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RSID: <<2017-06-10T20:25Z MFSK-32 @ RADIO STUDIO X-1584000+1500>>

RSID: <<2017-06-11T00:55Z MFSK-32 @ WRMI SYSTEM D               +1500>>





web: http://www.ibcradio.webs.com

email: ibc@europe.com

* * *
Now you can also listen to IBC in the Perth area (WA, Australia) on 77,400 MHz FM stereo and on streaming at http://www.77400.fm

with 1h30' in Italian and 30' in English (5 minutes of IBC DIGITAL at the end) every day at 14 UTC, 22 Perth local time.
* * *

5Z Kenya until Jun 15 OZ1AA as /5Z4 QSL OZ1ACB LoTW & ClubLog
C6 Bahamas until Jun 16 K6KLY (C6ALY), K8CC (C6ACC) and Ken/K2KW (C6ATA) mainly VHF QSL H.C. & LoTW
D2 Angola AF-108 in Jun 2017 8 Operators will be on from AF-108
 France EU-095 until Jun 12 TM5FI group will be on QSL F5XX
FO F.Polynesia OC-131 Jun 11 - Jun 19 TX5EG group will be on QSL F6BCW
FR Reunion AF-016 until Jun 16 F4HPX as /FR H.C. LoTW ClubLog
JD Minami Torishima until Jul 15 JG8NQJ as /JD1 from OC-073 QSL JA8CJY
SV Greece until Jun 11 HA0HW as SW8WW QSL H.C. & LoTW
T8 Palau OC-009 Jun 9 - Jun 18 JH0IXE as T8CW QSL H.C. dir JA0F bur
TI Costa Rica NA-116 Jun 8 - Jun 12 TI2CC, TI2CDA, TI2JJF, KM4HI and N3KS as TE8DX from Chira Is. QSL TI2CDA
Z2 Zimbawe until Jun 18 KC0W will be active as Z25DX QSL H.C. dir
ZA Albania EU-169 Jun 10 - Jun 20 ZA/IK7JWX group will be on QSL H.C. dir & bur

"RADIOPASSIONI" dal blog di Andrea Lawendel www.radiopassioni.it
La storia Radio Londra e dei suoi ascoltatori, un piccolo testo per niente banale
Trovato oggi in libreria. "Radio Londra, Voci dalla libertà" è un breve ma esaustivo condensato di storia, aspetti organizzativi e persino contesto

competitivo propagandistico della stazione radiofonica che nell'Italia del fascismo, in particolare dopo l'8 settembre 1943, rappresentò molto più

che una voce di notizie attendibili, sostegno alla lotta partigiana. Mario Bussoni, giornalista e ricercatore storico, nonché direttore editorale
della collana Archivi Storici per l'editore emiliano Mattioli 1885 che ha pubblicato questo libretto, ripercorre la storia dell'emittente pubblica

britannica dalla sua fondazione fino agli anni in cui, con oltre 100 ore di trasmissione giornaliera in 45 lingue si trovò a essere un punto di

riferimento per il mondo che voleva essere libero dal nazismo.
Nel libro si trovano numerosi dettagli su Radio Londra vista dai suoi nemici e alleati, insieme beninteso al racconto di come venivano prodotti i

programm in lingua italiana e molto altro. Uno spaccato davvero completo in cui non mancano fotografie e documenti d'archivio. Sull'argomento sono

state scritte decine di libri, ma il testo di Bussoni merita a pieni voti un posto sullo scaffale degli appassionati di radiofonia e storia.







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RSID: <<2017-06-10T15:30Z MFSK-32 @ 9400000+1500>> [KOSTINBROD]



After four years on the air, the last VOA Radiogram will be
next weekend, June 17-18.

See the schedule at http://voaradiogram.net

Sending Pic:410x37C;



Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com






RSID: <<2017-06-11T01:31Z MFSK-32 @ 9925000+1500>> [NAUEN, MULTIPATH !!]   


After four years on the air, the last VOA Radiogram will be
next weekend, June 17-18.

See the schedule at http://voaradiogram.net

Sending Pic:410x37C;



MFSK-32 had problems with the strong multi-path conditions.

100% error-free text only after several attempts,
despite loud audio.

In this case an OLIVIA mode could provide a pretty better show.



Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com




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DigiDX is taking a few weeks off, hence the VOA Radiogram transmissions via WRMI. See http://www.digidx.uk/ and https://www.facebook.com/digidx/




re-broadcast of VOA Radiogram #219

























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RSID: <<2017-06-10T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>


Welcome to program 219 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32:

  1:47 Program preview (now)
  2:53 Bus-train hybrid drives on painted tracks*
  6:27 India launches heavy satellite*
12:57 Arabic text from Alhurra * **
16:33 Three photos
24:49 Closing announcements*

* with image

** Use UTF-8 character set

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram


Driverless Bus-train Hybrid Runs on Virtual Painted Tracks

VOA News
June 6, 2017

A Chinese company has unveiled a driverless bus-train hybrid that
uses white lines painted on the road to navigate.

The company, CRRC, called the electric vehicle a “smart bus.”

The Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit is made up of three cars, is 30
meters long and is capable of carrying about 500 passengers. It
can reportedly reach speeds up to 70 kilometers per hour and can
travel 25 kilometers on one 10-minute charge.

It uses sensors to stay on the white line.

The smart bus is much cheaper than building a rail track. This
makes it ideal for cities that have growing demand for public
transit, but not enough money to build subways.

According to state media, Xinhua, it costs $102 million to build
a kilometer of subway and only $2 million for the ART.

The first line will be a 6.5 kilometer route expected to start
running in 2018 in Zhuzhou.


Sending Pic:221x153C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


India Launches Heavy Lift Rocket

Anjana Pasricha
June 5, 2017

NEW DELHI - India's heaviest, newly-developed rocket hurtled into space
Monday evening carrying a communication satellite of more than
three tons from Sriharikota in eastern India. It marks another
milestone in the country's ambitious space program and brings
India a step closer to sending astronauts into space.

"Today is a historic day. ... we have been able to successfully put
the satellite into the orbit," a smiling A.S. Kiran Kumar,
chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization said after the

Space scientists count many benefits of the 640 ton
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mk III rocket
which can carry a four ton payload into higher orbit. It will
reduce India's dependency on foreign space agencies to put its
heavier satellites in space leading to huge savings, it can over
time make it possible to send manned missions and enhance deep
space exploration capabilities.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that the "mission takes
India closer to the next generation launch vehicle and satellite
capability. The nation is proud!"

Although India has been dreaming big in space – mulling a manned
mission to space and interplanetary missions to Venus and
Jupiter, its lack of heavy lift technology remained a hurdle in
giving concrete shape to those plans.

"To be very honest there was a major limitation of thinking
slightly big in space," says Ajay Lele at the Institute of
Defense Studies and Analyses in New Delhi. "Without a heavy
launcher you cannot have ambitious programs. Even though India
had gone to Moon and Mars, India had carried a very small amount
of a payload. Now future missions to all those planets can help
India to do major scientific research."

The technology has not come easy -- India's space agency has
spent about 15 years to develop the heavy lift rocket.

The new rocket will also help the country enhance the commercial
potential of its space program – putting satellites into space is
a lucrative $300 billion business that India has begun
exploiting. It was limited to putting smaller satellites in space
so far, but can now consider heavier launches.

In the last three years India's space program has come into
international limelight with a series of landmark programs: In
2014, it sent the world's cheapest mission to Mars, which Prime
Minister Narendra Modi points out cost less than the Hollywood
movie "Gravity". Earlier this year it achieved a record by
putting 104 small satellites in a single launch simultaneously
into space.


Sending Pic:198x209C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

On VOA Radiogram, we have transmitted text in various non-Latin

Today we will try an excerpt in Arabic from Alhurra TV ...

From Alhurra.com
7 June 2017

الصين تستعد لأول رحلة مأهولة إلى القمر

قال مسؤول صيني رفيع في مجال الفضاء إن بلاده تجري استعدادات"أولية" لإرسال إنسان إلى القمر، وهو أحدث هدف في برنامج الصينالطموح لاستكشاف القمر.

وأصبحت الصين عام 2003 ثالث دولة ترسل إنسانا إلى الفضاء بواسطةصاروخها الخاص بعد الاتحاد السوفيتي (سابقا) والولايات المتحدة.

وتخطط الصين أيضا لإرسال أول مسبار للجانب المظلم من القمر عام 2018فيما يعد خطوة كبيرة أخرى.



Full text (in Arabic):

Sending Pic:223x70C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

Much of the success of VOA Radiogram can be attributed to the
magnificent Edward R. Murrow shortwave transmitting station in
North Carolina. It went into operation for the Voice of America
in 1963.

Here is an image of the control room at the Murrow station ...

Sending Pic:213x228C;

And the console at the Murrow station, with meters for each of
the eight transmitters ...

Sending Pic:289x104C;

Back in Washington, the Voice of America studios are located near
the United States Capitol. Those of us who arrive early in the
morning can often see sunrise over the Capitol. This photo was
taken May 4 by Steven Springer, @StevenASpringer, VOA's editor
for news standards and best practices ...

Sending Pic:271x179C;

More of Steve's photos are at https://www.instagram.com/dbronx/

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Next weekend, the 220th and final program of VOA Radiogram.

Then I retire from the Voice of America after 32 years.

Where has the time gone? ...

Sending Pic:410x37C;






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