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RSID: <<2016-11-13T11:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>




MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC 3975 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
VENERDI'   01.25-01.30 UTC 9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     20.25-20.30 UTC 1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
DOMENICA   00.55-01.00 UTC 7730 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
DOMENICA   11.30-12.00 UTC 6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz) VIA "RADIO BCL NEWS"

SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)

RSID: <<2016-11-13T11:32Z OL 16-500 @ 6070000+2200>>





3B8 Mauritius Nov 9 - Dec 6 3B8/DJ7RJ will be on all bands CW & SSB QSL H.C. dir
5H Tanzania Nov 7 - Dec 2 IK2GZU will sign 5H3MB QSL H.C. LoTW & ClubLog
5H Tanzania Nov 19 - Nov 28 R4WAA & RZ3FW will be on from AF032 as 5H1WW QSL RZ3FW ClubLog
5R Madagascar Nov 6 - Feb 4 F6ICX will be operating during his holiday as 5R8IC QSL H.C. dir & bur
5U Niger NOW F5PRU is on as 5U7RK during free time for a few months QSL H.C. LoTW & ClubLog
5X Uganda Nov 12 - Nov 28 G3XAQ will sign again 5X1XA CW only QSL G3SWH OQRS/Lotw
5Z Kenya NOW till 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
5Z Kenya Now - Jan 23 LZ4NM will be /5X till late jan next year QSL Kenya Bureau
6W Senegal Nov 7 - Nov 19 Italian team will be on from AF045 signing 6V1IS QSL IK7JWX ClubLog
8Q Maldives Nov 20 - Dec 3 SP team will be on as 8Q7SP QSL SP6FXY OQRS bur
8T Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ is active as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9N Nepal Nov 20- Nov 23 JA6GWX will be on as 9N7NZ QSL H.C. dir
9Q Congo Nov 20 - Dec 25 IS0BWM will sign 9Q0HQ/3 QSL Dir only
9Q Congo Now EA4BB has received his license and has started operating as 9Q6BB with low power QSL W3HNK
9Q CONGO Nov 20 - Dec 25 IS0BWN as 9Q0HQ/3 QSL H.C. dir Clublog
9X Rwanda Now - Dec 30 KB1ZSQ is on as 9X0JW during spare time
C9 Mozambique NOW - Mar 2017 PD0JBH is now on as C91PA QSL H.C. & LoTW
CE0Y Easter Isl. Oct 24 - Dec 2 RZ3FW as CE0Y/RZ3FW and R4WAA as CE0Y/R4WAA QSL H.C.
CN Morocco Nov 26 - Nov 27 CN2AA group will be in the contest QSL W7EJ
DU Philippine Oct 26 - Nov 25 KCOW is in as 4I7COW QSL H.C. dir
E4 Palestine Nov 15 - Nov 24 E44CM by PA2CHR & PA3FYC EME only QSL PA3FYC
E51 South Cook Oct 29 - Nov 25 ZL1BQD as usual from Rarotonga signing E51RR QSL H.C. dir
FJ S.Barthelemy Nov 19 - Nov 26 KO8SCA will be /FJ QSL H.C. OQRS LoTW
FO/M Marquesas NOW FO5QS is moving to Marquesas where he will stay a few years QSL H.C.
GM Scotland Nov 18 - Nov 20 MM0NDX & EA2TA will sign MS0INT from EU-123
HS Thailand Nov 26 - Nov 27 HS0ZAR multi 2 group will be in the contest QSL LA7JO dir & bur
J5 Guinea Bissau November Italian group will be on as J5T QSL I2YSB
J6 Santa Lucia Oct 21 - Nov 26 WA1S and WA1F will be /J6 QSL H.C.
KH2 Guam Nov 18 - Nov 20 KH2W3AZ will be on by JA5EEU & JH3AZC EME QSL JH3AZC dir
PJ2 Curacao Nov 10 - Nov 22 PA3EYC will sign /PJ2
PJ4 Bonaire Nov 20 - Nov 29 K4BAI, KU8E, /W4EF and PJ4LS will sign /PJJ4 and PJ4A during the contest QSL H.C.
PY Brasil Nov 19 - Nov 20 ZV2TA team will be on from SA-028 QSL PY2XIZ
SU Egypt NOW EA7TN is now living in Egypt and ha received his call SU9JG. Will soon be on frequency QSL EA5GL
T30 West Kiribati Nov 20 - Nov 26 JA1KJW as T30KJ, JA3MCA as T30MA, JA8VA as T30VE, JA1JQY as T30JY QSL H.C.
TL Central African Nov 20 - Nov 22 LA7GIA will sign TL8AO mainly CW QSL H.C. LoTW
TY Benin Oct 18 - Nov end TY5AA by F6AJL
V4 Sr.Kitts Nov 15 - Dec 15 W5JON will be again on as V47JA QSL H.C. dir & LoTW









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RSID: <<2016-11-13T21:30Z MFSK-32 @ WEBSTREAM-15770000+1500>>

Hello and welcome to DigiDX 36 a weekly review of the latest shortwave radio and DX news.

This episode contains digital mode broadcast schedules, radio related news and some thoughts on DRM radios.

DigiDX weekly schedule:

Sunday 0630-0700 on  6070 kHz via Channel 292 (10 kW, Rohrbach Wall, DE)
Sunday 2130-2200 on 15770 kHz via WRMI (100 kW, Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330-0000 on 11580 kHz via WRMI (100 kW, Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Monday 2000-2030 on  6070 kHz via Channel 292 (10 kW, Rohrbach Wall, DE) (irr. at the moment)

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk. Any money donated will go towards paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to Europe and North America.

   All days and times in UTC


Sat 0930-1000 5865 kHz (new frequency)
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz

All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.


WED 2030-2100 UTC    3975 kHz in MFSK32 and OLIVIA 16-500 (Italy, 1 kW)
FRI 0225-0230 UTC on 9955 kHz in MFSK32 (Okeechobee, FL, 100 kW)
SAT 2125-2130     on 1584 kHz in MFSK32 (Momigno, Italy, 1 kW AM Stereo)
SUN 0055-0100 UTC on 7730 kHz in MFSK32 (Okeechobee, FL, 100 kW) (new frequency)
SUN 1130-1200 UTC on 6070 kHz in MFSK32 and OLIVIA 16-500 via Radio BCLNEWS (Rohrbach, Germany, 10 kW)

For schedule updates, visit IBC at http://ibcradio.webs.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/ITALIANBROADCASTINGCORPORATION/


On October 23rd a new music show named "Radio Pushka" ("Радио Пушка" in Russian) was broadcast via the Channel 292 transmitter in Rohrbach, Germany.

Apart from music, it included text in MFSK32 and an SSTV image in Scottie 1 mode.

The following text is from their first broadcast:

  "We are a radio station recording our emissions in Sintra,
   Portugal. Our goal is to show to the world the best Russian
   Alternative Music being produced nowadays.
   Radio Pushka is an independent project. Your support is very
   important for us.
   For now our emission will take place once a month, and we
   will try to do it always on a Sunday night. Depending on the
   feedback we get from you, we may think about something more
   We love music but we also love DX communications, specially
   digital modes so, during our emissions, we will be sending
   text and images, exploring and testing different modes.
   Please send your RX reports to our email:
   radiopushka at gmail dot com"

Next broadcast is on the 20th of November at 2000 UTC, on 6070 kHz via Channel 292.


Sending Pic:280x78;




* with image


International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs.

ITU manages the radio spectrum and satellite orbits resources, develop the technical standards that ensure networks

and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide.
The growing complexity of our information society, where ubiquitous wireless systems make our life easier and more

sophisticated is reliant on the process to update the Radio Regulations, which is based on consensus building within our membership.
The ITU is celebrating this year the 110th anniversary of the Radio Regulations, a success story of international cooperation

among Members States with the inestimable support of telecommunication industry partners.
ITU's history is closely linked to the development of radiocommunications. The crucial role wireless systems are playing in the

efficient and timely deployment of communications infrastructure is key in the efforts being undertaken by the global community to bridge
the digital divide and in helping the world communicate.
In 1906 the first International Radiotelegraph Conference gathered 29 states in Berlin to sign the ´International Radiotelegraph Convention´

establishing the principle of compulsory intercommunication between vessels at sea and the land.
The annex to this Convention contained the first regulations governing wireless telegraphy. These regulations, which have since been expanded

and revised by numerous radio conferences, are now known as the Radio Regulations.

(source: http://www.itu.int)

The documents of the 1906 Convention, including the Regulations annex, are available in French at:

Sending Pic:160x160C;




According to media accounts, more long-range, new over-the-horizon (OTH) radars that can identify aerial and

sea targets hundreds of miles away are scheduled to begin operation next year in the Russian Arctic.

It’s doubtful, however, that the news heralds the return of interference on the level of that generated by

the so-called “Russian Woodpecker” OTH radar, which plagued Amateur Radio HF bands in the 1970s and 1980s.

Over the past couple of years, OTH radars, sans woodpecker, have become increasingly commonplace intruders

on Amateur Radio bands, according to the International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU R1) Monitoring

System (IARUMS), which has noted OTH radars in Russia, China, Cyprus, Iran, and Turkey. The frequency-hopping

nature of the technology accounts for the annoying interference that covers wide swaths of spectrum.

The Russian systems-intelligence “Konteyner RLS” OTH radar, transmitting from in the Nizhny Novgorod region, is frequently spotted

on 20 meters. While no woodpecker, it transmits a broad, frequency-modulated CW signal at 50 sweeps per second

with a bandwidth of 80 kHz or greater, accompanied by signal splatter, IARUMS Coordinator Wolfgang Hadel, DK2OM, reported recently.

Sputnik, a Russian government-controlled radio service, cited a Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper report that six OTH radar installations

will operate in the region. Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Buklgakov, who visited the construction site, said a runway capable of
handling all types of combat aircraft was simultaneously being reconstructed nearby, the report continued. Other reports have

indicated that similar systems will be deployed in the Far East in 2018. Russia has sold its OTH radar technology to China.

OTH radars employ widely separated (250 kilometers) transmitting and receiving sites and can “see” beyond the horizon,

the typical limit for ordinary radar. The transmitting array is 440 meters wide, and it incorporates 36 elements of varying

configuration. The three-section receiving array is 1300 meters wide and 35 meters tall. — Thanks for news tip to Frank Smith, WS1MH

(source: http://www.arrl.org)

A 2014 photo of Duga, the Soviet era OTH near Chernobyl in Ukraine which was nicknamed by shortwave listeners the Russian Woodpecker (source: Wikipedia)...

Sending Pic:300x120C;








The latest RTL-SDR receiver, the Thumbnet N3 is now shipping out. The following information on the new receiver is available on Thumbnet's website.

Introducing the ThumbNet N3 SDR Receiver.

The next Generation, ThumbNet N3 is designed from the ground up to be as simple to use as older generation dongles,

but with powerful hardware features for advanced hobbyists and experimenters.
We removed all of the excess components that were sources of noise or interference in other dongles, and optimized

the circuit for simplicity, sensitivity and selectability. Then we added a port to use a cable with the extremely

common mini-USB connection so that the N3 is less prone to noise from the host computer than a traditional dongle.

Finally, the use of standard Surface Mount 0603 or larger components makes it simple for testing or modification.
We built them for our own use, then decided to offer them to everyone.

A quick list of the features of the N3:

- Full backward compatibility with existing RTL-SDR dongles and software
- High stability TCXO (+/-0.5ppm) (ensuring rock-solid stability from start-up and over a wide range of temperatures)
- Standard R820T2 + RTL2832U (plus 24C02 EEPROM) chipset
- Improved/enhanced decoupling. (Common-mode choke on USB port)
- Low-noise, linear only power regulation (separate 1.2v and 3.3v regulators)
- External DC (+5v, 450mA) supply connector
- Mini-USB connection (allows easy separation of the RF unit from the noisy PC)
- F type RF connector (very common and compatible with existing ThumbNet tracking stations)
- Large (6x4cm) contiguous ground-plane (for better thermal dissipation)
- Static drain-away resistor on the RF input (1K to ground)
- All unnecessary parts (IR receiver, high-current LED etc.) eliminated to reduce parts count and noise
- Circuit board can be mounted into a common 1455 case

Ideal for experimentation:

- Can be connected to an external power supply for very clean power
- All of the important tracks are visible on the top side of the board for easy access
- All of the RF parts are on the top of the board (only regulators and decouplers on the back)
- Logical, simple layout using 0603 (or larger) SMT parts
- IF port break in connector (between front end and IF/USB chip) provided

Utilizing Clean Power

While not required for operation, the N3 receiver is designed to be able to utilize a clean source of power from an external 5v power supply, instead of using the noisy power line coming from the computer's USB port. This gives a tremendous advantage to the purist or
experimenter who wants to utilize power from the N3 to power any external experiments. (When the external power supply is active, no power is drawn from the USB port to power the N3.)

Supporting a Great Cause

100% of the profits from the sale of the N3 are used to support ThumbNet, the non-profit organization that is helping students around the world learn about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) as well as Space, Radio and Meteorology. All at the same time!

About Thumbnet

ThumbNet was born to encourage students around the world to look up at the stars and to give them a chance to feel that they are part of something larger. The hardware to track and monitor radio signals from satellites in orbit is donated to the schools by ThumbNet,
and with over 200 volunteer groups in more than 72 countries, we're having an immediate and positive effect on the lives of hundreds of students around the globe! ThumbNet averages three new volunteer groups a week, so when you buy an N3 receiver for your workshop,
you'll know that you're making a difference by supporting a global effort to educate and inspire students.
We've designed the N3 receiver to be the right tool for the job for our ThumbNet volunteers, and at only $25.75 each, we think you'll agree that it's the right tool for you too!

(source http://www.thumbsat.com/thumbnet-radios)

Reviews of Thumbnet N3 prototypes, with quite positive results, have been published at the following blogs:

Image of Thumbnet N3...

Sending Pic:200x107C;







- 21 organisations sent back questionnaires to the Secretariat;

- The 21 organisations described themselves as:
  Commercial broadcaster      2
  Private Broadcaster         3
  Public Service broadcaster  7
  Service provider            7
  Other                       3
  (One organisation selected two descriptions)

- 10 out of 20 organisations operate DRM capable facilities;

- 5 out of 21 organisations have daily DRM broadcasts in the HF bands for a total of 55 hours 15 minutes;

- International         5 organisations for 26 h 15 min per day,
                        of which:  4 h 30 min to Africa,
                                   8 h 45 min to Europe,
                                  12 h to Asia and
                                   1 h to Oceania.
  National              3 organisations for 5 h per day;
  Local (e.g. 26 MHz)   1 organisation for 24 h per day.

- The availability of receivers at retailers would make 5 organisations, out of the 16 who don’t have regular DRM broadcasts start DRM broadcasts.

  Where these broadcasts would be targeted and the number of hours per day was not specified. However, 4 organisations
  would not start DRM broadcasts and 8 organisations don’t know if they would start DRM broadcasts if more receivers were available at retailers.
  None of the 16 organisations were going to start any DRM broadcasts without the availability of receivers at the retailers.

- The availability of mass produced receivers would make 14 organisations out of 21 reconsider their DRM strategy.

- The recommended price for receivers depends on the target area for the DRM broadcasts:
  Africa, Asia and Oceania, less than $ 25;
  America and Europe, $ 25 - $ 40;
  It was thought that Europe could afford prices higher than $40

(source http://www.hfcc.org/)

While the results of the HFCC questionnaire do not look too promising for the future of DRM, two new receivers have been announced recently:

the PantronX Titus2, at the HFCC B16 Conference in Miami, and the Gospell GR-216, at IBC 2016 in Amsterdam. Both are expected to hit the market in Q1 2017.
The performance on shortwave of almost all previously produced DRM radios ranged from poor to moderate at best and they also had a high price tag.

The currently available made-in-India Avion AV-DR-1410 is not an exception to the rule.
In order to receive DRM broadcasts with a conventional shortwave radio, a downmixer unit from 455 kHz or 10.7 MHz (typical intermediate frequencies)

to 12 kHz (input of a PC-soundcard) is needed. Then, the signal received by the soundcard can be decoded with the excellent free software Dream

which runs on Windows, Linux or Mac.
More than 10 years ago, the Chinese company Kchibo came out with a good idea but with a bad product. The low-budget Kchibo KK-DRM 01 was designed

with a 12 kHz IF output, but a pre-production prototype had problems with DRM reception above 9 MHz. As a result, it never reached the production line.
It will be very interesting to see Tecsun implementing this idea into one of their excellent portable radios of the 600 or 800 series. The increase of the cost of the final product would be probably less than $5.
In any case, from a DXer's point of view, listening to DRM is not the same as trying to pull out of the noise that distant low-powered station!
Thank you for listening, please send reports, comments and shortwave related news or articles to reports@digidx.uk.



This is DigiDX Signing off...






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RSID: <<2016-11-13T01:30Z MFSK-32 @ 6145000+1500>>

The Mighty KBC's Cuban friend and loyal listener Roberto Moreno
Clausell! ...


Sending Pic:133x141C;






Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com












































































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RSID: <<2016-11-12T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 1758000+1500>>

Welcome to program 189 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program all in MFSK32, except
where noted:

  1:31 Program preview (now)
  2:44 Turning human waste into oil*
  7:21 Color images from electron microscopes*
12:33 Olivia 64-2000: Worry about good health
20:07 MFSK32: 2011-15 hottest period on record
22:43 "Supermoons" in November and December*
27:18 Closing announcements

* with image


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram


Turning Human Waste into Oil

George Putic, KI4FNF
7 November 2016

WASHINGTON - Each person on this planet produces enough organic
waste to create between 7 and 11 liters of biofuel a year.

A long time ago, Mother Nature figured out how to turn any
organic matter into crude oil... but the process is so slow, it
takes millions of years.

Now scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory say they managed to speed it up,
and turn the sludge into biofuels and natural gas.

It is estimated that every day, Americans produce 128 billion
liters of raw sewage, which is mostly organic material, including
fats. With the new method, that could potentially be turned into
millions of barrels of biocrude oil.

The process works like this: once it is mechanically separated
from wastewater, raw sludge is placed into a sort of a pressure
cooker. Heated to 349 degrees Celsius and pressurized to 204
atmospheres, it quickly breaks down into a form of petroleum
which could be refined further into gasoline, diesel or jet fuel.
Leftovers can be used in fertilizer manufacturing.

Utah-based Genifuel corporation plans to build a large $6 million
plant in Vancouver, Canada, that is scheduled to start turning
human waste into biofuel in 2018.


See also: http://www.pnnl.gov/news/release.aspx?id=4317

Image: Biocrude oil, produced from wastewater treatment plant
sludge, looks and performs virtually like fossil petroleum ...

Sending Pic:168x224C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

Scientists Bring Color to Electron Microscope Images

VOA News
7 November 2016

Many baby boomers still remember the excitement of watching color
television for the first time. The colors were not exactly
life-like, but the sky was blue, the grass was green, and you
could tell whether a famous actress' shoes matched her dress.

One can only imagine how excited scientists at the University of
California, San Diego were when, after 15 years of research, they
finally produced the first color image from an electron

Electron microscopes are large laboratory instruments that use
accelerated electronic beams to reach magnification of several
million times. They enable scientists to study viruses, molecules
and even atoms. But their drawback is that they produce only
black and white images.

By layering rare earth metals over a sample of a cell, scientists
at UCSD were able to create a three-color image of proteins
penetrating the cell's membrane. The colors are not natural, but
they still help to highlight the features, making it easier to
detect different molecules.

Researchers say they may be able to add even more colors.

Results of the discovery were published in the online magazine
Cell Chemical Biology.


See also:


Image: Example of a color image from an electron microscope ....

Sending Pic:190x238C;

VOA Radiogram now changes to Olivia 64-2000 ...

RSID: <<2016-11-12T16:11Z
OL 64-2K @ 17580000+1500>>


This is VOA Radiogram in Olivia 64-2000

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Worrying About Good Health May Lead to Bad Health

VOA News
7 November 2016

WASHINGTON - People who, in spite of being healthy, constantly
worry about their health may be actually ruining it.

According to a study conducted in Norway, persistent uneasiness
about a possibility of getting a disease, called health anxiety,
proved to be a serious risk factor for developing a heart

After following the health of 7,052 people for 12 years,
researchers at Sandviken University hospital in Bergen found that
those with health anxiety were 73 percent more likely to develop
a heart disease.

Scientists say the study relied on verbal reports by patients
about their health worries, so they do not know whether they had
any legitimate reasons to be anxious.

But they point out that chronic anxiety often leads to unhealthy
habits, such as smoking, drinking and eating a poor diet, which
all contribute to developing heart disease.

Their advice is: if you persistently worry about your health,
talk with your doctor about health anxiety.


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Report: 2011 to 2015 Hottest Period on Record

VOA News
8 November 2016

The five years from 2011 through 2015 were the hottest on record,
and the warming is speeding up trends of rising sea levels and
more extreme weather worldwide, according to a new report.

The World Meteorological Organization released its analysis of
the current global climate as a United Nations climate change
conference opened in Marrakesh, Morocco on Tuesday.

The report says global temperatures over the past five years were
an average of 0.57 degrees Celsius higher than temperatures
measured during the second half of the last century.

It says 2015 was the hottest single year on record, with 2014
coming in second.

The report says global sea surface temperatures also hit a new
peak in 2015, and that Arctic sea ice, the ice sheet on Greenland
and northern hemisphere snow cover are all in decline.

One exception to the trend is sea ice around Antarctica, which
was above average for much of the five-year period.

The WMO says the warming trend is the result of man-made
greenhouse gases, and has made extreme weather events more
likely. Examples highlighted in the report include the 2010 to
2012 East African drought, which killed more than 250,000 people,
2015 heat waves in India and Pakistan that killed more than
4,000, and Typhoon Haiyan, which killed 7,800 people in the
Philippines in 2013.


This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

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November and December will See 'Supermoons'

VOA News
3 November 2016

Sky gazers have a special treat to look for later this month when
a "supermoon" lights up the heavens.

According to NASA, the November 14th full moon will be the
closest full moon of this year, and the closest to Earth since
1948. It won't be as close again until November 25, 2034.

Even if the skies are cloudy on the 14th, the moon will still be
very bright on the nights leading up to the supermoon.

A supermoon is when the moon and Earth are closer than they
usually are, if only by a small margin. The slight change,
however, can cause the moon to appear up to 14 percent larger and
30 percent brighter than a normal full moon.

The term supermoon is relatively new, having been created in 1979
by astrologer Richard Nolle.

Others have referred to the supermoon as a "mega beaver moon."
That name comes from the Old Farmer's Almanac, which said it got
that name because "for both the colonists and the Algonquin
tribes, this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps
froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs."

And if you miss the November supermoon, fret not. There will be
another one on December 14. The bad news about that supermoon,
according to NASA, is that it will drown on the view of the
Geminid meteor shower.


Image: A so-called supermoon is seen at the finish of a lunar
eclipse behind an Orthodox church in Turets, Belarus,
28 September 2015 ...

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Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.


Closing Music - MIDOMI:




The Main Ingredient - Everybody Plays the Fool

"....Okay so you're heart broken
You sit around mopin'
Crying and crying
You say you're even thinking about dyin'
Well before you do anything rash
Dig this

Everybody plays the fool sometime
There's no exception to the rule
Listen baby
It may be factual may be cruel
I ain't lying
Everybody plays the fool......"







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