQRS
8P Barbados Oct 29
- Oct 30 8P6Sh will be active in the contest as 8P50B QSL KU9C LoTW
8Q Maldives Oct 15 - Oct 23 4Z5SL will operate as 8Q7DK QSL LoTW & ClubLog
8Q Maldives Mid Oct JA1XGI will sign 8Q7XG QSL H.C. dir/bur LoTW
8T Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ is active as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9G Ghana Oct 19 - Oct 26 S54W, S57L & S59ZZ will be on as 9G5AM QSL S59ZZ OQRS
9N Nepal Oct 15 - Oct 30 SP9FIH as 9N7CC, SP2FUD as 9N7FD, SP9FIH as 9N7WE. Dates to be cfmd
9Q Congo Nov 20 - Dec 25 IS0BWM will sign 9Q0HQ/3 QSL Dir only
9X Rwanda Now - Dec 30 KB1ZSQ is on as 9X0JW during spare time
BV Taiwan Oct 29 - Oct 30 JL3RDC will be /BW in the contest QSL H.C.
C9 Mozambique NOW - Mar 2017 PD0JBH is now on as C91PA QSL H.C. & LoTW
CE0Y Easter Isl. Oct 24 - Dec 2 RZ3FW as CE0Y/RZ3FW and R4WAA as CE0Y/R4WAA QSL H.C.
CR2 Azores Oct 27 - Oct 30 EA1BP will be /CT8. Will sign CR2B in the contest QSL H.C.
CY0 Sable Sep 18 - Nov 15 VA1AXC is again /CY0 QSL JE1LET dir
D4 Cape Verde October DL3VU, DJ9YL, DO4DJT and DO4THA will be on as D44TUL, D44TUN, D44TVA and D44TVF, QSL H.C. dir & bur
FG Guadeloupe Oct 17 - Nov 7 F1DUZ will sign FG4KH also VHF EME QSL H.C.








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RSID: <<2016-10-17T20:00Z OL 64-2K @ 6070000+1500>>



Hello and welcome to DigiDX 32 a weekly review of the latest shortwave
and DX news, today in the Olivia 64-2000 mode. This programme includes
the latest shortwave news and the e-QSL card.

DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 1830 -  6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)
Monday 2000 -
 6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE) (irr. at the moment)

To buy shortwave time from Channel 292 at very reasonable prices go to http://www.channel292.de
or from WRMI from http://www.wrmi.net/
Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating
via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk. Any money donated will go towards
paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to Europe and North

Latest Shortwave News:

VOA Creole returns to shortwave
Algeria gets new shortwave transmitters
VOA to Ethiopia changes
Titus II DRM receiver news




VOA Creole returns to shortwave

VOA Creole has been broadcasting special programming on shortwave aimed
at Haiti with its VOA Kriyol service following the devastating effect of
Hurricane Matthew on the country. .

This has been scheduled at 2000-2030 UTC on 11720 and 15220 kHz both via
the Greenville, NC transmitter.

At the time of DigiDX going to press it is not know how long these
transmissions will continue for.

Algeria gets new shortwave transmitters

A 300kW transmitter in Béchar, Western Algeria is to start broadcasting
in early 2017 with a second transmitting station currently being erected
Ouargla (Eastern Algeria).

They will carry selected programmes of Radio Algérie Internationale and
of the Quran channel to a target area of Mauritania, Mali, Niger & Chad.

Read the full story in French here - https://goo.gl/S8RpGv

VOA to Ethiopia changes

Due to white noise jamming, VOA have changed many of their frequencies
use to broadcast to Ethiopia. The new schedule which is interesting for
its transmitter changes during the programme is as follows:

Afan Oromo
1730-1744 UTC* 11720SAO 12110LAM 12140MEY 13860UDO 15630WOF 15700LAM
1744-1800 UTC* 11720SAO 12110LAM 12140UDO 13860UDO 15630WOF 15700LAM

1600-1630 UTC* 1431DJI
1630-1700 UTC* 6040BOT 15580BOT
1800-1812 UTC 11720LAM 12110KWT 12140UDO 13860WOF 15630WOF 15700LAM
1813-1825 UTC 11720LAM 12110LAM 12140UDO 13860WOF 15630WOF 15700LAM
1826-1835 UTC 11720LAM 12110LAM 12140UDO 13860WOF 15630WOF 15700LAM
1835-1855 UTC 11720LAM 12110LAM 12140UDO 13860WOF 15630WOF 15700LAM
1855-1900 UTC 11720LAM 12110LAM 12140UDO 13860WOF 15630WOF 15700LAM

1900-1913 UTC* 11720UDO 12110BOT 12140LAM 13860UAE 15630WOF 15700LAM
1913-1930 UTC* 11720UDO 12110LAM 12140BOT 13860UAE 15630WOF 15700LAM

* Monday to Friday


Titus II DRM receiver

A pre-order page is now online to register interest in the new Android
powered Titus II DRM receiver. The radio which also features shortwave,
medium wave, FM and an SSB mode is expected to cost $100USD.

A pre production run will take place in Q4 2016 and full production will
begin early 2017. For more information go to http://titusradio.com/

Now we switch to MFSK32 mode for the e-QSL card.




RSID: <<2016-10-16T18:50Z MFSK-32 @
DigiDX continues in MFSK32 mode

Sending Pic:665x380;





DigiDX now finishes with an image of the new Titus II DRM radio.


Sending Pic:350x234C;




















Thank you for listening to this weeks DigiDX, please send reception reports, story suggestions and comments to reports@digidx.uk.

This is DigiDX signing off...






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RSID: <<2016-10-16T01:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6145000+1500>>

More ASCII art generated by http://patorjk.com/software/taag ...

  ________            __  ____       __    __           __ __ ____  ______
 /_  __/ /_  ___     /  |/  (_)___ _/ /_  / /___  __   / //_// __ )/ ____/
  / / / __ \/ _ \   / /|_/ / / __ `/ __ \/ __/ / / /  / ,<  / __  / /
 / / / / / /  __/  / /  / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ /_/ /  / /| |/ /_/ / /___
/_/ /_/ /_/\___/  /_/  /_/_/\__, /_/ /_/\__/\__, /  /_/ |_/_____/\____/

Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com





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17580 kHz USB @1500 Hz/ NO RSID   <<2016-10-15T15:54Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>



35 Shipyard - branch of JSC "SC" Zvezdochka "end of work before going on combat duty in the Mediterranean Sea, the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov heavy aircraft carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" Northern Fleet (NF), hiking to the shores of Syria in mid-Octobe
r. .
Earlier, the "Admiral Kuznetsov" several times solved the problems in the eastern Mediterranean. According to reports, in the campaign, which will last 4 - 5 months, the aircraft carrier will be accompanied by a large anti-submarine ship, big sea tanker and a rescue

my e-mail: nw7821@gmail.com

de 111 k



RSID: <<2016-10-15T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

Welcome to program 185 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 centered on
1500 Hz:

 1:51  Program preview (now)
 3:02  Will electric cars dominate in wealthy cities by 2030?*
 8:26  Turkey questions historical treaty defining borders*
15:54  ARRL comments on FCC amateur radio digital mode rules*
23:34  Closing announcements*

* with image

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Report: Electric Cars Could Dominate Roads in Wealthy Cities by

Reuters via voanews.com
October 11, 2016

LONDON -  Electric vehicles could account for two-thirds of all
cars on the road by 2030 in wealthy cities such as London and
Singapore due to stricter emissions regulation, falling
technology costs and more consumer interest, research showed

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming far more common. To help
lower harmful greenhouse gas emissions, governments are trying to
encourage their uptake through subsidies and tax breaks, and
introducing low-emissions zones.

Technology costs are also falling rapidly. The cost of a
lithium-ion battery pack fell 65 percent in 2015 to around $350
per kilowatt hour, from $1,000/KWh in 2010, and is expected to
fall below $100/KWh over the next decade, a report by consultancy
McKinsey & Co and Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) showed.

"In densely populated, high-income cities like London and
Singapore ... electric vehicles could represent as much as 60
percent of all vehicles on the road by 2030, the result of
low-emission zones, consumer interest and favorable economics,"
the report said.

However, the growth of EVs could be a threat to the automotive

"The automotive sector faces a future that could be fundamentally
different from its past and may need to consider moving from
using a pure product-ownership model toward providing a range of
transportation services," the report said.

Gasoline retailers should also be considering further
monetization of their current assets and how to get more value
from electric charging, the retail market and fleet services.

At a BNEF Future of Energy Summit in London on Tuesday, BP's
chief economist Spencer Dale said: "Electric vehicles could take
off anytime," as shifts in social preferences cannot be modeled.


Image: The Chevrolet Bolt electric vehicle, available in the 2017
model year ...

Sending Pic:271x146C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


Turkey Questions Historical Treaty Defining Regional Borders

Dorian Jones
October 12, 2016

ISTANBUL - A dispute continues to deepen between Ankara and
Baghdad over the presence of Turkish soldiers near the Iraqi city
of Mosul.

The spat erupted after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
took the country and the region by surprise last month by calling
into question the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, which defined modern
Turkey's borders.

He declared Turkey had been blackmailed by foreign powers into
giving up vast swaths of territory that were once part of the
Ottoman Empire. Although Erdogan focused his criticism on the
loss of Aegean islands to Greece, it is Turkey's southern borders
he had in mind, according to visiting Carnegie Europe scholar
Sinan Ulgen.

"The message should be seen more of a signal in relation to
Turkish polices towards the south, Syria and Iraq. I read it as a
backdrop to a policy that tries to build domestic support for a
more long-term presence, particularly in Syria, by pointing out,
at allegedly past historical mistakes," Ulgen said.

Turkish forces are currently in Syria and Iraq. But the Turkish
presence at the Bashiqa base, close to the Iraqi city of Mosul,
has become the center of a deepening dispute with Baghdad. The
base is ostensibly tor training Sunni militia to fight Islamic

On Tuesday, Erdogan dismissed Iraqi Prime Minister Haider
al-Abadi's calls to withdraw Turkish troops, telling him "he
should know his place."

Erdogan also insisted Turkish forces would participate in the
imminent operation to retake Mosul from Islamic State militants.

Security interests or more?

Deputy chair of the Ankara-based Turkish Asian Center for
Strategic Studies, Murat Bilhan, insists Ankara has no
territorial aspirations toward Iraq.

"Turkey just has been repeating and repeating rhetoric that Iraq
should be a unified country, but it is not a unified country
anymore. Turkey has some security interests in Iraq, to stop any
kind of migration flow from Mosul as well as in Syria," Bilhan

Analysts say Erdogan's calling into question the Lausanne treaty
in connection with the Bashiqa dispute will cause unease in
Baghdad, especially amid growing speculation about whether Iraq
will eventually break up.

Observers say regional powers are already positioning themselves
in an expected power struggle for control of Mosul when the
Islamic State group is ousted from the city.

Analyst Ulgen says Mosul and the nearby city of Kirkuk have
special significance for Turkey.

"Both Mosul and Kirkuk, not only were they part of the former
Ottoman lands, they were part of the original design of the
modern-day Turkey, so in that sense there is certainly historical
and emotional connection to those two cities, Mosul and Kirkuk,"
Ulgen said.

While the Lausanne treaty is historically viewed in Turkey as a
victory for Turkish diplomacy, nationalists blame it, and British
diplomats, for the loss of Kirkuk and Mosul, which include
substantial oil reserves.

For Erdogan, who is courting nationalists at home, the Mosul card
could fit well in his wider strategy of creating what he calls a
"New Turkey."


See also:

Image: The Ottoman Empire in 1914 ...

Sending Pic:239x159C;



This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.





From ARRL, the US national association for amateur radio:

Current Rules Holding Hams Back from Adopting State-of-the-Art
Technology, ARRL Says


In comments filed on October 12 with the [US Federal
Communications Commission], ARRL reiterated its case that the FCC
should impose a 2.8 kHz limit on symbol rate for digital modes,
arguing that its approach is both balanced and necessary. ARRL
had asked the FCC to change the Part 97 rules to delete the
symbol rate limits in §97.307(f) and replace them with a maximum
bandwidth for data emissions of 2.8 kHz on amateur frequencies
below 29.7 MHz. In a July Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM)
in WT Docket 16-239, the FCC proposed to eliminate the current
baud rate limitations for data emissions, consistent with ARRL's
Petition, but it declined to propose a bandwidth limitation for
data emissions in the MF and HF bands to replace the baud rate

ARRL told the FCC in its comments that the current HF symbol rate
"speed limit" reflects 1980s technology and has no place in an
experimental radio service in which modern protocols could be
efficiently deployed in crowded RTTY/data subbands.

"The symbol rate limit was created in order to maximize the
efficient use and reuse of that crowded, shared spectrum, but the
assumptions made at the time are no longer valid," ARRL said,
"and the rules now prohibit radio amateurs from utilizing
state-of-the-art technology, thus precluding or substantially
inhibiting any meaningful contribution to the advancement of the
radio art in this area." ARRL said earlier assumptions are no
longer valid mainly because there is no correlation between the
data rate and the occupied bandwidth in the rules now.

The League said present rules in the HF data subbands promote
inefficiency, allowing data transmissions of unlimited bandwidth
as long as the symbol rate is sufficiently low, and it stressed
that there must be some limit on occupied bandwidth for HF data

"Eliminating the symbol rate limitations for data emissions and
substituting a maximum authorized bandwidth would permit the
utilization of all HF data transmission protocols presently legal
in the Amateur Radio Service, as well as state-of-the-art
protocols that fall within the authorized bandwidth," the League

ARRL said that it could be "fairly debated" whether or not 2.8
kHz is the proper maximum bandwidth for data emissions. "Greater
bandwidth for data emissions would permit a wider array of data
emissions now and in the future," the League said in its
comments. "However, even 2.8 kHz could arguably permit usurpation
of the subbands to the detriment of CW and other narrow-bandwidth
emissions. ARRL views the 2.8 kHz maximum bandwidth proposal for
data emissions at HF to be a necessary component of the [FCC's
proposal], and it fairly balances the objectives of facilitating
use of new and future data emissions and protecting against
usurpation of the band by a few data stations.

ARRL said it would be impossible to reduce the permitted maximum
bandwidth for data emissions at HF much below 2.8 kHz without
prohibiting data modes that are now legal. "At the same time, it
would not be desirable to have a few data stations using large
swaths of spectrum to the detriment of other modes," the League

The deadline to file reply comments in the proceeding - ie,
comments on comments already filed - is November 10,


Full text of ARRL comments:

Sending Pic:224x159C;


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

A week after Hurricane Matthew struck the southeastern United
States, rivers at flood stage continue to be a problem,
especially in North Carolina. The Tar River in Greenville, North
Carolina, near the Edward R. Murrow shortwave transmitting
station, crested Thursday at 7.6 M (25 ft) ...

Sending Pic:219x124C;


__     _____    _      ____           _ _
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   \_/  \___/_/   \_\ |_| \_\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/ \__, |_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|

Sending Pic:209x19C;










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