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RSID: <<2016-12-18T00:55Z MFSK-32 @ WEBSTREAM WRMI (SYSTEM D) 7730000+1500>>


MERCOLEDI' (WED) 18.00-21.00 UTC 3975 KHZ
         19.00-20.00 UTC 6070 KHZ
VENERDI' (FRI)   02.00-02.30 UTC 9955 KHZ
SABATO (SAT)     13.00-14.00 UTC 6070 KHZ
     21.00-21.30 UTC 1584 KHZ
DOMENICA (SUN)   00.30-01.00 UTC 7730 KHZ

MERCOLEDI' (WED) 20.30-21.00 UTC  3975 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
VENERDI' (FRI)   01.25-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
         <====   02.25 - 02.30z !!!
SABATO (SAT)     20.25-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
         <====   21.25 - 21.30z !!!
DOMENICA (SUN)   00.55-01.00 UTC  7730 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
                 11.30-12.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz) VIA "RADIO BCL NEWS"



5R Madagascar till Feb 4 F6ICX will be operating during his holiday as 5R8IC QSL H.C. dir & bur
5U Niger F5PRU is on as 5U7RK during free time for a few months QSL H.C. LoTW & ClubLog
5Z Kenya till 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
5Z Kenya till Jan 23 LZ4NM will be /5X QSL Kenya Bureau
8T Antartica till end Dec 2016 VU3BPZ is active as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9Q Congo till Dec 25 IS0BWM will sign 9Q0HQ/3 QSL Dir only
9Q Congo EA4BB has received his license and has started operating as 9Q6BB with low power QSL W3HNK
9Q CONGO Nov 20 - Dec 25 IS0BWN as 9Q0HQ/3 QSL H.C. dir Clublog
9X Rwanda till Dec 30 KB1ZSQ is on as 9X0JW during spare time
C5 Gambia SP2FUD & SP2GCJ are on as C5FUD & C5GCJ QSL H.C.
C9 Mozambique till Mar 2017 PD0JBH is now on as C91PA QSL H.C. & LoTW
FO/M Marquesas FO5QS is moving to Marquesas where he will stay a few years QSL H.C.
H44 Solomon HB9SHD will be on as H44SHD QSL H.C.
J6 St. Lucia Dec 17 - Jan 2 K9HZ will be on as J68HZ QSL LoTW Clublog
J7 Dominica till Feb 3 HB9MFM will be on as J79WTA QSL H.C. dir/bur
JD Minami Torishima till Mar 15 JG8NQJ will be /JD1 QSL bur
RI1 Antartica till Apr 1 ZS1OIN will be on as RI1ANA
RI1 Antartica till Feb 15 RD1AV will be active as RI1ANC QSL RN1ON dir/bur
VK9N Norfolk Dec 19 - Dec 26 VK1MA will sign VK9NM QSL LoTW
VP5 Turks & Caicos till Dec 18 VE7ACN will be /VP5 QSL H.C. & LoTW









RSID: <<2016-12-18T11:29Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>




WEDNESDAY - MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC  3975 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
FRIDAY - VENERDI'      02.25-02.30 UTC  9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SATURDAY - SABATO      21.25-21.30 UTC  1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SUNDAY - DOMENICA      00.55-01.00 UTC  7730 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SUNDAY - DOMENICA      11.30-12.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz) VIA "RADIO BCL NEWS"



Sending Pic:600x204Cp4;


SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)


RSID: <<2016-12-18T11:34Z OL 16-500 @ 6070000+2200>>





5R Madagascar untill Feb 4 F6ICX will be operating during his holiday as 5R8IC QSL H.C. dir & bur
5U Niger F5PRU is on as 5U7RK during free time for a few months QSL H.C. LoTW & ClubLog
5Z Kenya untill 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
5Z Kenya untill Jan 23 LZ4NM will be /5X till late jan next year QSL Kenya Bureau
5Z Kenya Dec 22 - Jan 6 AK0S will sign /5Z4 QSL LoTW & Clublog
8Q Maldives Dec 29 - Jan 5 LZ1COM will sign 8Q7ND QSL H.C.
8T Antartica untill Dec 2016 VU3BPZ is active as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9Q Congo untill Dec 25 IS0BWM will sign 9Q0HQ/3 QSL Dir only
9Q Congo EA4BB has received his license and has started operating as 9Q6BB with low power QSL W3HNK
9X Rwanda untill Dec 30 KB1ZSQ is on as 9X0JW during spare time
C5 Gambia SP2FUD & SP2GCJ are on as C5FUD & C5GCJ QSL H.C.
C5 Gambia UA4WHX is active as C50VB QSL H.C.
C6 Bahamas Feb 7 - Feb 21 N4UM as C6ARU K4RUM as C6AUM N4BP as C6AKQ QSL H.C. dir K4RUM dir N4BP dir
C9 Mozambique untill Mar 2017 PD0JBH is now on as C91PA QSL H.C. & LoTW
DU Philippines untill Jan 15 DU7ET will sign 4F7OC from OC-129 QSL H.C.
F France Dec 26 - Dec 28 TM1CEZ group will be on from EU-157 QSL M0OXO
FO/M Marquesas FO5QS is moving to Marquesas where he will stay a few years QSL H.C.
FT Antartica untill Feb 2018 F4HLT will sign FT3YL from AN-017 QSL F6KPQ
H44 Solomon HB9SHD is on as H44SHD QSL H.C.
J6 St. Lucia untill Jan 2 K9HZ will be on as J68HZ QSL LoTW Clublog
J7 Dominica untill Feb 3 HB9MFM will be on as J79WTA QSL H.C. dir/bur
JD Minami Torishima untill Mar 15 JG8NQJ will be /JD1 QSL Bur
JD Ogasawara Dec 23 - Jan 1 JG7PSJ will again use JD1BMH QSL Dir H.C. JD1BMH Bur
PJ7 St Marteen untill Jan 10 K2GSJ will be on as PJ7TM QSL H.C.
RI1 Antartica untill Apr 1 ZS1OIN will be on as RI1ANA
RI1 Antartica untill Feb 15 RD1AV will be active as RI1ANC QSL RN1ON dir/bur
SU Egypt %A7XRV\ \ \ living in E9 c.f I ha received his call SU9JG. Will soon be on frequency QSL EA5GL
T8 Palau Dec 25 - Dec 29 JA7XBG as T88GA QSL H.C. dir & LoTW
T8 Palau Dec 26 - Jan 6 JH0IXE as T88CW QSL JA0FOX & LoTW
VK9N Norfolk untill Dec 26 VK1MA will sign VK9NM QSL LoTW
XE Mexico untill end 2017 XF2L call will be used by AREPAC group from NA-221 & NA224 QSL XE1SOV
YN Nicaragua Dec 31 - Jan 7 EA3BT & EA3WL will sign H74B & H74WL from NA-013 QSL EA3BT
Z2 Zimbawe untill Jan 2017 7Z1HB is on as ZL2LS QSL DE1ZHB dir & bur
ZF Cayman Islands untill Dec 30 K5WE will sign ZF2WE all bam., and modes QSL LoTW & Clublog








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RSID: <<2016-12-18T20:30Z MFSK-32 @ WEBSTREAM WRMI [SYSTEM D] 11580000+1500>>

Hello and welcome to DigiDX 41 a weekly review of the latest shortwave and DX news, today in MFSK32 mode.

This programme includes the latest shortwave news, an article on the end of shortwave broadcasts from

Radio Australia and a portion of the B16 Prime Time Shortwave in English schedules.

DigiDX weekly schedule:

Sunday 2030 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Monday 2000 - 3975kHz via IBC (Europe)
Wednesday 2100 - 3975kHz via IBC (Europe)

To buy shortwave time at very reasonable rates from WRMI visit http://www.wrmi.net/

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk. Any money donated will go towards paying

for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to Europe and North America.

Latest Shortwave News:

Sri Lanka celebrates 91 years of completion in radio broadcasting
PCJ Radio International to end shortwave broadcasts to North America
New Australian station to launch on 2368.5kHz
Article - Pacific nations lose shortwave radio services that evade dictators and warn of natural disasters


Sri Lanka celebrates 91 years of completion in radio broadcasting

15 December 2016

Sri Lanka marks the 91 years of completion in radio broadcasting tomorrow. Sri Lanka commenced the radio broadcasting in 16th December 1925 under the

patronage of then British Governor Sir Hu Clifford. Sri Lanka was the first country in the Asian region to start the
radio broadcasting under the British rule. Thereafter Sri Lanka broadcasting service commenced under the supervision of telecommunication regulatory

department. Radio Ceylon commenced its broadcasting services as a state department in October 1949.

Mr. John A Lampson who was the senior announcer at BBC and served as manager in three centers of European region was appointed as the first director

of Broadcasting Department. M.J Perera was the first director of Sinhala Service of this department. The commercial
service commenced on the 30th of September 1950. The Broadcasting Department was transformed as Broadcasting Corporation on the 5th of January 1967.

The first Chairman and Director General of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation was Nevil D. Jayaweera. The SLBC is now having many language services

including Sinhala National, Commercial, City FM, Tamil and English services under its belt along with online services.




Sending Pic:196x240C;


 2016-12-21    21.05z  via   IBC   - Italy    3975 kHz 



PCJ Radio International to end shortwave broadcasts to North America

PCJ Radio International will broadcast their last shortwave programme to North America on the 31st December. Broadcasts to Asia will however continue.
Recent programmes from PCJ Radio International include “From The Radio Netherlands Archives” and “Trump The Dump”. However further details of the last

programme have not yet been released.

New Australian station to launch on 2368.5kHz

Australian radio station “Station X” is set to launch in the coming weeks on 2368.5kHz after moving from 1692kHz. The licensed power is only 100 watts

and reception reports to “Station X” can be sent via their website - http://www.stationx.com.au/

         The X Radio Network



StationX   "The Greatest Hits World Wide"

#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/stationx128kwest/listen.pls     [WEST] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/stationx128keast/listen.pls     [EAST] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/icecast128kP80/listen.pls        [P80] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/stationx64kwest/listen.pls      [WEST] AAC  64 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/stationx64keast/listen.pls      [EAST] AAC  64 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/icecast64kP80/listen.pls         [P80] AAC  64 kbps


format3   "If you are looking for something a bit different to the songs you know and hear everyday then you are in the right place!"

#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/format3128kwest/listen.pls      [WEST] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/format3128keast/listen.pls      [EAST] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/format3icecast128p80/listen.pls  [P80] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/format364kwest/listen.pls       [WEST] AAC  64 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/format364keast/listen.pls       [EAST] AAC  64 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/format3icecast64kp80/listen.pls  [P80] AAC  64 kbps


RadioFSJ "The Coolest Funk Soul & Jazz World Wide"

#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/fsj128kwest/listen.pls          [WEST] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/fsj128keast/listen.pls          [EAST] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/fsjicecast128kp80/listen.pls     [P80] MP3 128 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/fsj64kwest/listen.pls           [WEST] AAC  64 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/fsj64keast/listen.pls           [EAST] AAC  64 kbps
#EXTINF:-1,http://cloudrad.io/fsjicecast64kp80/listen.pls      [P80] AAC  64 kbps





Article - Pacific nations lose shortwave radio services that evade dictators and warn of natural disasters

As a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck off the coast of the Solomon Islands, triggering a tsunami warning across the Pacific,

many residents of the tiny country would have turned to shortwave radio for more information.
The tsunami warning has since been called off, though assessments of damage from the quake are not yet complete.
Sadly, this vital communication service is under threat in this already under-resourced region.
For almost 80 years, Australia has provided such shortwave services, including vital emergency service information, to Asia and the Pacific.
But government funding cuts saw Asian services turned off in January 2015. And now the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

has decided to cut the remaining services to residents of remote parts of the Pacific, Papua New Guinea and parts of northern Australia by
ceasing its shortwave radio services to the Pacific from the end of January 2017.
The ABC has argued the shortwave transmissions, which can travel thousands of kilometres and be picked up by low-cost transmitters

run on batteries or solar power, are outdated. Michael Mason, ABC's director of radio said:
While shortwave technology has served audiences well for many decades, it is now nearly a century old and serves a very limited audience.

The ABC is seeking efficiencies and will instead service this audience through modern technology.
The problem is, of course, that in remote places in the Pacific, particularly in Melanesian nations such as Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu

and the Solomon Islands, there is no access to an FM signal, limited internet and, where internet is available, it is expensive.
Advances in technology such as low-earth orbit satellites, which provide high speed global internet services, show promise. But, as yet,

the receiving technology is expensive and the receivers aren't available in rural and remote area.

How shortwave evades censors

The ABC has said it will replace international shortwave services with digital services including a web stream, in-country FM transmitters,

an Australia Plus expats app and partner websites and apps such as TuneIn radio and vTurner.
There was no mention of the use of updates to shortwave technologies, such as Digital Radio Mondiale, which is being used by Radio New Zealand,

or using shortwave for digital data transmission, which can't be censored or jammed.
The move away from shortwave to FM transmissions and digital and mobile services has been accelerated despite the fact that FM frequencies can

easily be shut down by disaffected political leaders, as happened in Fiji in 2009 on the order of then self-appointed prime
minister Frank Bainimarama.
It was a matter of national pride at the time for the ABC to be providing independent information for Fijians via shortwave, with then managing

director of the corporation, Mark Scott, highlighting a text message sent from inside Fiji to the ABC, which read:
"We are trying to listen to you online but are having difficulty. Please keep broadcasting. You are all we have"
Shortwave radio has played a valuable role in getting information to communities in the middle of civil disturbance, such as in East Timor in

the lead up to independence.
In Burma, it was internal leaders who sought the shortwave services. In 2009, Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi called on Australia

to provide shortwave broadcasts.
At the time the ABC's director of international, Murray Green, said the move reflected the ABC's ongoing commitment to serving people in those

parts of Asia and the Pacific who live without press freedom.
Even before this announcement was made, the price of shortwave radios was increased in Burma's Sittwe market.

Keeping people safe from disaster

It isn't just a matter of providing information to censored countries. Shortwave also provides a reliable source of information, particularly

during natural disasters.
Shortwave provides vital warnings of tsunamis to outlying island nations. It was a lasting communication method after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami,

and was vital in the response to 2015's Cyclone Pam, which devastated Vanuatu.
Shortwave transmissions go over mountains and seas, have a longer range, and don't fall over and twist in storms like FM radio towers. The Pacific

Freedom Forum, a regional media freedom and ethics monitoring and advocacy NGO, said in a statement:
It's clear that no thought was given to the link between disaster communications and this service, or even the fact that FM is largely unreliable

in bad weather and only available in urban areas.

Shortwave is seen as a vital part of keeping communities safe. As an ABC correspondent wrote on their Facebook page, and as technology reporter

Peter Marks mentioned on air, after Cyclone Pam:
We expected the worst. Death, injury, hunger. But when we arrived, the Dillons Bay village chief ... told me they knew the cyclone was approaching,

so they sheltered in the two solid buildings in the village. Most houses were flattened but not a single injury. I
asked him how he knew the cyclone was approaching. He said, 'ABC Radio'.

New Zealand and the UK take on China

The cuts to the shortwave services at the ABC are just the latest in a long line of budget savings to its international services.
While other cuts to the broadcaster garnered many headlines, the ABC has cut the shortwave, and also quietly closed its Vietnamese, Khmer and Burmese

language services on December 2, 2016.
The French-language service to the French Pacific is due to end in February 2017.
Thankfully for Pacific nations, while Australia is dialling back its shortwave services, New Zealand's RNZ International is maintaining Pacific-wide

shortwave transmission.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has also announced a major boost to its international broadcasts, including producing shortwave radio

programmes for North Korea.
The BBC is fearful of the rise of state-backed broadcasters such as China's CCTV, Qatar's Al Jazeera, and Russia's RT.
The Pacific appears to be a specific concern for China, with Australia's Lowy Institute tracking the extent of China's aid program in the Pacific

at more than 200 projects worth $US1.4 billion since 2006 and the state owned Xinhua News Agency actively covering the
Asia Pacific.
In light of this, the BBC clearly recognises a need to boost its international broadcasting, using shortwave to beat censors in autocratic regimes.
It is a great shame for the Pacific that Australia no longer agrees.
Alexandra Wake is a senior lecturer in Journalism at RMIT and a former ABC and Radio Australia broadcaster.

Originally published in The Conversation. -






Now on DigiDX we have an extract of the Prime Time Shortwave B16 English language shortwave schedules compiled by Dan Sampson and Ernest Riley.

For the full schedule visit http://www.primetimeshortwave.com/ This week we concentrate on between 0200-0600 UTC for our North American listeners.

UTC Time  Notes      Country         Station
0300-0400 Am, Su     U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0300-0400 Af, M,Tu,F Uganda          R. Lead Africa   
0300-0400 Af         Oman            R. Sultanate Oman
0300-0400 As         Taiwan          R. Taiwan Int'l  
0300-0400 NA,Tu-Sa   Argentina       RAE           
0300-0400 Af         U. S. A.        V. of America   
    4930bt, 6080va, 15580ku
0300-0400 NA         U. S. A.        WHRI             
0300-0400 NA         U. S. A.        WHRI    
0300-0400 Eu, Su     U. S. A.        WHRI      
0300-0400 Af, Tu-Sa  U. S. A.        WWCR4       
0300-0500 Am, M      U. S. A.        WBCQ          
0300-0600 Af         Sudan           Miraya FM R     
0300-1300 Eu         U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0300-2400 LA         U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0330-0400 LA, F-M    U. S. A.        WINB      
0400-0430 LA, Su-M   Czech Republic  R. Prague   
0400-0430 As, Su     Palau           T8WH          
0400-0430 NA         U. S. A.        WHRI            
0400-0430 LA, Sa-M   U. S. A.        WINB             
0400-0455 eNA,wEu    Turkey          V. of Turkey 
0400-0455 ME         Turkey          V. of Turkey   
0400-0500 Af         United Kingdom  BBC              
   9460za, 12095ae
0400-0500 ME         United Kingdom  BBC              
  9410om, 12035om
0400-0500 Af, M-F    South Africa    Channel Africa 
0400-0500 As         China           China R. Int'l   
   13570, 13590, 15120
0400-0500 eEu        China           China R. Int'l   
  17730, 17855
0400-0500 NA, Tu-Sa  U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0400-0500 wNA        Romania         R. Romania Int'l 
   6020, 7340
0400-0500 As         Romania         R. Romania Int'l
    11790, 13730 drm
0400-0500 Af         U. S. A.        V. of America    
   4930bt, 4960sa, 6080sa,
0400-0500 Am, M-Sa   U. S. A.        WBCQ           
0430-0500 Af, M-F    Swaziland       TWR Africa       
0430-0527 LA         North Korea     V. of Korea   
      11735, 13760, 15180
0430-0527 neAs       North Korea     V. of Korea     
    7220, 9445, 9730
0430-0700 Af, M-F    Swaziland       TWR Africa       
0445-0500 Eu,Sa      U. S. A.        Eternal Good News
0445-0515 ME, Su     Canada          Bible Voice    
0459-0758 Oc         New Zealand     RNZI             
0500-0527 Af         Vatican City    Vatican R.    
      7360, 11625
0500-0530 Eu         Japan           R. Japan        
0500-0530 Af         Japan           R. Japan         
0500-0600 Af         United Kingdom  BBC      
           3255za, 5875as, 6005as,
         6190za, 7445as, 12095za,
0500-0600 As         China           China R. Int'l 
     11895, 15350, 15430,
0500-0600 ME         China           China R. Int'l
0500-0600 Af, ME     China           China R. Int'l  
0500-0600 eEu        China           China R. Int'l   
  17730, 17855
0500-0600 NA, Tu-Sa  U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0500-0600 Am         Cuba            R. Havana Cuba
      6000, 6060, 6100, 6165
0500-0600 Af, W,Th   Uganda          R. Lead Africa  
0500-0600 Af         U. S. A.        V. of America    
  4930bt, 6080sa, 15580bt
0500-0600 nAf        U. S. A.        WHRI             
0500-0700 Af, M-F    South Africa    Channel Africa   
0500-0700 LA         U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0500-0700 Af, Sa     Uganda          R. Lead Africa  
0500-0700 Af, Sa-Su  Swaziland       TWR Africa       
0500-1100 NA         U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0500-1100 LA         U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0515-0530 LA, W,F    Cyprus          FG Radio       
0530-0600 Eu         Thailand        R. Thailand      
0530-0627 As         North Korea     V. of Korea     
    13650, 15105
0600-0700 Af         United Kingdom  BBC            
     6005as, 6190za, 7325as,
   7445za, 9915as, 12095za,
    15420ma, 17640ae
0600-0700 Eu         United Kingdom  BBC              
  3955 drm
0600-0700 Af, M-F    South Africa    Channel Africa  
0600-0700 As         China           China R. Int'l   
   11895, 13645, 15350,
    15430, 15465, 17710
0600-0700 ME         China           China R. Int'l   
  11750al, 11870, 15145
0600-0700 Af, ME     China           China R. Int'l  
0600-0700 LA         U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0600-0700 NA, Su     U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0600-0700 LA         Cuba            R. Havana Cuba  
0600-0700 Am         Cuba            R. Havana Cuba   
  6000, 6060, 6100, 6165
0600-0700 Af         U. S. A.        V. of America    
   6080sa, 9550sa, 15580bt
0600-1000 NA, M-Sa   U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry
0630-0700 Oc, Sa-Su  Australia       R. Australia     
   15240, 15415, 17840
0630-0700 Eu         Romania         R. Romania Int'l
    7345, 9770 drm
0630-0700 Oc, As     Romania         R. Romania Int'l 
  15450, 17780
0630-0700 Eu         Slovakia        R. Slovakia    
0630-0700 As         Myanmar         Thazin R.       
0630-0700 Af         Vatican City    Vatican R.      
    9660, 11625
0630-0727 neAs       North Korea     V. of Korea     
    7220, 9445, 9730



Sending Pic:468x90C;


 2016-12-19    20.29z  via   IBC   - Italy    3975 kHz 






 2016-12-21    21.28z  via   IBC   - Italy    3975 kHz 






Thank you for listening, please send reports, comments and shortwave related news or articles to reports@digidx.uk.
Please tune in next week for the return of the e-QSL card for the last months  DigiDX broadcasts.
This is DigiDX Signing off.....




██╗  ██╗██████╗  ██████╗    ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██████╗  █████╗ ███╗   ███╗
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RSID: <<2016-12-18T01:31Z MFSK-32 @ 6145000+1500>>

Holiday lights brighten these longest nights of the year, and
they even look good via shortwave ...


Sending Pic:388x39C;




... and if they stay lit during January, they can help chase the
cold away.

Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com







██╗   ██╗ ██████╗  █████╗     ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██████╗  █████╗ ███╗   ███╗
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RSID: <<2016-12-17T09:35Z MFSK-32 @  2 x US-WEB-SDR // 5865000+1500>>

Welcome to program 194 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 except
where noted:

 1:36  Program preview (now)
 2:42  Reorganization of US international broadcasting*
11:53  Off-grid solar power in Africa*
18:00  Olivia 64-2000: Shortwave greetings for sailors
25:30  MFSK32: Closing announcements*

* with image

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

RSID: <<2016-12-17T16:01Z MFSK-32 @  UK-WEB-SDR   17580000+1500>>



Welcome to program 194 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 except
where noted:

 1:36 Program preview (now)
 2:42 Reorganization of US international broadcasting*
11:53 Off-grid solar power in Africa*
18:00 Olivia 64-2000: Shortwave greetings for sailors
25:30 MFSK32: Closing announcements*

* with image

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram




New Law Would Reorganize VOA, Other US Government Broadcasters

William Gallo
December 14, 2016

Control over U.S. government international broadcasting will be
consolidated under a powerful chief executive, under legislation
expected to soon be signed by President Barack Obama.

The changes were included as part of an annual defense funding
bill, the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, which was
passed last week by both houses of Congress.

The bill restructures the leadership of the Bro~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                     Transmitter failure / off air (text from website)


The bill restructures the leadership of the Broadcasting Board of
Governors, the U.S. government agency that supervises the Voice
of America and other broadcast entities, several of which are
organized as government-funded private corporations, known as
The bipartisan, nine-member board that oversees the BBG will be
replaced by a smaller advisory board with no decision-making
authority. Its power will be transferred to the chief executive
officer, a new position established in September 2015. Future
CEOs will be appointed by the president and confirmed by the
The bill's supporters say the changes will help streamline
operations and
do away with a part-time board that has long been
criticized for ineffectiveness.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~do away with a part-time board that has long been
criticized for ineffectiveness.





New Law Would Reorganize VOA, Other US Government Broadcasters

William Gallo
December 14, 2016

Control over U.S. government international broadcasting will be
consolidated under a powerful chief executive, under legislation
expected to soon be signe President Barack Obama.

The changes were included as part of an annual defense funding
bill, the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, which was
passed last week by both houses of Congress.




The bill restructures the leadership of the Broadcasting Board of
Governors, the U.S. government agency that supervises the Voice
of America and other broadcast entities, several of which are
organized as government-funded private corporations, known as

The bipartisan, nine-member board that oversees the BBG will be
replaced by a smaller advisory board with no decision-making
authority. Its power will be transferred to the chief executive
officer, a new position established in September 2015. Future
CEOs will be appointed by the president and confirmed by the

The bill's supporters say the changes will help streamline
operations and do away with a part-time board that has long been
criticized for ineffectiveness.





But critics say the board serves as a crucial firewall between
BBG journalists and the political establishment, and argue that
eliminating it could damage editorial independence and

The bill's main backer was Republican Congressman Ed Royce, who
says the changes to the BBG are long overdue.

"Our agencies that helped take down the Iron Curtain with
accurate and timely broadcasting have lost their edge," Royce
said in a statement earlier this month. "They must be revitalized
to effectively carry out their mission in this age of viral
terrorism and digital propaganda."

Any new CEO named by the president must be confirmed by the
Senate, which is controlled by Republicans.

Under the bill, the CEO would acquire broad powers, especially
over BBG grantee organizations, which include Radio Free Asia,
Radio Free Europe, and Middle East Broadcasting Networks.
Specifically, the CEO would have the power to consolidate
grantees into a single new corporation, hire and fire their
heads, and transfer money from one grantee's budget to another.

The language of the bill predates the presidential election, and
was supported by the Obama administration. But Michael Kempner, a
BBG board member appointed by Obama, says the bill is a mistake.

"No president, Democrat or Republican, should be able to have
unfettered control of these vital U.S. media properties," Kempner
said in an interview. "It's the independence of the media
properties that makes them so credible and effective around the
world. And without that independence, it just becomes more
discredited propaganda."

Some media reports have suggested the shakeup means the BBG
broadcasters, including VOA, will effectively become a mouthpiece
for incoming President-elect Donald Trump.

But John Lansing, the current BBG CEO, has said the agency's
independence is still protected. In an email to staff earlier
this month, he said that "maintaining our journalistic
independence, and our credibility worldwide, remains of the
utmost importance."

"This legislation makes NO changes to the firewall between the
federal government and the journalists of our five networks. The
firewall remains in place and sacrosanct, with the CEO legally
required to uphold its function," said Lansing.

Editorial independence at VOA is also safeguarded by the VOA
Charter, an act of law that protects the independence and
integrity of its programming. "VOA news will be accurate,
objective, and comprehensive," the charter says.

But will Trump, who has reportedly toyed with the idea of
creating his own media network, be attracted to the idea of
trying to influence the content disseminated by federally funded

"It's a danger and I think we should watch it closely," says
Moira Whelan, a former deputy assistant secretary for digital
strategy at the State Department. "Crossing our fingers isn't
good enough."

But Whelan, who now works as an independent communications
consultant for think tanks, supported the changes.

"It's a 24/7 news business, and decisions made by committee were
leaving (the BBG broadcasters) not competitive with other media
organizations around the world," she told VOA.

Ultimately, she pointed out, there is always a risk that
presidents will try to exploit federal government agencies for
partisan purposes. Under the new leadership structure, she said
it will even be more important for Congress to ensure that the
BBG's editorial independence is protected.

"And I think there are friends in Congress who want to ensure
that," she added.


Image: The Broadcasting Board of Governors (logo) sinks slowly in
the west ...
Sending Pic:234x125C;


But critics say the board serves as a crucial firewall between
BBG journalists and the political establishment, and argue that
eliminating it could damage editorial independence and

The bill's main backer was Republican Congressman Ed Royce, who
says the changes to the BBG are long overdue.

"Our agencies that helped take down the Iron Curtain with
accurate and timely broadcasting have lost their edge," Royce
said in a statement earlier this month. "They must be revitalized
to effectively carry out their mission in this age of viral
terrorism and digital propaganda."

Any new CEO named by the president must be confirmed by the
Senate, which is controlled by Republicans.

Under the bill, the CEO would acquire broad powers, especially
over BBG grantee organizations, which include Radio Free Asia,
Radio Free Europe, and Middle East Broadcasting Networks.
Specifically, the CEO would have the power to consolidate
grantees into a single new corporation, hire and fire their
heads, and transfer money from one grantee's budget to another.

The language of the bill predates the presidential election, and
was supported by the Obama administration. But Michael Kempner, a
BBG board member appointed by Obama, says the bill is a mistake.

"No president, Democrat or Republican, should be able to have
unfettered control of these vital U.S. media properties," Kempner
said in an interview. "It's the independence of the media
properties that makes them so credible and effective around the
world. And without that independence, it just becomes more
discredited propaganda."

Some media reports have suggested the shakeup means the BBG
broadcasters, including VOA, will effectively become a mouthpiece
for incoming President-elect Donald Trump.

But John Lansing, the current BBG CEO, has said the agency's
independence is still protected. In an email to staff earlier
this month, he said that "maintaining our journalistic
independence, and our credibility worldwide, remains of the
utmost importance."

"This legislation makes NO changes to the firewall between the
federal government and the journalists of our five networks. The
firewall remains in place and sacrosanct, with the CEO legally
required to uphold its function," said Lansing.

Editorial independence at VOA is also safeguarded by the VOA
Charter, an act of law that protects the independence and
integrity of its programming. "VOA news will be accurate,
objective, and comprehensive," the charter says.

But will Trump, who has reportedly toyed with the idea of
creating his own media network, be attracted to the idea of
trying to influence the content disseminated by federally funded

"It's a danger and I think we should watch it closely," says
Moira Whelan, a former deputy assistant secretary for digital
strategy at the State Department. "Crossing our fingers isn't
good enough."

But Whelan, who now works as an independent communications
consultant for think tanks, supported the changes.

"It's a 24/7 news business, and decisions made by committee were
leaving (the BBG broadcasters) not competitive with other media
organizations around the world," she told VOA.

Ultimately, she pointed out, there is always a risk that
presidents will try to exploit federal government agencies for
partisan purposes. Under the new leadership structure, she said
it will even be more important for Congress to ensure that the
BBG's editorial independence is protected.

"And I think there are friends in Congress who want to ensure
that," she added.



Image: The Broadcasting Board of Governors (logo) sinks slowly in
the west ...

Sending Pic:234x125C;



This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


Off-Grid Solar Power Booms in Africa as US Backs Technology Roll

Henry Ridgwell
December 13, 2016

More than 600 million people in Africa have no access to
electricity, according to the International Energy Agency.

But new technology could provide the solution. So-called off-grid
solar systems have plummeted in price. Now consumers can spread
the cost by renting the equipment and paying for the electricity
as they need it, for less than a-half-dollar a day.

Lumos Global is among the firms rolling out the technology in
Nigeria, alongside mobile phone operator MTN. The company's CEO,
Nir Marom, says installation is simple.

"He puts the solar system on the roof, and he puts the indoor
unit in the home," said Marom. "There is a cable to connect them.
It is a plug on both sides, you do not need to be an electrician
to do anything like this. And then you need to charge this [the
rental] by credit. So the sun charges the electricity, but you
need to provide the credit to power the system up, and you do
this using your mobile phone."

U.S. invests in Nigeria systems

The company received financing from the U.S. government's
Overseas Private Investment Corporation or OPIC, as part of
President Barack Obama's Power Africa initiative.

"So $50 million of OPIC money as debt toward the systems," Marom
said. "That will take us to 250,000 systems in Nigeria."

As the off-grid sector booms, several African countries have also
invested millions of dollars in large on-grid solar plants.
Senegal opened one of Africa's largest in October, able to
generate 20 megawatts, enough for 160,000 people.

Strong start in Senegal

Chief executive Charlotte Aubi-Kalaidjian runs Greenwish
Partners, which paid for the construction.

She says in Senegal the amount of electricity is double compared
to what a solar farm of the same capacity in England or in
northern France would produce.

The International Energy Agency forecasts that almost one billion
people in sub-Saharan Africa will gain access to on-grid power by

But half-a-billion people will still be off-grid. Investors
believe solar power could fill that gap, while also helping to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Image: A Ugandan worker builds a solar plant 300 kilometers east
of Kampala ...

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.



Off-Grid Solar Power Booms in Africa as US Backs Technology Roll

Henry Ridgwell
December 13, 2016

More than 600 million people in Africa have no access to
electricity, according to the International Energy Agency.

But new technology could provide the solution. So-called off-grid
solar systems have plummeted in price. Now consumers can spread
the cost by renting the equipment and paying for the electricity
as they need it, for less than a-half-dollar a day.

Lumos Global is among the firms rolling out the technology in
Nigeria, alongside mobile phone operator MTN. The company's CEO,
Nir Marom, says installation is simple.

"He puts the solar system on the roof, and he puts the indoor
unit in the home," said Marom. "There is a cable to connect them.
It is a plug on both sides, you do not need to be an electrician
to do anything like this. And then you need to charge this [the
rental] by credit. So the sun charges the electricity, but you
need to provide the credit to power the system up, and you do
this using your mobile phone."

U.S. invests in Nigeria systems

The company received financing from the U.S. government's
Overseas Private Investment Corporation or OPIC, as part of
President Barack Obama's Power Africa initiative.

"So $50 million of OPIC money as debt toward the systems," Marom
said. "That will take us to 250,000 systems in Nigeria."

As the off-grid sector booms, several African countries have also
invested millions of dollars in large on-grid solar plants.
Senegal opened one of Africa's largest in October, able to
generate 20 megawatts, enough for 160,000 people.

Strong start in Senegal

Chief executive Charlotte Aubi-Kalaidjian runs Greenwish
Partners, which paid for the construction.

She says in Senegal the amount of electricity is double compared
to what a solar farm of the same capacity in England or in
northern France would produce.

The International Energy Agency forecasts that almost one billion
people in sub-Saharan Africa will gain access to on-grid power by

But half-a-billion people will still be off-grid. Investors
believe solar power could fill that gap, while also helping to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Image: A Ugandan worker builds a solar plant 300 kilometers east
of Kampala ...


Sending Pic:244x138C;


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

VOA Radiogram now changes to Olivia 64-2000 ...




Sending Pic:244x138C;


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

VOA Radiogram now changes to Olivia 64-2000 ...



RSID: <<2016-12-17T09:51Z OL 64-2K @ 5865000+1500>


This is VOA Radiogram in Olivia 64-2000 ...

From Alokesh Gupta's Radioactivity blog:

NDR Christmas Eve special transmission via Media Broadcast

On Christmas Eve, Norddeutscher Rundfunk broadcasts messages to
sailors all over the world in the radio broadcast "Gruß an Bord"
or "Greeting aboard" - greetings to the ship's crew  ... The show
"Greeting aboard" was heard Christmas 1953 for the first time on
the radio. It is thus one of the oldest existing radio broadcasts
in the world.

Schedule, with frequencies in kHz, transmitter power in kW,
transmitter site (see below), and nominal target area:

24 December 2016

1900-2100 UTC
 6125 125 N North Atlantic
 9740 125 N Indian Ocean West
11650 250 I South Atlantic
 9800 250 I Atlantic/Indian Ocean (South Africa)
 9790 100 M Indian Ocean - East
 6145 100 Y Europe

2100-2300 UTC
 5930 125 N North Atlantic
 9765 125 N Indian Ocean West
 9830 250 I South Atlantic
 9590 250 I Atlantic/Indian Ocean (South Africa)
 9650 100 M Indian Ocean - East
 6145 100 Y Europe

Transmitter sites:
I - Issoudun, France
M - Moosbrunn, Austria
N - Nauen, Germany
Y - Yerevan-Gavar, Armenia


VOA Radiogram now returns to MFSK32 ...

RSID: <<2016-12-17T16:18Z OL 64-2K @ 17580000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in Olivia 64-2000 ...

From Alokesh Gupta's Radioactivity blog:

NDR Christmas Eve special transmission via Media Broadcast

On Christmas Eve, Norddeutscher Rundfunk broadcasts messages to
sailors all over the world in the radio broadcast "Gruß an Bord"
or "Greeting aboard" - greetings to the ship's crew ... The show
"Greeting aboard" was heard Christmas 1953 for the first time on
the radio. It is thus one of the oldest existing radio broadcasts
in the world.

Schedule, with frequencies in kHz, transmitter power in kW,
transmitter site (see below), and nominal target area:

24 December 2016

1900-2100 UTC
 6125 125 N North Atlantic
 9740 125 N Indian Ocean West
11650 250 I South Atlantic
 9800 250 I Atlantic/Indian Ocean (South Africa)
 9790 100 M Indian Ocean - East
 6145 100 Y Europe

2100-2300 UTC
 5930 125 N North Atlantic
 9765 125 N Indian Ocean West
 9830 250 I South Atlantic
 9590 250 I Atlantic/Indian Ocean (South Africa)
 9650 100 M Indian Ocean - East
 6145 100 Y Europe

Transmitter sites:
I - Issoudun, France
M - Moosbrunn, Austria
N - Nauen, Germany
Y - Yerevan-Gavar, Armenia


VOA Radiogram now returns to MFSK32 ...





RSID: <<2016-12-17T09:59Z MFSK-32 @ 5865000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32 ...

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Sending Pic:174x138C;



RSID: <<2016-12-17T16:25Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32 ...

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Sending Pic:174x138C;





closing song:



Erasure  -   Gaudete




"......On 28 October 2013, British synthpop group Erasure released their electronic version of "Gaudete" as the first single off their Christmas-themed album Snow Globe...."











 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

 FRG-100B + IF-mixer  &    ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1  -  Software italiano per SDR     [S-AM-USB/LSB]

 Software AF:

 Fldigi-3.23.16     http://skylink.dl.sourceforge.net/project/fldigi/fldigi/readme.txt    +   flmsg-4.00.00


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages

 German W7 32bit + 64bit


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4 - 2,6 GHz]

 MSI-CR70-2MP345W7  (since2014)   [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ]




Nauen 6125 kHz 1900-2100z  +  5930 kHz 2100-2300z   ===> 250°

Atlantic - North



 6125 kHz 1900-2100z
27,80,36,81,11    NAU 125 kW  250°  216 241216 D    2015:6185

 6145 kHz 1900-2100z 27,28,29          ERV 100 kW  305°  238 241216 ARM  NEW

 9740 kHz 1900-2100z 48,53,41,79       NAU 125 kW  130°  216 241216 D    2015:9885

 9740 kHz ===> 9470 kHz

 9790 kHz 1900-2100z 41,49,54,79,58    MOS 100 kW  115°  218 241216 AUT  2015:9810

 9800 kHz 1900-2100z 57,53,48,79       ISS 250 kW  156°  217 241216 F    2015:9830

11650 kHz 1900-2100z 13,46,15,66,52,57 ISS 250 kW  195°  217 241216 F    ident



 5930 kHz 2100-2300z 27,80,36,81,11    NAU 125 kW  250°  216 241216 D    2015:6040

 6145 kHz 2100-2300z 27,28,29          ERV 100 kW  305°  238 241216 ARM  NEW

 9590 kHz 2100-2300z 57,53,48,79       ISS 250 kW  156°  217 241216 F    2015:9830
9650 kHz 2100-2300z 41,49,54,79,58    MOS 100 kW  115°  218 241216 AUT  2015:9765

 9765 kHz 2100-2300z 48,53,41,79       NAU 125 kW  130°  216 241216 D    2015:9515
 9830 kHz 2100-2300z
13,46,15,66,52,57 ISS 250 kW  195°  217 241216 F    2015:9655







Issoudun  11650 kHz 1900-2100z    +   9830 kHz 2100-2300z    ===> 195°

Atlantic - South   

Issoudun  9800 kHz 1900-2100z  +   9590 kHz 2100-2300z   ===>  156°

Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa)





Nauen  9740 kHz 1900-2100z  +   9765 kHz 2100-2300z   ===> 130°

Indian Ocean - West

Moosbrunn  9790 kHz 1900-2100z    +   9650 kHz 2100-2300z   ===>  115°

Indian Ocean - East


Noratus  6145 kHz 1900-2100z Europe  +   6145 kHz 2100-2300z  Europe + Parts of North America   ===> 305°



















25.12.2016 0900-1000 UTC  6045 kHz Nauen   233° (Europa)      Radio.Menschen & Geschichten

26.12.2016 0000-0200 UTC  6080 kHz Nauen   300° (Nordamerika) Radio Mi Amigo International


31.12.2016 1000-1200 UTC  6005 kHz Kall    020° (Europa)      SM Radio Dessau (Max Berger)



25.12.2016 1000-1100 UTC 11690 kHz Noratus 078° (Asien)       SM Radio International
25.12.2016 1200-1300 UTC 17695 kHz
Noratus 100° (Australien)  SM Radio International
25.12.2016 1800-1900 UTC
 6145 kHz Noratus 305°
(Europa)      SM Radio International
25.12.2016 1900-2100 UTC
 6145 kHz Noratus 305°
(Europa)      Radio Mi Amigo International
25.12.2016 2100-2200 UTC
 6005 kHz Noratus 245° (Afrika)      SM Radio International

26.12.2016 0100-0200 UTC 12020 kHz
Noratus 245° (Südamerika) 
SM Radio International
26.12.2016 0300-0400 UTC
 7305 kHz Noratus 330° (Nordamerika)
SM Radio International

01.01.2017 1900-2000 UTC
 6145 kHz Noratus 305°
(Europa)      Radio.Menschen & Geschichten
01.01.2017 2000-2100 UTC
 6145 kHz Noratus 305°
(Europa)      Radio Pushka
01.01.2017 2100-2130 UTC
 6145 kHz Noratus 305°
(Europa)      Golden 80s Rewind (Jordan Heyburn)


14.01.2017 1900-2000 UTC  6145 kHz Noratus 305° (Europa)      ADDX Jubiläumsprogramm