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RSID: <<2017-05-27T01:55Z MFSK-32 @ WEBSTREAM WRMI SYSTEM D+1500>>


mail: ibc@europe.com



  Togo until Jul 28 OK1FCJ & OK6DJ will be on all bands and modes QSL LoTW & OK6DJ
  Kenya until 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
 Madeira May 25 - May 28 R7KW & YL3JM will be /CT QSL K2PF & ClubLog
  Cape Verde AF-005 until Jun 8 DF2WO as D44TWO QSL M0OXO
  Palestine until May 30 SP9FIH will sign E44WE QSL H.C & ClubLog
 Canary May 27 - May 28 R2AA will be in the contest as EG8AA QSL RW3RN
   Guadeloupe NA-105 until Jun 7 DL2AAZ will sign /FG QSL H.C. dir & bur
   French Polynesia & Marquesas until Jul 31 IZ2ZTQ will be on from OC-027, 046, 066, 067. QSL H.C. LoTW
 Liechtenstein May 27 - Jun 3 ON5UR will be /HB0 QSL H.C.
  Ecuador SA-033 until May 30 HD2RRC/4 group will be on also from SA-034 signing HD2RRC/p QSL RZ3FW & Clublog
 Galapagos SA-004 until May 29 LW9EOC is signing /HC8 Q h. LoTW
   Honduras NA-057 until May 27 AD8J will sign /HR9 mainly CW QSL H.C. dir & LoTW
  Minami Torishima until Jul 15 JG8NQJ will be /JD1 from OC-073 QSL JA8CJY
  Mongolia until May 31 JT5MA will be used by RN5M QSL LY5W dir
   Aruba May 27 - May 28 W2GD will be on as P44W QSL N2MM & LoTW
 Saba May 31 - Jun 4 PH2M Will be /PJ5 QSL Bur LoTW ClubLog
 St.Estatius until May 30 PH2M will be /PJ6 QSL Bur LoTW ClubLog
 Antartica until Mar 2018 UA1OJL will be on as RI1ANO All bands and modes QSL RN1ON dir & Bur LoTW ClubLog
   Tuvalu OC-015 until May 29 KK7L will be on as T2R will also be in the contest QSL N7SMI LoTW & ClubLog
   Corsica until May 28 F4GHS will be /TK QSL H.C. dir & Bur
   Congo May 25 - Jun 4 TN5E will be on frequency by LA7GIA QSL M0OXO & LoTW
 Gabon until Jun 3 F8EN will sign TR8CR QSL F6AJA
  Australia OC-267 until Jun VK5MAV Will sign VK9MAV QSL RN3RQ bur ClubLog
VP2M Montserrat May 25 - May 29 K2DM will sign VP2MDG QSL H.C. dir only
  Zimbawe until Jun 18 CK0W will be active as Z25DX QSL H.C. dir
   Albania May 25 - May 29 OU2I will be again on /ZA



mail: ibc@europe.com





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   MFSK16@1500 Hz[x4] + 9400 kHz = 9406 kHz [RF] - 9402 kHz = 4 kHz [IF] :  4   =   MFSK16@1000 Hz [AF].wav




RSID: <<2017-05-27T15:30Z MFSK-64 @ 9400000+1500>>


The Mighty KBC

shortwave transmission schedule
(UTC, kHz)

Sat 1500-1600 9400 via Bulgaria

North America:
Sun 0000-0200 9925 via Germany


RSID: <<2017-05-27T
15:31Z MFSK-32 @ 9400000+1500>>
The Mighty KBC

shortwave transmission schedule
(UTC, kHz)

Sat 1500-1600 9400 via Bulgaria

North America:
Sun 0000-0200 9925 via Germany


RSID: <<2017-05-27T
15:32Z MFSK-16 @ 9400000+1500>>

The Mighty KBC

shortwave transmission schedule
(UTC, kHz)

Sat 1500-1600 9400 via Bulgaria

North America:
Sun 0000-0200 9925 via Germany





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DigiDX is taking a few weeks off, hence the VOA Radiogram transmissions via WRMI. See http://www.digidx.uk/ and https://www.facebook.com/digidx/




re-broadcast of VOA Radiogram #217












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RSID: <<2017-05-27T1601Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>


Welcome to program 217 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 except
where noted:

  1:49 Program preview (now)
  3:03 Britain irritated by US intel leaks*
  6:57 Trump budget includes cut for broadcasting*
13:49 Russia accuses RFE/RL, VOA of election interference*
19:54 MFSK16: Same subject in Spanish **
24:09 MFSK32: Image* and closing announcements

* with image

** use UTF-8 character set

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Britain Irritated by US Intel Leaks

VOA News
May 24, 2017

Britain is criticizing U.S. intelligence officials for leaking
information to journalists after a suicide attack Monday in

British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she had lodged a complaint
with the United States after details about the Manchester attack
were published by U.S. media outlets before being released by
British authorities.

"The British police have been very clear they want to control the
flow of information in order to protect operational integrity,
the element of surprise," Rudd said on BBC Radio 4's Today

"So it is irritating if it gets released from other sources, and
I have been very clear with our friends that that should not
happen again."

Details about the suicide attack, including the death toll and
the attacker's identity were published by several U.S. media
companies and attributed to anonymous U.S. officials.

Rudd said after the Manchester attack and the subsequent leaking
of information, she would review how the country's intelligence
is shared. She noted, though, that the leaks had not harmed the
British investigation.


Image: Britain's Home Secretary Amber Rudd arrives in Downing
Street for an emergency Cabinet meeting in London, May 23, 2017

Sending Pic:213x138C;


This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.



From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:

White House 'America First' Budget Proposal Includes 8.4% Cut for

May 23, 2017

WASHINGTON -- Funding for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid funding
will be cut by almost a third, and military spending increased
substantially under President Donald Trump's $4.1 trillion budget
plan for 2018.

The proposal, released by the White House on May 23, must still
be approved by Congress, which has already signaled deep
reservations about many of the proposed cuts, and how new
spending increases will be paid for.

Titled "The New Foundation of American Greatness," the plan sets
funding levels for the State Department and the Agency for
International Development -- the lead U.S. agency for foreign aid
and development -- at $37.6 billion for next year.

That's down from $54.9 billion in the current fiscal year.

Under the Constitution, Congress holds the final authority to
pass any budgets and allocate funds, which will mean months of
haggling between the White House and lawmakers eager to preserve
pet projects.

Still, the proposal is seen by some analysts, and some members of
Congress, as a sign that U.S. soft power is being sacrificed at
the expense of a huge rise in military spending.

The Trump plan proposes, among other things, a 10-percent
increase in spending for the Department of Defense and related
military programs.

The plan "prioritizes the well-being of Americans, bolsters U.S.
national security, secures our borders, and advances U.S.
economic interests," Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a
statement released in Washington as he and Trump headed to Rome
from the Middle East.

"This budget request reflects the president's 'America First'
agenda," he said.

'Withdrawal From Active Leadership'

The plan calls for significant funding cuts for global health
programs, food aid, and international peacekeeping, as well as
educational and cultural exchanges and climate change programs.

U.S. funding for global health programs, including efforts
focusing on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, would see a
24-percent cut, to about $6.5 billion for 2018, according to the

The budget also proposes a 44-percent reduction to funding for
international organizations, though it does not specify where the
reductions will come from except to note "funding for
organizations that work against U.S. foreign policy interests."

The plan also proposes an 8.4-percent cut for the Broadcasting
Board of Governors, the federal agency that oversees U.S.
civilian international media operations. That includes RFE/RL, as
well as Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, and others.

Andrew Natsios, who formerly headed USAID and now is a professor
at the Bush School of Government and Public Service Texas A&M
University, criticized the cuts.

"The United States' friends and allies in the developing world
now have tangible evidence, in place of vague speculation, of
what they had most feared since Donald Trump's election in
November: the withdrawal of the United States from active
international leadership in the world," he said.

With reporting by Reuters, AP, and The Washington Post


See also (with links):

Sending Pic:205x115C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:

Russian Lawmakers Accuse RFE/RL, VOA Of Election Interference

May 19, 2017

Pro-Kremlin Russian lawmakers have accused the Russian-language
services of RFE/RL and Voice of America of using "propaganda" to
sow confusion during parliamentary elections last year as part of
what they claimed was a broader U.S. influence campaign.

The accusations came during a May 19 discussion in the State
Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament, of a report
commissioned by lawmakers on whether the two outlets, as well as
the private U.S. network CNN, were in compliance with Russian

Leonid Levin, head of the Duma's information policy committee,
accused RFE/RL and VOA of "engaging in propaganda and sowing
confusion in the Russian electoral process" during the September
2016 parliamentary elections.

Levin alleged that this was part of a broader U.S. influence
campaign involving nongovernment organizations deemed "foreign
agents" under a controversial law tightening restrictions on
foreign funding for "political" activities.

"RFE/RL is a news organization with an independent editorial
policy that seeks to report news fairly and objectively," said
Joanna Levison, RFE/RL's director of media and public affairs.

The accusations echo those leveled by U.S. intelligence agencies
against Russian state-run network RT during last year's U.S.
presidential election.

U.S. intelligence officials say Russian President Vladimir Putin
ordered an "influence campaign" using hacking and propaganda in a
bid to discredit the process and hurt Democratic candidate
Hillary Clinton, who lost to Donald Trump. The Kremlin denies it.

Both RFE/RL and VOA are overseen by the Broadcasting Board of
Governors, a U.S. agency that supervises civilian government
broadcasting and media operations.

VOA is a federal entity, while RFE/RL is a private, nonprofit
organization funded by a grant from the U.S. Congress.

Levin's committee produced the report in response to a bill
submitted in March by U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (Democrat-New
Hampshire) that would empower U.S. authorities to investigate
possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act by RT.

The Duma is dominated by lawmakers who are loyal to Putin.

With reporting by Kommersant and TASS



Image: Leonid Levin, head of the Duma's information policy
committee ....

Sending Pic:220x138C;

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

VOA Radiogram now changes to MFSK16 ...



RSID: <<2017-05-27T
16:19Z MFSK-16 @ 17580000+1500>>


This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK16.

From Martinoticias.com ...

La Duma rusa pide a Seguridad informes sobre Radio Libertad y Voz
de América

Álvaro Alba
mayo 22, 2017

Legisladores rusos acusaron a estos medios de prensa de promover
una "guerra informativa" contra Rusia con el fin de garantizar
"la dominación global" de EEUU.

Los diputados rusos se reunieron el 19 de mayo para escuchar el
resultado de una investigación sobre la Voz de América, Radio
Libertad (RFE/RL) y otros medios de prensa occidentales que
trabajan desde Moscú.

Tras una sesión donde no faltaron los ataques a la prensa, al
Departamento de Estado de EEUU y a las empresas informativas
estadounidenses, los legisladores rusos afirmaron que en especial
Voz de America y RFE/RL intentaron crear una imagen negativa del
sistema electoral de Rusia. Los rusos acusaron a los medios de
prensa de promover una "guerra informativa" contra Rusia con el
fin de garantizar "la dominación global" de EEUU, informó RFE/RL.

Como instrumentos de esta "guerra" los legisladores rusos
señalaron, además de RFE/RL a Internet, y en especial a YouTube.

Full text:

Returning to MFSK32 ...

RSID: <<2017-05-27T16:24Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32.

Sending Pic:217x136C;


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Monday is Memorial Day in the United States ...











Mark O'Connor  - Johnny Has Gone For A Soldier









 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

 FRG-100B + IF-mixer  &    ICOM IC-R75 + IF-mixer

 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1  -  Software italiano per SDR     [S-AM-USB/LSB]  +   HDSDR 2.75 stable [2017-01-01]  - for scheduled IF-recording

 Software AF:

 Fldigi-3.23.16     http://skylink.dl.sourceforge.net/project/fldigi/fldigi/readme.txt    +   flmsg-4.00.00                       images-fldigifiles on homedrive.lnk


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages

 German W7 32bit + 64bit


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4 - 2,6 GHz]

 MSI-CR70-2MP345W7  (since2014)   [i5 -P3560 ( 2 x 2,6GHz) ]



animated GIF  10 + 15 MHz:



