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RSID: <<2017-05-12T01:25Z MFSK-32 @ WRMI SYTEM B+1500>>


mail: ibc@europe.com



5T   Mauritania until Dec 31 ON8RA/5T0JL will be on as 5T0ITU Will sign 5T3MM during next days QSL ON8RA PY4KL
5U   Niger F5PRU is on as 5U7RK during free time for a few months QSL H.C. LoTW & ClubLog
5X   Uganda ON6NL is now on as 5X8C QSL H.C. dir Bur
5Z   Kenya until 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
7X   Algeria May 15 - May 18 7X2VFK will be on as 7Y9TWD QSL 7X2DD dir
8J   Antartica All 2017 JG2MLI will be on from 8J1RL. Will also use 8J60JARE QSL H.C. LoTW
8R   Guyana until Jun 8 KC0W will be on /8R1 CW only QSL H.C. dir
A7   Qatar until May 18 MW0BRO will be /A7 QSL H.C. dir
D4   Cape Verde AF-005 until Jun 8 DF2WO as D44TWO QSL M0OXO
DU   Philippines OC-130 until May 24 ON5SM will be /DU9 QSL H.C. dir & bur
DU   Philippines OC-235 until May 16 SP5APW will be /DU9 QSL H.C.
E5/S S.Cook until May 13 W6HB as E51AND, KG7MXL as E51JD, KI7DLK as E51BQ
E5/n N.Cook OC-098 until May 23 VE3LYC will be on CW & SSB signing E51LYC QSL H.C.
EA6  Balearic Is. until May 14 DL1ATZ will operate /EA6 QSL H.C
FO   French Polynesia & Marquesas until Jul 31 IZ2ZTQ will be on from OC-027, 046, 066, o67. Details on the schedule not yet known QSL H.C. LoTW
FS   St. Martin NA-105 until May 15 K9EL will be on /FS QSL H.C. LoTW ClubLog
HR   Honduras NA-057 May 13 - May 27 AD8J will sign /HR9 mainly CW QSL H.C. dir & LoTW
J2   Djibouti Now S53T has a license valid to the end of 2019 QSL S57DX
JD   Minami Torishima May 15 - Jul 15 JG8NQJ will be /JD1 from OC-073 QSL JA8CJY
PY0F F.de Noronha until May 15 PY4NY will be on as PY0NY QSL H.C. dir
T8   Palau until May 19 JH0CKF will sign T88MZ QSL H.C. ClubLog
TG   Guatelama until May 15 VE7VZ will sign /TG9 or TG9BBV QSL VE7BV dir bur LoTW
V3   Belize NA-073 until May 14 VO1OK will sign V31OK QSL H.C. dir LoTW
VK   Australia OC-267 until Jun 2017 VK5MAV Will sign VK9MAV Details will follow QSL RN3RQ bur ClubLog
VP9  Bermuda until May 15 CX4CR & CX3AN will be /VP9 QSL EB7DX
VU   Laccadives May 15 - May 19 W4VKU & VU2PAI will be on. Call not yet fixed QSL ClubLog







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RSID: <<2017-05-13T15:30Z MFSK-32 @ 9400000+1500>>


The KBC ship at Harlingen, the Netherlands, with flags of a tall
ship in the foreground ...


Sending Pic:149x133C;







Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com






via KBC-Stream

via KBC-Stream + zoom




















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DigiDX is taking a few weeks off, hence the VOA Radiogram transmissions via WRMI. See http://www.digidx.uk/ and https://www.facebook.com/digidx/




re-broadcast of VOA Radiogram #215



















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RSID: <<2017-05-13T07:32Z MFSK-32 @ WRMI SYSTEM D+1500>>


Welcome to program 215 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 except
where noted:

  1:32 Program preview (now)
  2:39 Senators support U.S. human rights role*
  8:50 China strengthens Internet controls*
14:07 FCC website attacked*
19:01 MFSK16: NSS call letters reactivated this weekend
23:45 MFSK32: Image* and closing announcements*

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram


Senators Underscore America's Role as Human Rights Advocate

Michael Bowman
May 9, 2017

CAPITOL HILL - U.S. senators of both political parties piled on
in defense of America's role as a human rights advocate, one week
after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggested that a values
based outreach to the world hinders U.S. national security goals.

"America's strength is in our ideals, our values: speaking up for
democracy, speaking up for human rights, anti-corruption and
embracing diversity," said Democratic Senator Ben Cardin of

"So many of the groups around the world who are fighting for the
principles that we as a nation stand for – democracy, a free
press, freedom of religion, freedom of expression – they look to
America for inspiration," said Republican Senator Marco Rubio of

Both lawmakers spoke Tuesday at a hearing of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, one day after Republican Senator John McCain
of Arizona penned an opinion piece in The New York Times
newspaper in which he accused Tillerson of turning his back on
decades of American human rights advocacy on the world stage.

Addressing State Department employees last week, Tillerson was
quoted as saying that "in some circumstances, if you condition
our national security efforts on someone adopting our values, we
probably can't achieve our national security goals."

"With those words, Secretary Tillerson sent a message to
oppressed people everywhere: Don't look to the United States for
hope," McCain wrote. "[I]f you happen to be in the way of our
forging relationships with your oppressors that could serve our
security and economic interests, good luck to you. You're on your

McCain wasn't alone in his criticism.

"Leading with our values, including prioritizing human rights in
our diplomacy, is a critical part of promoting our national
security," said Democratic Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey.
"I am really concerned about Secretary Tillerson's comments."

The Foreign Relations Committee met to consider President Donald
Trump's nominee for deputy secretary of state, John Sullivan, an
attorney and former Commerce Department official during the
George W. Bush administration.

Sullivan attempted to reassure senators he understands their

"I'm committed to making the State Department the preeminent
force to protect American values and promote American values in
the world," the nominee said at his confirmation hearing.

Full text:

Image: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson ...

Sending Pic:222x166C;












This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

China to Strengthen Its Controls Over the Internet

Reuters via voanews.com
May 7, 2017

BEIJING - China will further tighten its internet regulations
with a pledge Sunday to strengthen controls over search engines
and online news portals, the latest step in President Xi
Jinping's push to maintain strict Communist Party control over

Xi has made China's "cyber sovereignty" a top priority in his
sweeping campaign to bolster security. He has also reasserted the
ruling Communist Party's role in limiting and guiding online

The five-year cultural development and reform plan released by
the party and State Council, or Cabinet, calls for a perfecting
of laws and rules related to the internet.

Qualifications for online reporters

That includes a qualification system for people working in online
news, according to the plan, carried by the official Xinhua news

"Strike hard against online rumors, harmful information, fake
news, news extortion, fake media and fake reporters," it said,
without giving details.

Xi has been explicit that media must follow the party line,
uphold the correct guidance on public opinion and promote
"positive propaganda."

The plan comes on top of existing tight internet controls, which
includes the blocking of popular foreign websites such as Google
and Facebook.

Security threat cited

The government last week issued tighter rules for online news
portals and network providers. Regulators say such controls are
necessary in the face of growing security threats, and are done
in accordance with the law.

Speaking more broadly about the country's cultural sector, the
plan calls for efforts to reinforce and improve "positive
propaganda." The plan also calls for more effort to be put into
promoting China's point of view and cultural soft power globally,
though without giving details.


Image: Google stand at the Global Mobile Internet Conference in
Beijing, April 28, 2017 ...

Sending Pic:222x151C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

FCC Website Attacked

VOA News
May 9, 2017

The website for the Federal Communications Commission has come
under attack.

Initially, the problems were believed to have been caused by
comedian John Oliver, who on Sunday urged his viewers to leave
comments on the site about the FCC's plans to revisit net
neutrality rules.

Net neutrality rules were implemented in 2015 and required
internet service providers to treat all traffic equally. New FCC
chairman Ajit Pai has said he will review the rules, arguing they
are "holding back investment, innovation and job creation."

The FCC, which "regulates interstate and international
communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable,"
says the website attacks were coordinated, distributed denial of
service attacks, not a surge in traffic.

"These actors were not attempting to file comments themselves,
rather they made it difficult for legitimate commenters to access
and file with the FCC," chief information officer David Bray
said. "While the comment system remained up and running the
entire time, these distributed denial of service events tied up
the servers and prevented them from responding to people
attempting to submit comments."

On his show, "Last Week Tonight," Oliver said, "Every internet
group needs to come together ... gamers, YouTube celebrities,
Instagram models, Tom from MySpace if you're still alive. We need
all of you," he said.

The FCC will vote on net neutrality rules on May 18.


See also:

Image: FCC chairman Ajit Pai ...

Sending Pic:157x177C;

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK16 ...

RSID: <<2017-05-13T07:49Z MFSK-16 @ WRMI SYSTEM D+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK16 ...

From ARRL.org ...

Historic NSS Call Sign to be Reactivated for First Time in More
than 40 Years


Operators from the US Naval Academy Radio Club (W3ADO) and the
Potomac Valley Radio Club (W3GRF) will reactivate the historic
NSS call sign on May 13-14 during the Armed Forces Day Crossband
Military/Amateur Radio Communications Test.

Operation from the former NSS Naval Radio Station site on
Greenbury Point in Annapolis, Maryland, will get under way at
1300 UTC on Saturday, May 13, and continue until 0200 UTC on
Sunday, May 14. NSS will transmit on CW and SSB on 4,038.5,
7,533.5, 14,487, 17,545, and 20,994 kHz and listen for callers on
announced Amateur Radio frequencies. All contacting NSS will
receive a QSL card.

NSS began operation in 1918 as the Annapolis High Power Radio
Station using a Federal Telegraph Company 500 kW arc transmitter
and four 600-foot towers, operating in the VLF spectrum. NSS HF
operation began about 10 years later, although VLF operation
continued into the 1990s. The HF mission was transferred in 1976
to NAM in Norfolk, Virginia. While some of the towers were
removed, three lighted, self-supporting towers remain, to serve
as local landmarks and as navigation aids to boaters on
Chesapeake Bay.


Returning to MFSK32 ...


RSID: <<2017-05-13T07:54Z MFSK-32 @ WRMI SYSTEM D+1500>>


This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32 ...

Image: The three remaining NSS towers at Greenbury Point in
Annapolis, Maryland ...

Sending Pic:222x167C;

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Sending Pic:209x19C;







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